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        검색결과 2,503

        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In spite of various applications of chitin derivatives from waste marine sources, commercial use of chitin has been limited due to resistance to chemicals and the absense of proper solvents. We prepared chitin through decalcification, bleaching and deproteination from protunus trituberculatus shells by the application of Hackman's method. Structural and chemical properties of chitin were investigated to have proper specific surface area and particle size by IR, BET and PSA. The amount of absorbed water of chitin reached equilibrium by stirring about 15 minutes. The amount of absored water of the prepared chitin were large than the commercial chitin. When prepared chitin tested on dyeing wastewater, they showed better treatment efficiency in COD, suspended solid, and color tests than the commercial chitin. The adsorption capacity increased with decreasing particle size for the prepared chitin. Treatment efficiency for color was increased as the sitirring rate increased. Results show the possibility of the prepared chitin from waste marine sources as a treatment system for dyeing wastewater.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        CuxFe3-xO4 catalyst and ZnxFe3-xO4 catalyst were synthesized by the air oxidation method with various C(II) and Zn(II) weights. Activated catalysts decomposed carbon dioxide to carbon at 350℃, 380℃, 410℃ and 440℃. The value of carbon dioxide decomposition rate for Cu0.003Fe2.997O4 and Zn0.003Fe2.997O4 catslysts than was better catalysts. The decomposed rate of the catalysts is about 85%~90%. The reaction rate constant(4.00 psi1-α/min) and activation energy(2.62 kcal/mole) of Cu0.003Fe2.997O4 catalyst are better than Zn0.003Fe2.997O4
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Gum is known as natural polymer. Biodegradable films were prepared by solution blend method in the weight ratio of natural gums(Xanthan, Locust bean, Guar) for the purpose of useful bioimplants. The possibility of bioimplants, which prepared from natural gums as a skin substitute was evaluated by measuring biodegradability. This biodegradable films were inserted in the back of rats and their of biodegradability were investigated by hematological change evaluation as a function of time to the biotransformation. Rats implantation test results showed that Guar induced increments of monocyte and basophil after 48 hours of implantation. And Locust bean showed increase of monocyte and neutrophile counts after 48 hours of implantation. And Xanthan induced decrease of monocyte and neutrophile at 24 hours after implantation. Guar and Locust showed high hemoglobin contents and hematocrit after 48 hours of implantation. Guar and Locust induced some suspects of incompatibility in the tissue after 48 hours, but three were little effects to the skin inflammation at 24 hours. These values of biodegradable films, which prepared from prepared from natural gums measured in this were some satisfiable results at short period with those of ideal skin bioimplants.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The beeswax sample was collected from the beehives, isolated and then refined. The first step of producing beeswax was to separate honey from beehives. The beehives which were cut put in hot water. The upper layer was crude beeswax, which was treated with phosphoric acid. The crude beeswax was purified through the bleaching. The objectives of this study are to identify headspace volatile compounds and to know the contents of α-carotenes and β-carotenes of korean beeswax. Headspace volatile compounds of Korean beeswax were measured by using the combination of dynamic headspace sampler (DS 5000, Donam System Inc.), gas chromatography and mass selective detector (HP5890 & 5971, Hewlett Packard). Seventy five compounds identified from about 100 peaks by analyzing the purified beeswax were 60 hydrocarbons, 8 carbonyls, 4 essential oils, 3 esters. Carotenes of Korean beeswax were analyzed by using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (Waters Inc.). As A result, the content of α-carotenes and β-carotenes were 0.07ppm, 0.011ppm individually.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a new conducting materials, namely, a Schiff base (polymeric azomethine) was synthesized from 2,6-diamino-N-docosyl pyridinium bromide and terephthalaldehyde to obtain a soluble and fusible conducting polymer. The synthesized Schiff base structure was analyzed by using UV/vis absorption spectrophotometer, FT-IR spectrometer and 1H-NMR spectrometer. It was found that the Schiff base was successfully synthesized and soluble in carbon tetrachloride(CC14), its Langmuir-Blodgett film was easily fabricated, and its surface pressure was determined to be 30mN/m for solid state by measuring π-A isotherm.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Methyl fructoside oleic acid polyester(MFPE), fructose-based sugar polyester, was synthesized by solvent-free, soap-free transesterification of methyl oleate with methyl fructoside(MF) as a sugar starting material in the presence of conventional potassium carbonate basic catalyst. Methyl fructoside was found to be an effective sugar starting material, because of its low softning point, high heat stability, high miscibility, and high reactivity than other sugars. Yield 98% of purified MFPE based on initial weight of MF was obtained at 1:5 of the molar ratio of methyl fructoside to methyl oleate, 2%(w/w) of potassium carbonate catalyst content, 20~200mmHg of reduced pressure and 180℃ of reaction temperature. MFPE structure was confirmed by infrared and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Physical properties of methyl of fructoside oleic acid polyester such as viscosity, HLB, solubility, color, refractive index, specific gravity, and density were similar to physical properties of sucrose polyesters(SPE) and vegetable oils. Then, it was elucidated that MFPE was sufficient to replace the SPE and conventional oils.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        All the triacylglycerols including the molecular species having δ5-unsaturated fatty acids from the seeds of Pinus Koraiensis, were split into a mixture of diacylglycerols by a Grignard reagent prepared with allyl bromide without arousing acyl chains of a glycerol moiety to migration, and were also easily partially hydrolyzed to diacylglycerols by pancreatic lipase. (S)-(+)-(1-naphthyl)ethyl urethane(NEU) derivatives of the diacylglycerol mixture derived from the triacylglycerols were fractionated into sn-1, 3-, sn-1, 2- and sn-2, 3-DG-NEU by silica-HPLC and the fatty acid composition of these fractions was analysed. C18:1Ω9 is distributed evenly in the three positions of TG with C18:2Ω6 mainly located in sn-2 position, while δ5-unsaturated fatty acids such as δ5.9-C18:2, δ5.9.12-C18:3 and δ5.11.14-C20:3 are exclusively present in the sn-3 position. These results could be confirmed by 13C-NMR spectroscopy : the signals at δ173.231 ppm and δ172.811 ppm of the carbonyl carbon of acyl moieties indicate the presence of saturated acids and/or C18:1Ω9 (oleic acid) in the α(α')- or β- positions, and C18:2Ω6 including C18:1Ω9 in the β-position, respectively. In addition, the resonance at δ173.044 ppm suggested a location of δ5-unsaturated fatty acid moiety in the α(α')-position.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The natural body foam product which palm oil is added to this product, differs from products for clothes and Kitchen detergent, industrial and domestic detergent, and It has a various characteristics as a soft detergent for bath and hair product. Up to now, vidal sassoon product which imports form overseas and sells in our country, increases every year in consumption quantity. The development of this product tested to consider the quality of product in the effect of import transfer. First of all, the experiment of this product tested the fundamental items of pH, foam formation force, the moisture effect of product, the biodegradation degree of product. In case of palm oil, when it was added to this product in 0.25wt%, we could get experiment results that pH appeared in 6.2, foam formation force in product 1wt% solution appeared in 104ml per 30sec, the skin moisture effect of product appeared in incleasing from 82 a.u to 90 a.u within one hour since we have used the product, the biodegradation degree of surfactant appeared in 96.7%. According to the experiment result of product, we could know the fact that it has a high quality in comparison with other products.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Organic-based electroluminescent devices have attracted lots of interests because of their possible application as a large-area flat panel display. Polyimides have been used for photo-alignment in LCD(Liquid Crystal Display). However, the devices used in this study were fabricated with polyimide doped with N,N'-Diphenyl-N,N'-di(m-tolyl)-benzidine(TPD) (3, 10, 30wt%) for electroluminescent hole tranforting layer(EHTL). The photochemical and physical properties of EHTL was studied. The film thicknesses were reduced under illumination with UV light. Polyimide films doped with TPD(3wt%) was irradiated and the electrical properties of the films were studied.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The propagation of light radiation in a turbid medium is an important problem that confronts dosimetry of therapeutic laser delivery and the development of diagnostic spectroscopy. Scattered light is measured as a function of the position(distance r, depth z) between the axis of the incident beam and the detection spot. Turbid sample yields a very forward-directed scattering pattern at short range of position from source to detector, whereas the thicker samples greatly attenuated the on-axis intensity at long range of position. The portions of scattered light reflected from or transmitted throughphantom depend upon internal reflectance and absorption properties of the phantom. Monte Carlo simulation method for modelling light transport in tissue is applied. It uses the photon is moved a distance where it may be scattered, absorbed, propagated, internally reflected, or transmitted out of tissue. The photon is repeatedly moved until it either escape from or is absorbed by the phantom. In order to obtain an optimum therapeutic ratio in phantom material, optimum control the light energy fluence rate is essential. This study is to discuss the physical mechanisms determining the actual light dose in phantom. Permitting a qualitative understanding of the measurements. It may also aid in designing the best model for laser medicine and application of medical engineering.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The lipids from the seeds of Pinus koraiensis mostly composed of triacylglycerols (TGs), in which linoleic acid (46.2 mol%) and oleic acid (25.6 mol%) are present as main components in the fatty acid composition. Surprisingly, they also have unusual fatty acids with δ5-double bond systems such as δ5.9.12-C18:3 (16.0 mol%), δ5.9-C18:2 (2.3 mol%) and δ5.11.14-C20:3 (0.8 mol%). Saturated fatty acids of palmitic, stearic and arachidic acid were present in less than 8.0 mol%. TG was resolved into 17 fractions by reverse-phase HPLC according to so-called partition number (PN) suggested by Plattner, in which TG molecules with δ5-NMDB acyl chains eluted later than did those with δ9-MDB acyl radicals. Ag+-HPLC separated the TG into 14 fractions more clearly than did those with δ9-MDB acyl radicals. Ag+-HPLC separated the TG into 14 fractions more clearly than did reverse-phase HPLC, and the complexity of δ5.9.12-C18:3 moiety with silver ion impregnated in the column bed was in the level between δ9.12.15-C18:3 (C18:3Ω3) and C18:2Ω6 (δ9.12-C18:2). In the Ag+-HPLC, it was found that the molecular species having a given-numbered double bonds widely spreaded in the acyl chains eluted earlier than those concentrated in one acyl chain. The main molecular species are (C18:2Ω6)2/δ5.9.12-C18:3 (14.8 mol%), C18:1Ω9/C18:2Ω6)2 (12.8 mol%) and C18:1Ω9/C18:2Ω6/δ5.9.12-C18:3 (10.9 mol%).
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The saturated fatty acids(arachidic acid, stearic acid, and palmitic acid) were repeatedly applied on water surface, and their π-A isotherms and Maxwell displacement current(MDC) were measured to identify the effect of the number of carbons of fatty acids on the properties of Langmuir films. The saturated fatty which contain higher carbon number showed higher MDC peak, and the less carbon it contains, the higher surface pressure they show. It was found the maximum of MDC peaks was as the molecular area just before the surface pressure increases in compression cycles of saturated fatty acids.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, organic electroluminescent devices(OELD) with a structure of a glass substrate/ITO/TPD/Tb(ACAC)3(Phen-Cl)/Alq3/Al was fabricated by vacuum evaporation method, where Tb complex was known to have green light emitting property. Electroluminescent(EL) and I-V characteristics of this structure were investigated. This triple-layer structure shows the green EL spectrum at the wavelwngth of 546nm, which is almost the same as the PL spectrum of Pb(ACAC)3(PhenCl). It was found in current-voltage(I-V) characteristics of the devices that the operating voltage was about 12V.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Two-component polyurethane flame retardant coatings were prepared by blending phosphate-containing modified polyesters(PMPEs) and TDI-adduct. PMPEs were synthesized by polycondensation of dimethyl phenylphosphonate, a flame retardant component, with 1,4-butanediol, adipic acid, and trimethylolpropane. The content of dimethyl phenylphosphonate was varied 10, 15, and 20wt% for the reaction. Various physical properties of these new flame retardant coatings were comparable to non-flame retardant coatings. Coatings with 20wt% dimethyl phenylphosphonate did not burn during the vertical burning test.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Polyoxyethylene monooleate was prepared by addition of ethylene oxide to oleic acid. And also, polyoxyethylene monooleate type oil dispersant was prepared by blending polyoxyethylene monooleate, n-paraffine, sorbitan monooleate, sorbitan monopalmitate, and palm oil. Dispersion efficiency test was carried out by vertical shaking flask and swirling flask methods. Low toxic oil dispersant was prepared with polyoxyethylene monooleate, which has high biodegradability and excellent dispersion efficiency on crude oils and weathered W/O emulsions with high viscosity, and its dispersion efficiency was measured to various crude oils and weathered oils.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cyclodextrin are obtained from starch by enzymatic degradation. The three best characterize forms are α, β, γ cyclodextrin consisting of 6, 7, and 8 D-glucose units, respectively. Each of the glucose units are in the rigid C1 chair conformation and are linked by α 1,4 bonds. This geometry gives the cyclodextrin the shape of a hollow truncated cone with the wider side formed by the secondary 2- and 3-hydroxy groups and the narrower side by the primary 6-hydroxy group. The most characteristics property of the cyclodextrin is their ability to form inclusion complexes with a wide range of guest moleculars. We syntheses per-6-substituted β-cyclodextrin derivatives and investigate structures, spectrospcopic properties. The substituted materials are piperidine, piperazin, morphorine. The synthetic compound showed a good solubility than natural β cyclodextrin in organic solvents such as methylene chloride, methanol, ethanol, etc.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The sodium α-sulfo fatty acid vinyl ester oligomers, which are oligomer type surfactants were prepared by polymerization with fatty acid vinyl acetate. The α-sulfonation of fatty acid vinyl ester oligomers were carried by direct addition of sulfur trioxide. The dispersing performance of oligomer type anionic surfactants and sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS) in the aqueous suspension of iron oxide and titanium dioxide particles was evaluated by particle size distribution and zeta-potential measurement. As results, the particles of iron oxide and titanium dioxide were flocculated by addition of small amount of oligomer type anionic surfactants and sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS), then the flocks redispersed by more addition of oligomer type anionic surfactants and SDS. The flocculation, redispersion process was observed in lower concentration range of oligomer type anionic surfactants than SDS. Especially, the dispersing action of sodium α-sulfo palmitic acid vinyl ester oligomer was better than sodium α-sulfo lauric acid vinyl ester oligomer.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The polyimide film surface was modified with KOH aqueous solutions or sulfuric acid. The film thickness was increased by about 10% through the modification of film surface. Hydrolysis of amide bonds and hydration of water induced the increase. The polarity of the film surface increased and identified by contact angle measurement. The depth and roughness of modified was increased. After treatment of surface with water, alkyl and 4-pentyloxyaniline were introduced on the film surface by complex formation between anionic species formed on the imide surface and ammonium ion. The newly introduced alkyl group was identified by FT-IR spectroscopy. Surface polarity reduced dramatically and the roughness was increased after introduction of ammonium salt.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, there has been considerable interest in the development of new functional surfactant including new type of anionic surfactants. Anionic surfactants, α-sulfo fatty acids that straight long chain alkyl group having from 12 to 18 carbon atoms, were synthesized with sulfur trioxide-dioxane complex to good yield. Xylitol α-sulfo fatty acid esters were obtained by reaction that the acetification and esterification of xylitol, by addition reaction with sodium chloride and hydrolysis respectively. These compounds were a new group of destructible surfactants which readily hydrolyzed and oxidized in natural water reservoirs. Physical properties of these new compounds involved surface tension, critical micelle concentration(cmc), foaming power, emulsion power, and hydrolysis properties, were measured. The cmc values of the compounds by ring method were assumed to 7.0×10-3~3.0×10-2mol/l range and surface tensions at cmc were 25~31dyne/cm respectively.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The hardening test of gelatin with 2,4-dichloro-6-hydroxy-1,3,5-triazine mono sodium salt was studied at pH 5, 7, 8 and about increasing temperature, respectively. The hardener was prepared by the reaction of cyanuric chloride with sodium hydroxide, disodium hydrogenphosphate-12-water and trisodium phosphate-12-water in the presence of water. The product was identified by elemental analyzer. IR spectrophotometer. Novel hardener can be used in photographic emulsion and showed very good hardening effect.