시설잎들깨에 발생하는 차먼지응애를 친환경적으로 방제하고자 피레스럼(pyrethrum)의 농도별 방제효과를 조사하였다. 2%, 4%, 6% 피레스럼 1,000배 희석액에 대한 차먼지응애 약·성충의 생충률은 약제 살포 3일 후 각각 58.1%, 27.5%, 22.7% 였으며, 5일 후 각각 73.4%, 37.3%, 30.6% 였다. 차먼지응애에 대하여 방제효과가 우수했던 6% 피레스럼 1,000배액와 화학약제인 밀베멕틴(milbemectin EC 2%) 1,000 배액을 이용하여 약제 살포 후 차먼지응애에 대한 약·성충 밀도를 지름 1cm 잎디스크 내에서 조사한 결과, 6% 피레스럼을 차먼지응애의 발생이 예측되는 시기인 5월 10일부터 10일 간격으로 사용한 곳에서 밀도가 낮게 유지된 반면 차먼지응애의 피해가 확인된 후 화학약제를 사용한 곳에 서는 1주 간격 1~2회의 살포로는 차먼지응애의 밀도를 낮출 수 없었으며 1주 간격 3회 살포 이후 밀도가 낮아졌다. 따라서, 시설잎들깨에서 효과 적으로 차먼지응애를 방제하기 위해서는 발생이 예측되는 초기부터 방제제를 사용하는 것이 효과적이다.
차먼지응애(Polyphagostarsonemus latus)는 잎들깨에서 잎을 직접적으로 가해하여 농가 소득에 치명적인 피해를 야기하고 있지만 표본단위가 설정되어 있지 않아 적절한 표본 조사가 이루어지지 못하는 상황이다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 잎들깨의 주내분포 연구를 통하여 표본단위와 최적표본수를 제시하고자 수행하였다. 차먼지응애는 하나의 들깨잎에서 엽병 부위를 중심으로 개체가 형성되어 전체잎으로 퍼져나가는 특징을 보였으며, 이때 기간은 접종 후 25일이 소요되었다. 단위면적당 차먼지응애의 밀도를 조사한 결과, 접종 후 경과 기간에 관계없이 신초에서의 밀도가 중엽과 성엽보다 높아 대표성을 띠기 때문에 표본단위는 신초가 적합할 것으로 판단되었다. 주당 표본수는 1개의 신초에 있는 알과 약성충 모두를 조사할 경우 정밀도 0.25를 충족할 것으로 추정되었다. 따라서, 시설 잎들깨에서 차먼지응애의 표본조사는 주당 1개의 신초에서 알과 약성충을 조사 할 때 가장 정확도가 높고 경제적이었다.
충남 금산지역 잎들깨 시설하우스에서 차먼지응애(Polyphagotarsonemus latus)는 5월 하순 최초 발생하기 시작하여 6월 중순에 1차 최대 발생양상을 보인 후 7월 상순부터 급격히 밀도가 증가하여 7월 중순 가장 밀도가 높은 2차 최대 발생양상을 보였다. 방제방법에 따라 발생양상에는 차이가 없었으나 밀도에는 차이를 보여 화학약제를 사용하는 하우스에서 가장 높았고 유기농업자재를 사용하는 하우스에서 가장 낮았다. 이는 크기가 작아 육안으로 관찰할 수 없는 차먼지응애를 방제하기 위해 화학약제를 사용할 경우, 농약 잔류 문제로 지속적인 사용을 못하므로 밀도가 높아지고, 유기농업자재를 사용하는 경우에서는 농약잔류에 대한 걱정 없이 유기농업자재를 지속적으로 사용함으로써 방제가 이루어졌던 것으로 판단된다. 잎들깨 주간내 발생양상을 조사한 결과, 차먼지응애는 접종 25일 후 최대 발생밀도를 보였고, 중엽, 성엽, 신초의 순으로 알과 약성 충의 총밀도가 조사되었다. 그러나 엽장과 차먼지응애 밀도와의 상관성 분석 결과, 상관성이 없어 차먼지응애 발생예찰시 어떤 샘플을 채취해도 정확한 예찰이 이루어질 것으로 판단된다.
본 연구는 3년생 ‘Fuji Mishima’/M.9의 주간에서 직접 발생한 3년생 주지를 강하게 하수유인한 후 상처를 받았을 것으로 예상되는 만곡부위를 채취하여 하수유인 1, 3, 5, 15일 후의 모습을 관찰하였다. 하수유인 1일 후에는 각 조직이 아직 상처받지 않고 잘 발달된 모습이 관찰되었다. 하지만 3일 후 검경한 결과에서는 하수유인 처리된 하부에서 체관부와 물관부가 다소 눌림 현상이 관찰되었다. 유인 후 5일 후에 검경한 결과, 가지의 상부와 하부 모두에서 체관이 일정한 위치에서 이탈된 모습이 관찰되었다. 유인 15일 후에 하수유인 된 가지의 하부 조직에서 수피조직(주피)까지 파괴된 모습이 관찰되었으며, 체관부의 피해도 특히 심하였고, 이 부위에 새로 형성된 조직이 있는 것이 발견되었다. 유인하지 않은 나무에 대하여 에틸렌 발생량을 측정하였으나 에틸렌은 검출되지 않았고 유인한 가지에서는 처리 3일 후에 에틸렌 발생이 증가하였고 6일 후에는 절반으로 감소하였다.
This study analyzed the quality characteristics of black garlic made from Seosan Yukjok Garlic and elephant garlic in Seosan, Chungnam province. Of the inorganic components, Mg content was the highest in all treatment groups, and the Ca content was high in each of the 15 day treatments. The content of K was high after 10 days aging in Yukjok garlic and after 15 days in the elephant garlic. The Fe, Na, K, and Mg content was high in Yukjok black garlic after 15 days, and Na, K, Ca, and Mg were high in the elephant black garlic aged for 15 days. The crude fat content was high in both Yukjok black garlic and elephant black garlic after 15 days. Vitamin C content was highest in both types of garlic after aging for 15 days. An analysis of four kinds of organic acids showed that citric acid was the only organic acid to appear in raw garlic of Yukjok garlic and elephant garlic. Black Yukjok garlic and elephant black garlic had a greater total amino acid content than the raw garlic of either type. However, among the tested amino acids, 13 kinds of amino acids were at their highest after five days of ripening in Yukjok black garlic, while 15 kinds of amino acids were abundant in elephant garlic after the same period. Eight kinds of amino acids were high after aging for 15 days. Through this study, it was confirmed that, in the process of making black garlic, changes in the main components of the garlic occur through different routes, and these changes vary depending on the garlic species. Therefore, this study provided basic data for the processing of Seosan's Yukjok black garlic and elephant black garlic.
The purpose of this study was to investigate eco-friendly measures to manage major diseases which cause heavy economic damages to ginseng. Morphological, physicochemical, and molecular biological species identification was carried out after isolating useful antagonistic bacteria from ginseng fields. In addition, optimal conditions for mass culture were established, and he efficacy of the bacteria in the prevention of the diseases was verified in the field. The results showed that about 150 bacteria were extracted from 150 ginseng fields in the whole county. Among them, B. pyrrocinia LA101 was finally selected, which had a strong antagonistic potency against Alternaria panax, Botrytis cinerea, Rhizoctonia solani, and Cylindrocarpon destructans on agar media. The B. pyrrocinia LA101 is a baculiform gram-negative bacterium identified as Burkholderia pyrrocinia according to results from an API(Analytical Profile Index) kit, 16S rRNA, and gyrase gene sequencing analysis. It was donated to the microbe bank of the Agricultural Genetic Resources Center at the National Academy of Agriculture Science under the Rural Development Administration on September 28, 2011 (Donation No. KACC91663P). A patent for the mass culture technology was granted in August 2012 (Patent No. 10-1175532).
The effects of amino acid and/or urea liquid fertilizer application on the growth and phytochemicals of Perilla leaves were summarized as follows; The fresh weight of the perilla leaves was in the order of CF, CL, KLF, and control, and 39.7 g, 37.4 g, 36.5 g and 32.3 g were measured. The plant height increased by 71.6 cm in the CF treatment than in the control(54.6 cm). The number of nodes was 14.3 node in CF treatment and 19% more than control(12 node). The vitamin C content tends to be increased by fertilizing the amino acid solution in the perilla leaf. The components of polyvalent unsaturation of n-6 origin were measured in CF treatment, KLF treatment, and control in 10.19 mg, 10.18 mg, and 9.38 mg per 100 g, respectively. Glutamic acid, aspartic acid, leucine, arginine, alanine and lysin were contained in perilla leaf amino acid. Glutaminic acid content was found to be 455.1 mg, 495.6 mg, and 478.8 mg in the control, KLF and CF treatment per 100 g, respectively. Effective nutrition management using amino acid fertilizer optimizes crop yield and profitability, it is important to reduce the negative environmental risks of using fertilizer.
This study was carried out to investigate the changes in the amount of 20 free amino acids in PDB (Potato Dextrose Broth) medium during the incubation period while cultivating Lentinula edodes. The total incubation period was 90 days, and the total amount of free amino acids was confirmed every 45 days. Among the 18 kinds of amino acids whose increase and decrease patterns were confirmed, 10 amino acids were increased compared to that in the control, among which cysteine increased from its initial value of 9,889 ± 3 μg/L to 12,909 ± 2 μg/L at 45 days and 29,256 ± 4 μg/L at 90 days. Six amino acids with decreased expression patterns were identified. Arginine decreased to 83,751 ± 2 μg/L after 45 days from its initial value of 161,787 ± 1 μg/L and to 79,055 ± 7 μg/L at 90 days.
This study investigated the relationship among seven species of trichoderma through the identification of strains collected in Korea. The phylogenetic tree among the collected strains was classified into four groups. The trichoderma strains isolated in this way showed inhibitory effect on the fusarium wilt which is parasitic to cotyledon stem..The invisibility of J9, J10, J13 and J16 strains were higher in comparison with other strains in vitro test stand, and their spore production level was also higher. In the aluminum ring tests, it showed that the yield of the spores in J9, J10 and J13 were more than any other strain. As a result conducting the port test for cucumbers, the plant lengths of J13 were larger than the control plot, and the root lengths of all strains, except for J2 were longer than the control plot, and the root weights of J1, J9, J10, J13 and J16 were larger than the control plot. The disease severity for the fusarium wilt showed the smallest values at J13 and J16 in comparison with the control plot, and the control values of J13 and J16 were higher than other strains.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of fertilizer application on the content of functional materials, such as fatty acids and organic acids in perilla leaves. (1) As compared to the controlled with Ammonium sulfate fertilizer, the yield of Perilla frutescens leaves increased by 7.3% and 12.8% of biomass at 2000 and 1000 times liquid respectively, but decreased by 7.6% at 500 times. The lipid and protein contents of perilla leaves were higher than those of Portunus trituberculatus liquid at 1000 times. The average contents of minerals (mg/100g) were as follows; K (638.4) > Ca (561.6) > P (145.4) > Mg (133.5) > Fe (36.2) > Zn (1.9) > Mn (1.6) > Na (1.4 mg). However, the correlation between the controlled with P. trituberculatus liquid was relatively low. (2) The fat-soluble vitamin E content of P. frutescens leaves was 3.4, 3.9, 3.3, and 3.9 mg in the controlled with liquid by 500, and 1000, 2000 times respectively; Vitamin A contents were 6.4, 8.9, 10.9, and 8.5 mg respectively, which was more than twice as much as the corresponding vitamin E content. The water soluble vitamin C contents were 177.9, 172.6, 195.2, and 163.5 mg respectively. (3) Amino acid contents of P. frutescens leaves in 100 g of fresh weight were 3821.7 mg in the controlled with Ammonium sulfate fertilizer and 3918.8, 4054.0, and 4005.4 mg in the controlled with P. trituberculatus liquid at 2,000, 1000, 500 times respectively. Amino acid contents of each controlled group with P. trituberculatus liquid above were as small as 2.5~6.1%, and these contents of amino acid were as follows: Glutaminic acid > Aspartic acid > Leucine > Arginine > Phenylalanine. In further study, it is necessary to develop an effective microorganism and a variety of amino acid fertilizer to supplement the study on new manufacturing.
In this study, to provide basic information for design of a large-scale recycling system for fishery by-products, the food nutrient components, fertilizer components, and microbial composition of fertilizers and feed which were made of fishery by-products were analyzed before and after fermentation. The results of the analysis of the edible portion of fishery by-products indicated that calories per 100 g of crustaceans were the highest followed by those of fish and brown algae in order of precedence with values as follows; Korean Krill 94 Kcal, Portunus trituberculatus 65 Kcal, Lophiomus setigerus 58 Kcal, and Undaria pinnatifida 16 Kcal. As for changes in amino acids per 100 g of fishery by-products between before and after fermentation, calories per 100 g of P. trituberculatus decreased by 74.7% from 15.7 g to 4.0 g, that of L. setigerus decreased by 61.1% from 11.9 g to 4.6 g, that of Korean Krill decreased by 53.5% from 11.6 g to 5.4 g, and that of U. pinnatifida decreased by 49.4% from 1.7 g to 0.9 g. Among amino acids, those contained in fishery by-product fertilizers (liquid fertilizer) in large amounts were shown to be Glutaminic acid, Aspartic acid, Glycine, Lysin, and Leucine. The lipid content of Korean Krill decreased by 11.9% from 3.2 g to 2.8 g, that of L. setigerus increased by 2.0 times from 1.1 g to 2.2 g, that of P. trituberculatus increased by 4.5 times from 0.4 g to 1.7 g, and that of U. pinnatifida increased by 9.4 times from 0.2 g to 1.9 g. The ash (mineral) content of P. trituberculatus decreased by 82.5% from 26.2 g to 4.6 g, that of U. pinnatifida increased by 27.6% from 3.3 g to 4.2 g, that of Korean Krill increased by 21.9% from 3.1 g to 3.8 g, and that of L. setigerus increased by 88.7% from 1.2 g to 2.2 g. The microbial composition of liquid fertilizer using recycled fishery by-products was shown to be Bacteria, Actinomycetes, Fungi, Yeast, and Lactobacillus sp.
This study shows how the growth of the top part of plants cultivated using the single-row strawberry method, with 12 cm plant spacing, as well as that of plants cultivated through conventional planting, is characterized by the presence of many leaves in the first flower cluster harvest. The leaf area and crown diameter were the largest in the 12 cm spacing method. The hight top fresh weight (59.2 g) was detected wen the 12 cm spacing method was used followed by conventional planting and, 9 cm and 6 cm spacing method. The K and Ca contents in the first flower cluster were the highest when the 12 cm spacing method (2.0% and 2.1%, respectively) and conventional planting, (0.42% and 0.86%, respectively) were used, and these values were significantly higher than the K and Ca contents obtained using the other two methods. The N, P, Mg, Fe, and B contents show no significant differences across the planting methods. The sugar content of the first flower cluster fruits was the highest when the 12 cm spacing method was used, while the sugar content of the fourth flower cluster fruits was highest after conventional planting. Firmness was the highest in the first, third, and fourth flower clusters after conventional planting, while no significant differences were observed for the 6 cm, 9 cm, and 12 cm spacing methods. A yield of 25 g or above during November to December was observed to be the highest when the 12 cm spacing method was used, while a yield of 10-16 g was the highest when both the 9 cm and 12 cm spacing methods werw used. The yield of products in January-April was the highest when the 12 cm spacing and conventional planting methods were used, and total product yield was also the highest for these methods. A significant portion of non-marketable products (39 g) was obtained when the conventional planting method was used.
In this study, we examined the impact of transplant timing of mother plants for seedling strawberry on growth and development of daughter plants and field stage. The leaf growth of treated mother plants and crown thickness were low when transplant was performed on April 10th. Based on the results collected until July 13th, the numbers of daughter plants with more than two leaves were 20.6 and 19.5 for March 10th and March 25th, and these values decreased by April 10th and April 25th showing values of 15.1 and 11.8, respectively. After seedling growth was complete, leaf area and fresh weight of the saplings were remarkably low beginning from the transplant on April 10th. Crown thickness of saplings was generally lower when transplant timing was late. After 45 days of transplant leaf length and width were noticeably lower than the transplant on April 10th and 25th. First cluster was 100% for both the March 10th and 25th transplant, followed April 10th and 25th with values of 66% and 43%. The results revealed that transplant on March 10th and 25th had a greater positive impact on the growth and development of the strawberry cultivar ‘Seolhyang’. A supplementary study will have to be conducted to determine the relationship between the harvest period of the first cluster and the yield of marketable strawberries depending on the transplanting time of mother plants.
To investigate the impact of the number of runners developed from daughter plants during seedling on sapling growth and development during phase of first cluster, we examined four treatment groups that had 3–4, 5–6, 7–8, and 9–10 runners. As of June 5th, the group with 9–10 runners showed the highest number of saplings with more than 2 leaves, followed by groups with 7–8, 5–6, and 3–4 runners. Although observation on June 25th and July 15th showed a similar tendency for sapling numbers, no significant difference was detected between groups with 7–8 and 9–10 runners. The length of runners in the treated groups was similar to that in groups with 3–4 and 5–6 runners, with lengths of 49.4 mm and 48.0 mm, respectively, but runner length was significantly shorter in the group with 7–8 runners. Both the thickness and the weight of runners were highest in the group with 3–4 runners. The growth and development of daughter plants and root weight were similar between the groups with 3–4 and 5– 6 runners, whereas both values were lower in groups with 7–8 and 9-10 runners. While stem crown thickness values were 8.7 mm and 8.5 mm in groups with 3–4 and 5–6 runners, respectively, groups with 7–8 and 9–10 runners had thinner stems of 7.1 mm and 6.2 mm, respectively. The fresh weight of saplings decreased as the number of runners increased. From the phase first cluster, leaf area and fresh weight were remarkably low in groups with 7–8 and 9–10 runners. Taken together, these results can be used to increase the production of high-quality saplings by providing a foundation for studies to investigate the impact of the number of runners developed from daughter plants on growth and development during the seedling period and the phase first cluster.
This study was performed to identify the effect of fertilizer application and planting method on growth and yield of 'Seolhyang' strawberry during seedling raising. According to the concentration of fertilizer applied, the height of daughter plants was the highest at an EC of 0.8 dS·m-1. Leaf number and crown diameter were greatest at an EC of 0.6-0.8 dS·m-1. In the first measurement, root number was highest in non-fertilizer application, while root weight was heaviest in non-fertilizer application and EC 0.4 dS·m-1. The higher the concentration of fertilizer applied as culture media, the lower the growth rate. Thirty days after planting on the main field, plant height and number of new leaf were highest at an EC of 0.8 dS·m-1. However, no significant difference was found in leaf length and width and chlorophyll content according to fertilizer application. Marketable yield of 25 g or higher was greatest in EC 0.6 dS·m-1. In contrast, no significance was found in total marketable yield at an EC of 0.4-0.8 dS·m-1. Aconsistent pattern was exhibited in the growth of 1-5 harvesting flower clusters according to planting method. The length of leaf and flower cluster was short and chlorophyll content was low, when bed soil was removed 100% in harvesting of the first flower cluster. In all treatment, leaf length was shortened until harvesting of the second and third flower cluster, but rapidly lengthened in harvesting of the third and fourth flower clusters. Moreover, the length of flower cluster had a increasing tendency from harvesting of the third flower cluster. However, chlorophyll content was reduced continuously until harvesting of the fifth flower cluster, and was lowest in harvesting of the fourth flower cluster without removal of bed soil. Total yield was greatest in treatment of crown removal in bed soil between November and May. Late marketable yield between March and May was highest in treatment of 100% bed soil removal, followed by treatment of crown removal. Marketable yield of 25 g or higher was greatest in treatment of crown removal between December and February, while greatest in treatment of 100% bed soil removal between March and May.
This study was performed to identify the effect of mixed bed soil on growth of aerial parts and root zone of daughter plants for nursery field strawberry seedling raising with expanded chaff. The plant height and leaf area of daughter plants were highest or largest in the mixed soil of ERH +RH (100:0, v/v), followed by ERH+RH (75:25). The higher the mixing ratio of RH, the shorter the plant height or the smaller the leaf area. A similar tendency was observed in fresh weight. Within a root diameter of 0-0.4 mm and a root height range of 0.4-0.8 mm, root surface area and volume were statistically significantly better with treatment of ERH+RH (100:0, v/v) compared to those of roots treated with ERH+RH (75:25), ERH+RH (50:50) and ERH+RH (25:75). The growth rate of aerial parts and root zone of daughter plants were noticeably lower in two mixing ratios of 50:50 and 25:75. According to the mixing ratios of ERH+CD surface treatment, the number of roots was greatest in plants treated with ERH+CD (80:20, v/v) and ERH+CD (85:15) on August 1. However, the number of roots was highest in plants treated with ERH+CD (85:15, v/v) on August 15. Root length was longest in the plant with no treatment, and drastically shortened from ERH+CD (90:10, v/v) in both surface and mixed treatment. Although root weight showed a significant difference in ERH+CD (90:10, v/v) treatment, its increase was gradual. The rate of root growth was highest in ERH+CD (85:15). These study findings suggest that the content ratios of mixed soil ERH+RH (75:25, v/v) or below and ERH+CD (85:15) are thought to be desirable for the production of high quality seedlings.
The dry weight of mother plants' leaves had the highest increase rate in both NS (single-use) and NS+EM (mixed-use) mixed with NS 0.8 (customary use). In seafood amino acid fertilizer (SAF) application, the increase rate was highest in SAF solution at a 300-fold dilution. Mother plants' crown diameter, plant height, leaf length, leaf width, petiole length and leaf number showed the greatest growth amount when NS 0.8 (customary use) was mixed to NS (single-use) or NS+EM (mixed-use) solution. The growth was highest in SAF solution diluted 300 folds, but lowest in SAF solution diluted 100 folds. Of all inorganic nutrients, excluding sulfur, total amount of nitrogen, available phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium had the highest increase rate in both NS (single-use) and NS+EM (mixed-use) with the treatment of NS 0.8 (customary use). Total nitrogen, in particular, was increased by 3.1% in NS 0.4, 6.0% in NS 0.8, and 4.5% in NS 0.8 with the application of NS+EM at a 500-fold dilution compared to NS alone. Total nitrogen amount showed the highest increase rate in SAF solution diluted 300 folds. Total nitrogen, available phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and EC in soils applied with culture solutions (NS, NS+EM) had increasing tendencies after fertilizer application. The results were comparable to those of SAF treatment. The increase rate of each inorganic nutrient composition declined in soils applied with NS+EM solution diluted 500 folds compared to NS alone.
This study was aimed to determine the effect of basal application of Effective Microorganisms (EM) on the grow and yield of cucumber. For treatments, the EM was applied to soil with fertilizer composed with N-P2O5-K2O-manure (24.0-16.4-23.8-2,000kg) in the 1.0 strength (defined as EM+1S), 2/3 strength (defined as EM+2/3S), 1/2 strength (defined as EM+1/2S), without fertilizer (defined as EM), or only fertilizer in the 1.0 strength (defined as 1S). In result, there was no significant differences of organic substance content and pH with the EM treatment. While the EC (Electric conductivity) concentration was decreased, plant-available P (phosphorus) was markedly increased. Chlorophyll content was highest in the treatment of EM+standard application rate for both semi-forcing and retarding culture. In contrast, no significant difference was found in plant height and internode length under the fertilizer treatment. Weekly harvested number of cucumber was highest at the treatment of EM+standard application for the semi-forcing culture, while it was 3.6 at the EM+1/2 application for the retarding culture. Weekly yield was greatest at the EM+standard application treatment and decreased with the decrease of fertilizer application rate. In addition, weekly yield was significantly reduced in the treatment of EM . There was no significant difference in yields by production time with the fertilizer applications?. Yield was increased with temperature for the semi-forcing culture, while consistent pattern was maintained for the retarding culture.
As for chemical characteristics of cultivated media waste, the total content of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potassium was 6.93%; organic matter content was 67.78%; pH and EC were 7.20 and 1.46 ds/m, respectively. Organic acids identified during stabilization included citric acid, oxalic acid, fumaric acid, and acetic acid, which was highest. During the stabilization of cultivated media waste, temperature decreased and pH increased on the 15th day, and the germination index was 88 after the period, indicating that at least 15 days of stabilization is needed when cultivated media waste is used for growth material of crop.
As for germination characteristics, when the mixture rate of cultivated media waste was 20% and under, germination of cucumber and oriental melon was favorable without difference compared to the control plots. For lettuce and Chinese cabbage, no statistically significant difference was found when the rate was 10% and under compared to the control plots. As for seedling quality after 20 days of sowing, cucumber, oriental melon, and Chinese cabbage showed favorable growth only when the mixture rate of cultivated media waste was 10% and under; lettuce showed lower growth characteristics regardless of mixture rate when compared to the control plots. Cultivated media waste may be significantly useful for cucumber and oriental melon, but not for Chinese cabbage and lettuce.
In the results of investigating the role of LED light quality in enhancing the ornamental value of indoor foliage plants, amber and red light increased plant height, leaf width, and leaf stalk, and the consequent tree shape decreased the ornamental value. The chlorophyll content increased significantly under white light and compound light. With regard to the effect of plant leaf color on ornamental value, the value of lightness was markedly enhanced by red light. As to the functionality of plants according to photosynthetic activity, plants such as Dieffenbachia, Clusia, and Dracaena were found favorable to those staying indoors for a longtime from morning to evening. Spathiphyllum, and Ficus were found to be recommendable for indoor spaces used actively during afternoon because their photosynthesis was activated in the afternoon. With regard to power consumption according to light quality, white light consumed 119 W/hour, around 45% lower than that of fluorescent lamps, so it is considered the optimal artificial light quality that can enhance energy efficiency. Red light consumed 72 W/hour, only 33% of that of fluorescent lamps, but it was not considered the optimal light quality because plant growth was poor under the light quality. White light and compound light were found to be the ideal light sources for improving the functionality and ornamental value of indoor plants and reducing the cost of maintenance, but because compound light hinders people from recognizing the original color of plants and makes their eyes easily tired, white light was considered the optimal light satisfying all of the ornamental value, economic efficiency and functionality resulting from plant growth.