
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 160

        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the variation of growth characteristics and reproductive physiology in cloned Hanwoo male calves during growing stage. The hematological parameters, body weight, and plasma hormonal levels, birth to 12 months, were analyzed in the cloned calves (n=3). Differences among treatment means were determined by a student t-test. A probability of P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. The hematological parameters, such as white blood cell, red blood cell, and platelet, were not different in both normal and cloned calves. The difference of body weight, however, was significantly higher in the cloned calves, months (p<0.05) and months (p<0.01), than that of the comparators, respectively. The plasma IGF-1 level was statistically significant in the cloned calves, months, compared to that of the normal calves (p<0.05). However, the plasma testosterone level was not different in both normal and clone calves according to growing stage. Taken together, the cloned Hanwoo male calves are growing faster and maintaining a normal reproductive physiology.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to identify and analyze the specifically expressed plasma proteins during early pregnancy in both pregnant and non-pregnant Hanwoo. Blood samples were collected at 0 (the day of AI), 2, 3, 4, 7, and 11 weeks after AI from pregnant (n=3) and non-pregnant (n=4) Hanwoo, respectively. The hematological parameters were measured. After 2-dimensional electrophoresis using serum, normalized protein spots were selected for the significant expression variation deviated over two fold in its expression level between two groups. Among 17 spots selected, 15 were identified as albumin, IgG1 heavy chain constant region, haptoglobin, ferrochelatase, fibrinogen, hemopexin. 5 spots were expressed only in non-pregnant specific. The spot identification of 1105 and 6106 was decreased after 3 weeks from AI. However, 2/17 spots were still unidentified. Further studies are needed to analyze the function of the proteins associated with early pregnancy.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A company wishes to obtain a competitive edge by adopting an efficient logistics information system to control the logistics management process. The elements of the competitive edges a company targets are to maintain good quality, reduce cost and on-time delivery and those competitive edges are closely related to the cycle time of a product. The logistics information system in a company is also closely tied with other business activities than the logistics itself. Therefore it is essential to choose a system that will help rationalize the logistics but also overall business operations along the supply chain from manufacturing to distribution of the products. This paper aims to research and analyze a problem with a logistics information system through case study and to suggest a logistics information system with RFID in place adopted to eliminate problems such as damages, loss and defect rates.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The company was focusing on production which was partial mission rather than acquiring the information of customer in intensive process industry. The company accepted loss which is from over-production, losing of opportunity. After changing to web environment, supply chain is more complicated and need of customer is more various. As a result the company hard works on controlling production rates, production quantities in production area and gathering exact information which is about available resource and available quantities. Cooperated demand planning have to get decreasing of inventory, improving of customer service in supply chain management. Specially demand planning that considers allocation of capacity is executed in Iron-Industry. Demand planning must be classified by customer, region and supply position level.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This Study will introduce the concept of CTP(Capable-to-Promise) Algorithm, CTP process, and the modeling of algorithm. This research is based on the environment of using Job-Shop method. CTP algorithm model use LPST(Latest Possible Start Time) and EPST(Earliest Possible Start Time) method especially. It is important part of executing CTP system. The CTP modeling and implementing develops to system which is able to implement in the various business environment through additional and continuous research.
        2003.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The SCM is that Supply Chain Network is Promptly and Voluntarily Optimized in Unstable Market Change Environment. The Cash flow Efficiency of Hole Supply Chain Network is Improved by Changing the Information and Changing the Foundation of Business Processes. The Role of WMS has been Changing Importantly with the Introduction of SCM. WMS Needed to Change to the Information Center in Order to Change Information in Real Time and the WMS of Information Storing in Order to Support an Idea Decision. This Development was Defined about the Importance of WMS in SCM Environment. The Criterion of Valuation is Normally Measured Time between Taking a Order Receive and Bringing the Items to Customer. The Decreasing Move Time of Order Picker in Warehouse is Directly Influence to the Job Execution. So, this Research is Defined about the Optimized Route of Order Picker and Suggests Algorithm. To do this, Past Algorithm is Studied. It's Easy to Introduce and this Study is Looking for Method about the Noticing of Order Picker. The Algorithm will Improve to be Adapt to Standard Process System.
        2003.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1998년부터 2000년까지 충청남도 보령군 오천면 횡견도 지선의 잠보형 인공어촉, 자연초구 및 비교구 어장에서 해양환경, 상대어획효과, 종조성 조사와 2001년 사이트스캔 소너 등을 이용하여 인공어초 상태를 조사한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 조사해역에서 잠보형 어초시설구의 저질은 입도분석 결과, 니질성분8.4%, 모래성분 79.6%, 자갈성분이 12%로 사질이 우세하였다. 삼중자망에 의한 잠보형 어초시설구의 비교구에 대한 어획효과는 마리수로는 2.0배, 중량으로는 2.7배의 효과가 있었는데, 최소유의차(LSD)로 검정한 결과, 평균 중량 및 마리수 사이에 5% 유의수준에서 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 통발에 의한 어획시험 결과, 전체 어획량은 적었으나 어초시설구가 비교구 보다 마리수로는 3.2배, 중량으로는 5.0배의 어획 효과가 있었으며, 최소유의차로 검정한 결과, 시설구와 비교구 사이에는 중량에서만 5% 유의수순에서 차이가 있었다. 2000년 10월 어초시설구와 비교구 두곳에서 많이 어획된 도다리의 전장은 어초시설구에서 21.3±2.3cm로 비교구의 22.4±2.1cm보다 작은 것으로 차이가 나타났고(p=0.01), 체중은 어초시설구에서 132.4±42.6g, 비교구에서는 155.0±46.1g으로 사설구의 체중이 적은 것으로 나타났다(p=0.02). 따라서, 시설구는 소형어의 성육장 역학을 하는 것으로 추정된다. 사이트스캔 소너에 의한 인공어초의 영상은 어초가 밀집하여 쌓인 것, 분산하여 시설된 것, 인공어초가 줄 또는 그물에 덮여 훼손된 것, 세굴현상이 일어난 것 및 어초의 일부가 매몰이 된 것을 보여주었다 서해 같이 조류가 빠른 해역에서, 저질이 모래인 경우는 조류에 의해 표사 이동이 일어나므로, 현재의 적지선정 기준에 대해서 지역에 따른 특수성을 고려한 기준이 추가될 필요가 있는 것으로 판단되었다.
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