
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,659

        2007.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cherubi sm is a ra re autosoma l dominant inherited condi tion caused by mutations in the c-Abl-binding protein SH3BP2. 1t is characteri zecl by mul t iple cystic giant cell lesions of the jaw appearing in early childhood with stabi li zation and rcmi ssion after pubcr ty, In thc present study, genomic DNA was purified f rom a blood sample obtained from the patient a ncl pa rents a ncl used f'or di rect sequence analysis of the SH3BP2 gene, 1n addit ion, a sample of the lesion was used f0 1" hi stologic ancl immunoh is toche mical purposes, Histology revealed a proliferation of spindle s haped fibroblas t ic cells and irregu la ry dis persed multinucleated giant cell s , The multinucleated giant cells proved posit ive for CD68 and TRAP, Ge nomic DNA sequencing f'ou ncl a missense mutation Pro418Arg in exon 9 of the SH3BP2 gene of the patient and the mother, Theref'ore, the mul t inucleated giant cells are basically osteoclastic in nature, Additionally, as the PI'o418Arg mutation had been repol' ted as caus ing cherubism, it represents a mutational hotspot,
        2007.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Otter boards in the trawl are the one of essential equipments for the net mouth to be spread to the horizontal direction. Its performance should be considered in the light of the spreading force to the drag and the stability of towing in the water. Up to the present, studies of the otter boards have focused mainly on the drag and lift force, but not on the stability of otter boards movement in 3 dimensional space. In this study, the otter board is regarded as a rigid body, which has six degrees of freedom motion in three dimensional coordinate system. The forces acting on the otter boards are the underwater weight, the resistance of drag and spread forces and the tension on the warps and otter pendants. The equations of forces were derived and substituted into the governing equations of 6 degrees of freedom motion, then the second order of differential equations to the otter boards were established. For the stable numerical integration of this system, Backward Euler one of implicit methods was used. From the results of the numerical calculation, graphic simulation was carried out. The simulations were conducted for 3 types of otter boards having same area with different aspect ratio(λ=0.5, 1.0, 1.5). The tested gear was mid-water trawl and the towing speed was 4k't. The length of warp was 350m and all conditions were same to each otter board. The results of this study are like this; First, the otter boards of λ=1.0 showed the longest spread distance, and the λ=0.5 showed the shorted spread distance. Second, the otter boards of λ=1.0 and 1.5 showed the upright at the towing speed of 4k't, but the one of λ=0.5 heeled outside. Third, the yawing angles of three otter boards were similar after 100 seconds with the small oscillation. Fourth, it was revealed that the net height and width are affected by the characteristics of otter boards such as the lift coefficient.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구의 목적은 백색 LED 조명의 광학적 특성을 분석하고 그 특성에 따라 반응하는 학생과 교사들의 감성 반응을 평가하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 이 연구에서는 백색 LED모듈 5개를 시제품으로 만들어 광학적 특성을 측정하고 감성 평가용 모형을 제작하여 감성 반응을 평가하여 분석하였다. 감성 평가에 이용된 평가 방법은 의미미분법이고 선정된 문항은 16문항이며, 이 문항의 신뢰성과 타당성을 검증하기 위하여 예비 실험을 통하여 신뢰도 분석과 타당도 분석을 하였다. 이 과정에서 4가지 요인을 추출하였는데 제 1요인은 활동성, 제 2요인은 안정감, 제 3요인은 역량성, 제 4요인은 감성이미지 요인이라고 명명하였다. 색온도에 따른 감성 평가의 결과는 활동성과 역량성 요인에서는 색온도가 높은 조명을 선호하였으며 , 안정감 요인에서는 색온도가 낮은 조명을 선호하였다. 감성이미지 요인에서는 색온도와 관련 없이 5800K인 청색 계통의 조명을 선호하였다. 연색지수에 따른 감성 평가의 결과는 활동성, 안정감, 감성이미지 요인에서는 고연색 조명을 선호하였으며, 역량성 요인에서는 중 연색 조명을 선호하였다.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The KASINICS (KASI Near Infrared Camera System) is a ground-based Near-Infrared (NIR) imaging instrument developed by the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI). In this paper, we report the test results of the KASINICS camera optics system which is comprised of a 1-1 Offner relay. We measure that the surface RMS fluctuations of the Offner mirrors are at the level of 10−1−10−2 of the target wavelengths, showing that the mirrors are sufficiently smooth for NIR observations. The alignment of the Offner optics system has been checked too. Our ray-tracing simulations find that the image quality should not degrade more than the pixel size of the KASINICS ( 40μm), if a de-centering or a tilt of the Offner mirrors are within 5mm, or 2.5° . Our measurement shows that the de-centering or the tilt of the Offner mirrors are less than 1 mm or 0.5° , assuring that the KASINICS image quality are not affected by the alignment errors. We have also measured that the optics resolution is 20μm and it does not degrade more than 10% over the detector surface area of 14.3 mm / times 14.3mm. Overall, we conclude that the KASINICS optics system satisfies the design requirements for NIR imaging observations.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A Korean team (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea Basic Science Institute, and Kyung Hee University) takes part in an international cooperation project called CIBER (Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment), which has begun with Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in USA and Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) in Japan. CIBER is a rocket-borne instrument, of which the scientific goal is to measure the cosmic near-infrared extra-galactic background to search for signatures of primordial galaxy formation. CIBER consists of a wide-field two-color camera, a low-resolution absolute spectrometer, and a high-resolution narrow-band imaging spectrometer. The Korean team is in charge of the ground support electronics and manufacturing of optical parts of the narrow-band spectrometer, which will provide excellent opportunities for science and technology to Korean infrared groups.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          The main objective of this study is to find out the shortest path of the vehicle routing problem with time window constraints by using both genetic algorithm and heuristic. Hard time constraints were considered to the vehicle routing problem in this sug
        2006.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many technical and nontechnical issues hinder enterprise wide workflow management. The most significant technical issue is the inability to deal with the heterogeneity among users, workflow types, and WFMSs. Not all users demand the same workflow functionality, so user interfaces of different levels of sophistication are required. Because workflow types cannot always be fully predefined, they often need to be adjusted or extended during execution. Unlike relational database management systems, however, each WFMS often has differing workflow metamodels. This leads to incompatibility between WFMSs, making integration into an environment comprising many heterogeneous WFMSs a troublesome and sometimes impossible task. Current Workflow system consists mainly of Database system. It contains some problems like that the integration relationship among system processes cant be expressed properly. This research has been focused on two phases that should be considered in the Workflow system. First of all, the first phase is the analysis phase; one of its role is to figure out independent execution task unit(Workflow component). The second phase is design phase that provides with the framework to execute these task units actively. The Workflow component extraction method in the analysis phase uses a analysis method called C-C Net and, in the design phase, the architecture that makes the these Workflow component executed actively is provided. Through this research, each process is divided into a task unit and more effective Workflow system could be formed by executing these units actively. Current system layer calls task units, on the other hand, the Workflow system this research implemented provides with the architecture that places a layer between them that controls task units actively.