
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 607

        2008.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구에서는 과학탐구공동체 구성을 위한 잠재적인 학습 자료로서 자연사박물관의 전시물의 교육적 잠재성을 탐색해보고자 한다. 과학 탐구공동체는 과학적 지식의 습득과 과학 방법의 학습으로 연결되는 과학실습의 한 형태로 제안하였다. 공동체 학습은 주변에서 접하게 되는 과학-기술-사회적인 이슈들을 통해 이루어질 수 있다. 자연사 박물관 전시가 이러한 사회과학적인 이슈들을 포함하고 있다면 이는 자연사박물관의 과학탐구공동체로의 가능성에 대해 고려해 볼 수 있음을 전제로 하였다. 이런 맥락에서 본 연구는 자연사박물관 전시의 사회과학적 학습 자료 잠재성을 탐색하였다. 구체적으로 사회과학적 소재로서 적용 가능한 지진' 학습의 과학탐구공동체 구현을 위해, 첫째 미국 뉴욕시의 미국 자연사박물관과 워싱턴 D.C.의 스미소니언 미국국립자연사박물관의 지진 관련 전시물과 지구과학 교육과정과의 연관성을 분석하였다. 둘째, 두 박물관의 관계자와 인터뷰하여 이와 관련한 박물관의 교육적 의도와 노력을 알아보았다. 마지막으로 과학탐구공동체 구현을 위한 주제와 관련된 자연사 박물관 전시물의 특징을 탐색적으로 분석하였다. 이 연구에서 조사한 박물관의 전시는 교육과정과 관련하여 사회과학적 소재인 '지진'의 다양하고 실제적인 사례와 사건에 관한 풍부한 자료를 제공하고 있었다. 대상 박물관은 지역적 흥미와 사회과학적 이슈와의 연관성에 초점을 맞추어 박물관의 교육적 목적을 달성하고자 했음을 알았다. 지진이란 주제를 관람객에게 적절하도록 하기 위해 전시특성에 있어 원자료나 상호작용적 매체를 이용하여 살아있는 경험의 전달을 강조되고 있음을 알아내었다.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A phytoseiid mite, Neoseiulus californicus was newly found from Jeju citrus orchards in Korea and it is a polyphagous predator of mite and small insect pests as well as plant pollens. Recently in Korean apple orchards, Tetranychus urticae and Panonychus ulmi are imposing similar pest pressure. Even with ample information of this predator interacting with T. urticae, little is known on the interaction with P. ulmi. We investigated temperature effects on life history parameters of N. californicus when feeding on P. ulmi as prey in the laboratory condition to check the possibility to use this predatory mite in apple mite biological control. So, the development, survivorship and life-table parameters of the predator were studied by given mixed stages of P. ulmi as prey under the range of temperatures (15-34°C), RH 75±10%, and photoperiod 16L:8D to determine the effects of temperature. Temperature had a significant effect on mean development time from hatching to adult emergence and other life-history parameters. The results specified that the developmental time is decreased with increasing temperature between 15 and 30oC. Female development times were shorter at 25, 30 and 34°C (3.83±0.07, 3.37±0.24 and 3.53±0.11d, respectively) and were longest at 15°C (15.61±0.22d). Male developmental times were shorter than females ones at each temperature. The highest adult female life span (70.42±3.06d) and oviposition period (35.83±1.43d) observed at 15oC whereas the shortest at 34oC (13.06±1.03 and 7.3±0.94d, respectively). At 25oC, females laid maximum number of eggs (63.94±2) while minimum (16.59±0.98) was at 34oC. In sex ratio, utmost number of females (0.77±0.01) was counted at 25oC and lowest (0.67±0.01) at 34oC. Survivorship during immature development varied from 78.78 to 93.75% with the lowest value recorded at 20 and 34oC. From life table analysis, the shortest generation time (T=10.7d) resulted at 34oC. The highest net reproductive rate (R0=44.31; expected progeny per female) was found at 25oC. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm=0.29) and the finite rate of increase (λ=1.33) per day was estimated highest at 30oC. From this study, we found that N. californicus could successfully develop and oviposit vital eggs. Based on these results, we cautiously expect that N. californicus could be used as a biocontrol agent of spider mites in apple orchards when P. ulmi or T. urticae occurs singly or mutually.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The biology of indian meal moth and maize weevil on the trehalose gene introduced rice (var "Nakdong") (T-Nakdong) was compared to that on the rice without gene introduction (Nakdong) at 28±1.0℃. Development of the both two insects was significantly delayed, on T-Nakdong, the developmental periods of female moth (±SE) and weevil were 38.46±0.42 and 36.38±0.28 days, respectively. Whereas those on Nakdong were 36.38±0.28 and 34.33±0.18, respectively. Net reproduction rate of Indian meal moth on T-Nakdong (3.0±0.14) was significantly lower than that on Nakdong (9.25±0.13), due to the lower emergence rate (21.08±0.04% vs 48.30±0.06%). The life table statistics of maize weevil on T-Nakdong was estimated to be similar to those on Nakdong. The delayed development of T-Nakdong suggested that the factor for development of the insects could be changed by the introduction of trehalose gene into the rice variety.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근까지도 많은 시간이력 지진해석이 연약지반의 증폭영향을 고려하지 않고 연약지반 위 지표면에서 기록된 지진거동으로 수행되었다. 그러나 합리적인 구조물의 지진해석을 위해서는 지반조건을 고려하고 암반지진기록을 이용하는 것이 중요하다. 이 연구에서는 연구를 위해 태평양지진연구센터(PEER)에서 제공하는 공개된 1557개의 지진기록 중에서 26개 암반지진기록을 선정하고 암반지진 기록의 특성을 분석하였다. 연구결과에 의하면, 지반조건을 고려하지 않고 지진규모로부터 지진가속도를 추정하는 것은 합리적이지 못하며, PEER 데이터베이스 암반지진기록으로는 지진가속도, 지진규모, 진앙거리 사이의 일반적인 상관관계를 추정하는 것도 어려운 것으로 평가되었다. 그러나 이 연구에서 선정한 26개 암반지진기록은 구조물-지반체계의 시간이력 지진해석을 위해 암반지진기록으로 사용할 수는 있지만, 이 지진기록을 사용할 때에도 지진가속도, 지진규모, 진앙거리 및 지반조건이 유사한 지진기록을 사용하는 것이 필요하다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Muck (Korean traditional starch jelly) is very unique and the one of the oldest starch processing traditional food. The typical ingredients for making muck such as acorns, mungbean and buckwheat have been eaten since the new stone age or even before that era. This study was for investigation on the history of muck and its processing methods in the ancient and the modern culinary literatures from the 1400’s to 1900’s. The summary of the reviews was as follows. In the ages from the 1400’s to 1700’s, using starch powder, Se-myon and Chang-myon were made and their shape were like noodles instead of cubical shape. It was after the 1700’s that muck making methods were revealed in the literature, like 「Gyeong-do-jabji」 (1730) and「Go-sa-sib-e-jib」 (1737). The naming of muck might be from the time after 1800’s, in「Myoung-mul-kiryak 」 (around 1870) the basis of the names of Choeng-po (white mungbean jelly) and Whang-po (yellow mungbean jelly) could be found. One of the most well-known muck dish, Tang-pyeong-chae, was recorded many old literatures, so it was found that Tang-pyeong-chae was very popular and governmental policy of Tang-pyeong-chak influenced the food of the common people. In 「Shi-eui-jeon-seo」 (late 1800’s) there were records of several types of muck and starch powder making methods in detail which were handed down to the modern ages.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since the introduction of Christianity in Korea, there has been a remarkable growth in the number of church members, despite its short history in the country. Subsequently, numerous churches have been and still are being founded in Korea, most of them being relatively new. Nevertheless, theological research conducted on the issue of ‘Church Planting’ has been not very fruitful. However, Peter Wagner began teaching about ‘Church Planting’ at the Fuller Theological Seminary in the USA from the end of the 1970s, which influenced Korean scholars in Korea. Due to his influence, many Korean scholars also started to study the topic of ‘Church Planting’ in Korea since the 1990s. Fortunately, since then, many Korean scholars have studied ‘Church Planting‘ in varieties of diverse ways in order to make the Korean Church stronger. When I look at context of the Korean Church nowadays, I get the impression that the foundation of new churches will carry on continuously. Moreover, ‘Church Planting’ has to occur throughout time, for the completion of the mission which was given to us by Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is my hope that theological research on ‘Church Planting‘ would continue to grow and become more successful in the future. In my study, I will research the relationship of the development of churches throughout time, from when they were first set up. My research will give good directions in order to create a strong church heading, thus be useful to show how to set up a strong, new church in Korea. First of all, in my study, I studied the meaning and necessity of ‘Church Planting’ in the Korean Church in Chapter II, followed by the introduction in Chapter I. I divided the form of ‘Church Planting’ in the Korean Church from the subject of church planting in Chapter III. In chapter IV, I subdivided the four forms of ‘Church Planting’ through each of the times, and I looked at the diverse characteristics of ‘Church Planting’ in the history of the Korean Church.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of the article is to outline the history of the mission of the minjung church from 1983 to 2005 and to identify its new missionary tasks in a changed world. At the end of the cold war, the minjung movement in general, the minjung mission in particular, seemed to be unnecessary any more. After the economic crisis of 1997, however, the minjung mission played an important role for taking care of victims of the structural adjustment programs of many corporations, and for establishing alternative communities. Its history divides into four periods: the formation period (1983-1987), the development period (1988-1992), the transformation period (1993-1997), and the professional period (1998-2005). Each period deals with its socio-economic, political, cultural background and minjung mission’s main contents, characteristics, and limitation. The history of the mission of the minjung church is interpreted by the results of the social biographies of 26 minjung pastors. According to their social biographies, minjung pastors changed themselves in the process of the minjung mission rather than changed the minjung. They rediscovered the importance of the Bible and religion in relation to the social change. Also they found negative aspects of the minjung. They regarded spirituality and life as pillars for the forthcoming minjung mission. Some reflections on mission of the minjung church was carried out through analysing the relationship between faith and ideology, the dilemma of identity-involvement, positive understanding of religion, understanding of minjung, and theories of community organization and conscientization. In a changed world, spirituality, the minjung and life are identified as new tasks for the minjung mission.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Colin Rowe was an important historian, theorist and critic in Modern architecture. His significance in Modern architectural history lies in not only historiography which has changed our view of Modernism but deep theoretical involvement in practice. This study is a critical review and analysis on his formalist approach in Architecture. With a view that his position of formalist has indispensible relationship with liberalism from K. Popper's critical rationalism, this study try to show how his philosophical background has an influence upon his way of seeing architecture, history, form, urbanism, and meaning, etc. And this study also try to explain why the principle of architecture as an autonomous discipline which is the main point of view in Rowe's criticism has been so successful and influential. This study also explain what is the possibility and limitation of Rowe's formalist approach and way of reading buildings. His intelligent way of formal analysis can give us new understandings of how the form generates and the process of design goes on. Furthermore it guide us a new horizon of architecture as a language game. Since his early writings showed both side of formalist approach in architecture and it didn't changed a lot. We can understand his 'Collage City' was a his final answer to his formalist way of making architecture and urbanism. we can estemate it as a utopia without utopianism and an ideology without ideological color.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        멸종위기에 처한 우리나라 고유 담수어인 꼬치동자개 Pseudobagrus brevicorpus의 증식 복원을 위한 연구의 일환으로 생태와 초기생활사에 대해 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 꼬치동자개는 특정 조건에 밀집되어 개체군을 형성하며 서식밀도는 1.25개체 m-2이었고, 생산력은 200~250개 마리-1 낮아 멸종위기 상황을 시사하였다. 산란은 자연산란 유도 결과 수초에 산란하는 것으로 추정되며 부화한 치어는 군집생
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        납자루아과의 어류들과 산란습성이 유사한 중고기 Sarcocheilichtys nigripinis morii의 산란생숙주 선택성과 초기 생활사에서 나타나는 배와 자어의 적응 형질을 조사하였다. 중고기의 수정난은 조사수역에 동소적으로 서식하는 담수산 이매패들 중에서도 엷은재첩과 재첩의 체내에서만 관찰되어 숙주 특이성을 보였다. 산란되는 부위는 이매패의 외투강으로 수정난의 난막이 2배 정도로 크게 팽창하며, 부화 전 기관 형성이 완성되어 운동이 자유로운 el
        2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine contemporary literature and documents on the establishment and transition of school grounds in and after the Kabo Reform(1894) that initiated early modern education. It's basically meant to shed light on the past a
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 제4세대 소듐냉각고속로(Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor)의 후보 노형으로 선정된 KALIMER-600에 대한 단순 지진해석모델을 개발하고 시간이력 지진응답해석을 수행하여 수평 면진설계(Seismic Isolation) 기술이 적용된 원자로건물의 주요기기 및 구조물에서의 지진응답 성능을 분석하였다. 개발된 단순 지진해석모델은 원자로건물, 원자로시스템, 주요 기기, 중간 열전달계통 배관, 그리고 면진장치를 포함하며 각각은 상세 유한요소해석을 통한 동특성 비교검증을 통하여 정확성을 검증하였다. 안전정지기준 0.3g의 설계인공지진 하중에 대한 시간이력 지진응답해석을 수행하여 면진설계와 비면진 설계조건에 따른 원자로 주요 부위에서의 층응답스펙트럼을 비교분석한 결과 KALIMER-600의 면진성능이 우수한 것으로 나타났다.
        2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the perception of middle school physical education teachers, who gave lessons about the history of physical education, about the unit construction of that section from diverse angles by looking into their relevant
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Eavan Boland finds her poetic identity in the significances of her birthplace of Ireland and her gender of an Irish woman. with this identity she shows a keen awareness of the fundamental sense of poetic ethics - to de-and re-construct the traditional literary frame imposed by male points of view, witnessing to the truths and facts of Irish women's experiences in the history of Ireland. In the broad sense of the Irish matter, Boland concerns with the artistic image and its relationship to the facts of women's lives in Ireland and she tries to find the poetic place of women in pointing the loss of women in Irish history and literary tradition. In this aspect Boland tries to find the proper images to suggest the true identity of women just in history not outside of history. So her dependence on the power of language and on the objective attitudes to the common lives and trivial things of women's lives is the proof for her poetic ethics. Some poems of Boland's blast the muse who helps men to write women as a queen to Ireland as a mother to the children and husband. Instead she urges the muse to keep her place beside women poets in creating the homely images. In creating the true images of women the common is present and she suggests the woman's potentiality as a subject and a viewer and as a mother and a poet. So Boland destabilizes the images of woman as a grand mythic queen and as an abstract composite of femininity. In this process Boland keeps her tone cold and cool even in showing her powerful views on the female identity. She achieves this attitude through 'looking' and 'watching.' She suggests to look into the mirror towards the general readers as well as poets herself even in her rage to the Irish literary tradition. So she keeps her own characteristic voices in finding and reintroducing the perspectives that run counter to the traditional Irish male views on woman and history.
        2006.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Powder forging has progressed in three decades through the stages of incubation, growth, and maturity, now accounting for 8% of the 5 B global PM market. In this presentation, a history of the technical development of powder forging will be recounted, from early failed attempts and misconceptions, through seminal academic and industrial research, to technical and commercial success. Discussion covers the contributions of government and industrial funding, fundamental knowledge development, and industrial champions for successful implementation. The focus is on lessons learned that may be beneficial to the transition of other technologies for the powder metallurgy industry.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Life history of Ivela auripes (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), a pest of Comus controversa, was investigated both in laboratory and field condition. At 24±1℃, developmental period from larvae to adult and adult life span was 26.3±0.3 and 4.4±0.2 days, respectively. Developmental period of pupae reared in the laboratory was not significantly different from those collected in the field. Female moths reared in the laboratory laid significantly less eggs than those emerged from the pupae collected in the field. Light trap catches was less effective than direct monitoring in the field. The two monitoring results showed that adult moth emerged from early June to late June, and the time of 50% cumulative emergence was 17 June.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Yeats's poetry and writings were a display of his passion for mysticism and the occult. This view on Yeats has been largely expressed in various publications. Many of Yeats's critics, including Ellmann, agree that the roots of Yeats's system are in Theosophy. The roots of Yeats's philosophy are in Theosophy, being a comprehensive, unifying systems of all occult tradition, and the first metaphysical system that Yeats encountered. Being faced with the dilemma between faith and disbelief, Yeats contacted numerous texts on the subject occultism and met Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy society, claimed to have the ability to offer a "synthesis" of religion, science, and philosophy. After many metaphysical conversations with her and many hours of long thought on the issue, Yeats took one of his first steps on his path of occult wisdom. Yeats's fascination with occultism and mysticism was so profound, and his need to create a unifying mythology so great, that he decided to develop an esoteric system of his own. Thus, between 1917 and 1925, Yeats had written A Vision, an elaborate, complicated system that is of importance in understanding Yeats's works. The first version, published in 1925, was later revised, and final version was published in 1937. In Book IV and V of A Vision Yeats had expounded the notion that history moves in great two-thousand-year cycles. This circle represents the moon and the twenty-eight phases of the moon which are closely related to the progression of time and world history. Yeats suggested all things are subject to a cycle of changes, which can be regarded as bi-polar, passing from a state of objectivity to one of subjectivity before returning to objectivity again. In this view he was strongly influenced by the Theosophists, especially Blavatsky and the Kabbalists, who saw the law of periodicity as one of the fundamental and absolute laws of the universe. Yeats believed that history was cyclic and that every 2,000 years a new cycle begins, which is the opposite of the cycle that has preceded it. In his poem "The Second Coming," the birth of Christ begins one cycle, which ends, as the poem ends, with a "rough beast," mysterious and menacing, who "slouches towards Bethlehem to be born." Yeats's theory of the historical cycle is directly related to his belief in a universal duality -- the existence of opposite but equal forces that dominate a cycle alternately. This view is in accordance with the occult traditions which teach that the First Cause exhibits periodically different aspects of itself. Yeats believed that kingdoms rise movement of history is an hour within the day of a large movement, and that all these cycles are caught within one all-inclusive "Great Year" which has a cosmic purpose. The Kabbalah says the alternation between judgement and mercy must be on equal terms. The germ finally goes back to its root principle, the Unity out of which everything proceeds.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료