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        검색결과 110

        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 수형자들이 현 가석방제도에 대해 어떻게 인식하고 있는지 파악하기 위해 가석방예비심사 대상자를 표집하여 가석방 제도의 운영과 관련된 여러 의견들을 알아보았다. 다양한 시설 내 의견을 수렴하기 위해 4개 교정청 산하 14개소, 409명의 가석방예비심사 대상 수형자를 대상으로 선정하였다. 가석방에 대한 수형자들의 인식을 파악하기 위해 집단설문조사를 실시하여 데이터를 수집・분석하였다. 이와 함께 사전작업으로 가석방의 요건 및 절차에 대해 살펴보고 현행 가석방제도의 집행 현황에 대해 알아보았다. 통계분석 결과를 보면, 첫째, 가석방 대상자 대부분이 재산범죄였으며, 교도소 입소 경험은 초범인 경우가 많았다. 또한 자신의 범죄에 대해 뉘우치고 있었으며, 잔여형기는 1년 미만으로 남은 형기가 적은 것으로 나타났다. 다시 말해, 초범이고 집행률이 높으며, 개전의 정이 있고, 강력범죄가 아닌 수형자인 경우 가석방이 허가될 확률이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 현 가석방제도에 대한 수형자들의 인식이 어떻게 되는지를 분석한 결과, 가석방 허가기준이 엄격하고, 가석방 인원이 적다고 느끼고 있었으며, 가석방 시 제한되는 죄명이 많다고 생각하는 반면, 교정성적 채점 및 가석방 심사는 공정하게 진행되고 있다고 느끼고 있었다. 대부분의 수형자가 가석방을 허가받기 위해서 규율을 위반하지 않고 모범적인 수형생활을 하려고 노력하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 유형별 가석방 허가여부를 분석한 결과, 무기수, 단기수, 보호사범 등에 대한 가석방 허가율을 확대해야 한다는 의견이 높은 반면, 성폭력 사범에 대한 가석방 확대는 반대하는 의견이 높게 나타났다. 마지막으로 현 가석방제도의 개선방안을 묻는 문 항에는 가석방 심사 탈락 시 이의신청 제도가 필요하며, 가석방 신청자에 대한 개별면 담이 심층적으로 이루어져야 한다고 응답하였다. 또한, 분류처우위원회에 외부전문가 참여를 활성화하고 수형자가 직접 분류처우위원회에 출석하여 말할 기회를 제공해야 한다는 의견이 높게 나타났다. 가석방제도가 교정당국이 수용자를 관리하고 교도소 인구를 조절하는 하나의 정책으로 시행되고 있지만 수용자들이 가석방제도의 시행과정에서 느끼는 긍정적, 부정적 인식은 제도의 정당성에 영향을 미친다는 점에서 간과할 수 없는 측면이다. 제도의 시행에 있어서 제도의 대상이 어떻게 생각하는지를 파악하고 정책집행에 반영하는 것이 필요하다.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we investigated the effects of diesel-palm oil biodiesel-ethanol blends on combustion and emission characteristics in a 4-cylinder common rail direct injection (CRDI) diesel engine at low idling operations. The engine speed and engine load was 750 rpm and 40 Nm, while the main and pilot injection timing was respectively fixed at 2 °CA before top dead center (BTDC) and 20 °CA BTDC. The experimental results showed that the cylinder pressure increased with the increasing of palm oil biodiesel ratio from 20% to 100%. In addition, the peak value of cylinder pressure increased by 4.35% compared with pure diesel fuel when 5 vol.% ethanol oil added to diesel oil. Because the palm oil biodiesel and ethanol are the oxygenated fuel, the oxygen content played an important role in improving combustion. Based on the high oxygen content of biodiesel and ethanol, their mixing with diesel fuel effectively reduced PM emissions but increased NOx slightly, while CO and HC had no significant changes.
        2019.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A warehouse is more than just a place to store goods but also creates a time utility gap between production and consumption that is important in the development of trade and commerce. Malaysia has a high aspiration to be the most popular gateway in Asia. However, Malaysia Productivity Corporation has claimed that particularly in efficiency and productivity aspects, the warehouse industry is less incline to innovate and make improvement to increase. There are ten failure factors that had been identified during literature survey affecting to the warehouse operations efficiency. Therefore, this study intends to analyse and select the main failure factors that mostly affecting the warehouse operations efficiency. A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) technique has been used in this study to calculate the weight value of each variable through a pair-wise comparison method. The finding highlighted the four main failure factors which are ‘equipment’, ‘environment concern’, ‘special handling consideration’ and ‘human factor’ that influence directly to the warehouse operations efficiency. This paper has contributed to a new knowledge of complex warehouse operation area with recommendations action that shall be taken to manage the possible risk in future, which will also contribute to achieve the government goals.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We analyzed volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of petroleum-based laundry solvents in closed systems by static headspace analysis and investigated the emission characteristics of odorous compounds emitted from organic solvents in the small-scale dry cleaning process. The compounds containing eight to eleven carbon atoms were analyzed to account for 96.92% of the total peak area in a GC-MS chromatogram. It was found that the compounds with ten carbon atoms showed the largest proportion. In the small-scale dry cleaning process (3 kg of laundry and 40 min of drying time), a total of 36 VOCs was quantified, and the odor contribution of these compounds was evaluated. The sum of the odor quotient (SOQ) was analyzed up to 151±163 in the first 12 min of operation. The main odor-causing compounds were acrolein, ethylbenzene, hexane, acetone, and decane, and their odor contributions were 32.28%, 13.47%, 10.52%, 10.20%, and 8.08%, respectively.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) System produces a synergy between the sensors and shooters that are used on various platforms by integrating them. Even the US Navy has been recently adopting the CEC system that maximizes the effectiveness of the air defense operations by efficiently coordinating the dispersed air defense assets. The Navy of other countries are conducting research studies on the theory and application methods for the CEC system. The ROK Navy has limited air defense capabilities due to its independent weapons systems on battle ships. Therefore, the ROK Navy is currently going through a phase where research on proving the validity of building the CEC system because it will provide a way to overcome the limit of the platform based air defense capability. In this study, our goal is to propose methods that maximize the air defense capability of ROK Navy, identify the available assets for constructing the CEC system, and estimate effects of the CEC system when it is applied to the naval operations. In addition, we will provide a simple model that was developed to estimate these effects and a case study with virtual data to demonstrate the effects of the system when it is applied to the naval operations. The research result of this study will provide a way for building the basis of the Korean CEC system.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 지역아동센터의 원예활동 프로그램 인식과 운영현황을 조사하여 향후 지역아동센터 원예활동 프로그램 발전을 위한 기초자료를 제공하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 충청남도 천안시에 위치한 지역아동센터 소장을 대상으로 2018년 2월 26일부터 2018년 3월 9일까지 방문, 이메일, 전화를 이용하여 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문을 통해 수집된 자료는 SPSS 23.0 통계 프로그램을 사용하여 빈도분석, 다중응답분석을 실시하였다. 설문조사를 한 결과, 천안시의 지역아동센터 중 원예활동 프로그램을 실행해 본적이 있는 곳은 49%, 실행해보지 않은 곳은 51%로 나타났다. 실행해 본 적이 있는 곳 중 3개월 이상 프로그램을 진행한 센터는 40%에 불과했으며 주 1회, 1시간으로 복지원예사가 진행하였다. 지역아동센터에서 원예활동 프로그램을 시행하지 않은 가장 큰 이유는 ‘예산’이었다. 인지도를 살펴보면, 응답자 중 96.1%가 원예활동 프로그램이 필요하다고 생각하였으며 56.9%가 원예활동프로그램에 매우 관심이 있다고 답하였다. 원예활동 프로그램의 실행으로 지역아동센터가 아동에게 기대하는 효과로는, 정서안정과 사회성 발달에 도움이 될 것이라는 의견이 높게 나타났다. 위의 결과를 종합하여 보았을 때, 많은 소장이 원예활동 프로그램에 관심은 많지만, 일회성 프로그램으로 인식한다고 생각되어 원예활동 프로그램에 대한 정확한 이해와 교육이 필요하다고 사료되며, 앞으로 지역아동센터에서 프로그램을 진행할 때 ‘정서적 안정’과 ‘사회성 향상’을 목적으로 ‘주 1회’로 지속적인 운영을 할 수 있도록 지역아동센터의 예산확보와 원예활동에 대한 적극적인 홍보가 필요하다고 판단된다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : In this study, analyze the characteristics of IOC indicator 'threshold' which is needed when evaluating the traffic signal operation status with ESPRESSO in various grade road traffic environment of Seoul metropolitan city and derive suggested value to use in field practice. METHODS : Using the computerized database program (Postgresql), we extracted data with regional characteristics (Arterial, Collector road) and temporal characteristics (peak hour, non-peak hour). Analysis of variance and Duncan's validation were performed using statistical analysis program (SPSS) to confirm whether the extracted data contains statistical significance. RESULTS: The analysis period of the main and secondary arterial roads was confirmed to be suitable from 14 days to 60 days. For the arterial, it is suggested to use 20 km/h as the critical speed for PM peak hour and weekly non peak hour. It is suggested to use 25 km/h as the critical speed for AM peak hour and night non peak hour. As for the collector road, it is suggested to use 20 km/h as the critical speed for PM peak hour and weekly non peak hour. It is suggested to use 30 km/h as the critical speed for AM peak hour and night non peak hour. CONCLUSIONS : It is meaningful from a methodological point of view that it is possible to make a reasonable comparative analysis on the signal intersection pre-post analysis when the signal operation DB is renewed by breaking the existing traffic signal operation evaluation method.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For the German energy transition, offshore wind energy is a significant factor of success. The number of installed offshore wind energy turbines is steadily increasing. Currently, the subject matter of offshore wind energy turbine maintenance and its optimization is increasingly in the focus of research and development work. The present contribution examines the logistics of offshore wind energy turbine maintenance and the impact of the actual sea state and of sea state forecasts. To this end, the coordination processes between the players involved in the planning of service operations will be presented and analysed. Based on this, the impact of the quality of wave height forecasts on operation decisions and the mean time to repair will be determined as well as the availability of the turbines at different forecast quality levels. Proceeding on the basis of these results, the concept of a decision-making support system for operative logistics planning will be presented.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The punctuality of containerships has become the prevalent issue in container liner shipping operations, as the on-time arrival of a containership at the next port of call is paramount. When a delay occurs at the previous port of call, it may also cause a delay at the next port of call. This paper proposes a departure punctuality model of analysis. This model employs a Fuzzy Rule-Based Bayesian Belief Network (FRBBN) for predicting the departure punctuality of a containership. To ensure the reliability of the model, two containerships were tested. The results show that the prediction values from the model are between 95.6% and 99% accurate provided that no tactical strategy is implemented during the voyage. In addition, the most significant factors that determine the punctuality of departure were found to be punctuality of arrival at the same (base) port prior to departure, dangerous events and other unexpected delays during the port stay. It is expected that this model is capable of helping researchers and practitioners to understand the influence of the dynamic environment and to make predictions on the departure punctuality of containerships.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 군사작전 지형분석에 활용할 수 있는 오픈소스 GIS SW가 무엇인지를 파악하는 것이다. 야전 군사작전에 있어서 지형분석 또는 지형분석체계가 무엇인지를 살펴본 후 야전 군사작전을 비롯한 다양한 국방분야에서 오픈소스 GIS SW를 도입하여 활용한 선행사례를 살펴보았다. 이를 바탕으로 우리나라 군사작전 지형분석에서 요구되는 환경과 조건을 살펴보고, 8개의 오픈소스 GIS SW의 지형분석에 필요한 기능뿐만 아니라 개발과 및 사용자 커뮤니티, 연계활용성, 개발의 용이성, 발전속도 등 다양한 기준으로 확인하였다. 비교결과 QGIS와 GRASS GIS가 군사작전 지형분석에 장점이 많은 것으로 나타났다. 빠르게 변하는 군사작전 지형분석 여건과 다양한 기능을 활용해야 하는 수요를 고려할 때, GRASS 뿐만 아니라 SAGA, R 등 다양한 오픈소스 SW를 연계하여 활용할 수 있는 QGIS가 유리할 것으로 판단된다.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The tension of warp from trawler and sea-floor contact can generate tilt and wake turbulence around otter boards. Preliminary measurements of otter board tilt and 3-D flow velocity during bottom trawl operations were taken using a vector instrument to investigate the effects of wake turbulence at the trailing edge of the otter board. Tilt data (i.e., yaw, pitch, and roll) at 1 Hz and flow data (velocities in the towing, lateral, and vertical directions) at 16 Hz were analyzed to determine their periods and amplitudes using global wavelet and peak event analyses. The mean period (±standard deviation) of the tilt from the peak event analysis (5±2 s) was longer or double than that of flow velocity (3±2 s). The two periods also had a significant linear relationship. The turbulence rate of flow was 30-50% at the trailing edge and was closely related to roll deviation. The frequency of phase difference ratios (i.e., peak time differences between tilts and flow periods) was significantly different from random occurrence in two trials, possibly due to side tidal effects. However, in the other trials, flow peaks were random, as shown by the even peak times between tilts and flows. Future studies should focus on reducing tilt variation, wake turbulence, and bottom contact to stabilize otter board motion.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since flight operations are determined by real-time weather conditions, the importance of weather information utilization in the airline industry is absolutely critical. Especially, abnormal flight operations due to the weather phenomenon is directly linked to a loss of airline, and also causes a deterioration in the quality of customer service. Therefore, this study analyzes occurrence conditions and correlates abnormal flight operations by the meteorological phenomenon at 4 major airports in Korea. Based on these results, it is aimed to provide a basis for stable flight operation to make the best decisions.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, business environment is faced with multi uncertainty that have not been suffered in the past. As supply chain is getting expanded and longer, the flow of information, material and production is also being complicated. It is well known that development service industry using application software has various uncertainty in random events such as supply and demand fluctuation of developer’s capcity, project effective date after winning a contract, manpower cost (or revenue), subcontract cost (or purchase), and overrun due to developer’s skill-level. This study intends to social contribution through attempts to optimize enterprise’s goal by supply chain management platform to balance demand and supply and stochastic programming which is basically applied in order to solve uncertainty considering economical and operational risk at solution supplier. In Particular, this study emphasizes to determine allocation of internal and external manpower of developers using S&OP (Sales & Operations Planning) as monthly resource input has constraint on resource’s capability that shared in industry or task. This study is to verify how Stochastic Programming such as Markowitz’s MV (Mean Variance) model or 2-Stage Recourse Model is flexible and efficient than Deterministic Programming in software enterprise field by experiment with process and data from service industry which is manufacturing software and performing projects. In addition, this study is also to analysis how profit and labor input plan according to scope of uncertainty is changed based on Pareto Optimal, then lastly it is to enumerate limitation of the study extracted drawback which can be happened in real business environment and to contribute direction in future research considering another applicable methodology.
        2016.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Main cause of accidents is just not always bad luck. Literature on safety has emphasised on the facts that accident finally leads to unfortunate consequence. The first step of risk assessment is to identify the hazards that are present. The Routine Ship Towage, also called harbour towage, is potentially a hazardous operation. The main objective of this research is to identify and quantify the important factors impacting on the safety of routine ship towage operations in Indian coast. In doing so, initially, the existing literature on factors influencing safety of harbour towage operation was analysed to design questionnaire. Rest necessary data was collected through questionnaires. Finally, the factor analysis (Principal Component analysis) was applied to find grouped dimensions from identified hazard variables from literature and subsequently the critical analysis of incident type frequency, cause and consequences to get a clear picture of critical safety risk factors. As a result, the research found 20 criteria in 6 dimensions safety risk factors such as Crew Incompetency, Rough Weather, Poor Work Process, Suitability of Tug Type, Poor Safety Management System, and Poor Navigational Risk Assessment.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The USS Lassen’s October 2015 South China Sea freedom of navigation operation was exemplary in some respects and cautionary in others. This article argues the Lassen’s mission to sail within 12 nautical miles of one of China’s artificial islands was a successful albeit exploratory challenge because the operation has helped to clarify maritime claims in the region and garnered international support for continued operations. This paper examines the US Freedom of Navigation Program’s broader goals of benefiting the international community with a rules-based system. It also argues that increased transparency is essential if these goals are to be achieved. This article analyzes China’s unclarified claims in the South China Sea and explores the concept of “psycho-legal boundaries” in relation to the so-called nine-dash line. It concludes by presenting suggestions for plotting a proper path forward for FONOPs in the region with an emphasis on protecting the marine environment.
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