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        검색결과 587

        2002.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        울릉도의 식물상은 총 109과 355속 526종 2아종 89변종 10품종 총 627종류(Taxa)로 파악되었다. 현재까지 보고된 울릉도 식물상은 총 122과 465속 762종 5아종 178변종 21품종 9교잡종 총 975종류로 정리되었다. 울릉도에 분포하는 식물의 특성을 밝히기 위하여 한반도, 울릉도 및 일본열도 간 식물상을 비교한 결과, 울릉도의 식물은 한반도와 더 유사한 관계를 보이는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 울릉도에 자생하는 특산식물을 포함하여 희귀 및 멸종위기식물의 서식처는 보다 체계적인 관리가 필요하다. 또한, 관광객의 증가로 귀화식물이 점점 늘어나고 있는 추세이므로 외래종에 대한 관리가 필요할 것으로 판단된다. 울릉도의 특정 생태계나 특산식물을 포함한 희귀 및 멸종위기식물의 서식처를 보전하기 위하여 생태계 보전지역 이상의 수준에서 보전지역으로 지정하여, 점차 파괴되어 가는 울릉도의 자연생태계를 보호해야 할 것이다.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The wheelhouse front glass of a Fore-Bridge-Ship (Ro-Ro Ship) was broken by the shipping of water in rough seas, and then the flooding of seawater into the wheelhouse caused the uncontrollable condition of the ship. The hull which was entered into the floating condition rolled severely, and the heavy rolling caused secondary damage such as the collapse of a lot of cargo. It was an incredible accident because the height of bow freeboard was about 2.5 times higher than the standard height of minimum bow freeboard regulated by the International Load Line Convention(1966). And it would be also difficult for navigators to imagine a great deal of seawater flooding into the wheelhouse because the front glass was positioned at about 20m height above the sea surface. In this paper, we carried out the evaluation for the safety navigation of the Fore-Bridge-Ship numerically against ship's speed and encountering angle to the wave in each sea state of rough sea, by using the integrated seakeeping performance index (ISPI) which is able to evaluate synthetically the safety operation of ships. And then the problem on the application of the past criteria proposed as the safety navigation of a merchant ship was clarified by inquiring the dangerousness of the shipping of water at her bow deck, which caused the breakage of the wheelhouse front glass.
        2000.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In world trade, the vessel traffic in major routes has been congested due to the rapid increase of cargoes and shipping tonnages. The patterns of vessel traffic have also been complicated and diversified. Therefore it was necessary that the Vessel Traffic Service(VTS) should be established in order to enhance the safety of navigation, to prevent the loss of life and damage to the environment. The first advanced radar surveillance system(LevelIII-VTS) was introduced in Pohang, Korea in 1993 and in 13 other ports later. While the hardware of Korea VTS is equal to that of an advanced country, the software, specially the operation manual, the recruitment and education of VTS operator, and the VTS service area is behind that of Russia, USA, Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore and others. After researching and investigating. the VTS equipment and service area of many countries, and analyzing the IMO regulations relevant to VTS and the traffic pattern and accident of Pohang port, the most efficient VTS service area should be established in Pohang. According to the analysis of the preceding studies and research on VTS, the worldwide VTS areas are recognized under the following conditions: First, the service area should be extended over at least radar coverage taking into account of traffic flow, traffic density, the degree of danger to navigation and harbour condition in order to provide all possible services. Second, the established service area should be subdivided and systematized to render reliable VTS services, such as the allocation of VHF frequency and reporting procedure in each area. In conclusion, the VTS service area of Pohang must be established and operated over 10 miles from shore(radar site) covering the radar coverage, so as to include the area of traffic congestion and high density traffic flow.
        1999.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the manufacturing systems adapt information technology, safety control and management systems are required to adapt information technology by changing the industrial environment. This paper is presented the methodology of designing the safety control and management system based on intranetwork environment to reduce breakdown time on facility and Increase efficience of safety training and education.
        1999.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this phenomenological inquiry is to suggest a positive direction for Korean architecture to pursue. In order to have the inquiry, we need Heidegger's term, 'World 3.' To discuss works of art and architecture as created is also to discuss such works as creative, that is, as realities which add themselves to the creativity of a world which is never complete except by our going with the venture of creativity, which is in Heidegger's term World 3. Through it, our ground is transformed into an ever changing but ever self-recovering World. If all of this has any fundamental significance for architecture and if this significance cannot be neglected in favor of other considerations, the work of architecture does not enter into the world as a thing of abstraction or concept. Rather, as a venture, as a tension of the 'World 3,' the work of architecture constantly brings about the transformable truth of the world.
        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1999.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To establish the optimal culture systems for production of transferable embryos in Korean Cattle, pregnancy rates of IVF-derived blastocysts according to different culture media, culture method and culture duration were compared. Development of IVF-derived embryos to blastocysts was most effective in YS medium group co-cultre with cumulus cells. Blastocysts cultured for 6 to 8 d in vitro showed higher hatching rate and good quality. Pregnancy rates after transfer of IVF-derived blastocysts cultured for 7 or 8 d were high. Through our experiments, it is considered that improvement of culture media and culture method is necessary for mass production of blastocysts with excellent of good quality in Korean Cattle.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료