
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 45

        2001.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate breakfast behaviors of female college students. 500 questionnaires were distributed and 417 were used for statistical analysis(SAS program). This survey was conducted from June, 2000 to October, 2000. 44.7% of the respondents considered lunch to be the most important meal. 51.6% students thought that people must eat breakfast. 41.6% of the students always eat breakfast but 22.1% do not eat breakfast. Conventional type of breakfast was found to be the most popular (67.6%). But ₩400,000 monthly allowance group(P<0.05) and self prepared breakfast group preferred Western style breakfast. The main reason for eating breakfast was for health(34.6%). The group of students with less monthly allowance were more likely to skip breakfast due to lack of time (p<0.01). Physical discomforts after skipping breakfast were: lack of strength(42.5%), stomach ache(36.3%), giddiness(9.1%), and recovered temper(12.1%). In conclusion, it is needed that a convenient and nutritional education should be developed for college students' health.
        1999.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 우리 나라의 여러 가지 산채류 중에서 참취(학명: Aster scaber)를 이용한 스낵제품의 참취와 기름의 첨가 수준에 따른 이화학적 및 관능적 특성을 조사하여 최적수준을 알아본 것으로 요약하여 보면 다음과 같다. 참취와 기름의 첨가량에 따른 스낵의 이화학적 특성을 조사한 결과 L값(명도)은 참취의 첨가량이 증가할수록 낮아졌고, 기름의 첨가량이 증가할수록 높았다. 갈변도는 참취의 첨가량과 기름 첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하였다. 기름 흡수율은 참취의 첨가량이 증가할수록 크게 감소하였다. 팽화율은 참취의 첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하고 기름의 첨가량이 증가할수록 증가하였다. Texture analyzer로 측정한 스낵의 경도는 참취의 첨가량이 증가할수록 증가하고 기름첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하였다. 참취와 기름의 첨가량에 따른 스낵의 관능적 특성을 조사한 결과 어두운 정도와 참취향은 참취첨가량이 증가할수록 증가하였고, 기름첨가량이 증가할수록 약간 감소하였다. 경도는 참취첨가량이 증가할수록 증가하고 기름첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하였다. 바삭바삭한 정도는 참취첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하고 기름첨가량이 증가할수록 증가하여 경도와 반대 경향을 보였다. 기름진 정도는 참취가 증가할수록 감소하고 기름이 증가할수록 증가하였으며, 짠맛은 참취첨가량이 증가할수록 증가하였고, 기름첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하였다. 참취 스낵을 제조하기 위한 요인들의 최적 수준은 바람직한 특성인 바삭바삭한 정도가 5점 이상이고, 바람직하지 않은 특성인 기름진 정도가 5점 이하일 때 경제성을 고려하여 팽화율이 최대가 되는 처리 조합을 최적수준으로 결정하였다. 그 결과 최적 수준은 참취 8.6%첨가, 기름 7.6%첨가로 결정되었다. 본 연구 결과로 개발된 참취 스낵을 1일 약 70개(90g) 섭취할 경우 한국인 1일 영양권장량에서 권장하는 총 식이섬유량 20g의 1/2을 만족시키고 우리 나라 국민에게 가장 섭취량이 낮은(67%) Vitamin A의 권장량인 700 R.E.중 139 R.E.를 공급할 수 있으며, flavonoids 1.2mg도 공급할 수 있다. 따라서 참취 스낵의 이용은 노약자와 어린이 등의 섬유소를 쉽게 섭취할 수 없는 계층의 사람들이 쉽게 섭취할 수 있어 건강증진에 크게 도움이 될 것이며, 참취의 계절적 제약 및 저장기간이 짧은 단점도 보완할 수 있어 새로운 신토불이(身土不二) 식품개발로 인한 농가소득도 기대할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
        1995.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국 시판 식혜의 가용성 총당을 phenol-H_2SO_4법으로 분석한 결과 궁중(16.3%)과 태극(7.4%)를 제외 하고는 대부분 11 ∼ 15% 정도의 함량을 나타냈으며, TLC로 분석한 결과 총당을 대부분 설탕이었고, Seliwanoff법으로 분석한 결과 설탕은 대부분 10%정도가 첨가되어 있었다. 반면 Somogyi-Nelson법으로 분석한 환원당은 말토오스 기준으로 0.4∼2% 정도로 당도에 거의 영향을 미치지 못하는 양이다. 이 결과는 시판 식혜가 대분 설탕물로 되어 있는 것을 의미한다. 또 대부분 갈변화되고 탁도를 지니고 있다. 한국 식혜의 품질개선을 위해서는 설탕을 사용하지 말고 말토오스 생산량을 높이고, 갈변화와 탁도를 감소시켜야 한다.
        1994.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bacillus sp. GS가 생산하는 xylanase를 DEAE-Sephadex A-50 ion chromatography DEAE-Sephadex G-100 gel filtration을 통하여 정제한 후 그 특성을 조사 하였다. 최적 반응 온도와 pH는 각각 40℃, 6.5이었으며 50℃ 이하에서는 안정하였으나 그 이상이 되면 급격히 불활성화 되는 것으로 보아 열 안정성은 좋지 않음을 알 수 있었다. pH 안정성을 조사한 결과 pH 5.5에서 8.0까지는 안정하였고, 금속이온에 의한 영향을 살펴본 결과 Co^++, Cu^++에 의하여 효소의 활성이 현저히 증가함을 알 수 있었고, Hg^+에 의해서는 거의 완전히 효소의 활성이 저해됨을 알 수 있었다. 분리된 효소는 birchwood xylan을 기질로 하여 분해 산물을 분석한 결과 xylobiose가 주성분인 xylooligosaccharide를 생산하는 endo형의 효소임을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 본 효소는 xylan으로부터 bifidogenic factor인xylooligosaccharide를 생산하기에 적당한 효소라고 생각된다.
        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was devised to observe the inhibitory effect of 7 kinds of the acidic polysaccharide fraction(PG_1, PG_2, PG_3, PG_4, PC_5, PG_6 and PG_7) from Korean white ginseng on a lipolytic action of Toxohormone-L. Toxohormone-L is a lipolytic factor, found in ascites fluid of sarcoma -180 bearing mice and of patients with hepatoma. A substace that inhibited the lipolytic action of Toxohormone-L was isolated from white ginseng powder. This substance was an acidic polysaccharides. In vitro test showed that the inhibitory effect of PG_5 fraction of the lipolysis by Toxohormone-L was highest percent among other treatments at concentration of 50, 10, 200, 500 and l, 000㎍/㎖ of reaction mixture. And total inhibitory activity (units) of PG_1 and PG_4 was highest among other treatments at the same concentration and that of 10㎍/㎖.
        2018.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose – This study examined the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on employee creativity. Past research has consistently shown that intrinsic motivation is positively related to creativity. Yet conflicting results have been reported about the relationship between extrinsic motivation and creativity. To explore the reason why extrinsic motivation can either help or hurt creativity, we examined the role of contingent rewards as a moderator and tested whether either tangible or intangible rewards contingent upon creative performance significantly impact the relationship between extrinsic motivation and creativity. Research design, data, and methodology – Survey data was collected from employees working for diverse organizations in Korea through online research firm. Only employees who reported their job or organization provided opportunities to use their creativity were allowed to continue the survey. Out of 305 initial responses collected, those with too much missing data were deleted, which finally left 278 responses for statistical analyses. To examine the validity of the measurements, confirmatory factor analysis was first conducted. Next, to test the hypothesized relationships, multiple hierarchical regression analyses were conducted. Results – As hypothesized, both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation had positive effects on creativity. It was shown that contingent rewards did not influence the positive relationship between intrinsic motivation and creativity, but did significantly moderate the relationship between extrinsic motivation and creativity in a way that tangible rewards strengthened the relationship while intangible rewards mitigated the same relationship. Conclusions – This research enhances our understanding on the relationship between motivation type, rewards, and creativity. Intrinsically motivated employees showed a high level of creativity regardless of whether rewards were expected or not. In contrast, extrinsically motivated employees showed more or less creative behavior depending on whether they were expected to have tangible or intangible rewards. As extrinsic motivation is typically associated with tangible rewards such as pay, promotion, etc., tangible rewards were seen to be more effective in promoting creative performance from extrinsically motivated employees than intangible rewards. Our findings make a significant theoretical contribution to reconcile prior inconsistent findings. Furthermore, they provide useful insights for managers and organizations into developing effective strategies for facilitating employee creativity.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed to investigate the effects of different cooking methods (boiling, roasting, stir-frying, and deep-frying) on folate retention in 6 kinds of mushrooms (Beech-, button-, Juda’s ear-, oak-, oyster-, and winter-mushrooms) frequently consumed in Korea. In order to assure reliability of analytical data, trienzyme extraction-L casei method was verified and analytical quality control was also evaluated. Folate contents of mushrooms varied by 6.04-64.82 g/100 g depending on the type of mushrooms. and were significantly affected by cooking methods. Depending on cooking methods, folate contents of mushrooms decreased by 22-48%, 2-31%, and 17-56% for Juda’s ear-, oak- and oyster-mushrooms, respectively, while 17-90% of folate was increased in Beech mushroom. Overall, the largest weight loss was found in boiled mushrooms, but the lowest one in deep-fried samples. True folate retention rates considering processing factor were less than 100% for all cooked mushrooms except for Beech samples. Overall, folate loss was the largest by boiling with water but the smallest by deep-frying. Both accuracy and precision of trienzyme extraction-L-casei method were excellent based on a recovery close to 100% and coefficient variations less than 3%. Quality control chart of folate analysis (n=26) obtained during the entire study and an international proficiency test (z-score=-0.5) showed that trienzyme extraction-L casei method is reliable enough for production of national folate database.
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