
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 475

        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Timothy Richard(1845-1919), a Welsh missionary, acted as the spearhead of the missionaries in China who were interested in the reform of the late Qing society. Being sent by the Baptist Missionary Society, he worked in the areas including North China and Shanghai from 1870 to 1916 and his works included relief, literature, education, and social reform as well as evangelism. Sublating the hagiographical writings on him published in the first decades following his death and the socialist historiography utterly criticizing him as the agent of imperialism from the other side, this study tries to take a look both at his missionary motivation for the reform of Chinese society and politics and at his problematic toleration of the imperialistic Western Powers that was implied in his suggestions. Richard was convinced that Western civilization was benefited from the discovery of “the workings of God in Nature.” Communicating with the highest Chinese officials like Zhang Zidong and Li Hongzhang of the Self-Strengthening Movement, which was started in the 1860s, he made an effort to provide the society with scientific education and reform ideas in many areas including agriculture, industry, commerce, transportation, education, and religious education. Serving as the general secretary of the Society for the Diffusion of Christian and General Knowledge among the Chinese (SDK/SDCGK) since 1891, he had a great opportunity to help the Chinese society with writing essays, translating books, publishing books and periodicals. Especially, his translation of History of Nineteenth Century and the periodical titled The Review of the Times edited by Young J. Allen were very popular among the Chinese intellectuals seeking the ways to reform Chinese society. It is important to note that, in terms of the ideology of reform, he did not agree on the overriding Chinese motto of reform, ‘zhong-ti-si-yong,’ which meant ‘the Chinese in mindset and the Western in technology.’ Rather, his idea started from the Western Civilization, not Chinese traditional value system. His suggestion was based on his conviction that Western civilization, comprising of the materialistic development based on natural sciences and ‘the true Christian civilization,’ was superior to Chinese civilization. Thus, his suggestion tends to be a universal reform including modernization, opening of the nation to foreign nations, improvement in commerce and international trades, Western education in sciences, and toleration of Christian education. Even though he did not deny the classical education coming from Chinese tradition and only did ask adding Western subjects to the current education, his respect for Chinese tradition rather came from missiological considerations and his reform ideas came from Western and Christian influences. Furthermore, at the base of Richard’s political activism was his evangelical conviction that made him a missionary to China. In addition to his evangelical faith, through his experiences in China, he developed a type of social gospel emphasizing the Kingdom of God seeking for the salvation of both ‘body’ and ‘soul’ and both ‘individuals’ and ‘nation.’ His effort of reform was at its peak at the 1898 Reform Movement, in which the young rising reformers like Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao co-operated with the Emperor Guangxu to drive forward more progressive reforms following after the Chinese’s defeat at the Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895). He was very influential to the top leaders of the movement in many directions. However, a series of foudroyant ideas that he suggested were not accepted or administered by the leaders and the Court. For example, he suggested 1) a protectorate by the Powers, 2) an annexation or union of China with Japan, the United States, and the British Empire at least in some areas including defence and diplomacy, and 3) a united cabinet with the same number of Chinese and foreign representatives. His ideas were shared by Chinese officials and, in fact, even some similar ideas were coined by Chinese themselves in the great crisis of the fall of the Empire in the encroachments by imperialist Western Powers. His ideas listed above, in spite of the consideration of the context, had implications of Western colonialism trespassing Chinese sovereignty. They especially show the lack of his understanding in the commercial expansion of the Western colonialists. However, despite this point, it does not seem that he was directly connected to the officials or colonialists of the Britain or other Western countries. His idea of protectorate, annexation, or united cabinet was foreign to the current British position in diplomacy. In conclusion, Richard’s reform idea, first, came from his revised evangelical faith including the idea of the Kingdom of God and missiological consideration seeking for cultural adaptation. second, he contributed to the late Qing reform movement in promoting the discourse of reform and educating the younger reformers. Third, his reform had limitations due to his own political and cultural identities as a British subject. He, in his imperialists-friendly suggestions, came to be in the line of supporting the Western colonialists and he never approached republican ideas, which some progressive Chinese already had in their mind by the end of the century.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본고는 지난 20여 년간 진행되어온 남명학파에 관한 연구를 종합, 검토하는 논문이다. 지금까지 남명학파에 관한 연구는 아주 다양한 측면에서 진행되어 왔는데 본고는 그 중에서도 특히 남명학파의 거시적 동향에 관한 내용이 포함된 논문을 모아서 분석대상으로 삼았다. 분석대상 논문은 우선 통시적 연구와 시대별 연구로 나누었으며, 시대별 연구는 다시 남명학파의 형성 및 전성기에 관한 연구, 남명학파의 몰락 및 쇠퇴기에 관한 연구, 남명학파의 부흥기에 관한 연구 등 세 시기로 나누어 검토하였다. 사실 지금까지 진행되어 온 통시적 관점의 연구는 주로 남명학파의 동향을 중심으로 진행되었는데, 인조반정의 가해자와 피해자 가운데 피해자에 해당하는 북인만 연구해온 것이라 볼 수 있다. 그 결과 남명학파의 공(共)보다는 과(過)가 부각되었다는 점을 부인하기는 어렵다. 가해자인 서인에 대한 연구가 병행되어야 입체적인 연구가 이루어질 것이다. 시대별 연구도 자료의 한계성 때문에 더 이상 크게 진보할 가능성을 찾아보기 어렵다. 이러한 문제를 극복하기 위해서는 새로운 자료 발굴은 물론 자료 해석에 있어서도 적극적인 자세로 임하는 것이 필요하다.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 기호를 활용한 인지학습기반 표현움직임 프로그램의 현장 적용성을 탐색하는 것에 그 목적을 두고 있다. 먼저 인지학습 기반의 표현움직임 프로그램 구성에 활용된 Motif Writing 기호를 소개하여 전반적인 이해를 돕고자 하였다. 그리고 남 여 구분 없이 4-5세 유아 실험집단(9명)에게 이 연구를 위해 개발된 움직임교육 프로그램을 8주 동안 적용하는 현장 실험을 실시하고, 인지수업(영어), 신체활동수업 (발레), 스포츠 활동수업(수영) 각 9명씩 총 36명으로 이루어진 집단과 비교하여 다중지능에 있어서의 상대적인 변화를 살펴보았다. 분석 결과, 대인관계, 신체지능을 제외한 언어, 논리-수학, 공간, 음악, 개인 이해지능에서 비교집단보다 상대적으로 유의미한 향상이 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 기호를 활용한 인지학습기반 표현움직임 프로그램이 기호를 읽고 해석하고 자신의 생각을 움직임으로 표현하는 과정을 통해 다중지능의 전반적인 향상에 긍정적으로 작용한 것으로 보인다. 이는 본 프로그램이 단순히 신체적 발달뿐만 아니라 인지적, 정서적 발달에 이르는 전인적 교육 프로그램의 발전적 대안으로 활용될 수 있음을 확인함으로써, Motif Writing 기호를 활용한 표현 움직임 프로그램의 현장 적용 가능성을 시사해 주는 것이다.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Kernodle과 Carlton(1992)은 다자유도 동작의 학습에서 동영상 피드백(VF)의 효율을 최대화하기 위해 전이적 정보(TI)와 같이 결합하여 사용되어야 한다고 주장하였다. 그러나 그들의 연구에서 발견된 TI+VF의 학습효과는 동영상 피드백과는 관계없이 전이적 정보에 의한 효과였다고 주장될 수 있었다. 본 연구는 동영상 피드백의 유용성과 학습효율을 조사하기 위해 TI+VF 조건의 학습효과가 무엇으로 기인하였는지 검증하였다. 36명의 피험자들은 왼손으로 공 던지기를 하루 75회씩 2일간 연습하였다. 연습 동안 3회 시행마다 제공된 피드백의 유형에 따라 피험자들은 세 집단에 무작위로 배치되었다, (1)KR, (2)TI, 그리고 (3)TI+VF. 연습단계 24시간 후 실시된 파지검사 결과, 동작 폼의 경우 TI+VF 집단은 가장 우수한 학습효과를 나타냈다. TI 집단 또한 KR 집단보다 더 우수한 학습효과를 나타냈다. 수행결과를 나타내는 던진 거리의 경우 TI+VF 집단은 TI와 KR 집단보다 더 우수한 파지수행을 나타냈지만 그 차이는 유의함에 미치지 못했다. 이 결과는 전이적 정보가 다자유도 동작의 학습을 위해 효과적인 피드백 정보이지만 동영상 피드백이 보강될 때 학습효과는 유의하게 더 커진다는 것을 나타낸다. TI+VF는 동작협응과 수행결과의 학습에 각기 다른 속도로 영향을 미치는 것처럼 보인다. TI+VF의 제공은 동작협응에 대한 학습을 빠르게 향상시키는 반면, 수행결과에는 비교적 느리게 영향을 미친다.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Lee Chang Hoi (Lee) was born in 1872 at Namyang. He became a christian in the early period when the gospel was spreading in the region. After conversion he worked hard for the modern education movement in the influence of George Herber Jones. Hong Seung Ha founded the Hoheung elementary school with Jones’ donation in 1901. The school was managed by Lee who established Powell school in purpose of teaching English in 1902. Lee managed nine day schools within nine churches which were founded by Hong Seung Ha. He also served as an exhorter in Namyang church, and worked as an assistant worker for a year in 1906. He later became the evangelist from 1907 to 1910. After 1906 he developed Boheung school as a central school in Namyang. He managed the school with general level edcuation department, high level education department, and measurement education department, and tried to keep Namyang redisents’ wealth from the intrusion of Japan. He held the United Sports Day gathering people from the surrounding elementary schools to inspire the patriotism. Some Japanese called Boheung school as a rioter training center for this reason, and insisted closing down the school since it was growing as a center for anti-Japanese thoughts. Lee also participated founding Sangdong elementary school, and he was directly and indirectly engaged in managing other schools. He also ran the evening school in Boheung school for children who couldn’t study in the daytime. He also worked as the principal of Sangdong evening school. He established the Namyang branch of Daehan-Jaganghoi for the progress of patriotic enlightenment movement. The group protested against the Japanese economic invasion with the National Debt Repayment Movement. He was in ministry from 1913 to 1916 at Namyang church. He supported the neighboring churches not only to stand independently but also to found schools. He also inspired other people to build churches in the churchless areas and to teach the biblical knowledge and Hangul by running the Bible Classes. He became a circuit pastor of Namyang and Osan in 1916 and transferred to Gwangju in June 1918. When he was in ministry of Gwangju, the Samil Independence Movement broke out. As he participated in this movement, he was arrested and in jail for 4 months. After he was released for the lack of evidence, he met Lee Dae Jung who raised the independence funds with him. However, Lee got arrested due to the fund raising activity and got sentenced to two years in prison. He was a pastor who fostered the patriotic enlightment movement into the Samil Independence Movement and Independence Movement.
        2012.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Measuring task complexity of movement skill is an important factor to evaluate a difficulty of learning and/or imitating a task for autonomous robots. Although many complexity-measures are proposed in research areas such as neuroscience, physics, computer science, and biology, there have been little attention on the robotic tasks. To cope with measuring complexity of robotic task, we propose an information-theoretic measure for task complexity of movement skills. By modeling proprioceptive as well as exteroceptive sensor data as multivariate Gaussian distribution, movements of a task can be modeled as probabilistic model. Additionally, complexity of temporal variations is modeled by sampling in time and modeling as individual random variables. To evaluate our proposed complexity measure, several experiments are performed on the real robotic movement tasks.
        2012.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Up to recently at the modern education in Namyang the christian education’s influence before 1905 has not particularly received attention. But according to Shin Hak Wol Bo, the Namyang Church was founded in 1900 and in 1902 nine churches were established around Namyang. From the time in which the churches were founded, the schools of the boys and the schools of the girls for the modern education were built. The schools of boys were Boheung elementary school and Powell school and the school of girls was Jeha elementary school and the nine day schools of boys and girls were built in the nine churches. Teachers of these schools were Lee Chang Heoi and An Elizabeth. They taught the Hangul and arithmetic. Particularly after the girls and women were participated in the Bible Class, they grew into the women leader of church and the modern education patron. After 1905’s Protectorate Treaty nineteen schools were founded. Among these schools, three schools such as Boheung girl school, Bosung elementary school, and Bomyung elementary school were set up by christians and church. Many christians such as Lee Chang Hoi, Choi Sung Dae, Kim Hyeun Jun were participating in the establishment of Sangdong elementary school, Yangsung school, Songlim school, and Junkok Private House. Moreover Boheung school was the center of many schools and held the union sport and inspired the patriotism and the military spirit. And Boheung school and Boheung girl school with YangSung school established the ordinary course and the higher course and led the middle education. These two schools with the public elementary school joined the National Debt Compensation Campaign. The Namyang branch of Daehan-Jaganghoi was set up by the leadership of christians such as Lee Chang Hoi. Christians such as Kim Hee Kyung and Kim Hyeui Kyung and An Maria founded the EuiSungHoi and they participated in the National Debt Compensation Campaign. They established Women Education Society and gave the positive support for the women education. On the contrary Buddism and the Cheondogyo did not establish even a modern school. When we observe from this side Christianity led the modern education and the patriotic enlightenment movement in Namyang quantitatively as well as qualitatively. Christians such as Hong Sung Ha and Lee Chang Hoi among Namyang church exhorters and SeoYeuDa Myeon Head Choi Sung Dae, Kim Kwan Hyeon as Kim Hong Su’s son and An Elizabeth got into the positive act in the patriotic enlightenment movement with country governors such as Jang Ho Jin, Bang Han Duck, and the enlightened confucian scholars.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Air pollution inventories are aggregated around south-eastern part of the Korean Peninsular including Busan, Ulsan, and Changwon cities. Because densely populated cities are concentrated in this region, air pollutants emitted from one of these cities tend to be impacted on the air quality of other cities. In order to clarify the seasonal movement pattern of emitted particles, several numerical simulations using WRF/FLEXPART were carried out. Four cases were selected for each season. The Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) reproduced atmospheric flow fields with nested grids. The seasonal pattern of air mass of study area was determined by backward and forward trajectories. As a result, the air parcel moves from northwest to southeast due to northwesterly winds in spring and winter. Also air parcel transports from south to north in summer, and moves from west to east. Because the air mass moves differently in each season, these characteristics should be considered when performing air quality analysis.
        2012.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 논문은 베토벤 피아노 소나타 Op. 81a ≪고별≫(Lebewohl) 제1악장에 대한 두 가지 내러티브 를 담고 있다. 첫 번째 내러티브는 외적인 분석으로서 음악의 여러 층위에 배태(胚胎)된 토픽들을 확인하고 그 의미를 탐구한다. 이를 위해 래트너(Leonard Ratner)와 아가우(Kofi Agawu)의 양식 적·기호학적 연구를 출발점으로 삼았다. 이러한 내러티브는 다양한 음악적 측면들에 대한 철저하 고도 섬세한 고찰들이 연합된 ‘해석학적인 담론’으로 발전하게 된다. 벗을 향한 향수를 상징하는 ‘고 별’의 모토와 슬픔의 표상(表象)인 ‘샤콘느 4도선’은 이 작품이 내포하는 복잡한 음악극의 근간을 이 룬다. 이 음악극에서 고별 모토와 샤콘느 4도선은 프랑스 서곡, 노래하는 알레그로, 화려한 양식 등 과 같은 음악적 기표들과 연합되어 다층적 의미를 생산한다. 두 번째 내러티브는 중경층에 대한 내적인 분석으로서 거시적 수준의 보조음 음형을 작품의 응 집력을 확보하기 위한 수단으로 사용한 베토벤의 소나타 형식의 취급 방법에 대해 논의한다. 소나 타 형식을 새로운 차원의 삼분할로 보는 견해가 조심스럽게 개진되며, 결론에서는 이 두 내러티브 분석의 융합과 평가를 통해 진정한 의미의 ‘베토벤적인 것’에 대한 숙고가 이루어진다.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper argues against micro-parametric approaches to Korean macro-micro type multiple accusative constructions. It has been argued that macro-micro type multiple accusative constructions are derived through movement and deletion or through late merge of the second accusative marked nominal. However, the approaches cannot explain case alternation facts when the target construction is combined with -ko siphta. The paper claims that if the construction is explained under the assumption that dependent marking languages like Korean and Japanese use a different mode of syntactic combination from English, the case alternation facts in the ko-siphta construction are readily explained. Dependent marking languages use dependent markers (i.e., case markers) in deriving syntactic derivation and using accusative marked nominals consecutively without having intervening predicates in a sentence is interpreted as a very convenient device for squeezing ideas into one clause without explicitly expressing the relationship between the nominals.
        2011.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        반응 복잡성 효과는 수행해야할 동작반응의 복잡성이 증가함에 따라 반응시간이 길어지는 현상으로, 반응시간의 지연이 반응 계획 단계에서의 중추적인 처리과정의 지연에 의한 것이 아니라 복잡한 동작수행과 관련된 운동명령의 신경전달과 근육의 수축과정의 지연에 의한 것이라는 의문이 제기되어 왔다. 본 연구의 목적은 도약 안구 운동을 통해 말초적인 전달과정의 지연효과를 최소화하고 좌우 30도 수평 도약 안구 운동 과제를 통해 도약 안구 운동의 수를 1도약과제에서 4도약과제까지 증가하여 반응 복잡성의 증가에 따른 반응시간과 안구 운동의 운동학적 변인들의 변화를 비교 분석하였다. 대학에 재학중인 10명의 남학생이 반응 복잡성이 다른 4조건(1도약, 2도약, 3도약, 4도약)의 도약 안구 운동을 수행하였고, 매 시행 도약 안구 운동 자료는 EOG를 통해 수집되고 분석되었다. 연구결과, 도약 안구 운동의 수가 증가함에 따라 반응시간이 증가하였으며, 반응 복잡성이 증가함에 따라 반응계획단계에서 반응요소를 계획하는데 소요되는 시간이 증가를 야기하는 반응 복잡성효과를 재확인한 결과이다. 또한 1차 도약안구 운동의 운동학적 변인들(운동시간, 최대속도, 최대속도시간)는 1도약안구 운동과 다른 3조건들 간에 서로 다른 운동학적 수행 패턴을 보여, 도약 안구 운동수의 증가에 따라 단순히 1도약 안구 운동이 반복되는 것이 아니라 더 효율적인 동작으로 재구성되어 발현되는 것으로 나타났다.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        온라인 게임 시장의 규모가 커짐에 따라 온라인 게임의 서버 성능에 대한 중요성이 커지고 있다. 본 논문은 게임 속의 객체 상태에 대한 동기화 패킷을 줄여 서버의 성능을 높이는 방안을 제안한다. 제안하는 방식은 게임 속의 각 객체의 이동 범위에 대한 예측과 못가는 지역에 대한 처리를 통하여 지형간의 경계이동 횟수가 감소될 수 있도록 지형을 재구성 할 수 있는 해결책을 제공한다. 성능평가는 제안하는 지형분할방식이 기존방법에 비해 동기화 패킷에 대한 처리량이 줄어드는 것을 보여준다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the recent literature, it has often been suggested that head movement may be a PF phenomenon. For instance, Chomsky (2001: 32) points out that head movement differs from core rules of the narrow syntax in several respects and that all of this would be unproblematic if the phenomenon in question is a phonological process reflecting affixal properties. (See also Boeckx and Stjepanovic 2001 for relevant discussion and references.) In this paper, based on a novel set of data from English, I suggest that in some specific contexts, it seems reasonable to assume that head movement can indeed take place in PF, which I argue provides partial evidence for Chomsky`s claim that head movement can be attributed to PF. The discussion here also has some implications for the nature of the coordinate structure constraint.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        저항성원이 다른 7개이 근동질 저항성 계통과 감수성 품종인 Toyonishiki에서 X. oryzae pv. oryzae의 증식과 이동에 관한 시험을 실시하였다. 접종 10일 후, NIL의 접종부위 잎의 세균밀도는 약 105~106cfu/cm2 이었으나 감수성 품종인 Toyonishiki에서는 약 107cfu/cm2 로 높게 나타났다. 이와 같이 감수성 품종에서의 세균 수는 급속히 증가하였으나 NIL에서는 점차적으로 증식하였다. IRBB 103과 Toyonishiki는 접종 25일 후에 접종부위로부터 20cm 위쪽에서 세균이 검출되었으나 다른 NIL에서는 검출되지 않았다. 이와같이 Xa1, Xa4, xa5, Xa7 저항성 유전자는 세균의 이동을 크게 억제하였다.
        2010.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구의 목적은 양측성 재활운동프로그램을 통한 상지기능의 향상 정도를 운동기능 평가와 운동학적 측정을 통해 규명하는 것이다. 19명의 만성 뇌졸중 환자가 연구에 참여하였으며, 양측성 재활운동 그룹과 단측성 재활운동 그룹으로 무선할당하여 12주간의 재활운동을 실시하였다. 재활운동 프로토콜은 T-바 밀고 당기기, 손목 들어올리기, 암-컬(arm-curl), 전완 비틀기, 손가락 사다리의 5가지 세부 운동방법으로 구성되며, 양측성 재활운동 그룹은 각각의 운동과제를 수행할 때 환측 상지와 정상측 상지를 동시에 같은 방향으로 움직이도록 하였다. 단측성 재활운동 그룹은 운동과제를 환측 상지만을 사용하여 수행하였다. 훈련그룹에 따른 재활운동참여 효과를 비교하기 위하여, Fugl-Meyer Assessment, Box and Block Test, 그리고 3차원 영상 분석을 사용하였다. FMA와 BBT는 환측 상지의 기능적 움직임을 평가하기 위해 사용되었으며, QUALISYS 3차원 영상분석 시스템은 뻗기 동작 수행시 환측 상지의 운동학적 변인을 측정하기 위해 사용되었다. 연구결과 모든 그룹에서 재활운동참여를 통해 FMA 점수와 BBT 점수가 유의하게 향상되었으며, 운동시간과 저크코스트는 유의하게 감소되었다. 또한 양측성 재활운동 그룹의 경우 단측성 재활운동 그룹에 비해 저크코스트에서 더 큰 감소를 보였다. 이러한 결과를 통해 재활운동참여의 긍정적 효과와 양측성 재활운동프로토콜의 유용성을 확인 할 수 있었다.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        2010.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The 10th Assembly of WCC will take place in Korea in 2013. Conservative Evangelical churches in Korea take the negative ideas against the WCC. What is the theology of Ecumenical Movement? It is difficult to understand its theology. But it might be possible to catch the Ecumenical theological paradigm. Ecumenical movement produced the astonishing reports after a series of conferences or assemblies. Students who study the Ecumenical movement tend to be frustrated at its extraordinary documents. So I wonder whether any theological paradigm of the Ecumenical movement could be found. If so, we could grasp the total Ecumenical movement at a glace. According to W. A. Visser ‘t Hooft and Konrad Raiser, the Ecumenical movement in the first half of the twentieth century had a theological paradigm of ‘Christocentric universalism’, which had the four elements: Christocentrism, the concentration on the church, the universal perspective of world, and history-centered thought. As the head of church, Jesus Christ let the whole church participate in God’s salvation history to save the whole world. However, the Ecumenical movement in the second half of the twentieth century developed a new theological paradigm, which included the following four elements: Trinity and the kingdom of God, the deep study of the church, the radical study of the world (humanity) and the emphasis on the nature (creation). It could be said that God the Trinity as the Lord of the Kingdom of God let the whole church participate in the works of the Kingdom of God to save both the world (humanity) and the nature holistically. And the churches, as both sign and instrument of the kingdom of God, work to save the world (humanity) and the nature (creation) under the lordship of the Trinity. So we suggest its theological paradigm to be called as a ‘Trinity-centered universalism.’ As a conclusion, this study pointed up that the theological paradigm of the Ecumenical movement developed from Christocentric universalism to Trinity-centered one. Ecumenical movement took root in the ground in the Korean churches today. The Trinity-centered universalism as a Ecumenical theological paradigm could give the observers a coherent understanding and also provide every Ecumenical workers with a sense of solidarity.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper describes performance improvement of GPS/DR Integration system using area decision algorithm and vehicle movement information. In GPS signal blockage area, i.e., tunnel and underground parking area, DR sensor errors are accumulated and navigation solution is gradually diverged. We use the car movement information according to moving area to correct the DR sensor error. Also, vehicle movement is decided as stop, straight line, turn and movement changing region through DR sensor data analysis. The car experiment is performed to verify the supposed method. The results show that supposed method provides small position and heading error than previous method.
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