This study was carried out to investigate the differences of the dietary behavior of the college students by the type of the residence, that is, home-living, dormitory-living, and self-cooking. The responses of 307 students to the questionaire were analyzed. The average meal frequency of the students was 2.4 times a day. Breakfast was skipped most frequently, especially in dormitory-living and self-cooking students compared to home-living ones. Forty-three percent of the students were found to eat breakfast less than twice a week. Such a poor eating habit was mainly due to insufficient time or idleness. When the quality of the meal was evaluated, dormitory-living and self-cooking students had worse scores than home-living ones. The formers had poor dietary habit in terms of balanced breakfast and food diversity of each meal compared to the latter. Fast foods and coffee were consumed more frequently by dormitory-living and self-cooking students than home-living ones. The main food they eat was rice. However, female dormitory-living students had a higher tendency to enjoy bread for breakfast and noodle for dinner compared to the other groups. Home-living and self-cooking students had snack more frequently than dormitory-living ones, and female than male. In terms of snack time, most of the respondents had snack between lunch and dinner or after dinner. The percentage of those who had snack after dinner was greater in dormitory-living and self-cooking students than home-living students. Results of the food preference test showed that their favorite dishes were fruit salad, Bulgogi, uncurdled Tofu stew, Kimbab, and boiled rice. We observed that dormitory-living and self-cooking students had more problems in their dietary behavior. Therefore, they need to learn how to manage their own meals. This study might be helpful to develop nutrition education materials for the dietary improvement of the college students.
The difference between self-evaluated obesity and obesity index of RBW and BMI as well as attitude toward weight control were studied among college students in Chungnam area. The subjects of 307 students were randomly selected and asked to categorize their body shape into 5 groups and to record their body weight and height. We found that average RBW and BMI of the students were 95.7% and 20.6, respectively. By RBW, 30.6% of students belonged to underweight and severe-underweight groups whereas 14.0% overweight and obesity ones. The female students showed lower obesity indice than the male. Self-evaluated obesity seemed likely to overestimate their body shapes above RBW and BMI, which lead to high unsatisfactioin toward their body shape. The overestimation was profound in normal weighted female students up to 20%. Misunderstanding about their obesity, especially among female college students, should be corrected necessarily by proper nutrition counseling and nutrition education, unless malnutrition could be serious in college students.
This paper describes the effect of a robot cognitive rehabilitation program on cognitive functions for the elderly with mild cognitive impairment, and compares it with traditional cognitive therapy programs. Three experiment groups including cognition therapy group, robot cognitive rehabilitation group, and hybrid group have been sampled and one comparative group has been organized for this research. 32 old people whose ages are between 61 and 88 with mild cognitive impairment participated in the programs with an admission of W care hospital. According to the program results, the cognitive therapy program alone had shown a positive effect on the attention function, and the robot cognitive rehabilitation program alone had a positive effect on the total intelligence and memory function. However, a simultaneous operation with both programs had shown a positive effect on the three intelligence areas such as total, basic, and management quotients as well as attention and memory functions as subsidiary factors. This paper has verified that the proposed robot cognitive rehabilitation program makes a positive effect on a cognitive function and plays a complementary role with traditional cognitive therapy programs.
본 연구는 8배체 딸기에서 다수성인 자식계통을 육성하여 중간모본으로 이용하기 위해 수행하였다. ‘Benihoppe’ 자식계통 중 초세, 당도, 수량성 등 원예적 형질이 우수한 ‘원교 3114호’를 선발하게 되었다. ‘원교 3114호’의 주요 특성을 보면 초형은 직립형이고, 초세가 중간정도이고 화아분화가 빠르며 수량이 많다. 과형은 원추형이고 과색은 연적색이며, 화방 당 화수는 16개 정도이며 평균과중은 17 g이다. 당도와 산도는 대조품종과 비슷하지만 경도는 대조품종에 비해 낮다. 전체수량은 대조품종에 비해 아주 높았으나, 저온기 착과성이 떨어지고 엽수가 적으며 흰가루병, 잿빛곰팡이병, 응애 등 내병성에 약한 경향이 있어 재배품종보다는 신품종 육성 시 수량증진 효과를 기대할 수 있는 중간모본용으로 적합할 것으로 예상된다.