
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 33

        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the dietary life status according to smart device use among university students. In 2015, data was collected during a 3 month survey of the eating behaviors, lifestyles, eating habits, and use of smart devices of 550 university students, as well as their dependency on smartphones. Ultimately, 520 subjects (94.5% analysis rate) were divided into three groups based on their daily use time of smart device: low-use group (<4.7 hours, n=173), medium-use group (≥4.7 hours and <6.4 hours, n=174), and high-use group (≥6.4 hours, n=173). The more frequent use groups showed a higher level of dependency on the smartphone. Breakfast was found to be the most commonly skipped meal; and the high-use group showed a higher response of irregular meals than low-use group. In assessment of eating habits, the subjects with less smart device usage ate more regularly and at fixed times, did not overeat, drank milk everyday, and did not consume processed food as often. To sum up, more irregularity of meal and undesirable eating habits were found among university students with higher use of smart devices. These results suggest that a control of smart device usage would lead to a more desirable dietary life in university students.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Increasing sugar intake of population has become a nutritional issue in Korea. Sweet taste perception may be related to behaviors such as eating sweet food including high sugars and total sugar intake. This study aimed to evaluate objective and subjective sweet taste perception and the association among objective sweet taste perception, dietary behaviors related to eating sweet snack food including high sugar, and total sugar intake from the snacks. Participants were 261 healthy female college students (mean age: 21.0±1.6 years), who were divided into three subgroups based on oral sweet taste evaluation using a sweet taste assessment tool provided by Ministry of Food and Drug Safety: sweet-seeker group (n=139), medium sweet-seeker group (n=54), and unsweet-seeker group (n=68). There was no significant difference in weight and body mass index (BMI) among the three groups; however, the sweet-seeker group had significantly higher sweet taste preference than that of the other groups. Though more people in the sweet-seeker group thought they tended to eat sweet foods than the medium sweet-seeker and unsweet-seeker groups, over half of the sweet-seekers did not think they tended to eat sweet foods. The sweet-seeker group was more likely to eat sweet snacks such as breads, chocolate products, sugar-sweetened milk, and so on than the unsweet-seeker group. Total sugar intake from the selected sweet snacks was 44.4 g for the sweet-seeker group, 34.4 g for the medium sweet-seeker group, and 28.0 g for the unsweet-seeker group with a significant difference. These results indicated the absence of relationship between objective sweet taste perception and the obesity index; however, significant associations were detected among objective sweet taste perception, eating sweet snacks and total sugar intake from the snacks. We also found high disagreement between objective and subjective sweet taste perception of the subjects. The present study provided the novel insight that measuring objective sweet taste perception may be useful for assessing the risk of high sugar consumption and undesirable dietary behaviors.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to evaluate the health concern, eating habits, dietary behavior, and psychological stress among middleaged adults in Chungnam according to their exercise status. A total of 437 adults with a mean age of 42.6 years participated in this study and completed a questionnaire survey. The subjects were divided into one of three groups according to their exercise status: never doing exercise (NDE; n=144), doing exercise once a week (DEO; n=186), and doing exercise twice a week or more (DET; n=107). Results demonstrated significant differences in concern about health, subjective health status, meal regularity, dietary problems, and stress score among the three groups. The DET and DEO groups were more concerned about their health (p<0.001), and had a perception that their health status was better than that of the NDE group (p<0.01). A larger percentage of the DET group had breakfast everyday (p<0.05) and a smaller percentage of the DET group had dietary problems such as irregular mealtime and skipping meals (p<0.01), compared to the other groups. The average stress score of the DET group was significantly lower than that of the DEO and NDE groups (p<0.05). The results reveal that doing regular exercising at least twice a week is associated with higher health concern, more desirable dietary habits, and lower psychological stress in middle-aged adults. These findings support the beneficial effects of regular exercise for health, dietary habits, and stress control.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        24-hour recall is the dietary assessment method most frequently used to evaluate dietary intake; however, accuracy is an issue when using this method, especially in large-scale studies. The purpose of this study was to assess the validity of dietary intake estimation using one serving size. Estimates of energy and nutrients taken in over a 24-hr period based on actual intake amount (24HRAI) and based on estimates of one serving size (24HRSS) were compared. Data were analyzed using a paired t-test, Pearson’s correlation coefficients, and a cross-classification method. In male subjects, intake levels of energy, fat, vitamin C, vitamin B1, Zn, and total food measured using 24HRAI were significantly higher than those measured using 24HRSS. In female subjects, intake of carbohydrates, fiber, fat, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B complexes, various minerals, and total food measured using 24HRAI were significantly lower than those measured using 24HRSS. Energy-adjusted Pearson’s correlation coefficients revealed that intake of all nutrients showed a significant positive relationship between the two measurement methods in both males and females. Cross-classification analysis revealed that 50.5~67.6% of women and 40.3~71% of men were classified in the same quartile of intake of each nutrient when comparing data from 24HRAI and 24HRSS. We conclude that using one serving size in 24-hr recall analysis was valid and therefore may be used in studies to assess food consumption in the general adult population. Also, this method can be used to classify energy and nutrient intake into quartile, which is useful in examining the association between diet and chronic diseases.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study was carried out to investigate the efficacy of current nutrition labeling of processed foods and examine awareness among university students of nutrition information given current nutrition labels, and also awareness of the one-serving size of snacks that come in differently sized packages. A total of 100 students in Chungbuk, Korea participated in this study. About 60% of the subjects knew about nutrition labeling; however, a very small percentage (11%) of the subjects reported an experience of being educated about nutrition labeling. Also, just 32% of the students checked nutrition labels when they purchased processed foods. When understanding of nutrition information on labels of snacks in differently sized packaging was tested, over 80% of the subjects understood nutrition information accurately. Five different package sizes were studied. Of these 5, packages containing about 200% of one standard serving showed the highest rate of misunderstanding of total energy contents per container. Interestingly, the students most strongly preferred containers that contained 300% of one standard serving. From these results, we conclude that students consider the current recommendation for a serving size to be small, which may be related to misreading of nutrition labels of snacks that come in packages containing less than 300% of one standard serving size. To improve accurate understanding of nutrition labels of snacks, total package labels or dual column labels on packages containing less than 300% of one standard serving size should be considered.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of fad dieting as a method to lose weight among male and female college students. A total of 710 students participated in this study. Fad dieting was surveyed using a questionnaire about 11 fad diet methods. The mean age of the subjects was 21.4 years for males and 20.4 years for females. The proportion of students who had experience trying to lose weight was 52.8% for males and 78.6% for females (p<0.001). The diet method employed by the highest number of participants was the half meal diet (27.6% for males, 43.9% for females), followed by the cereal diet (8.8% for males, 43.9% for females), fasting (9.9% for males, 21.4% for females), and the chicken breast diet (13.1% for males, 9.2% for females). The female students were more likely than the males to try fad diets other than the chicken breast diet and the Atkins diet. The most frequent side effect of fad dieting was the yo-yo effect, followed by binge eating, weakness, anemia, and so on. The proportion of students who indicated that nutrition education is needed for healthy dieting was 39.1% for males and 45.4% for females. From these results, we concluded that a high percentage of college students attempt to lose weight through fad diets, with some gender differences. Therefore, in the future, nutrition education programs should focus more attention on providing healthy dieting methods to young college students to help them lose weight.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to compare the perceptions and needs for nutrition education between early childhood teachers and parents. This data will address the effective plans and suggest further nutrition education programs for early childhood education centers. This study was conducted with 200 early childhood teachers and 174 parents in Busan. We collected data through questionnaires from teachers and parents and then computed the frequency and χ2 test to analyze the data. The questionnaire was revised and complemented on the basis of related literatures and previous researches. According to our results in this study, there was a significant difference between the teachers’ and parents’ perceptions on the need of nutrition education and the reason for needing nutrition education. And there were differences among aims, contents, methods, and effective ways of nutrition education for children. In addition, there was a significant difference among the needs from teachers and parents on nutrition education. Finally, the results of this study suggest various implications for developing nutrition education programs in early childhood education centers. These results can be used to develop nutrition education program by considering the teachers’ and parents’ perceptions and needs. These may be useful data when planning for the nutrition curriculum in early childhood education centers.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 2010 국민건강영양조사 원시자료에서 식품섭취 조사를 실시한 대상자 8,019명 중 19~64세 연령의 성인 대상 자 4,556명(56.8%)의 원자료를 이용하여 19~64세 성인의 상 용음식(밥류, 면․만두류, 국․탕류, 찌개류) 1인 1회 섭취분 량에 대한 정보를 제공하고, 2005년 국민건강영양조사자료 를 이용하여 설정된 기존자료와의 비교를 통하여 한국 성인 의 주요 상용음식의 1인 1회 섭취분량의 변화 패턴을 알아보 고자 하였다. 밥류 중 가장 높은 섭취빈도를 보인 것은 쌀밥 이었고, 1인 1회 섭취분량은 265 ㎖로 2005년 자료로부터 설 정된 250 ㎖와 유사하였다. 두 번째로 높은 섭취 빈도를 보인 것은 잡곡밥으로 3,472의 빈도로 거의 흰쌀밥에 가까운 섭취 빈도였고, 1회 1회 섭취분량은 250 ㎖였다. 면․만두류 중 가 장 섭취빈도가 높은 음식은 라면이었고, 1인 1회 섭취분량은 500 ㎖로 기존에 설정된 400 ㎖에 비하여 25.0%의 증가를 보 였다. 칼국수와 짬뽕은 2005년 설정량에 비하여 40% 이상의 감소를 보였다. 국․탕류에서는 콩나물국의 섭취빈도가 가장 높았고, 가장 높은 섭취빈도를 보인 국은 콩나물국의 1인 1회 섭취분량은 250 ㎖로 기존 설정량과 동일하였다. 상용 음식 으로 설정된 39종의 국 종류에서 기존 설정량과 항목이 일치 하는 28종 중 11종이 1인 1회 섭취분량의 감소가 보였다. 섭 취 빈도가 가장 높은 찌개류는 된장찌개였고, 1인 1회 섭취분 량은 125 ㎖로 기존 설정량(175 ㎖)에 비하여 28.6%의 감소를 보였다. 다음으로 섭취빈도가 높은 찌개류인 김치찌개의 1인 1회 섭취분량은 200 ㎖로 기존의 섭취분량(250 ㎖)에 비하여 20.0%의 감소를 보였다. 이상의 결과에서 2010년 국민건강영 양조사 자료로부터 설정된 1인 1회 섭취분량은 밥류의 경우 큰 변화가 없었으며, 섭취빈도가 높은 주요 국과 찌개의 경우 는 감소, 면류의 경우 라면은 증가, 칼국수와 짬뽕의 경우는 감소를 나타내었다. 이러한 변화는 한국 성인 상용식품의 1 인 1회 섭취분량이 조금씩 변화되고 있음을 보여주고, 국과 찌개류 섭취량의 감소 추세는 나트륨의 저감화 정책 차원에 서 바람직한 변화로 사료된다.
        2010.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of present study was to analyze mineral contents in various tissues and investigate theirs relation with bone mineral density (BMD) in rats. Fifteen Sprague-Dawley rats were fed standard diet for 4 weeks. Body weight gain, feed intake, and feed efficiency ratio were 41.00 g/week, 171.15 g/week, and 0.24 respectively. Among 12 minerals in serum, Ca is the highest with 6.86 mg/dl. Serum Mg, Se, and Cu were 2.52 mg/dl, 0.23 mg/dl and 0.22 mg/dl respectively. Mg contents in liver, spleen, and kidney were 246.36 μg/g, 105.01 μg/g, and 273.38 μg/g respectively. Tibia contents of Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe and V were 194.91 mg/g, 23.10 mg/g, 0.60 mg/g, 0.35 mg/g and 0.14 mg/g respectively. BMDs of right tibia and spine were 122.04 mg/cm2 and 153.61 mg/cm2. There were significantly positive correlations between tibia BMD and Se (p<0.05), tibia BMD and V (p<0.01), spinal BMD and V(p<0.05), respectively. It's expected that these results are used as a reference data in following study to elucidate physiological function of minerals.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of current study is to determine antioxidant activities of Maillard reaction products (MRPs) obtained from Maillard reaction model systems with different combinations of 15 individual amino acids and 3 different sugars(glucose, fructose and lactose). Antioxidant activities of MRPs were determined using techniques of measuring DPPH and ABTS-radical scavenging activities. The results indicated that radical scavenging activities of MRPs were significantly increased compared to individually thermal treated amino acids and sugars. Among the model systems, the systems containing glycine or lysine + sugars (glucose, fructose and fructose) displayed the stronger DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities than other model systems. In addition, when the thermal treatment time was increased, radical scavenging activities of MRPs were increased in a reaction time-dependent manner. Further investigation using bioassay-directed fractionation was performed using two model systems (glycine+glucose, lysine+glucose) which displayed the strongest radical scavenging activities. The reaction solution were subjected to partition with a different polarity of solvent (hexane, ethyl acetate, n-butanol, and water) for evaluation of their radical scavenging activity. Among them, ethyl acetate fraction exhibited the strongest DPPH-radical scavenging activity in both model systems.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the morphological features and the chemical composition characteristics of Opuntia ficus-indica and Opuntia humifusa fruits were investigated. The length of minor and major axis, and weight of O. ficus-indica and O. humifusa fruits were compared as the morphological features. The characteristics of components such as color, moisture, crude protein, ash, fat, dietary fiber, mineral, and amino acids were evaluated. The values of O. ficus-indica fruits were higher than those of O. humifusa fruits in each morphological feature such as minor axis, major axis, and weight. According to the Hunter color index results, O. humifusa fruits showed higher values of L (lightness) and b (yellowness), whereas O. ficus-indica fruits showed higher value of a (redness). The ΔE value between two samples was 19.80. The O. ficus-indica fruits had higher carbohydrate content and lower content of crude ash than those of O. humifusa fruits. Both samples showed very high dietary fiber contents, and the major minerals were K and Ca. Glutamic acid was the major amino acids in both samples. In free amino acids contents, O. ficus-indica had higher tyrosine and lower glutamic acid level than those of O. humifusa fruits. γ-aminobutyric acid was found in both samples, whereas taurine was found in O. ficus-indica fruits only. Taken together, the morphological features and chemical quality of O. ficus-indica and O. humifusa fruits showed difference although both of them were originated from the same genus.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The seasonal appearance and the chemical composition characteristics of cladode of Opuntia humifusa were investigated in this study. The minor (horizontal) and major (vertical) axes, the width, and weight of O. humifusa cladode were compared for its appearance features. Moisture, crude protein, ash, fat, color, dietary fiber, mineral, and amino acids contents were measured for the comparison of their chemical composition characteristics. The cladode of O. humifusa harvested in summer showed higher values of minor and major axis, width, and weight than those harvested in winter. According to the results of Hunter color index, cladode of O. humifusa harvested in summer showed the highest lightness level (Hunter L value). In the meanwhile, cladode of O. humifusa harvested in spring showed the highest Hunter a (redness) and b (yellowness) values. Cladode of O. humifusa harvested in summer had the lowest crude protein and crude fat contents, while it showed the highest crude ash content. The total contents of moisture and dietary fiber were significantly greater than summer-harvested cladode of O. humifusa followed by spring- and winter-harvested cladode of O. humifusa. The major mineral content of all seasonal cladode of O. humifusa was Ca2+. Glutamic acid and aspartic acid were the major amino acids in all seasonal samples. Contrary, the contents of total amino acids and free amino acids were the lowest in summer-harvested cladode of O. humifusa. Taken together, it was concluded that the appearance and chemical quality of cladode of O. humifusa was versatile depending on the harvesting season.
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