우리는 길앞잡이(Cicindela chinensis)의 장에서 다양한 공생 미생물들을 분리하였다. 그중 다양한 곰팡이 성장 을 억제하는 세균을 동정하였고 “Ch-1”이라 명명하였다. 우리는 Ch-1 균주를 사용하여 10종의 식물 병원성 곰팡 이와 2종 곤충 병원성 곰팡이의 생장 억제를 확인하였다. 또한 8종의 항생제에 대한 저항성을 확인하였다. 동시 에, 본 균주의 genomic sequence를 수행하였고 유전적, 생화학적, 생리적 특성을 조사하였다. Ch-1균주는 특허등 록과 친환경 미생물제제로 등록하였고 향후 생물학적 방제제로써 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단한다.
The domestic Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PWHR) nuclear power plant, Wolsong Unit 1, was permanently shut down on December 24, 2019. However, research on decommissioning has mainly focused on Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs), with a notable absence of both domestic and international experience in the decommissioning of PHWRs. If proper business management such as radiation safety and waste is not performed, it can lead to increased business risks and costs in decommissioning. Therefore, the assessment of waste volume and cost, which provide fundamental data for the nuclear decommissioning process, is a crucial technical requirement before initiating the actual decommissioning of Wolsong Unit 1. Decommissioning radiation-contaminated structures and facilities presents significant challenges due to high radiation levels, making it difficult for workers to access these areas. Therefore, technology development should precede decommissioning process assessments and safety evaluations, facilitating the derivation of optimal decommissioning procedures and ensuring worker safety while enhancing the efficiency of decommissioning operations. In this study, we have developed a program to estimate decommissioning waste amounts for PHWRs, building upon prior research on PWR decommissioning projects while accounting for the specific design characteristics of PHWRs. To evaluate the amount of radioactive waste generated during decommissioning, we considered the characteristics of radioactive waste, disposal methods, packaging container specifications, and the criteria for the transfer of radioactive waste to disposal operators. Based on the derived algorithm, we conducted a detailed design and implemented the program. The proposed program is based on 3D modeling of the decommissioning components and the calculation of the Work Difficulty Factor (WDF), which is used to determine the time weighting factors for each task. Program users can select the cutting and packaging conditions for decommissioning components, estimate waste amount based on the chosen decommissioning method, and calculate costs using time weighting factors. It can be applied not only to PHWRs, but also to PWRs and non-nuclear fields, providing a flexible tool for optimizing decommissioning process.
The radiolytic decomposition of oxalic acid was investigated using gamma irradiation for decontamination of nuclear power systems. The study used high-purity analytical grade chemicals, with initial concentrations of oxalic acid prepared at 1, 2, 5, and 10 mM, and the initial pH was adjusted to 2-3 at each test condition. Gamma irradiation was performed using a high-level Co-60 source, and absorbed doses were 5, 10, 20, 30, and 50 kGy. The results showed that the efficiency of gamma irradiation decreased with longer gamma exposure time, and the G-value increased with the initial concentration of oxalic acid. Interestingly, the G-value decreased with accumulated radiation dose, but the removal increased. The dose constant ranged from 0.1695 to 0.0536 kGy-1 at different initial concentrations, and the G-value was inversely proportional to the dose constant. The study concluded that oxalic acid was successfully degraded by gamma irradiation, and 92% removal was obtained at the initial concentration of 10 mM. The mineralization of oxalic acid at higher concentrations was more difficult due to the great number of generated intermediates.
With the aging of nuclear power plants (NPPs) in 37 countries around the world, 207 out of 437 NPPs have been permanently shutdown as of August 2022 according to the IAEA. In Korea, the decommissioning of NPPs is emerging as a challenge due to the permanent shutdown of Kori Unit 1 and Wolsong Unit 1. However, there are no cases of decommissioning activities for Heavy Water Reactor (HWR) such as Wolsong Unit 1 although most of the decommissioning technologies for Light Water Reactor (LWR) such as Kori Unit 1 have been developed and there are cases of overseas decommissioning activities. This study shows the development of a decommissioning waste amount/cost/process linkage program for decommissioning Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR), i.e. CANDU NPPs. The proposed program is an integrated management program that can derive optimal processes from an economic and safety perspective when decommissioning PHWR based on 3D modeling of the structures and digital mock-up system that links the characteristic data of PHWR, equipment and construction methods. This program can be used to simulate the nuclear decommissioning activities in a virtual space in three dimensions, and to evaluate the decommissioning operation characteristics, waste amount, cost, and exposure dose to worker. In order to verify the results, our methods for calculating optimal decommissioning quantity, which are closely related to radiological impact on workers and cost reduction during decommissioning, were compared with the methods of the foreign specialized institution (NAGRA). The optimal decommissioning quantity can be calculated by classifying the radioactivity level through MCNP modeling of waste, investigating domestic disposal containers, and selecting cutting sizes, so that costs can be reduced according to the final disposal waste reduction. As the target waste to be decommissioning for comparative study with NAGRA, the calandria in PHWR was modeled using MCNP. For packaging waste container, NAGRA selected three (P2A, P3, MOSAIK), and we selected two (P2A, P3) and compared them. It is intended to develop an integrated management program to derive the optimal process for decommissioning PHWR by linking the optimal decommissioning quantity calculation methodology with the detailed studies on exposure dose to worker, decommissioning order, difficulty of work, and cost evaluation. As a result, it is considered that it can be used not only for PHWR but also for other types of NPPs decommissioning in the future to derive optimal results such as worker safety and cost reduction.
This experiment was carried out to clarify the effect of light qualities on the growth characteristics and yield of fruiting body in the cultivation of Lyopyllum ulmarium. The intensity of illumination by type of light was in the order of white light(2,270Lux), yellow light(1,750Lux), blue light(460Lux) and red light(400Lux). An investigation of fruiting body showed these results that the pileus size and stipe diameter of fruiting body on CBM (Chungbuk mushroom)-1757 were much larger than Hypsizigus marmoreus, and an effect of yellow light seemed to be better than those of another light. In comparison with Hypsizigus marmoreus, the growth duration of CBM-1757 was shortened by 8 days which included 2 days for fungi culture, 1 day for first pinning requirement and 1 day for growth. The growth duration in yellow light illumination was about 70 days showing the tendency of 2~4 days reduction. There were no differences in results such as number of effective stem and fresh weight. The yield of fruiting body per bottle in CBM-1757(95.6g) was little higher than Hypsizigus marmoreus(94.8g). By a white light’s standard, the yields of blue and red light illumination were decreased by 2~9%, but that of yellow light illumination was increased by 8%. The chromaticity results showed that brightness, red and yellow coloration of CBM-1757 were higher than those of Hypsizigus marmoreus, and yellow light treatment was more effective than another light.
Chronic inflammatory diseases such as Crohn′s disease and ulcerative colitis are associated with increased risk of colon adenocarcinoma. Apoptic induction of colon cancer cells by cytokines and death receptors is an important anti-cancer therapy. We observed that co-administration of TNFα and IFNγ in human colon cancer cell line, HCT116, resulted in cell death and expression of IL-32. Cleavage forms of caspase-3, caspase-9, and PARP were increased in TNFα / IFNγ-treated HCT116. mRNA expression of death receptors, including TNFR1 and Fas were not changed and NO generation was not induced by combination of TNFα and IFNγ. However, mRNA expression of IL-32α, β, and γ was increased in TNFα / IFNγ-treated HCT116. To determine the effect of IL-32 in HCT116 cell apoptosis by TNFα / IFNγ stimulation, IL-32 siRNA-transfected HCT116 cells were cultured with TNFα / IFNγ and cell proliferation was measured. IL-32 siRNA induced slight recovery of cell viability of TNFα / IFNγ-stimulated HCT116. These results suggest that IL-32 is not directly related to apoptosis of HCT116 by TNFα / IFNγ stimulation. However, IL-32 expression by TNFα or TNFα / IFNγ in a colon cancer cell line is very interesting because of the unknown effect of IL-32 in colon cancer. Our study will contribute to development of studies for IL-32 function in human colon cancer and anti-cancer therapies using cytokines.
트리아졸계 화합물 처리시 화합물의 종류에 관계없 이 초장과 절화장 및 절간길이가 단축되었으며 엽록소 함량이 증가되었다. 이러한 감소경향은 diniconazole 50mg·L−1와 tebuconazole 500 mg·L−1처리시 컸다. 화수장은 diniconazole 50mg·L−1와 tebuconazole 500 mg·L−1처리시 크게 단축되었던 반면, hexaconazole 50mg · L−1와 bitertanol 50mg · L−1 처리시에는 증가되 었다. 꽃목 굵기는 hexaconazole 50mg·L−1와 myclobutanil 150mg·L−1 처리시 굵었으며 화폭의 경우 myclobutanil 150mg ·L−1와 bitertanol 50mg·L−1 처리 시 증가되었고 tebuconazole 500 mg·L−1처리시에는 작아졌다. 생리장해 중 노심의 발생은 bitertanol 50mg·L−1 처리에 의해 증가되었다. 전체적으로 볼 때 diniconazole 50mg ·L−1와 tebuconazole 500 mg·L−1 처리시는 화수장 단축 및 엽록소 함량 증가의 긍정적 인 효과가 있었으나, 초장과 절화장이 단축되었고 화폭 이 작아지는 등의 부정적 효과도 같이 나타나 처리 시 주의를 요할 필요가 있다고 판단되었으며, 효과의 거양을 위해서는 화합물 종류의 선별, 농도와 처리시기 및 횟수의 조절이 필요할 것으로 생각되었다.
Bakanae disease, a typical seed-borne disease of rice, caused by Gibberella fujikuroi which affected rice quality and yields seriously throughout the country. The disease could be transmitted to other healthy plants in heading dates, and the environment-friendly agricultural practices could be one of the reasons for the outbreak of disease because of the chemical-free agriculture. Studies were conducted to investigate the effects of instrument devised to protect the bakanae disease. The newly developed device consists of aquarium heater and oxygen generator. The temperature of water remained stable as 32.6±0.9℃, and it was effectively applied to sterile seeds for high quality seedlings. In the field tests of infected seeds with bakanae disease, the ripened grain ratio decreased in the 30% infected seeds, and the yields of polished rice dropped as 28%. The secondary infection of bakanae disease was effectively prevented with 500 fold fludioxonil treatments just prior to the planting in the field.
The purpose of this study was to select and to recommend the optimum rice with the newly developed varieties at 11 agricultural technology service center(ATSC) in ChungBuk province. The newly bred 18 varieties were evaluated rice yields and quality, including rice taste at each districts from 2007 to 2009. In the overall consideration, Hopum-byeo was selected as the best rice variety in Chungju, Jincheon districts, and Samkwang-byeo was choosed as the best variety in Cheongju, Eumseong, Okcheon, and Yeongdong based on the yields of rice and mechanic rice tastes. Hopum-byeo and Samkwang-byeo was recommended in Cheongwon, Goesan, and Boeun districts. Unkwang-byeo was selected as optimum variety in Jecheon, and Danyang districts.
The aim of this study was to isolate chicken feather-degrading bacteria with high keratinolytic activity and to investigate cultural conditions affecting keratinolytic enzyme production by a selected isolate. A chicken feather-degrading bacterial strain CH3 was isolated from poultry wastes. Isolate CH3 degraded whole chicken feather completely within 3 days. On the basis of phenotypical and 16S rDNA studies, isolate CH3 was identified as Bacillus thuringiensis CH3. This strain is the first B. thuringiensis described as a feather degrader. The bacterium grew with an optimum at pH 8.0 and 37℃, where maximum keratinolytic activity was also observed. The composition of optimal medium for keratinolytic enzyme production was feather 0.1%, sucrose 0.7%, casein 0.3%, K2HPO4 0.03%, KH2PO4 0.04%, MgCl2 0.01% and NaCl 0.05%, respectively. The keratinolytic enzyme had a pH and temperature optima 9.0 and 45℃, respectively. The keratinolytic activity was inhibited ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, and metal ions like Hg2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+. The enzyme activated by Fe2+, dithiothreitol and 2-mercaptoethanol.