
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 19

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The development of existing radioactive waste (RI waste) management technologies has been limited to processing techniques for volume reduction. However, this approach has limitations as it does not address issues that compromise the safety of RI waste management, such as the leakage of radioactive liquid, radiation exposure, fire hazards, and off-gas generation. RI waste comes in various forms of radioactive contamination levels, and the sources of waste generation are not fixed, making it challenging to apply conventional decommissioning and disposal techniques from nuclear power plants. This necessitates the development of new disposal facilities suitable for domestic use. Various methods have been considered for the solidification of RI waste, including cement solidification, paraffin solidification, and polymer solidification. Among these, the polymer solidification method is currently regarded as the most suitable material for RI waste immobilization, aiming to overcome the limitations of cement and paraffin solidification methods. Therefore, in this study, a conceptual design for a solidification system using polymer solidification was developed. Taking into account industrial applicability and process costs, a solidification system using epoxy resin was designed. The developed solidification system consists of a pre-treatment system (fine crush), solidification system, cladding system, and packing system. Each process is automated to enhance safety by minimizing user exposure to radioactive waste. The cladding system was designed to minimize defects in the solidified material. Based on the proposed conceptual design in this paper, we plan to proceed with the specific design phase and manufacture performance testing equipment based on the basic design.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원에서는 2018년 오리엔탈-트럼펫(OT) 종간잡종나리 ‘Pink Bella’를 개발하였다. 2008년 연노란색 OT 종간잡종나리 ‘Valparadiso’와 붉은색의 오리엔탈나리 ‘Scalini’를 각각 모본과 부본으로 화주 절단 수분법과 주 두교배법으로 각 3화를 인공교배하였고, 교배 후 미숙한 3개의 꼬투리를 수확하여 배가 형성된 배주를 기내에서 배양하여 잡종을 획득한 후 재배하였다. 육묘한 배양묘로부터 2011년 분홍색의 OT 종간잡종 나리 ‘OTO-11-43’ 계통을 개체 선발하였다. 2012년부터 2017년까지 선발된 계통은 자구와 인편번식, 조직배양을 이용하여 번식 및 양구한 후 1, 2차 생육특성 검정을 실시하였다. 2018년 3차 생육특성검정 및 소비자 기호도 평가를 수행한 결과 화색 및 화형에 대한 기호도가 높은 분홍색(RHS, RP62C)의 조기개화성 절화용 OT 종간잡종 나리 ‘Pink Bella’를 육성하였다. 3배체의 OT 종간잡종 나리로 초장은 131.7cm로 초장신장성이 우수하였다. ‘Pink Bella’의 화폭은 18.6cm이며 대조품종 ‘Table Dance’의 18.4cm와 유사한 크기였으며, 내화피의 폭, 길이 역시 대조품종과 통계적인 차이가 없었다. ‘Pink Bella’의 개화기는 6월 15일로 대조품종 ‘Table Dance’의 6월 28일에 비교하여 개화기가 13일 단축된 것으로 나타났으며 통계적으로 유의하였다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to examine the effect of a mild elevation in serum cholesterol level in a porcine coronary overstretch restenosis model using a balloon angioplasty catheter or drug-eluting coronary stent. Pigs were divided into two groups and were fed a commercial normal diet (CND, n = 4) or a high-fat diet (HFD, n = 4) for 5 weeks. Coronary overstretch injury by balloon angioplasty or stent implantation was induced in the left anterior descending and left circumflex artery after 1 week of feeding. Histopathological analysis was performed at 4 weeks after coronary injury. During the experiment, the total cholesterol level in the HFD group increased by approximately 44.9% (from 65.9 ± 3.21 mg/dL at baseline to 95.5 ± 9.94 mg/dL at 5 weeks). The lumen area in the CND group was reduced in comparison with that in the HFD group after balloon angioplasty. After stent implantation, the injury score showed no significant difference. There were significant differences in the neointimal area (2.7 ± 0.33 mm2 in the CND group vs. 3.3 ± 0.34 mm2 in the HFD group, p<0.05), lumen area (2.6 ± 0.54 mm2 in the CND group vs. 2.0 ± 0.33 mm2 in the HFD group, p<0.05), and percent area stenosis (52.0 ± 7.96% in the CND group vs. 62.4 ± 5.15% in the HFD group, p<0.05). Body weight change was not different between the two groups. Increased serum cholesterol level activated vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation in the porcine coronary overstretch model.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although the use of Grammatical Metaphor (GM) has been regarded as one of the representative features of academic writing in the framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), not many studies have explored its role in second or foreign language writers’ writing quality. This study aimed to discover the potential relationship between GM development and argumentative writing quality of advanced Korean EFL learners, while controlling for their overall language proficiency and reading comprehension ability. The findings from this study unveiled significant contribution of the use of both premature and mature GM and also identified transcategorization as the specific GM that has relatively stronger predictability of writing quality. The results from current research yield meaningful pedagogical implications for writing instruction in Korean EFL contexts.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study, the fraction for testing the efficacy of the Astragalus extract was concentrated active ingredient. The concentrated fraction was applied to a cosmetic material that Astragalus testing results confirmed that the improved efficacy. Methods and Results : The fractions were performed using an n-butanol solvent for increasing the efficacy of the Astragalus extract, by using the material fractions collected to compare and ultimately an increase in whitening and wrinkle efficacy. The solvent to be used in the fractions was used for the n-butanol good dissolution to the effective substance(Astragaloside, Isoflavonoid). It increased approximately 6.5 times the sample extract and the n-butanol fraction of the Astragalus as a result Astragaloside 15 ppm, 97 ppm respectively analyzed by HPLC equipment, isoflavonoid content was confirmed by an increase in the content of the fractions increased 4.5 times to 280 ppm, 1,260 ppm. Tyrosinase inhibitory effect, respectively IC50 5.70 mg/mL, IC50 1.02 mg/mL to, Collagenase producing ability is IC50 4.88 mg/mL, IC50 0.93 mg/mL with n-butanol fraction was good whitening, anti-wrinkle efficacy than the extract. Sensory evaluation was conducted in the same amount of sample, using a purified Astragalus cosmetics received high marks. Stability evaluation(MTT assay) was checked for more than 100% cell viability at the concentration 2,000 ppm. Conclusion : n-butanol fraction of Astragalus was subjected to a component analysis and In vitro test, it was confirmed an increase active ingredient content. The results of sensory evaluation and stability evaluation, it was confirmed been made to improve qualities as a cosmetic materials.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study was performed to investigate by antioxidant activity, total phenolic contents, total flavonoid contents, and effective component of Astragalus membranaceus treated with different artificial light Sources (fluorescent lamp, red, blue, green, white, LEP). Methods and Results : We investigated the effects of various artificial light sources on the DPPH radical activity, total phenol and flavonoid contents, tyrosinase activity and main flavonoid compounds contents (formononetin and calycosin) and other biological activities in A. membranaceus. Antioxidant activities were 53.6% as the highest level of activity under LEP light. Growth under LEP light also produced the highest total phenolic and flavonoid contents of 36.05 and 5.94 mg/ml, respectively. Extracts from plants grown under LEP light caused the highest inhibition of tyrosinase activity with inhibition of 35.37, 61.87, and 65.49%, respectively, for extract concentrations of 100 μg/ml, 500 μg/ml, and 1000 μg/ml compared with other artificial light treatments. Conclusion : Little information is available on the influence of LED and LEP light sources on antioxidant production or other biological activities in A. membranaceus. Our goal in this study was to determine the effects of LED and LEP artificial light sources on the production of new functional compounds in A. membranaceus.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Herb extracts commercially used in Korea were screened for PPAR-γ agonist test and α-glucosidase inhibition assay. Total 16 herb plants had a PPAR-γ agonist activity. Specially, Alisma orientale Juz (108.41%), Ephedra sinica (98.22%), Sasa japonica Makino var. purpurascens Nakai (140.68%), Astragalus membranaceus Bunge (106.79%) and Cnidium officinale Makino (113.00%) showed high PPAR-γ agonist activity rate compared with rosiglitazone's (167.46%). And Cornus officinalis S. et Z. (90.3%), Cinnamomum cassia Blume (89.2%), Psoralea corylifolia L. (89.8%), Paeonia japonica (Makino) Miyabe (92.4%) and Paeonia suffruticosa Andr (93.2%), showed high α-glucosidase inhibition rates. These results support previous reports of the efficacy of Oriental medicinal plants used for diabetes mellitus.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Muscle strength and endurance activities of Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer; KG) were compared with those of wild simulated cultivation ginseng (WCG) in mice. Fifty male ICR mice were divided into five groups: A (vehicle); B (WCG 100 mg/kg); C (WCG 500 mg/kg); D (KG 100 mg/kg); E (KG 500 mg/kg). Subsequently, the mice were subjected to the forced swimming test (FST) and treadmill test at the 4th and 7th weeks. The glycogen content in the muscle and blood analysis (levels of glucose, triglyceride (TG), IGF-1) were also performed immediately after the last FST and treadmill test at the 7th week. Immobility times in FST were shorter in WCG- than KG-treated groups, and the results of the treadmill tests were also significant except for KG-treated at 100 mg/kg. The glycogen content was increased in both groups with a peak at 500 mg/kg of WCG groups. Serum concentrations of TG and glucose were decreased by administration of KG and WCG and all treated groups showed increase in the level of IGF-1 in serum. These results suggest that KG and WCG supplementations are effective in escalating the muscle strength and endurance.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        An unbalance of rice productions and consumptions caused serious problems in both of agricultural area and grain market of korea. In recently, various efforts for rice processing products such as rice noodles and rice wines are in progress to overcome the unstable rice market. Among them, waxy rice is predominant items in processing rice. However, varietal features of starch viscosity are not considered in the processing industries and rice breeding field. In this study, 12 waxy rices and 2 cultivars Ilmibyeo(japonica) and IR72(Indica) were studied for physicochemical and amylogram to characterize the use of waxy rices. The amylose contents of waxy rices were from 7.1 to 8.1% with soft gel consistency and relatively low alkali digestion value(1.4% KOH) compare to Ilmibyeo. In the amylogram analysis(RVU) of waxy rices, unlikely normal rices, very fast peak time(about 3.5 min.) was obtained compare to that of 6.2 min. of Ilmibyeo. And 2 to 3 groups were classified based on peak viscosity and consitency of RVU. Wangchal, Odorokimochi and Hangangchal showed relatively high peak viscosity seemed not suitable for rice cake due to the hardness speed. And most of waxy rices developed in korea were believed to be suitable for oil fried cakes(Hankwa) because of a certain grade of starch degradation speed. And Mochiminori and Midoromochi originated from japan could be a good sources in waxy rice breeding program to improve the cooking properties especially in slow down of hardness speed with very low peak viscosity, hot viscosity and cool viscosity.
        2006.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        “Younbaek”, a new noodle making wheat cultivar, was developed from the cross between “Keumkang” with white grain color and “Tapdongmil” by the Honam Agricultural Research Institute(HARI), National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), RDA, Korea in 2005. Amon
        2003.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new malting barley cultivar, “Sinho”, with a resistant gene (rym5) to barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV) was developed by the barley breeding team of National Crop Experiment Station (NCES), RDA in 1999. This cultivar was derived from the cross between