
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,850

        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The act of gift-giving is one of the most significant consumption rituals that individuals perform world-wide (Antón, Camarero, and Gil, 2014) and represents a substantial industry and a major source of revenue for retailers (Segev, Shoham, and Ruvio, 2013). In addition to its economic significance, gift giving is instrumental in maintaining social bonds and functions as symbolic communication in relationships (Belk, 1979; Belk and Coon, 1993). Various researchers (e.g., Belk and Coon, 1993; Fischer and Arnold 1990; Lowrey, Otnes, and Ruth 2004; Ruth, Otnes, and Brunel 1999; Sherry and McGrath 1989) explore reasons for giving and receiving gifts. Although these studies offer valuable insights into gift giving, research on luxury brands as gifts is scarce (Reyneke, Berthon, Pitt, and Parent, 2011). Similarly, research on luxury concentrates on consumer perceptions of luxury brands and motivations behind luxury consumption (Dubois and Duquesne, 1993; Zhan and He, 2012; Roux, Tafani, and Vigneron, 2017). There is a lack of research on consumer resistance to luxury brands. This paper attempts to address these gaps from a conceptual perspective. Drawing on gift giving, consumer resistance and luxury brand literature, this study will examine consumer resistance to luxury brands as gifts. Consumer resistance is “the way in which individuals or groups practise a strategy of appropriation in response to structures of domination” (Poster, 1992, p.1). Consumer resistance can be generic (toward all forms of consumption), or specific (toward a brand or product) (Nepomuceno, Rohani, and Grégoire, 2017). Moisio and Askegaard (2002) suggested three factors that trigger resistance: market conditions that are deemed unacceptable; products or brands that do not conform to the consumer’s self-image; and dominant cultural values that are rejected due to their hegemonic nature. Key motives for luxury brand consumption include impressing others or interpersonal aspects (Berry, 1994; Kastanakis and Balabanis, 2014), and personal or hedonic reasons (Dubois, Czellar, and Laurent, 2005; Wiedmann, Hennigs, & Siebels, 2009). The reasons for resistance to consumption are not merely the opposite of motives for consumption. Hence, to gain a comprehensive understanding of consumption, it is essential to examine resistance to consumption as an alternative consumption (Roux, 2007; Close and Zinkhan, 2009). This study will contribute theoretically to work on gift giving, consumer resistance and luxury brands. Managerial implications will be relevant to brand managers and how they can develop strategies to prevent consumer resistance to their brands.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the level of realism of the game character provided in the smoking simulation game on user experience, such as psychological stress, psychological resistance, immersion, and awakening of the smoking behavior. The results showed that psychological stress, psychological resistance, arousal/awakening, and immersion were higher with higher levels of self-existence, and that psychological effects were associated with the levels of self-existence. It is expected that it will change the perception of smoking.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 목초액 침지처리 활엽수의 심·변재 구분에 따른 내후성 효과를 평가하기 위하여 실시하였 다. 졸참나무, 구실잣밤나무, 백합나무를 심재와 변재로 구분한 시험편을 목초액에 96시간 동안 침지시 킨 후 백색 부후균을 사용하여 활엽수 심재와 변재의 내후성을 조사하였다. 침지처리 후 모든 조건에서 목재의 중량과 밀도가 약간 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 부후처리 후 목초액 침지처리를 한 시험편에 서 낮은 중량감소율이 나타났다. 수종별 비교에서 구실잣밤나무의 침지처리 심재에서 가장 낮은 중량감 소가 나타났다. 목초액을 이용한 침지처리법은 백색 부후균에 의한 목재의 부후저항을 효과적으로 증가 시켰다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to establish a seismic resistance performance evaluation method that makes sure to secure the seismic resistance performance of the existing mid-low story reinforced concrete structures. This study focuses on the development of the seismic resistance performance evaluation method for the overall seismic resistance performance evaluation on the buildings by applying fuzzy theory. This seismic resistance performance evaluation method considers the mutual relations among the type of force, the type of member, the type of story, and the states of deterioration of the buildings. The total seismic resistance performance index from this method was calculated by the intensity weight of each evaluation item, fuzzy measure, fuzzy integration. Moreover, the evaluation methodology was established in this study to identify the performance level of the Immediate Occupancy, Life Safe, Collapse Prevention by applying the fuzzy theory.
        2017.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        제련 과정 중 발생하는 폐황산에는 다양한 희소금속들이 포함되어 있으나, 공정수에서 희소금속 회수가 처리기술 부족으로 중화되어 폐기되고 있는 실정이다. 일반적으로 습식제련공정에서의 모액(침출액)은 황산(10~15%) 용액 상태이며, 모액중의 유가금속 (Cu, Zn 등) 및 희소금속(In, Se, Re 등)은 보통 수 ppm에서 수 % 단위로 용해되어 있다. 희소금속은 첨단소재로서의 가치가 높고 수요가 급증하고 있으나 공정수에서 희소금속 처리 기술 부족으로 폐 황산 속 희소금속은 중화되어 폐기되고 있다. 희소금속 처리기술로서 분리막 공정을 희소금속 회수에 적용하면 효율적인 분리/농축을 가능하게 하여 경제적인 이점이 있다. 본 연구에서는 내산성이 뛰어난 방향족 모노머인 메타페닐렌디아민과 파라페닐렌디아민, 지방족 아민모노머인 피페라진와 블렌딩하여 계면중합을 실시하고 물성을 평가한다. 그리고 제조된 분리막의 내산성을 평가하기 위하여 15 wt% 황산용액에 침지한 후 투과성능을 측정하였다.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Multidrug resistance (MDR) remains one of the most significant obstacles in various cancer treatment, and this process often involves dysregulation of the number of micro-RNAs. The aim of this study was to explore the role of miR-4708 on the regulation of MDR-1 expression and the regulation of multidrug resistance (MDR) to chemotherapeutic drugs. Luciferase reporter assays demonstrated that miR-4708 directly binds MDR-1 3’-UTR and down-regulated reporter luciferase activity. The mRNA and protein expression levels of MDR1 were significantly decreased following miR-4708 overexpression. Additionally, the accumulation of rhodamine-123 in paclitacel resistant FaDu cells following miR-4708 transfection was significantly increased compared with control, indicating that the efflux capacity was reduced. These results demonstrated that miR-4708 could be involved in the regulation of MDR via targeting MDR-1 and may provide a potential strategy for reversing drug resistance in oral cancer.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 다양한 농업 환경에서 채집된 파리의 분비물에서 E. coli을 분리하고 분리된 E. coli의 병원성유전자 및 항생제내성을 조사하기 위하여 수행되였다. 파리는 과일농장(n = 19), 장류생산농장(n = 9), 생활쓰레기 야적장(n = 46), 축사(n = 66), 도축장(n = 38), 퇴비장(n = 10)에서 총 188 마리를 채집하여 토사물과 배설물로부터 E. coli을 분리 및 동정하였다. 그 결과, 채집된 파리의 63%(119/188)에서 E. coli이 검출되었으며 특히 도축장에서 채집된 파리에서 E. coli의 검출률이 89%(34/38)로 가장 높았다. 또한 분리된 E. coli을 대상으로 병원성 유전자 8종(ST, LT, VT1, VT2, aggR, bfpA, eaeA, ipaH)을 조사한 결과, 도축장에서 채집 된 파리에서 분리된 E. coli 중 91%(31/34)가 장독소를 생산할 수 있는 ST유전자를 보유하고 있었다. 분리된 E. coli 의 16%(31/188)가 1종 이상의 항생제에 내성을 보였다. 특 히, 항생제사용빈도가 높은 축사에서 채집된 파리의 E. coli 경우에는 59%(23/39)가 항생제 내성을 나타내었다. 분 리된 항생제 내성 E. coli 균주 중 10%(12/119)는 2종 이 상의 항생제에 내성을 보였고, 모두 축사 채집 파리에서 분리된 균주였으며, 이 중 2개 균주는 다재내성의 지표인 ESBL (Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase)에 양성을 나타내었다. ESBL 양성균주 중 1 균주는 7종의 항생제에 내성 을 보였이는 것으로 조사되었다. 본 연구의 결과, 축산환 경 서식 파리에서 분리된 E. coli은 병원성 유전자를 보유 하고 있을 가능성이 높을 뿐만 아니라 항생제에 내성을 나타낼 가능성도 높기 때문에 농식품을 생산하는 농장이나 식품공장은 가급적 축산환경으로부터 일정한 거리를 두거나 방충망 등의 차단조치가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 서울시내에서 시판중인 식육에서 E. faecalis 를 분리하고 이 균들의 항생제 내성 패턴, 항생제 유출 펌 프 유전자 및 병독성 유전자의 분포를 분석하였다. 총 277 개의 식육시료에서 93균주의 E. faecalis 를 분리하였다. 이 균주들의 항생제 내성비율은 ampicillin에는 35.5%, chloramphenicol에 6.4%, ciprofloxacin에 4.3%, eryhtromycin 에 18.3%, quinupristin-dalfopristin에 76.3%, tetracycline에 45.2%의 내성이었으며 levofloxacin, teiconplanin 및 vancomycin에는 모든 균이 감수성이었다. 약물 유출펌프인 MFS 타입의 eme(A)와 ABC 타입의 efr(A)유전자는 모든 균주 (100%)에서 확인되었으며 efr(B)는 98.9%, lsa는 91.4%의 균주에서 확인되었다. 병독성 인자인 gel(E)는 68.8%, ace 는 90.3%, asa1는 47.3%, efaA는 91.4%, esp는 12.9%의 균주에서 확인되었다. 본 연구는 시판 식육에서 분리한 지 표 미생물의 하나인 E. faecalis의 항생제 내성, 약물유출 펌프 및 병독서 유전자의 분포를 분석한 연구로 지속적인 모니터링을 하여야 할 것으로 사료된다.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper investigated impact resistance capacity and failure mode of strengthened column with PROTECT (Poly-Resilience-Oriented hybrid TEChnology plaTe) panel by analytical study. PROTECT panel is the composite panel with two steel plates and nano-composite. In order to perform impact analysis, dynamic properties of concrete, steels and nano-composite were determined. Finite element analysis was performed with these properties under the drop-weight impact. From the FEA, different failure modes corresponding to different columns were derived.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구에서는 연륙연도 사업에 대응하는 경제성 및 안정성을 갖춘 쌍동선형 차도선의 개발을 위해 U형과 V형의 서로 다른 쌍 동선형을 CFD 해석을 수행하여 저항성능을 비교하였다. CFD 해석 결과 U형 쌍동선형의 경우 14kts 이상의 고속에서 선수부 파형에 이상 이 발생하여 정상적인 운행이 불가능하다 판단되었으며, 이에 비해 V형은 동일한 속도에서도 이상이 발생하지 않았으며, 또한 U형 쌍동선 형 대비 V형 쌍동선형의 경우, 저속에서는 U형 대비 높은 침수표면적에도 불구하고 거의 같은 RTS값을 보이지만, 고속으로 넘어가면 U형 에 비해 확연히 낮은 RTS값을 보임을 확인, V형의 쌍동선형이 U형에 비해 저항성능이 개선됨을 확인하였다.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Anopheles sinensis is an important vector for Plasmodium vivax and thus has been targeted with pyrethroids in Republic of Korea. Using the direct contact mortality bioassay, two field populations of An. sinensis from Ganghwa-gun and Goyang-si were characterized for their resistance to pyrethroids with RR ratio values (Resistant ratio to imidacloprid) of 125.6 to 203.8 folds and 80.0 to 120 folds, respectively. Genomic DNA was used for Allele-specific PCR (AS-PCR) genotyping of the sodium channel genes to detect L1014S mutations. The homozygous susceptible Leu/Leu genotype in Ganghwa-gun and Goyang-si was 5.0% and 11.3% and the resistance genotypes were 95.0% and 88.7%, respectively. The homozygous Phe/Phe resistance genotype was the most prevalent as 35.4% in Ganghwa-gun and 44.0% in Goyang-si. Hence, this study suggests that malaria vector control programs should be prepared for the management of pyrethroid insecticide resistance.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Anopheles sinensis is an important vector for Plasmodium vivax and thus has been targeted with organophosphates in Republic of Korea. Using the direct contact mortality bioassay, two field populations of An. sinensis from Paju-si and Yeoncheon-gun were characterized for their resistance to organophosphats with RR ratio values (Resistant ratio to imidacloprid) of 446.9 to 756.3 folds and 502.1 to 861.7 folds, respectively. Genomic DNA was used for Allele-specific PCR (AS-PCR) genotyping of the acethylcholine esterase to detect Gly119Ser mutations. The homozygous susceptible Ser/Ser genotype in Paju-si and Yeoncheon-gun was 20.0% and 20.9% and the resistance genotypes were 80.0% and 79.1%, respectively. The homozygous Gly/Ser resistance genotype was the most prevalent as 60.7% in Paju-si and 41.9% in Yeoncheon-gun. Hence, this study suggests that malaria vector control programs should be prepared for the management of organophosphate insecticide resistance.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Anopheles sinensis is an important vector for Plasmodium vivax and thus has been targeted with pyrethroids in Republic of Korea. Using the direct contact mortality bioassay, two field populations of An. sinensis from Paju-si and Yeoncheon-gun were characterized for their resistance to pyrethroids with RR ratio values (Resistant ratio to imidacloprid) of 96.8 to 167.2 folds and 34.2 to 98.4 folds, respectively. Genomic DNA was used for Allele-specific PCR (AS-PCR) genotyping of the sodium channel genes to detect L1014S mutations. The homozygous susceptible Leu/Leu genotype in Paju-si and Yeoncheon-gun was 3.3% and 37.1% and the resistance genotypes were 96.7% and 62.9%, respectively. The homozygous Phe/Phe resistance genotype was the most prevalent as 45.0% in Paju-si and 31.5% in Yeoncheon-gun. Hence, this study suggests that malaria vector control programs should be prepared for the management of pyrethroid insecticide resistance.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insect resistance to crop protecting chemicals is developing very rapidly, which is a major problem in the production of crops. Recently, the mechanism of resistance to various pseticides s has been revealed in Helicoverpa armigera. However, to date, no technology has been developed to quickly diagnose resistance yet. In this study, we present the results of developing method of rapid diagnosis of resistance
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Metabolic resistance mechanisms of Laodelphax striatella to several insecticides, such as neonicotinoids, organophosphates and pyrethroids, have been investigated by evaluating the transcription levels of CYP450 genes. Nevertheless, no study on the CYP450-mediated carbamate resistance in L. striatella has been conducted to date. Here, we determined the transcription levels of six CYP450 genes and one carboxylesterase gene to screen detoxification genes associated with carbamate resistance. The CYP6CW1 exhibited the highest transcription level (18 fold) in a resistance strain. Interestingly, its transcription level increased slightly (3 fold) in a susceptible strain upon the exposure to a sublethal dose (LC30) of carbofuran. These results suggest that CYP6CW1 expression is inducible by carbofuran and its overexpression is likely responsible for carbofuran tolerance and resistance in L. striatella.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Worldwide, increasing numbers insecticide resistant insect is one of the main problem in agriculture not only in the field but also in the storage. The rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus is one of the cosmopolitan insect that infests a wide range of stored cereals and related commodities. Until quite recently, phosphine (PH3) has been effective in controlling this species in worldwide including Korea. However, strongly resistant populations of RGB have been detected in Australia that could threaten market access of infested commodities. Resistant populations detected in Australia showed extremely high levels of resistance to phosphine, up to 1300 folds higher than that of susceptible strain. So here we tried to identify their phosphine resistance mechanism based on transcriptome analysis using RNaseq in adult stage. Over 10Gb were sequenced in each strains and some of specific P450 were over expressed in resistance strain.