
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 585

        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The adzuki bean borer, Ostrinia scapulalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), is one of serious insect pests against the red bean, Vigna angularis. Adult emergence, mating and oviposition behaviors of the insect were investigated in a constant condition of 25±1℃, 15L:9D (light: dark) photoperiod, and 60±10% relative humidity, for the purpose of collecting fundamental data for elucidation of adult biology and female sex pheromone. The circadian rhythmic behaviors were observed at 30-min interval during the experiments, and the data was analyzed at one-hour interval. Adult emergence was observed for 15 hours from 2 hours before lights-off to 4 hours after lights-on in a row, and ca. 90% emerged in scotophase. Adults did not mate within the emerged scotophase and the following photophase. Mating was observed only in the scotophase, and ca. 95% of mating occurred for 5 hours from 2 hours after lights-off to 2 hours before lights-on. The result was different from the main mating time in the previous reports. Mean mating rate at 0- to 4-day-old pairs was ca. 50%. It took almost one day from mating to oviposition, but oviposition 2 days after mating was observed in 0-day-old adult pairs. Adult pairs older than 7-day-old could not mate.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to analyze the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and general characteristics, psychological factors, eating habits, dietary behaviors, and health related quality of life using survey of 335 women aged 20 to 29 years in the Seoul and Kyungin areas. The 335 study subjects were divided into 4 groups by BMI (㎏/㎡) levels; normal group(18.5≤BMI≤22.9), overweight group(23.0≤BMI≤24.9), mild obesity group(25.0≤BMI≤29.9), and heavy obesity group (BMI≥30) by Asian-Pacific obesity index criteria. The family income of the heavy obesity group was significantly (p<0.05) less than that of the normal weight group. Psychological factors, such as stress and depression of the normal weight group tended to be higher than those of overweight and obesity groups. The higher BMI level had the lower self-efficacy(p<0.05) among all subjects. As the BMI level increased, the preference for sweet, salty, and hot taste was significantly high. We found that normal weight women had healthier eating habits and dietary behaviors and a higher level of health-related quality of life than did those who were overweight, mildly obese, and heavily obese women. Overweight and mildly and heavily obese women were strongly associated with decreased physical and mental health related quality of life. Therefore, weight loss is desirable, and is likely to be beneficial for health-related quality of life in obese adult women. In conclusion, this study contains evidence to suggest that obesity management programs including different strategies according to obesity are required to determine the types of programs that are suitable for adult women, prior to their initiation of a program. The findings are helpful to inform researchers and practitioners who are seeking to implement appropriate strategies to create positive changes in the health behaviors of obese adult women.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1. 본 연구의 조사 대상자인 경기 북부(의정부, 양주, 동두천)에 거주하는 대학생을 성별을 기준으로 구분하여 대학생의 식생활 습관을 알아보기 위하여 먼저 아침식사와 점심식사의 식습관 등에 대하여 조사하였다. 이들 중 ‘매일 먹는다’ 라고 응답한 학생들(38.2, 31.6%)을 제외한 나머지 학생들을 대상으로 조사한 아침 결식의 가장 큰 이유로 ‘시간이 없어서’라고 응답하였고, 아침식사의 종류는 남학생과 여학생이 각각 ‘밥과 반찬’ 79.7, 84.0%로 주식이 쌀인 우리나라는 아침식사의 형태가 밥을 먹는 경우가 월등히 많았다. 점심식사는 아침식사와 달리 규칙적으로 하고 결식률이 낮은 것은 기존의 연구 결과와 유사하였다. 점심식사 장소는 남학생과 여학생 모두 교내 식당보다 외부 식당 이용이 훨씬 많았고, 점심식사의 종류는 남학생과 여학생이 각각 ‘밥 위주 한식’ 70.8, 56.3%, ‘주먹밥 및 볶음밥류’ 16.9, 7.5%, ‘국수 면류’ 3.4, 23.0%의 순으로 나타나, 주로 밥을 먹는 경우가 많았으나, 남학생은 여학생과 다르게 ‘주먹밥 및 볶음밥류’의 섭취가 많았고, 여학생은 남학생과 달리 ‘국수 면류’의 섭취가 많았다. 조사대상자의 점심식사 비용은 남학생과 여학생이 각각 ‘4,000~ 7,000원 미만’ 67.4, 70.1%로 조사되고, 조사 대상자의 한 달 용돈 금액이 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘20~30만 원’ 24.7, 31.6%, ‘10~20만 원’ 21.3, 27.6%인 것을 볼 때 용돈에서 점심식사 비용이 대부분 차지하는 것을 알 수 있다. 2. 조사 대상자의 간식 습관을 알아보기 위하여 간식 섭취빈도를 조사한 결과, 간식 섭취 횟수는 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘하루 1회’ 47.2, 51.7%, ‘하루 2~3회’ 31.5, 39.7%의 순으로 나타냈다. 간식을 먹는 시간은 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘점심~저녁 사이’ 67.4, 67.8%, ‘저녁식사 후’ 21.3, 8.6%, ‘아침~점심사이’ 7.9, 14.4%로 나타났다. 간식을 하는 주된 이유를 살펴보면 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘배가 고파서’ 46.1, 28.2%, ‘심심해서’ 15.7, 15.5%, ‘습관적으로’ 9.0, 22.4% 등으로 다양하게 나타났다. 주로 먹는 간식의 종류를 살펴보면 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘과자류’ 25.8, 19.0%, ‘음료수’ 18.0, 14.4%, ‘빵류’ 16.9, 13.2% 순으로 과자류를 가장 선호하는 것으로 나타났고, 야식 섭취 횟수를 조사한 결과, 남학생과 여학생 모두 ‘일주일에 1~2회’가 56.2, 62.1%로 가장 많았다. 3. 향후 젊은 세대가 선호하는 실버타운이나 노인복지 시설의 급식에 대한 기초 자료 조사를 위하여 만 65세 이상의 노인이 되었을 때를 가정하여 조사한 식사 형태는 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘직접 조리하여 먹기를 원한다’ 48.9 48.9%, ‘주로 외식하기를 원한다’ 20.2, 10.9%, ‘전문급식업체로부터 국이나 반찬을 배달하여 먹기를 원한다’ 11.2, 21.8%의 순으로 나타났다. 노인이 되었을 때 정기적으로 음식을 제공받을 의향은 남학생과 여학생 각각 52.2, 55.7%이었으며, 이들 중 정기 배달식 의향이 있다고 응답한 학생들을 대상으로 조사한 배달식의 고려 사항은 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘맛’ 38.7, 24.7%, ‘위생’ 35.5, 47.4%, ‘영양’ 19.4, 22.7% 순이었다. 실버타운이나 노인복지시설의 시설급식 의향은 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘예’ 47.2, 48.3%이며, 이들을 대상으로 조사한 시설급식을 원하는 이유로는 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘비교적 저렴한 가격에 이용할 수 있어 경제적이다’ 30.9, 22.6%, ‘식사 준비에서 해방될 수 있다’ 21.4, 23.8% 순이었고, 시설급식 의향이 없는 남학생과 여학생들을 대상으로 조사한 시설급식을 원하지 않는 이유로는 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘실버타운이나 노인복지 시설에 기거하고 싶지 않다’ 36.5, 45.6%, ‘다른 장소로 이동하여 먹고 싶지 않다’ 11.8, 10.0% 순이었다.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the knowledge, attitude, and behavior of 280 University students towards nutrition labels. The purpose of the study was to examine knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of university students regarding nutrition labeling, and whether body mass index (BMI) with nutrition labeling was associated with knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Descriptive statistics analyzed knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of university students regarding food labeling. The ANOVA and χ2 analysis was evaluated and assessed for its relationship with BMI. Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis examined relationships between knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. More than 90 percent of answers relating to 11 nutritional knowledge questions were correct. Only 30% of participants answered correctly regarding questions about plan source oil and cholesterol content. Attitudes and behaviors of nutrition labels were significantly higher among participants who were obese (p<0.001). Knowledge score was positively correlated with general label usage behavior (r=.169, p<0.01), and item buying behavior (r=0.142, p<0.05). Attitude also was positively correlated with behavior (p<0.01). Nutrition labeling education efforts are needed to provide university students with a nutritional education program and information on how to read nutritional labels and apply this information to their lives. University students need to understand their need for numerous nutrients instead of merely focusing on the fat and calories of foods.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is conducted to compare the problems affecting dietary habits and health status between a long-term exercise group and non-exercise group of males older than 50 years. Most subjects of the two groups consider regular exercise to be the most important factor for maintaining health, and recognize hypertension as the number one concern. The most common nutritional supplement among subjects is multiple vitamins, and sleeping time range from 6~8 hours. Breakfast fasting rate was 15.9% among non-exercise group (NEG), where overeating and eating out rates were higher among exercise group (EG) when comparing to NEG. Fasting rates of breakfast, and consumption rates of milk and dairy products, vegetables such as kimchi, and fruits and fruit juices are higher among the EG. Overeating and eating out rates are lower among NEG, whereas eating rates of proteins like meat, fish, eggs, beans, fried foods, high-fat meats carbonated drinks, ice cream, and salt intakes are higher. Rates of health, dietary habits, and nutrient intakes are higher among EG. Energy intakes among the two groups were below the standard level, Vitamin B2 intake is low in EG, and folic acid and calcium intakes were higher in NEG. The exercising group care more about health, eating habits and nutrient intakes, and low smoking rates are being observed. Thus, specific dietary improvement programs for adult men, are required, and it is necessary to consider the practice of nutrition education.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present work investigated the dispersion behavior of Y2O3 particles into AISI 316L SS manufactured using laser cladding technology. The starting particles were produced by high energy ball milling in 10 min for pre- alloying, which has a trapping effect and homogeneous dispersion of Y2O3 particles, followed by laser cladding using CO2 laser source. The phase and crystal structures of the cladded alloys were examined by XRD, and the cross section was characterized using SEM. The detailed microstructure was also studied through FE-TEM. The results clearly indi- cated that as the amount of Y2O3 increased, micro-sized defects consisted of coarse Y2O3 were increased. It was also revealed that homogeneously distributed spherical precipitates were amorphous silicon oxides containing yttrium. This study represents much to a new technology for the manufacture and maintenance of ODS alloys.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, PtRu nanoparticles deposited on binary carbon supports were developed for use in direct methanol fuel cells using carbon blacks (CBs) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). The particle sizes and morphological structures of the catalysts were analyzed using X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, and the PtRu loading content was determined using an inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer. The electrocatalytic characteristics for methanol oxidation were evaluated by means of cyclic voltammetry with 1 M CH3OHin a 0.5 MH2SO4 solution as the electrolyte. The PtRu particle sizes and the loading level were found to be dependent on the mixing ratio of the two carbon materials. The electroactivity of the catalysts increased with an increasing MWCNT content, reaching a maximum at 30% MWCNTs, and subsequently decreased. This was attributed to the introduction of MWCNTs as a secondary support, which provided a highly accessible surface area and caused morphological changes in the carbon supports. Consequently, the PtRu nanoparticles deposited on the binary support exhibited better performance than those deposited on the single support, and the best performance was obtained when the mass ratio of CBs to MWCNTs was 70:30.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was designed to provide fundamental data on the consumption of fast food for a balanced diet of university students. The effects of personal characteristics and preferences such as gender, major, residing region, living expense, school grade, dieting, physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption on fast food consumption patterns were analyzed by surveying university students. The analysis showed significant differences (p<0.05) in the consumption of different types of fast food depending on different personal characteristics and preferences as follows : hamburger by major, physical activity and alcohol consumption; chicken by school grade, physical activity and alcohol consumption; spaghetti by gender and smoking. Groups of different majors and school grades showed significant differences (p<0.05) in response to a question “Have you ever eaten fast food for regular meals?”. The choice of fast food types based on taste and price appeared to be significantly influenced by majors and gender. Different groups with different majors and dieting experience appeared to think significantly differently about fast food. In response to a question “Has the consumption of fast food changed your diet style” different groups of different majors and physical activities showed significant differences. The analysis of factors affecting fast food choices revealed that fast food is chosen significantly differently depending on gender and majors (p<0.05). The purchase of fast food appeared to be significantly affected by gender, diet, physical activity, experience of fast food and consumption of fast food for regular meals (p<0.05).
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to obtain principal data on nutrition education according to college major after analyzing the nutrition status of 302 male university subjects. The 302 male subjects consisted of male students majoring in literature and science (109), food and nutrition (94), and physical education (99). Exactly 47.9% (highest among the groups) of male students majoring in food and nutrition ate regular meals, 39.4% ate breakfast. Precisely 29.4% of subjects majoring in literature and science never ate out. Exactly 23.2% of subjects majoring in physical education over ate frequently, and 31.3% enjoyed eating out. Intakes of protein, fat, vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, folic acid, Ca, Fe, sodium, and cholesterol among male students majoring in food and nutrition appeared to be significantly higher compared to those of other groups (p<0.05). Intakes of energy, Zn, dietary fiber, and cholesterol among male students majoring in physical education were higher, whereas intakes of all nutrients except for dietary fiber by subjects majoring in literature and science were lower than the other two groups. Exactly 20.2% of male students were interested in health. We found that 52.4% of subjects considered exercise as an important factor for maintaining health. Smoking rate was the highest (43.6%) among male students majoring in nutrition, and the drinking rate was highest (56.0%) among male students majoring in literature and science. We found that smoking was continued as a habit (61.5%) while drinking was essential for social relationships (73.9%). From this study, it was found that male students have problems associated with eating regular meals, skipping breakfast, overeating, and intake of unbalanced foods. Also, male students who majored in food and nutrition demonstrated problems in applying their knowledge to proper dietary habits. In conclusion, a systemic educational program needs to be introduced to promote healthful dietary habits in male students.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the Sewer Pipe is transformed by the expansion of life cycle as a result of the technology development, flexible pipe is developed by the transformed environmental conditions. To change pipe design, three phases(compaction ration - inner deflection ratio - ring stiffness) should be considered in design conditions. The input data of pipe design were provided by compaction-inner deflection ratio-ring stiffness. M oreover, The guidelines of sewerage pipes should be considered by flexible pipes design criteria.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 기본적 목적은 중소기업의 중간관리자들에 의해 지각된 조직내 기업가정신이 그들의 혁신적 업무행동에 어떠한 영향을 미칠 수 있는지를 살펴보는 것이다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 먼저 조직내 기업가정신에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 내부 조직적 요인들, 즉 조직문화를 포함하여 경영층지원, 직무자율성, 보상 및 강화, 시간적 여유, 구조적 지원 등과 같은 조직과정들을 파악하고 이를 토대로 개념적 모형과 가설을 개발했다. 실증적 연구는 중소기업진흥공단에 있는 중소
        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, carbon/epoxy composite DCB(double cantilever beam) specimens based on K-means clustering and wavelet transform analyses are presented. For the fracture Mode I, the fiber orientation θ = [0 ]24 and θ = [±45]12 both shown up stable crack growth in DCB testing. For the fiber orientation θ = [0 ]24 , the continuous type AE signal showed at central frequency 130~270kHz, which means that matrix micro cracking was occurred. The Burst type AE signal was occurred at central frequency 200~300kHz due to fiber bridging and fiber breaking. Other burst type AE signals were occurred at central frequency 130~180kHz with very high amplitude due to fiber bridging. For the fiber orientation θ = [±45]12 , the burst type signal showed at central frequency 220~300kHz, which means that fiber breaking was occurred. Mixed type of burst and continuous signals were captured at central frequency 250~480kHz due to fiber friction.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구는 폭발에 의한 충격 하중이 작용하는 경우에 대하여 AFRP(KFRP)로 이루어진 벽체 구조의 화이버 보강각도 변화에 따른 방폭 성능 효과를 비교 제시하였다. 실제 폭발시험과 근사한 해석을 도출해내기 위해서 실제충격을 정확하게 묘사할 수 있는 구성 방정식과 상태방정식을 포함한 정교한 수치 시뮬레이션 해석을 수행하였다. 폭발에 의한 극한 충격하중과 같은 순간적인 동적인 문제를 해석하기 위하여 극도의 비선형성 해석과 고속충돌해석에 특화된 AUTODYN-3D 프로그램을 사용하여 화이버 보강 각도의 변화가 AFRP 벽체의 탄소성 거동에 미치는 영향을 상세 분석하였다.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the real world, most of biological systems that follow Markov process have internal states which are unobservable, so called hidden states. However, although the states could not be directly observed, events emitted under any hidden states would often be observable. It infers that a lot of biological systems might be simulated by hidden Markov model (HMM). To date, many studies tried to apply the HMM for monitoring and describing of animal behaviors. In this study, we attempted to build a HMM that emulates the traveling behavior of subterranean termites in the artificial tunnels with varying width and curvature, based on the empirical data obtained from our previous study that explored the relationship between subterranean termite's movement efficiency and the geometric pattern of their tunnels.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It can be said that nowadays, customers don't recognize that only good quality products as selection attribute regarding products quality can satisfy them. The case in service industries is also the same. Service quality is most affected by the criteria that customers themselves evaluate. Customers who are not satisfied with services provided institutions will disregard them. In consequence, this will affect their profitability. Collected questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS v.15 for the concrete proof analysis and the results are as follows. First, Service quality works as an important factors on customer's behavior. Second, Relationship quality serves as a mediated role between service quality and customer's behavior.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        근로자를 위한 안전교육의 중요성에 대한 관심이 많지 않다. 이에 본 연구에서는, 가정봉사원들을 위한 안전교육이 어떻게 그들의 업무관련부상에 영향을 주는지 조사하였다. 이와 더불어, 안전교육이 직속상사의 인간 중심적 배려행동과 상호작용을 통해 가정봉사원들의 업무관련부상에 미치는 영향도 함께 살펴보았다. 이 연구를 위하여 노인들을 위해 일하는 282명의 가정봉사원을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였고, 이를 통하여 얻은 자료에 대하여 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, polyaniline (PANI)/graphene nanosheet (GNS) composites were synthesized through chemical oxidation polymerization by changing the weight ratio of aniline mono-mers. To examine the morphological structure of the composites, scanning electron micros-copy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were conducted. TEM results revealed that fibril-likePANI with a diameter of 50 nm was homogeneously coated on the surface of the GNS. The electrochemical properties of the composites were studied by cyclic voltam-metry in 1 M H2SO4 electrolyte. Among the prepared samples, the PANI/GNS (having 40 wt% aniline content) showed the highest specificcapacitance, 528 Fg-1, at 10 mVs-1. The im-proved performance was attributed to the GNS, which provides a large number of active sites and good electrical conductivity. The resulting composites are promising electrode materials for high capacitative supercapacitors.