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        검색결과 1,734

        2022.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We complete the survey for finite-source/point-lens (FSPL) giant-source events in 2016–2019 KMTNet microlensing data. The 30 FSPL events show a clear gap in Einstein radius, 9 μas < θE < 26 μas, which is consistent with the gap in Einstein timescales near tE ∼ 0.5 days found by Mr´oz et al. (2017) in an independent sample of point-source/point-lens (PSPL) events. We demonstrate that the two surveys are consistent. We estimate that the 4 events below this gap are due to a power-law distribution of freefloating planet candidates (FFPs) dNFFP/d logM = (0.4 ± 0.2) (M/38 M⊕)−p/star, with 0.9 ≲ p ≲ 1.2. There are substantially more FFPs than known bound planets, implying that the bound planet power-law index γ = 0.6 is likely shaped by the ejection process at least as much as by formation. The mass density per decade of FFPs in the Solar neighborhood is of the same order as that of ‘Oumuamua-like objects. In particular, if we assume that ‘Oumuamua is part of the same process that ejected the FFPs to very wide or unbound orbits, the power-law index is p = 0.89 ± 0.06. If the Solar System’s endowment of Neptune-mass objects in Neptune-like orbits is typical, which is consistent with the results of Poleski et al. (2021), then these could account for a substantial fraction of the FFPs in the Neptune-mass range.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Anderson-type polyoxometalate (POM) with general formula of [Hy(XO6)M6O18]n- (y=0-6, n=2-8, M=addenda atom, X=heteroatom) represents one of the basic topological structures among POM-type family. Anderson-type POMs have a planar arrangement and two terminal oxygen atoms attached to each addenda metal atom unlike other type. Thus, the Anderson-type POMs have high reactivity and various coordination modes. The various multifunctional organic-inorganic hybrid materials can be synthesized using the Anderson-type POMs as an inorganic building block. Another important feature of the Anderson-type POMs is the incorporation of the heteroatoms with various sizes and oxidation states, which can lead to tune chemical properties. No Anderson-type POMs with early transition metal ions in the heteroatom site have been reported previously. Recently, we reported the synthesis of titanium-containing Anderson-type POM, Na2K6Ti0.92W6.08O24∙12H2O (Ti-POM), which consists of pure inorganic framework built from a central Ti atom surrounded by six WO6 inorganic scaffold. Herein, in-depth studies were conducted to find optimal synthesis conditions such as composition and pH. The success of synthesis was confirmed with Powder X-ray Diffraction that the Ti-POM has a rhombohedral structure with space group of R-3m (No. 166) when the TiOSO4·xH2SO4∙yH2O/ Na2WO4∙2H2O molar ratio is in the range of 0.07 to 0.33. But outside of this range, other unwanted phases coexist. In a basic condition (pH=12), a single-phase Ti-POM with good crystallinity can be obtained, while a Keggin-type POM, NaxK10-x(H2W12O42), was formed through the decomposition of Ti-POM at pH lower than 7.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Attempts to use the molten salt system in various aspects such as MSR or energy storage systems are increasing. However, there are limitations in the molten salt-assisted technique due to the harsh corrosiveness of the molten salt, and a more detailed study on salt-induced corrosion is needed to solve this problem. In this study, corrosion behaviors of 80Ni-20Cr alloy in various salt environments such as eutectic NaCl-MgCl2 with NiCl2, CrCl2, and EuCl3 additives were investigated. Meanwhile, the corrosion acceleration effects of 80Ni-20Cr specimens were analyzed for various ceramic materials such as SiC, Al2O3, SiO2, graphite, and BN, and metallic materials such as Ni-based alloy, Fe-based alloy, and pure metals in a molten salt environment. The experiments were conducted at 973 K for up to 28 days, and after the experiment, the microstructural change of the specimen was analyzed through SEM-EDS, and salt condition was analyzed by ICP-OES.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nuclear spent fuel (SNF) disposal in deep geological repositories is considered as one of sound options for the long-term and safe sequestration of radiotoxic SNF and the sustainable use of nuclear energy. The chemical behaviors of various radionuclides originated from SNF should be well understood to evaluate the migrational behaviors of radionuclides and their reactions and interactions with various geochemical components. Formation of secondary minerals, colloids, other insoluble precipitates is of interest since the concentrations of radionuclides in groundwaters can be limited by the solubility of those solid phases. Particularly when evaluating their solubility, the use of well-defined solid materials in terms of chemical composition and molecular structure is crucial to obtain reliable measurement results. In this study, a synthetic calcium uranyl silicate (Ca-U(VI)-silicate, or uranophane) was prepared and characterized by using various analytical methods including powder X-ray diffraction (pXRD), scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM/EDX), and vibrational (FTIR and Raman) spectroscopies. Uranyl silicate minerals are significant to the disposal of nuclear wastes. Our simulation demonstrates that uranophane (Ca[UO2SiO3OH]2·5H2O), one having a U:Si ratio of 1:1, can be a mineral species limiting U(VI) solubility under groundwater conditions in Korea. For the preparation of Ca-U(VI)-silicate, we applied a two-step hydrothermal synthetic procedure reported in literature with modification. Briefly, we conclude that the obtained mineral phase is the ‘α-uranophane’; our characterization results show that the structural and spectroscopic properties of the synthetic Ca-U(VI)-silicate agree well with those of α-uranophane. For instance, the pXRD patterns obtained from the solid show nearly identical diffraction peak positions with those from the reference XRD pattern. From IR and Raman spectroscopy it is noticed that the stretching modes of UO2 2+ and SiO4 4- ions result in strong absorption bands in a region of 700 ~ 1,100 cm-1. Elemental compositions of the synthetic solids were also estimated by using EDX analysis, which results in a Ca:U:Si ratio close to 1:2:2 on average. However, we found that it is difficult to obtain good crystallinity of uranophane, which can be observable by using SEM and its image analysis. We believe that this work serves as a model study to provide synthetic routes of radionuclide-related mineral phases and applicable solid phase characterization methods. In the presentation, the potential use of the U(VI)-silicate solid phase for the upcoming groundwater solubility measurements will be discussed. Keywords: Hexavalent Uranium, Silicate
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Dose-rate monitoring instruments are indispensable to protect workers from the potential risk of radiation exposure, and are commonly calibrated in terms of the ambient dose equivalent (H*(10)), an operational quantity that is widely used for area monitoring. Plastic scintillation detectors are ideal equipment for dosimetry because of their advantages of low cost and tissue equivalence. However, these detectors are rarely used owing to the characteristics caused by low-atomic-number elements, such as low interaction coefficients and poor gamma-ray spectroscopy. In this study, we calculated the G(E) function to utilize a plastic scintillation detector in spectroscopic dosimetry applications. Numerous spectra with arbitrary energies of gamma rays and their H*(10) were calculated using Monte Carlo simulations and were used to obtain the G(E) function. We acquired three different types of G(E) functions using the least-square and first-order methods. The performances of the G(E) functions were compared with one another, including the conventional total counting method. The performance was evaluated using 133Ba, 137Cs, 152Eu, and 60Co radioisotopes in terms of the mean absolute percentage error between the predicted and true H*(10) values. In addition, we confirmed that the dose-rate prediction errors were within acceptable uncertainty ranges and that the energy responses to 137Cs of the G(E) function satisfied the criteria recommended by the International Commission.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Organic scintillator is easy to manufacture a large size and the fluorescence decay time is short. However, it is not suitable for gamma measurement because it is composed of a low atomic number material. Organic scintillation detectors are widely used to check the presence or absence of radiation. The fluorescence of organic scintillators is produced by transitions between the energy levels of single molecules. In this study, an organic scintillator development study was conducted for use in gamma measurement, alternative materials for secondary solute used in basic organic scintillators were investigated, and the availability of alternative materials, detection characteristics, and neutron/gamma identification tests were performed. In other words, a secondary solute showing an improved energy transfer rate than the existing material was reported, and the performance was evaluated. 7-Diethylamino -4-methylcoumarin (DMC), selected as an alternative material, is a benzopyrone derivative in the form of colorless crystals, has high fluorescence and high quantum yield in the visible region, and has excellent light stability. In addition, it has a large Stokes shift characteristic, and solubility in solvent is good. Through this study, it was analyzed that the absorption wavelength range of DMC coincided with the emission wavelength range of PPO, which is the primary solute. Through this study, it was confirmed that the optimal concentration of DMC was 0.04wt%. As a result of performing gamma and neutron measurement tests using a DMC-based liquid scintillator, it showed good performance (FOM=1.42) compared to a commercial liquid scintillator. Therefore, the possibility of use as a secondary solute was demonstrated. Based on this, if studies on changes in the composition of secondary solute or the use of nanoparticles are conducted, it will be possible to manufacture and utilize a scintillator with improved efficiency compared to the existing scintillator.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The safe, efficient and cost-effective decommissioning and dismantling of radioactive facilities requires the accurate characterization of the radionuclide activities and dose rate environment. And it is critical across many nuclear industries to identify and locate sources of radiation accurately and quickly. One of the more challenging aspects of dealing with radiation is that you cannot see it directly, which can result in potential exposure when working in those environments. Generally, semiconductor detectors have better energy resolution than scintillation detectors, but the maximum achievable count rates are limited by long pulse signals. Whereas some high pure germanium detectors have been developed to operate at high count rates, and these HPGe detectors could obtain gamma-ray spectra at high count rates exceeding 1 Mcps. However, HPGe detectors require cooling devices to reduce the leak currents, which becomes disadvantageous when developing portable radiation detectors. Furthermore, chemicalcompound semiconductor detectors made of cadmium telluride and cadmium zinc telluride are popular, because they have good energy resolution and are available at room temperature. However, CdTe and CZT detectors develop irradiation-induced defects under intense gamma-ray fields. In this Review, we start with the fundamentals of gamma rays detection and review the recent developments in scintillators gamma-ray detectors. The key factors affecting the detector performance are summarized. We also give an outlook on the field, with emphasis on the challenges to be overcome.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study introduces the licensing process carried out by the regulatory body for construction and operation of the 2nd phase low level radioactive waste disposal facility in Gyeongju. Also, this study presents the experience and lessons learned from this regulatory review for preparing the license review for the next 3rd phase landfill disposal facility. Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD) submitted a license application to Nuclear Safety and Security commission (NSSC) on December 24, 2015 to obtain permit for construction and operation of the national engineered shallow land disposal facility at Wolsong, Gyeongju. NSSC and Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) started the regulatory review process with an initial docket review of the KORAD application including Safety Analysis Report, Radiological Environmental Report and Safety Administration Rules. After reflecting the results of the docket review, the safety review of revised 10 application documents began on November 29, 2016. Total 856 queries and requests for additional information were elicited by thorough technical review until November 16, 2021. As the Gyeongju and Pohang earthquakes occurred in September 2016 and November 2017, respectively, the seismic design of the disposal facility for vault and underground gallery was enhanced from 0.2 g to 0.3 g and the site safety evaluation including groundwater characteristics was re-investigated due to earthquake-induced fault. Also, post-closure safety assessments related to normal/abnormal/human intrusion scenarios were re-performed for reflecting the results of site and design characteristics. Finally, NSSC decided to grant a license of the 2nd phase low level radioactive waste disposal facility under the Nuclear Safety Laws in July 2022. This study introduces important issues and major improvements in terms of safety during the review process and presents the lessons learned from the experience of regulatory review process.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        There are various types of level gauging method such as using float, differential pressure, hypersonic, displacement and so on. In this study, among them, the method utilizing the differential pressure was reviewed. The strengths include: the differential pressure type level gauge can measure the level without direct contact of the sensor with media. That is to say, the level can be measured even if the sensor is far away from the tank. And regardless of the size of the tank, the level can be measured if the pneumatic pipes are installed. The weaknesses include: the sensor needs intermedium to recognize the level. The intermedium utilizes a fluid, which is compressed air. It is difficult to handle that compressed air has the properties of a gas. And to make compressed air needs compressor, tank and pneumatic pipes. So if you have many tanks, you need to install exponentially the pneumatic pipes. As well, level measurement range is limited to the points where the pneumatic pipes of the tank is installed. And if a compressed air that supplies to the sensor leaks, uncertainty will increase. A compressed air is colorless and odorless, so it’s difficult to pinpoint the leak. Finally, events like cracks and clogging can cause inaccurate measurement. Rather than using only differential pressure, it is better to use another measurement method according to the situation of the facility.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        High Integrity Container (HIC) made of polymer concrete was developed for the efficient treatment and safe disposal of radioactive spent resin and concentrate waste in consideration of the disposal requirements of domestic disposal sites. Permission for application of Polymer Concrete High Integrity Container (PC-HIC) to the domestic nuclear power plants (NPPs) has been completed or is under examination by the regulatory agency. In the case of 860 L PC-HIC for very-low-level-waste (VLLW) or low low-level-waste (LLW), the application of four representative NPPs has been approved, and the license for extended application to the rest NPPs is also almost completed. A licensing review is also underway to apply 510 L PC-HIC for intermediate and low-level-waste (ILLW) to representative nuclear power plants. In order to handle and efficiently store and manage PC-HICs and high-dose PCHIC packages, a gripper device that can be remotely operated and has excellent safety is essential, and the introduction of NPPs is urgent. The conventional gripper device developed by the PC-HIC manufacturer for lifting test to evaluate the structural integrity of PC-HIC requires a rather wide storage interval due to its design features, and does not have a passive safety design to handle heavy materials safely. In addition, work convenience needs to be reinforced for safety management of high radiation work. Therefore, we developed a conceptual design for a gripper device with a new concept to minimize the work space by reflecting on-site opinions on the handling and storage management conditions of radioactive waste in NPPs, and to enhances work safety with the passive safety design by the weight of the package and the function of checking the normal seating of the device and the normal operation of the grip by the detector/indicator, and to greatly improves the work efficiency and convenience with the wireless power supply function by rechargeable battery and the remote control function by camera and wireless monitoring & control system. Through design review by experts in mechanical system, power supply and instrumentation & control fields and further investigations on the usage conditions of PC-HICs, it is planned to facilitate preparations for the application of PC-HIC to domestic NPPs by securing the technical basis for a gripper device that can be used safely and efficiently and seeking ways to introduce it in a timely manner.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Glass wool, the primary material of insulation, is composed of glass fibers and is used to insulate the temperature of steam generators and pipes in nuclear power plants. Glass fiber is widely adopted as a substitute for asbestos classified as a carcinogen. The insulations used in nuclear power plants are classified as radioactive waste and most of the insulation is Very Low-Level Waste (VLLW). It is packaged in a 200 L drum the same as a Dry Active Waste (DAW). In the case of the insulations, it is packaged in a vinyl bag and then charged into the drum for securing additional safety because of the fine particle size of the fiberglass. A safety assessment of the disposal facility should be considered to dispose of radioactive waste. As a result of analyzing overseas Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC), there is no case that has a separate limitation for glass fiber. Also, in order to confirm that glass fibers can be treated in the same manner as DAW, research related to the diffusion of glass fibers into the environment was conducted in this paper. It was confirmed that the glass fiber was precipitated due to the low flow velocity of groundwater in the Gyeongju radioactive waste repository and did not spread to the surrounding environment due to the effect of the engineering barrier. Therefore, the glass fiber has no special issue and can be treated in the same way as a DAW. In addition, it can be disposed of in the disposal facility by securing sufficient radiological safety as VLLW.