Silage inoculants, crucial in modern silage production, comprise beneficial microorganisms, primarily lactic acid bacteria (LAB), strategically applied to forage material during ensiling. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of various inoculants produced by different companies. Five treatments were evaluated, including a control group: T1 (Lactobacillus plantarum), T2 (Lactobacillus plantarum + Pediococcus pentosaceus), T3 (Lactobacillus plantarum + Pediococcus pentosaceus + Lactobacillus buchneri), T4 (Lactobacillus plantarum + Lactobacillus acidophilus + Lactobacillus bulgaricus), and T5 (Lactobacillus plantarum + Pediococcus pentosaceus + Enterococcus faecium). Italian ryegrass was harvested at the heading stage and treated with these silage inoculants. Samples were collected over a 60-day ensiling period. Co-inoculation with L. plantarum and P. pentosaceus (T2) resulted in significantly higher CP compared to the control group co-inoculation exhibited with resulted in Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus pentosaceus in the T2 treatment exhibited higher CP content of 106.35 g/kg dry matter (DM). The T3 treatment, which included heterofermentative bacterial strains such as Lactobacillus buchneri, exhibited an increase in acetic acid concentration (11.15 g/kg DM). In the T4 treatment group, which utilized a mixed culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, the NH3-N/TN content was observed to be the lowest (20.52 g/kg DM). The T5 containing Enterococcus faecium had the highest RFV (123) after 60 days. Expanding upon these findings, the study underscores not only the beneficial effects of particular inoculant treatments on silage quality but also underscores the potential of customized inoculation strategies in maximizing nutrient retention and overall silage preservation.
Corn silage is extensively utilized in ruminant feeding on a global scale, with substantial research efforts directed towards enhancing its nutritional worth and managing moisture content. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of normal cutting height and elevated cutting height on whole-crop corn silage. Corn was harvested at heights of 15 cm and 45 cm above the ground, respectively, 45 days after heading. The harvested corn was cut into 2-3 cm lengths and packed into 20-liter plastic silos in triplicate. The results showed that dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of C45 were significantly higher than those of the control, while the neutral detergent fiber (NDF) was significantly lower in C45 (p<0.05). The C15 had higher yields than C45 (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in the total digestible nutrients (TDN) yield of whole-crop corn silage. The increase in cutting height resulted in a larger change in moisture content and NDF per centimeter. After 60 days-ensiling, C45 showed significantly lower NH3-N concentrations. Moreover, C45 had significantly higher lactic acid concentration, lactic acid/acetic acid ratio, and lactic acid bacteria count compared to the control. Mold was not detected and the yeast count was less than 2 log10 cfu/g fresh matter in both control and C45. In summary, C45 improved the feeding value and fermentation quality of whole-crop corn silage at the expense of forage productivity.
CYPRUS is a web-based waste disposal research comprehensive information management program developed by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute over three years from 2004. This program is stored as existing quality assurance documents and data, and the research results can be viewed at any time. In addition, it helps to perform all series of tasks related to the safety evaluation study of the repository in accordance with the quality assurance system. In the future, it is necessary to improve the user convenience by clarifying the relationship between FEP and scenarios and upgrading output functions such as visualization and automatic report generation. This purpose of this study is to research and develop the advanced program of CYPRUS. This study is based on building FEP, DIM and scenario databases. It is necessary to develop an algorithm to analyze and visualize the FEP, DIM and scenario relationship. This project is an integrated information processing platform for DB management and visualization considering user convenience. The first development goal is to build long-term evolutionary FEP, DIM, and scenarios as a database. The linkage by FEP item was designed in consideration of convenience by using a mixed delimiter of letters and numbers. This design provides information on detailed interactions and impacts between FEP items. Scenario data lists a series of events and characteristic change information for performance evaluation in chronological order. In addition, it includes information on FEP occurrence and mutual nutrition by period, and information on whether or not the repository performance is satisfied by item. The second development goal is to realize the relationship analysis and visualization function of FEP and scenario based on network analysis technique. Based on DIM, this function analyzes and visualizes interactions between FEPs in the same way as PID, RES, etc. In addition, this function analyzes FEP and DIM using network analysis technique and visualizes it as a diagram. The developed platform will be used to construct and visualize the FEP DB covering research results in various disposal research fields, to analyze and visualize the relationship between core FEP and scenarios, and finally to construct scenarios and calculation cases that are the evaluation target of the comprehensive performance evaluation model. In addition, it is expected to support the knowledge exchange of experts based on the FEP and scenario integrated information processing platform, and to utilize the platform itself as a part of the knowledge transfer system for knowledge preservation.
2018년 현재까지 농림축산검역본부 호남지역본부로 수입된 식물은 220종 17,030건으로 우드펠렛(18%), 주정박(8%), 페스큐 건초(8%), 알파파건초(8%), 귀리건초(6%), 혼합건초(5%), 티모시건초(5%), 라이그래스건초(5%), 목화씨(사료용)(4%), 소나무원목(3%) 등의 순이다. 이와 같이 호남지역은 비재식 사료류(건초 등) 수입비중이 높으며 이는 전국 수입 건수의 약 67%에 달한다. 검역해충은 795건 검출되었으며 이 중 관리해충 294건, 잠정규제해충 146건, 비검역해충 307건 등이다. 관리해충 중 Carpophilus obsoletus가 210건(72%), 잠정규제해충 중 Cryptoletes ferrugineus가 56건(39%)으로 높은 검출율을 보였다. 또한 호남지역으로 수입 된 재식용 구근류는 생강 및 생강구근, 마늘구근이며 전국 수입 건수의 약 42%를 차지한다. 수입 된 생강 및 생강구근 91건 중 37건에서 해충(선충)을 발견하였고 Meloidogyne sp.(잠정규제해충) 검출로 9건이 폐기·반송되었다. 수입된 마늘구근 34건 중 29건에서 해충을 발견하였고 Carpophilus obsoletus(관리해충) 18건, Cryptoletes ferrugineus(잠정규제해충) 11건이 검출되어 소독하였다.
Augmented reality (AR) generates a enhanced and augmented reality by coupling virtual and real worlds. AR facilitates primary features: a permutation of real and virtual worlds, real-time interaction and an exact 3D process of virtual and real objects. AR offers a new level of interaction between their products and consumers by engaging them in a totally new environment. This study identifies the current state of AR marketing and future research directions. Concentrated on the marketing value of AR, the study enlightens the concept of AR marketing value, the role of value sharing, and opportunities and challenges creating customer value in the AR platforms.
Individual safety is a fundamental concern. People generally try to avoid danger or mishaps in the workplace, and to consider safety as a primary condition for satisfactory employment and agreeable shopping experiences. Organizations can assure that workers, clients, the public, and the environment perceive that they are in safe environments by providing highly secure services.
Secure working environments and safety-focused human resource environments are essential antecedents to safe performance and outcomes. Dangerous workplace environments cause employees to feel stress and anxiety. Thus their performance decreases and accidents and injuries increase. Workplace safety is the most important factor influencing service and performance, especially for allowing frontline salespersons to focus on providing customer satisfaction.
In this study of workplace safety, we apply the service quality dimension to examine its relationship with employee perceptions of job satisfaction and their related job performance. We discuss theoretical and practical implications based on the results.
Composite resins are developed as restorative materials to improve esthetics and mechanical properties. To improve the physical properties of resin material, resin filler have to be added. However, no imaging method is adopted for resin filler distribution. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a optical imaging technique to delineate microscopic structures within biological tissue. The OCT application to dental composites resin and its filler is not described yet. So, this new and advanced optical method is needed for clinical application for evaluation of dental composite resin. To analyze the spatial distribution of dental composite resin and to evaluate the resin restoration in cavity, frequency domain optical coherence tomography (FD-OCT) was used for their analysis. Resin restored tooth was prepared. For morphological observation, serially sectioned teeth, conventional X-ray taking and micro computed-tomography (CT) images were compared with OCT images. The experiment has done to evaluate the success of the resin restoration using 3 dimensional structure OCT image. In this research, OCT is evaluated as a new technique to image resin restoration. The evaluation of resin restored tooth was performed by OCT. Inappropriate restoration such as marginal adaptation, large porosities, internal integrity and poor contour could be detected. Resin filler also could be checked by OCT. The distribution, number, regularity and size of resin filler can be differentiated from several commercial products. Considering the characteristics of the OCT, it can be used to evaluate the defects of resin restoration, resin filler distribution, and internal integrity between resin material and tooth structure. The OCT can be considered to be a new and advanced method for the evaluation of resin restorations.
촉진수송은 기존의 고분자 막에서는 힘든, 투과도와 선택도를 동시에 향상시킬 수 있는 기술 중 한 가지이다. 촉진 수송 분리막을 이용한 올레핀/파라핀 분리는 기존의 증류공정을 대체할 수 있는 기술로써 많은 관심을 받아왔다. 본 연구에서 는 테트라플루오로붕산은/질산알루미늄의 혼합염이 포함된 고분자 블렌드 기반의 촉진수송 올레핀 분리막을 제조하였다. 자유 라디칼중합법을 이용하여 폴리다이메틸실록세인-g-폴리옥시에틸렌 메타크릴레이트 가지형 공중합체를 합성하였다. 또한, 폴리 다이메틸실록세인-g-폴리옥시에틸렌 메타크릴레이트 매질에 폴리에틸렌옥사이드를 다양한 비율로 혼합하였다. 폴리에틸렌옥사 이드를 폴리다이메틸실록세인-g-폴리옥시에틸렌 메타크릴레이트 가지형 공중합체 질량 대비 70%를 혼합하였을 때, 혼합기체 선택도 및 투과도는 5.6 및 10.05 GPU에 도달하였다. 이와 같은 복합막의 올레핀 분리 성능이 향상된 이유는, 분리막에 첨가 된 은이온이 올레핀 기체분자의 선택적인 촉진 수송을 하였고, 또한 고투과성의 고분자 블렌드가 사용되었기 때문이다. 또한 은이온의 은나노입자로의 환원을 억제시키는 질산알루미늄의 첨가로 인해 복합막의 장시간 안정도를 향상시킬 수 있었다.
The online game market has grown rapidly in worldwide. The world game market earned 111.7 billion US dollars and online game occupies 18.9% (21.1 billion US dollars) in the world game market in 2012. Online game companies have launched a variety of free online games to online game players such as League of Legends (LOL), World of Tank, and Hearthstone. These online games provide online game with free install with online game players. Online game companies, however, sell some of online game items to the game users. For example, LOL sells Skin that is the cloth which only provides fancy effect to online game hero through the online game shop. In case of ‘Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft’, game user can purchase game card deck by cash. This study was initiated to answer the following research question called “How these online game companies get profit?” because their online games are free to play. The research upon the question mentioned above leads to the second research question called “how online game users purchase the cash game items?”.
To understand purchasing behavior and attitude of online game players about cash game item, this study conducts focus group interview of LOL game player to understand purchase behavior of game players for online games items. The results of focus group interview help us to understand the relationship between attitude toward online game items and consumption values.
The purposes of this study are 1) to understand online game players’ purchasing behavior for LOL luxury Skin, 2) to find out relationships among online game experience, design innovative Skin, consumption values, and repurchase intention, and 3) to draw academic and practical implications based upon the result of analysis in this study.
The aim of this study was to carry out the comparative analysis of the brushing force following various brushing techniques bytoothbrush mounted pressure sensing unit. The study group consisted of 10 dental hygienist participants. The brushing forces (on buccal area of each first molar) were monitored on 8 different kinds of brushing techniques; Fones, Bass, Rolling, Scrub, Charters, stillman, Modified bass and Modified stillman. In Bass, Charters, Fones and Scrub method, force distributions showed a small gap of maximum and minimum value (Max/Min) while a big difference was noted in Modified bass, Modified stillman, Rolling and Stillman methods. Especially, the biggest difference of Max/Min value was observed in the area of lower left first molar. In conclusion, highly delicate manual skill is needed in showing big error range of force distribution. It means that careful force needs to be focused during toothbrushing instruction when a delicate manual skill was carried out.
Multiple starters consisting of two Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strains (MJ1-4 and EMD17), Pichiafarinosa SY80, and Rhizopus oryzae were used for Doenjang making. Bacillus strains were selected based on their abilities to inhibit toxinogenic fungi and Bacillus cereus, fibrinolytic activity, and their ability to confer good flavor to Cheonggukjang. P. farinosa SY80 and R. oryzae, previously isolated from soy sauce, were selected because they were not inhibited by two bacilli. Doenjang was prepared by inoculation of multiple starters (A1 Doenjang). Control Doenjang was prepared by inoculation of B. subtilis KACC 16750 (Natto strain) and Aspergillus oryzae KCCM 60166 (A2 Doenjang). Another control (A3 Doenjang) was prepared by inoculation of microorganisms present in rice straw. Doenjang samples were fermented for 70 days at 20℃. pH of 3 samples decreased from the initial value of 6.4 to 5.8~6.0 and titratable acidity (TA) increased from 0.6 to 1.1~1.3. The amount of amino-type nitrogen increased during fermentation. There were slight differences in moisture, crude-protein, and crude-fat contents after 70 days. Contamination of fungi was observed only in A3 Doenjang and B. cereus was not detected from all 3 samples. A1 Doenjang showed the highest fibrinolytic activity and A2 Doenjang the second. These results indicate that Doenjang made with carefully selected starters was functionally improved and microbially more safe.
Brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens is giving enormous damage to rice production. In this work, virulence of four Beauveria bassiana isolates against brown planthoppers was investigated by applying fungal granules on the water of pots, and we further examined the growth of hypha on the rice plants from the water surcae to explain the insecticidal mode of action. We used Beauveria bassiana (Bb) ERL 836, 1170, 1575 and 1578 isolates, which produced ~2×108 conidia/g of millet grain in a solid culture. Rice seeding was grown in breeding boxes at 28±2℃ for 5 days. Mycotized millet grains were treated on the water in a box at 1 g/box and the rice seeding was infested with 18~25 brown planthopper adults per box. A chemical pesticide and water treatment served as controls. Among the treatments, Bb ERL 836-treated plants had the lowest damage, rather than the other fungal treatments in laboratory assays. Hyphal growth on the stem of rice plants was observed in Petridish conditions under a fluorescent microscopy. This work suggests a possible control of brown planthoppers using entomopathogenic fungi.
A fabrication method to improve the processability of thermoplastic carbon nanotube (CNT) mat composites was investigated by using in-situ polymerizable and low viscous cyclic butylene terephthalate oligomers. The electrical conductivity of the CNT mat composites strongly depended on the compression pressure, and the trend can be explained in terms of two cases, low and high compression pressure, respectively. High CNT mat content in the CNT mat composites and the surface of the CNT mat composites with fully contacted CNTs was achieved under high compression pressure, and direct contact between four probes and the surface of the CNT mat composites with fully contacted CNTs gave resistance of 2.1Ω. In this study the maximum electrical conductivity of the CNT mat composites, obtained under a maximum applied compression pressure of 27 MPa, was 11 904 S m-1, where the weight fraction of the CNT mat was 36.5%.
The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation among bone mineral density(BMD), body composition and body circumference on 20's college women in Hwaseong. A total of 86 subjects were measured with BMD and body composition and body circumference. To evaluate the correlation between BMD and body composition, bone density and body weight, body mass index(BMI), lean body mass, muscle mass, fat mass and body fat mass were compared. The results of this study, weight was considered the strong correlation with BMD than the height and BMI seems to be greater significance rather than the lumbar spine and femur BMD. In addition, the relationship between body composition and BMD, lean body mass, muscle mass, body fat mass were the most relevant factors and BMD. The relationship between BMD and body circumference that have been difficult because of not enough previous studies but somewhat the study showed that association.