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        검색결과 13

        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper seeks to present a multi-control method that can contribute to effective control of the production line with multiple bottleneck processes. The multi-control method is the production system that complements shortcomings of CONWIP and DBR, and it is designed to determine the raw material input according to the WIP level of two bottleneck processes and WIP level of total process. The effectiveness of the production system developed by applying the multi-control method was verified by the following three procedures. Raw material input conditions of the multi-control method are as follows. First, raw materials are go into the production line when the number of the total process WIP is lower than established number of WIP in total process and first process is idle. Second, raw materials are introduced when the number of WIP of two bottleneck processes is lower than the established number of WIP of each bottleneck process. Third, raw materials are introduced when the first process and in front of bottleneck process are idle even if the number of WIP in the total process is less than established number of WIP of the total process. The production line with two bottleneck processes was selected as the condition for production environment, and the production process modeling of CONWIP, DBR and multi-control production method was defined according to the production condition. And the optimum limited WIP level suitable for each system was obtained by applying a genetic algorithm to determine the total limited number of WIP of CONWIP, the limited number of WIP of DBR bottleneck process, the number of WIP in the total process of multi-control method and the limited number of WIP of bottleneck process. The limited number of WIP of CONWIP, DBR and multi-control method obtained by the genetic algorithm were applied to ARENA modeling, which is simulation software, and a simulation was conducted to derive result values on the basis of three criteria such as production volume, lead time and number of goods in-progress.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Taraxaci Herba has long been used in herbal medicine for their choleretic, anti-heumatic and diuretic properties. In the present study, we investigated the effects of origin plants of Taraxaci Herba, Taraxacum coreanum Nakai, as an anti-inflammatory agent in lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-induced microglial activation in BV2 cells. NNMBS273, the EtOH extracts of roots T. coreanum was examined for anti-neuronal inflammatory activity as new drug development. The roots of T. coreanum, showed the potent anti-neuroinflammatory effects on LPS-induced inflammation in microglial BV2 cells. The anti-inflammatory effects of NNMBS273, the EtOH extracts of roots T. coreanum was demonstrated by the suppression of pro-inflammatory mediators, including pro-inflammatory enzymes (inducible nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase-2) and cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β). These results suggest that the roots T. coreanum may be a promising candidate for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases related to neuroinflammation.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Glutamate-induced oxidative injury contributes to neuronal degeneration in many central nervous system (CNS) diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy and ischemia. Inducible heme oxygenase (HO)-1 acts against oxidants that are thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of these diseases. The EtOH extracts of Viola mandshurica (NNMBS274), Viola patrinii (NNMBS275) and Viola papilionacea Pursh (NNMBS276), origin plants of Violae Herba, showed the potent neuroprotective effects on glutamate-induced neurotoxicity. Among them, NNMBS275, the extract of V. patrinii possessed the protective effects against glutamate toxicity by inducing the expression of heme oxygenase (HO)-1 in the mouse hippocampal HT22 cells. These results suggest that extracts of V. patrinii could be the effective candidates for the treatment of ROS-related neurological diseases. Furthermore, it is suggested that the protective effects of V. patrinii extract due to inducing the expression of HO-1 as an antioxidant/cytoprotective target
        1999.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 감자의 활용도 증진을 목적으로 수미와 대서 감자 2품종을 속과 껍질 부위로 나누어 열처리 후 열풍건조 분말을 제조하였고, 70% 아세톤 추출물 을 얻어 페놀성 화합물의 함량과 조성을 조사하고 아질산염 소거 및 전자공여작용 등 기능적 특성을 검토하였다. 분말의 색도는 속부위에서 열처리시 비열처리에 비해 백색도, 황색도 값이 높았고 특히 수미 감자의 색도 개선에 열처리는 효과가 있었다. 수미가 대서보다 총폴리페놀, 클로로겐산 함량이 높은 것으로 나타났으며 열처리로 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 플라보노이드는 부위중 껍질과는 달리 속에서 거의 확인되지 않았다. 따라서 생 감자를 전처리시 스팀으로 열처리하더라도 페놀성 화합물의 함량은 감소되지 않았다. 아질산염 소거와 전자공여 작용은 1㎜ 두께의 껍질부위에서 높게 나타났다. 이상의 결과는 감자 품종에 따른 부위별 변색 정도, 페놀성 화합물 함량 등에 차이가 있으며, 부위중 껍질이 속보다 폴리페놀 함량이 높았다. 따라서 스팀으로 5분간 열처리 후 열풍건조한 감자로부터 얻은 껍질 추출물은 아질산염소거와 전자공여 작용 등 기능적 특성이 우수한 것으로 나타났다.
        1995.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        꽁치의 자연건조 기간 중 구성 지질과 구성 지방산의 함량 변화를 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 꽁치의 자연건조 중 Total lipid와 수분 함량은 점차 감소하였고 건조 기간 중의 지질의 산패도 검사에서 과산화가는 점차 증가하였고 산가와 TBA 값은 9일 이후에 급격히 증가하였다. Total lipid의 중성 지질, 인지질, 당지질 함량은 각각 95, 4, 2%이었고 중성지질 중 TG의 함량이 90% 이상이었으며 인지질의 함량은 PC가 45∼58% 함량이었고, PE가 27∼34% 전후의 함량을 나타내었다. 건조기간 중 Total lipid의 지방산 조성은 C_16:0, C_20:1, C_22:1, C_22:6의 함량이 대체로 높았고, 중성지질중의 지방산 함량은 C_20:1, C_22:1의 함량이 대체로 높았으며, 인지질 중의 지방산 함량은 C_22:6의 함량이 가장 높았다. 당지질 중의 지방산 조성에서 단일불포화지방산 함유량이 대체로 높았고 포화지방만 중 C_16:0함유량은 점차 증가하였으며 단일불포화지방산의 C_22:1함량은 점차 감소하였다. Triglyceride 중의 지방산 조성에서는 단일불포화지방산의 함유량이 높았고 그 중 C_20:1과 C_22:1함량은 점차 감소하는 것으로 나타났다.
        1995.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        NDF의 철분결합력은 37.8∼85.5% 였고 아연결합력은 8.1∼25.5%로 모든 채소에서 아연보다 철분이 더 많이 결합했다. NDF의 무기질(철분, 아연) 결합력은 pH가 증가함에 따라 증가했으며 pH 7에서 최대값을 나타내었다. NDF에 결합된 무기질(철분, 아연)의 양은 무기질 농도가 증가함에 따라 증가했으며 농도에 따른 증가폭은 채소종류에 따라 다양했다. 본 실험결과 한국인 상용 채소의 NDF가 철분 및 아연과 결합하며 채소의 종류에 따라 무기질 결합력에 상당한 차이가 있다는 것을 알았다. 한국에서 모든 부식의 양념 재료로 쓰이는 마늘과 파는 무기질 결합력이 다른 채소들에 비해 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 모든 채소의 NDF는 아연보다 철분과 3∼4배 더 많이 결합했으므로 특히 철분과의 결합력이 높은 채소들을 다량 섭취랄 경우철분의 흡수 문제를 고려해야 할 것이다. 한편 NDF의 철분 및 아연과의 결합력은 이들 무기질의 농도를 증가시킬수록 계속 증가하였는데 본 실험에 사용된 식이섬유와 무기질의 농도 비율범위는 한국인의 섭취량에 기준을 두고 설정된 것으로, 본 실험결과 무기질의 농도를 증가시켜도 무기질 흡수를 저해하는 식이섬유의 작용이 감소되지 않고 오히려 증가했으므로 체내에서의 무기질 이용률을 고려해 볼 때 할 실험에 사용된 식이섬유와 무기질의 농도비율 범위에서는 철분과 아연의 급원이 되는 식품을 한번에 다량 섭취하는 것보다는 소량씩 자주 섭취하는 것이 바람직하다고 생각된다. 특히 철의 경우 그 항상성은 배설능력의 제한성에 의해 소장의 흡수정도로써 조절되므로 철 흡수이용의 장해인자인 섬유소의 작용은 중요하며 개발도상국을 비롯한 전세계 20% 이상의 인구가 Fe결핍성 빈혈상태이고^8) 특히 서구 선진국들의 섬유소 섭취량의 3∼4배 이상 섭취하는 한국인들의 Fe섭취 형태가 90%이상 식물성 식품에서 얻는다는 보고^30)들을 볼 때 채소 식이섬유의 철분결합은 빈혈질환의 원인분석의 일환으로 중요하리라 생각된다
        1993.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This survey was conductd to investiagte the feeding methods of mothers in Suwon, Kyungkido. Incidence of breast feeding was 29.9% of the interviewed mothers, which showed lower percentages than those of previous surveys. The major factors influencing the method of infant feeding were generally depended on mother rather than infant. The mothers who had a higher income and a higher academic career tended to prefer the bottle feeding to the other. And first birth order made them select the breast feeding rather than the other. Generally mothers knew the information about infant nutrition very well (91.0%), but their knowledge actually did not work. The sources of mother`s information on the infant nutrition were the books of rearing infants and magazine. But there were some discrepancies between the actual and needed source of information; i.e. mothers wanted to acquire their information from mass communication.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study is to investigate the optimal condition for macerating enzymatic extraction process that leads to the highest yield and the largest extracted amount of bio-active contents from Rubus coreanus Miq. fruit. The optimal extraction conditions were found as the following: The initial amount of the water added to the fruit was 20 ~ 30% by weight. The mixing ratio used for the macerating enzyme was 4 : 1 : 2 (w : w : w) for cellulase:pectinase:amylogucosidase, and the amount of the macerating enzyme added was 2% by weight. The extraction process was done at a temperature of 45~50℃ for 10 hours. The extraction yields on Rubus coreanus Miq. fruit by macerating enzymatic extraction process was increased by 84.3% compared to that of hot-water extraction process. The amounts of organic acids and vitamin found in the extract were also higher. The amount of polyphenol and anthocyanin contents in the extract were 185% and 257% of those from hot-water extraction, respectively. These results suggest that macerating enzymatic extraction is an effective method to boost extraction yield and to increase the amount of extraction of bio-active contents from Rubus coreanus Miq. fruit.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate solid-state fermentation method using cellulolytic lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum TO-2100 in order to increase piperidine alkaloid contents in mulberry leaves. Piperidine alkaloid, one type of which include 1-deoxynojirimycin (1-DNJ), is known to inhibit α-glycosidase activities. Using this strain, the optimal solid-state fermentation conditions on mulberry leaves powder were found as the following: initial moisture content, temperature and relative humidity were 20%, 30~35℃ and 60 ~ 70%, respectively, and the fermentation time was 72 hrs. The piperidine alkaloid contents in the fermented mulberry leaves were 2.86% on dry powder, which is 7-fold increase from that of non-fermented mulberry leaves. The 1-deoxynojirimycin contents after applying preparative thin layer chromatography were 2.02% on dry powder, which is 8 times higher than that of non-fermented mulberry leaves. α-Glycosidase activities was inhibited by 65.7 ~ 84.7% with 3 ~ 5% treatments of hot-water extracts of the fermented mulberry leaves, compared to 16.2 ~ 40.2% with 3 ~ 5% treatments of hot-water extracts of non-fermented mulberry leaves. Therefore, the results suggest that solid-state fermentation method does indeed increase of piperidine alkaloid contents on mulberry leaves.
        2012.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the present work, mulberry fruit extracts by four extraction processes, namely wet pressing extraction (WPE), hot-water extraction (HWE), enzymatic hydrolysis (EH), and lactic-acid bacteria fermentation (LBF) by Lactobacillus plantarum TO-2100, were analyzed for nutrients and functional compounds. The sugar contents of extracts by WPE, HWE, EH, and LBF were 12.0, 10.9, 14.5, and 14.3 brix, respectively, and the extraction yields by EH and LBF were 1.65 and 1.50 times higher than those by WPE. Among the organic acids, tartaric acid and malic acid contents were the highest in the extracts by WPE. Acetic acid was best extracted by LBF, and citric acid was best extracted by EH. Lactic acid was detected only in LBF. The extracts by EH showed the highest contents of all vitamins with an exception that the extracts by LBF showed the highest contents of the folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin C. We also noted that vitamin B group was not detected in the extracts by LBF. The extracts by EH showed the highest contents of all the amino acids, whereas LBF showed the lowest. Polyphenol contents of extracts by EH and LBF were 3.05 and 2.51 times more than those by WPE respectively. Anthocyanin contents were 7.66, 7.14 times higher for EH and LBF compare to WPE. We manufactured mulberry fruit granular teas with different compositions and tested them for their sensory characteristics. We found that 15% mulberry fruit extracts by enzymatic hydrolysis and 85% dextrin composition gave the most satisfactory result.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of this study were to investigate the antioxidant activity of Schizandra chinensis seed oil and its active ingredients. Schizandra chinensis seed oil content extracted with hexane was 36.06%. Schizandra chinensis seed oil extracted with hexane was purified during 20 min at 85℃ with phosphoric acid 0.15% for degumming and 20 min at 80℃ with 3 M NaOH 1% for deaciding. The purified oil consisted of unsaturated fatty acid (88.7%), fatty acid (9.97%), and so on. The major unsaturated fatty acids of purified oil were linoleic acid (71.1%) followed by oleic acid (15.7%), while the main saturated fatty acid was palmitic acid (6.56%). The purified oil was found that contents of phenolic compounds, vitamin A, and E were 1.45 g/100 g, 1494.86 RE/100 g, and 0.58 mg α-TE/100 g, respectively. Schizandra chinensis seed oil exhibited strong antioxidant activity (91.7%) as compared to grape seed oil and canola seed oil with 87.4% and 85.1% in the DPPH assays. Present results suggest that Schizandra chinensis seed oil could be potentially used as bioactive source for health and preventing numerous diseases.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The use of cellulolytic lactic acid bacteria in new method to prepare high nutrition complementary foods was investigated. For the screening of cellulolytic lactic acid bacteria, more than 1,150 bacterial colony were isolated from diluted infant feces samples. A typical strain which appeared the most excellent cellulolytic activities was identified novel acidophilic Enterococcus sp. TO-94 through the results of morphological, biochemical and chemotaxonomic characteristics and 16S rDNA sequencing. The optimal lactic acid fermentation conditions of Omija(Schizandra chinensis Baillon) by Enterococcus sp. TO-94 were as follows: pH and temperature were 3.0 and 37℃, respectively, and fermentation time was 20hrs. The fructose and glucose were major free sugar and the contents were 5.83 and 4.30 mg/g after fermentation, respectively. The contents of lactic acid and acetic acid were 9.84 mg/g and 2.08 mg/g after fermentation, respectively. The vitamin B1, B2, niacin, folic acid and C were major vitamin in the fermented broth, the contents were 1.5~3 times higher than those of initial fermentation time. Also, the contents of polyphenol and anthocyanine were 3.8 and 1.2 times higher than those of initial fermentation time.