본 연구는 작약의 품종간 개화시기 차이와 저온에서 장기 저 장이 가능한 품종을 선발하여 절화 유통 기간을 연장하기 위하 여 수행하였다. 작약 24품종을 대상으로 2022년 국립원예특작 과학원 시험포장에서 개화시기와 절화 품질을 조사하였다. 봉오 리 상태에서 수확한 작약을 건조 저장법으로 -1℃에서 60일 저장한 후 절화 수명과 절화품질을 조사하였다. ‘의성작약’은 홑 꽃이었고 나머지 품종은 겹꽃이었다. 개화시기는 5월 10일부터 18일 사이였으며, ‘Etched Salmon’, ‘Monsieur Jules Elie’, ‘Gilbert’, ‘Henry Bockstoce’는 개화일이 5월 10일로 가장 빨랐고, ‘Elsa Sass’는 5월 18일로 가장 늦었다. 식물체 키는 74.6∼107.8cm 였고, 절화 무게는 ‘Henry Bockstoce’ 품종 이 89.8g으로 가장 무거웠고, ‘Angel Cheeks’ 품종이 26.7g으 로 가장 가벼웠다. 꽃의 주된 색은 흰색, 빨강색, 분홍색, 자주색 이었다. -1℃에서 60일간 저장 후에 꽃과 잎의 상태가 아주 양 호한 품종은 ‘Kansas’, ‘Ole Faithful’, ‘Sonw Mountain’이 었다. 절화수명은 ‘Nick Shaylor’ 품종이 8일로 가장 길었고, 다음으로 ‘Blush Queen’, ‘Elsa Sass’ 품종이 7일이었으며, ‘Gilbert’, ‘Highlight’ 품종이 1일로 가장 짧았다. 작약은 저온 장기 저장에서 일부 품종을 제외하고는 꽃과 잎에 저온장해 증 상이 발생하였다. 이와같은 결과는 작약재배시에 품종 선택과 수확후 저온 장기 저장을 통하여 유통기간을 연장하고 하고자 할 때 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
Background: Despite its anticancer activity, cisplatin exhibits severe testicular toxicity when used in chemotherapy. Owing to its wide application in cancer therapy, the reduction of damage to normal tissue is of imminent clinical need. In this study, we evaluated the effects of catechin hydrate, a natural flavon-3-ol phytochemical, on cisplatin-induced testicular injury. Methods: Type 2 mouse spermatogonia (GC-1 spg cells) were treated with 0-100 μM catechin and cisplatin. Cell survival was estimated using a cell proliferation assay and Ki-67 immunostaining. Apoptosis was assessed via flow cytometry with the Dead Cell Apoptosis assay. To determine the antioxidant effects of catechin hydrate, Nrf2 expression was measured using qPCR and CellROX staining. The anti-inflammatory effects were evaluated by analyzing the gene and protein expression levels of iNOS and COX2 using qPCR and immunoblotting. Results: The 100 μM catechin hydrate treatment did not affect healthy GC-1 spg cells but, prevented cisplatin-induced GC-1 spg cell death via the regulation of anti-oxidants and inflammation-related molecules. In addition, the number of apoptotic cells, cleaved-caspase 3 level, and BAX gene expression levels were significantly reduced by catechin hydrate treatment in a cisplatin-induced GC-1 spg cell death model. In addition, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory marker genes, including Nrf2 , iNOS, and COX2 were significantly downregulated by catechin hydrate treatment in cisplatintreated GC-1 cells. Conclusions: Our study contributes to the opportunity to reintroduce cisplatin into systemic anticancer treatment, with reduced testicular toxicity and restored fertility.
Helicobacter pylori are known as a causative agent of gastritis, gastric duodenum and peptic ulcer, and gastric cancer, and multiple drug use is associated with various side effects in patients. The discovery of antibacterial substances against H. pylori from Korean resource plants is an important substitute for antibiotics. 52 species of Korean resource plants were collected and extracted with 50% ethanol, and antibacterial activity against H. pylori was measured using the disk diffusion method. The toxicity of plant extracts to human gastric adenocarcinoma(AGS) cells was measured by MTT assay, and the level of IL-8 secreted when gastric epithelial cells were inoculated with H. pylori was measured. As a result of measuring the antibacterial activity of H. pylori, antibacterial activity was confirmed in 38 plant extracts. The plant species with the strongest antibacterial activity were Chrysanthemum indicum, Rheum rhabarbarum, Patrinia scabiosaefolia and Petasites japonicus. C. indicum was not cytotoxic to H. pyroli-infected AGS cells and showed anti-inflammatory effects. This study's results can be used to develop healthy, functional foods and medical materials.
Fas-associated death domain protein (FADD) functions as an apoptotic adapter in mammals, recruiting caspases for death-inducing signaling complexes, while in lower animals, it interacts with IMD and DREDD to initiate antimicrobial responses. In this study, we examined the T. molitor FADD sequence (TmFADD) using molecular informatics methods to understand its involvement in the host's immune response against microorganisms. Knocking down TmFADD transcripts resulted in increased susceptibility of T. molitor larvae to E. coli, underscoring the significance of FADD in insect defense mechanisms and providing valuable insights into insect immunity.
Tenebrio molitor(T. molitor) is gaining attention as a sustainable food source with high nutrient content. Understanding their immune system, paricularly the role of Tak1 in the Imd pathway, is essential for mass breeding. This study investigates TmTak1 function in T. molitor. we investigated the immune function of TmTak1, followed by systemic infection using E. coli, S. aureus, and C. albicans. As a result, Silencing TmTak1 significantly affects expression levels of AMPs in the whole body, Fat bodies, and Integuments. These results showed lower expression levels of AMP compared to the control group during E.coli injection.
This study focused on the genomic analysis of Anopheles kleini and Anopheles pullus, both vectors of vivax malaria within the Anopheles Hyrcanus group. Using Illumina NovaSeq600 and Oxford Nanopore platforms, we identified 126 and 116 contigs, along with 40,420 and 32,749 genes from An. kleini and An. pullus, respectively. The assembled genome sizes were 282 Mb for An. kleini and 247 Mb for An. pullus, which are within a similar range to the sizes previously estimated by digital PCR (249 Mb and 226 Mb). We are currently also estimating the genome sizes of other Anopheles spp. and manually curating key genes determining vectorial capacity.
The recent increase in the occurrence of common bed bug and tropical bed bug in shared areas highlights the need for rapid species identification at infestation sites, which is crucial for implementing targeted control measures due to differences in genetic and physiological traits. In this study, molecular diagnostic methods were developed using species-specific ITS2 sequences. Both multiplex PCR and loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) protocols with a DNA release method successfully distinguished between the two bed bug species regardless of developmental stages in 0.5~2.5 hours, even with dead specimens. Especially, LAMP's simplicity and speed make it applicable for rapid and accurate bed bug diagnosis at infestation sites.
The brown planthopper (BPH) and white-backed planthopper (WBPH), significant rice pests, cannot overwinter in Korea and primarily originate and migrate from Southeast Asia and China, where they cause considerable damage. These planthoppers, along with other pests, annually migrate to the Korean Peninsula. Monitoring their migration is essential for controlling their populations and maintaining agricultural productivity. Traditional monitoring methods often struggle with timeliness due to time and manpower constraints. To address this, we developed the Smart Aerial Net Traps (SANT) for immediate tracking of pests. The SANT system is installed in 43 locations across the country and has been used for over 10 years to track migrating insects. Our research shows that SANT is a more effective method for monitoring migratory pests compared to traditional methods. SANT enables real-time tracking of various migratory pests and can also be utilized in different areas, such as analyzing pest population changes and determining pest origins through the study of air currents.
The chemical composition of 86 species of native plants in Korea, including plants to be afforestation, was analyzed. The chemical composition of the species analyzed was different. The species with the highest extractable content was Viburnum dilatatum (3.91%), and the species with the lowest extractable content was Ligustrum lucidum (0.11%). The lignin content ranged from 12 to 39%, with an average of 25%. The species with the highest lignin content was Chaenomeles lagenaria (39.37%). Hemicellulose content ranged from 18 to 52%, with the highest species being Thuja occidentalis (51.22%) and Eucommia ulmoides (48.84%). Cellulose content ranged from 25 to 58%, and the species with the highest content were Prunus serrulata (57.67%), Diospyros kaki (57.14%), Aesculus turbinata (53.29%), Albizia julibrissin (53.02%), and Zelkova serrata (52.29%). The chemical composition was different for each use taxon of 86 plant species. The lignin content was the highest in the fruit group and the lowest in the group other than recommended species for afforestation. Cellulose content was highest in non-reforestation-recommended tree species and lowest in fruit trees. In classification according to tree height, lignin content was higher in shrubs than in tall trees, and cellulose content was highest in tall trees. Between deciduous and evergreen trees, the lignin content was high in deciduous trees (26.46%), and the cellulose content was also high in deciduous trees (44.01%). As a result of analyzing the correlation between each compound, there was a difference. There tended to be a positive correlation between extractives and lignin content. There was a negative correlation between extractives and holocellulose content, hemicellulose and cellulose. The higher extract content affected the cellulose content much more than hemicellulose. Also, the higher the lignin content, the lower the cellulose content. The species with low lignin content and high cellulose content were Diospyros kaki and Prunus serrulata var. spontanea. This result is expected to be primary data for bioenergy, pulp industry and bioindustry.
The effect of the surrounding vegetation on the seed germination and growth of mountain-cultivated ginseng (MCG, Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) was investigated. Seed germination rate and growth were tested for allelopathy effects on four forest tree species after treatment with fallen leaves and leaf extracts. In the case of soil treatment through fallen leaves and crushed leaves, the germination rate was lower in the Quercus myrsinifolia treatments, and the average germination time was slower when Chamaecyparis obtusa was treated. In the case of Pinus densiflora and Quercus variabilis, which are used in most of the MCG cultivation areas, they did not have a significant effect on seed germination. In the fallen leaves treatments, the stem showed a tendency to lengthen. The hot water extract treatment showed a higher germination percentage than the cold water extract treatment. The extract treatment showed a deficient germination percentage of some MCG seeds. However, in the case of the treatments except for this, the germination percentage was similar to that of the control treatment. However, the Mean Germination Time, germination rate, and germination value were faster and higher than the control treatment. As a result of calculating the allelopathic index (AI) of MCG according to the extract treatment of 4 species, most had a negative effect on germination, and P. densiflora and Q. variabilis extracts showed the most significant effect. The ginsenoside content was higher in the fallen leaves treatment than in the control. The above results will help select and manage MCG plantations.
주변 국가인 태국, 캄보디아, 베트남, 라오스 등에서 벼멸구(Nilaparvata lugens)와 흰등멸구(Sogatella furcifera)를 채집하던 중, 벼멸구와 형태가 아주 유사한 이삭멸구(N. muiri)와 벼멸구붙이(N. bakeri), 그리고 흰등 멸구와 형태가 아주 유사한 흰등멸구붙이(S. kolophon), 피멸구(S. vibix) 그리고 애멸구(Laodelphax striatellus)가 동시에 채집이 되는 등 형태적 차이점이 거의 없어 전문가도 쉽게 구분하지 못하는 문제가 있음이 확인되었다. 따라서 형태가 유사한 상기 멸구류의 종 동정을 확실히 할 수 있는 PCR용 프라이머의 개발을 위해 벼멸구 및 흰등멸구의 미토콘드리아 내 COI 영역을 특이적으로 검출할 수 있는 프라이머 세트를 제작하고 종 동정 효과를 확인하였다.
To improve the quality of jujube (Zizyphus jujuba Miller var. hoonensis), which is a fruit of health functional, the effect of polyphenol preparation treatment on the fruit characteristics of two cultivars (cv. Bokjo and cv. Sangwang) of jujube was investigated. There was no difference in the height and breast diameter of jujubes tested between the polyphenol treatments and non treatment. Jujube trees treated with polyphenol preparation produced significantly more fruit than untreated in both cultivars. In cvultivar of Bokjo, the polyphenol preparation treatment increased the fruit's fresh weight and dry weight more than two times, respectively, compared to the untreated treatment. Polyphenol preparation tr eatments also changed the leaf characteristics of jujube trees. In the polyphenol-treated trees, leaf thickness tended to be thickest at the top and thinnest at the bottom. Polyphenol preparation treated jujube trees showed no difference in chlorophyll content. Moisture content was slightly higher in the untreatment than in the treatments. Visually, the polyphenol preparation treatment had a dark green color. Jujubes treated with polyphenol preparations showed differences in polyphenol content in fruits. The polyphenol content in both peel and flesh of the treatments were much higher than that of the untreatment. Reducing sugar was contained more in the peel than in the flesh and was higher in the untreatment than in the polyphenol preparation treatments. Treatment with polyphenol preparation showed differences in fruit appearance. As described above, it was found that the treatment of polyphenol preparation changed the leaves, fruit shapes and components of jujube trees. In particular, jujubes treated with polyphenol preparations are expected to contribute significantly to eco-friendly and highly functional jujube cultivation, as they appear to produce many fruits and increase the content of polyphenols and sugars.