
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 862

        2012.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This case study explored how formal reading instruction and perceived self-efficacy in English contribute to Korean EFL learners' reading strategy development and reading pract ices. The data were collected from indi vidual interviews with four Korean college students. The fmdings revealed that English reading instruction was teacher-centered and the students spent a lot of time learning and practicing test-taking skills to achieve higher scores in English tests such as CSAT and TOEIC. On the whole, the students revealed negative attitudes such as having low confi dence as English readers and fee ling afraid while reading in English. At the same time, however, they had a strong instrumental motivation for reading in English, achieving a higher score on the high stake exams. Regarding reading strategy instruction and development, very few English teachers seemed to introduce and implement reading strategy instruction in the class. Despite this, the students struggled to develop their own reading strategies according to the type of English reading comprehension instruction that they received. Pedagogical implications and action based recommendations for English educators are suggested.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to examine the effect of in vitro culture media on embryonic development of in vitro-matured (IVM) oocytes after parthenogenetic activation (PA) in pigs. Immature pig oocytes were matured in TCM-199 supplemented with porcine follicular fluid, cysteine, pyruvate, EGF, insulin, and hormones for the first 22 h and then further cultured in hormone-free medium for an additional 22~26 h. IVM oocytes were activated by electric pulses and cultured in porcine zygote medium-3 (PZM-3) and North Carolina State University-23 supplemented with essential and non-essential amino acids (NCSU-23aa). These media were further modified by supplementing 2.77 mM myo-inositol, 0.34 mM trisodium citrate, and -mercaptoethanol (designated as mPZM-3 and mNCSU-23aa, respectively). Culture of PA embryos in mPZM-3 significantly increased development to the blastocyst stage than culture in NCSU-23aa (36.2% vs. 24.8%, p<0.05). Modified PZM-3 showed a significantly higher blastocyst formation than NCSU-23aa in both groups of embryos that were activated at 44 h and 48 h of IVM (51.0% vs. 35.5% and 49.0% vs. 34.2% in oocytes activated at 44 h and 48 h of IVM, respectively). Irrespective of the follicle diameter where oocytes were collected, embryonic development to the blastocyst stage was increased (p<0.05) by the culture in mPZM-3 compared to culture in NCSU-23aa (25.9% vs. 34.2% and 32.9% vs. 44.8% in embryos derived from small and medium size follicles, respectively). Our results demonstrated that culture media had significant effect on preimplantation development PA embryos and that mPZM-3 was superior to mNCSU-23 in supporting development to the blastocyst stage in pigs. This beneficial effect of mPZM-3 on embryonic development was not impaired by other factors such as time of oocyte activation and origin of immature oocytes (small and medium size follicles).
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships among food quality, food awareness, customer satisfaction, and revisit intentions of Korean restaurants in Chinese University or College students in the Daegu and Gyeongbuk areas. A questionnaire developed from a literature review included a series of questions about the quality of Korean food, Korean food awareness, customer satisfaction, and revisit intentions. Analysis of the survey data was performed on 234 valid responses. Statistical analyses, including frequencies, factor analysis, reliability analysis and regression, were performed using the SPSS program. The results indicated that food quality perceived by Chinese students had a significant impact on customer satisfaction. On the contrary, food quality according to Korean food awareness by Chinese students did not have a significant impact on customer satisfaction. Further, customer satisfaction had a significant influence on revisit intentions, whereas customer satisfaction according to Korean food awareness did not have a significant effect. In conclusion, food quality is a significant factor in determining the success of the foodservice industry.
        2012.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        과거 대학 교양한문은 인문학적인 측면을 강조하며 전통적인 한문학의 내용을 주로 가르쳤다. 시대가 변하여 학생들의 기호가 실용 및 생활한자로 옮겨감에 따 라 각 대학에서도 한문학적인 내용보다는 학생들의 요구를 반영한 교양과목을 개 설하게 되었다. 본 연구자가 실시한 최근의 설문조사 결과를 보더라도 학생들은 교양한문을 통해 실용한자를 우선적으로 배우고자 했다. 강의자가 학생과 서로 공 감하는 강의를 하기 위해서는 학생들의 이러한 요구를 적절히 수용한 교육목표를 설정하고 수업을 진행해야 한다. 학생들의 요구를 반영하여 수업목표를 설정했다면 그 목표를 달성할 수 있는 교수법과 평가방식을 도입해야 할 것이다. 중등교육과정과 대학입시제도의 영향 으로 현재 대학생들의 기본한자 실력은 기초적인 수준에 머물러 있는 경우가 대 부분이므로 이를 고려하여 기초에 충실한 교수법과 평가방식을 채택해야한다. 기존의 연구자들이 다양한 한자한문 교수법을 제시해왔다. 이러한 교수법들을 학생의 수준에 맞게 적용하여 학생들의 흥미를 유지하고, 학생들과 소통할 수 있 는 기회를 열어 두어 좀 더 활기찬 수업이 될 수 있도록 노력해야한다. 이를 위해 PPT 자료나 한자한문과 관련된 이야기들을 적재적소에 배치하는 것이 중요하다. 공정한 평가는 학생들의 학습의욕과 수업참여도에 큰 영향을 미친다. 그러므로 기초 수준의 학생을 대상으로 하는 교양한문수업에 있어서는 서술형이나 번역 문 제의 출제를 지양하고 단답형이나 객관식 문제를 출제하여 평가의 공정성을 달성 할 수 있다. 또 학생간의 수준차를 고려하여 기초 수준의 학생도 기본 학점을 획 득할 수 있도록 출석․리포트․중간 및 기말평가의 배점을 조절해야 한다. 긴 안 목에서 볼 때 이런 노력들이 한문학에 대한 일반인들의 관심을 유도하는데 도움 을 줄 것이다.
        2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 인쇄신문과 인터넷 신문에서 사진이 이용자의 재인기억과 회상기 억에 미치는 영향을 실험을 통해 살펴보았다. 총 135명의 대학생으로 구 성된 4개의 피험자 집단은 각기 다르게 처치된 조선일보 뉴스 기사에 노출되었으 며, 노출 직후 설문에 응답하였다. 설문조사를 분석한 결과, 인쇄신문 이용자가 인터넷 신문 이용자보다 재인기억, 보조회상기억, 자유회상기억을 더 잘하는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 사진이 없는 신 문 이용자가 사진이 있는 신문 이용자보다 재인기억을 더 잘하는 것으로 나타났으 며, 사진이 보조회상기억과 자유회상기억에 미치는 영향은 발견되지 않았다. 신문 매체에서 사진이 이용자의 기억에 미치는 영향에 관한 기존의 연구들이 인 쇄신문을 중심으로 이루어지고 있었으며, 서로 상반된 결과들을 제시하고 있는 상 황에서, 본 연구에서는 신문 사진의 이용자 효과 연구를 인터넷 신문으로 그 영역 을 확대하여 추가적으로 검증하였다는 점에서 연구의 의의를 찾고자 한다.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 빨간색 셔츠의 시각적 감성을 비교 분석하여 소비자 감성을 반영한 셔츠의 색채기획에 도움을 주고자, 한국과 중국 대학생을 대상으로 온라인상에서 시각적 평가방법으로 7가지 톤의 빨간색 색지와 빨간색 셔츠에 대한 시각적 감성과 선호도를 평가하였다. 평가된 자료는 빈도 분석, 평균, 요인 분석, t-test를 실시하여 분석하였다. 빨간색 셔츠의 시각적 감성은 스포티, 로맨틱, 클래식 등 3개의 감성요인이 추출되었는데, 이 요인들은 톤, 성과 국적에 따라 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 중국 대학생은 한국 대학생에 비해 strong톤의 빨간색 셔츠가 더 스포티하고, dark톤이 더 클래식하다고 지각하였다. 또한 한국 대학생은 deep톤의 빨간색 셔츠를 로맨틱하다고 평가하였으나, 중국 대학생은 light톤과 pale톤의 셔츠를 로맨틱하다고 평가하였다. 한편, 7가지 톤의 빨간색 셔츠에 대한 선호도는 국적 및 성에 따라 유의한 차이를 보였다. 중국 대학생은 한국 대학생보다 dark톤과 pale톤의 빨간색 셔츠를 더 구매하고 싶어 하였으나, 한국 대학생은 strong톤의 셔츠를 더 선호하였다. 또한 남자 대학생이 dark와 dull톤의 빨간색 셔츠를 더 선호하는 반면, 여자 대학생은 light톤의 빨간색 셔츠를 더 선호하였다.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect and correlation of anthropometric data, eating behaviors, and nutrient intake on the bone mineral density(BMD) of female college students. 349 female college students were surveyed and their age, height, and weight were an average of 20.5 years, 163.2 ㎝ and 54.0 ㎏, respectively. Their average BMI was 20.2, with 66% falling in the normal range, 21.8% classified as underweight, 8.0% as overweight, and obese individuals comprised 3.4% of the sample by BMI classification. Calcaneal BMD was measured and the average T-score was 0.117. The results of BMD measurements were normal in 268 people(76.8%), osteopenia was found in 71 individuals(20.3%), and osteoporosis in 10(2.9%), respectively. There was a significant difference in bone mineral density according to height(p<0.05) and BMI (p<0.01). There were significant differences between BMD and eating behavior, regularity of eating behaviors(p<0.05), instant food intake(p<0.05), eating out(p<0.05) and nutritional supplement intake(p<0.05). In addition, normal the group with normal BMD had a more desirable eating behavior compared to the osteopenia and osteoporosis afflicted groups. BMD had a significant difference according to the nutrient intake of calcium(p<0.05), vitamin A(p<0.05), and vitamin C(p<0.05). In conclusion, BMD showed a good correlation with height(p<0.01), BMI(p<0.01), body composition including total body water(p<0.05), FFM(p<0.05), body protein(p<0.05) and intake of calcium(p<0.05), iron(p<0.05), vitamin A(p<0.05), and vitamin C(p<0.05). Therefore, an education plan and training on balanced diets proper body weight control, and desirable eating behaviors for female college students will be needed.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to examine dietary behaviors according to residence status and ethnicity of university students in Yanbian, China. For the subjects, 334 university students (Male=141, Female=193) answered a questionnaire about perception of weight control, dietary patterns, health habits, residence status, and ethnicity. Perception of weight, meal frequency, favorite kind of food, meal finishing time, skipping breakfast, type of breakfast, snack frequency, late-night snack frequency, exercise frequency, regular life, and sleeping time were all significantly associated with residence status. Motivation of weight control, meal frequency, regularity of meal time, meal volume, favorite kind of food, exercise time, and regular life were all significantly associated with ethnicity. University students who lived with their parents perceived their weight more properly, exhibited a more positive dietary pattern, and lived a more regular life than those students who lived in a dormitory with their friends. Chinese students exhibited a more regular dietary pattern and lived a more regular life than the Korean-Chinese students. As a result, both environmental and inherent factors are related with the dietary behaviors of university students in Yanbian, China. These data could be used to help university students in Yanbian, China attain a healthy diet.
        2011.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현재 대학의 교양 한문은 안팎으로 여러 도전에 직면해 있다. 초·중등 교육에서 의 한문 교과의 위상 추락도 그렇지만, 대학 내에서도 한문 교육은 실용적 가치에 밀려 한자 교육으로 대체되었거나 대체되고 있는 상황이다. 교양 한문 교육의 한 자 교육으로의 방향 선회는 적절한 현실적 대응이었다고 할 수도 있겠으나 그 대 신 한문 고전을 통한 교양 한문 교육의 중요한 역할을 포기해 버린 것이 아닌가 하는 회의가 드는 것도 사실이다. 본고는 한문 교육의 현실과 이상 사이에 놓인 괴리를 어떻게 좁힐 수 있을까 하는 문제 의식에서, 지난 10년 간의 인제대학교 교양 한문 교육을 검토한 것이다. 인제대학교는 전국 대학 가운데 유일하게 한문을 교양필수 4학점으로 지정하여 한문 교육을 일관되게 시행해 오고 있다. 교양 한문이 건학 이념에 따라 교양필수 로 지정되었다는 점에서, 인제대학교의 한문 교육을 다른 대학의 교양 한문 교육 일반에 적용하는 것은 무리가 있을 수도 있을 것이다. 하지만 지난 10년 간 인제 대학교의 한문 교육이 직면했던 문제 상황과 개선 방향에 대한 고민 등은 비슷한 시기의 다른 대학들이 겪었던 그것과 크게 다르지 않았다. 의도한 것은 아니었지 만 그동안의 인제대학교의 한문 교육도 학생들의 수준과 현실적 요구를 반영하여 한자 교육을 적극적으로 수용하는 방식으로 변화해왔기 때문이다. 본고에서는 인제대학교의 교양 한문 교육이 학생들의 수준과 현실을 고려하여 한자 교육을 중심에 둠으로써 오히려 발생하게 된 혼란과 문제점을 먼저 점검하 였다. 전통시대의 지혜와 문화를 배우고 감상하는 교양 교육에 한문 교육의 목표 를 두었지만 실제로는 생활한자와 한자능력시험 등 실용한자 위주의 교육으로 흘 러가게 된 원인과 그 과정도 분석하였다. 나아가 교양 한문 교육의 개선 방안으로 교양 교육의 목표를 재확인하고, 교육 목표에 맞는 교육 방법과 내용은 어떻게 구 성되어야 하는가를 인제대학교의 개선 방안 등을 통해 제시하였다. 고전(古典)을 통한 한문 교육이 처음부터 대학의 교양 교육으로 부적합한 것이라면 모르겠지만 그렇지 않다면 보다 적극적인 교양 한문의 교육의 개선을 위한 논의와 연구가 필 요할 것이다.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to find discover the effects of self-efficacy and self-esteem on the appearance management behavior of female college students. As for the study method, questionnaire survey sheets on general traits like age, grade year, major and management cost, sense of self-efficacy, self-esteem, and appearance management behavior were distributed to female college students. The responses were measured based on a 5-points Likert scale. The results of this study are as follow: One’s sense of social self-efficacy and self-esteem were both found to affect appearance management behavior significantly. In other words, the greater one’s sense of social self-efficacy, which represents one's sense of confidence in inter-personal relations, the greater one’s appearance management behaviors to enhance her own value. Furthermore, the greater one’s self-esteem(the way one feels positively about oneself), the greater one’s appearance management behaviors. As a result, it can be judged that the more an individual wants to act more capable in different contexts, the more she tries to make up for her own disadvantage. To highlight her own advantages for the sake of greater positive social activities and inter-personal relation, the more she takes to improve her image through appearance management behaviors. It is anticipated that such an examination of appearance management behavior, sense of self-efficacy and self-esteem among female college students will serve as useful data for appearance-related industries by enabling them to properly under stand their clientele’s psychological traits.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        近年,香港中學學制逐漸轉變,其中中國語文的教學模式和學習範圍也作出了大幅度的改動。對於學生的語文能力來說,究竟帶來了甚麼影響呢?當中關於漢字部分,究竟學生經過十多年的語文學習之後,對漢字的認識有多深呢?  筆者在過往數年的教學過程中,接觸的主要是大學一年級的同學。不管原來唸文科、理科還是商科,從他們的表現中,都發現一個有趣的現象。愈是近年的同學,對於「傳統正字」(例如「鉅、祕」等)的認識愈是模糊,很多時把正確的字誤以為錯字而逕予改正。可是,這種情況在數年前並不是那麼嚴重的。那麼,近年來這種情況有多究竟嚴重呢?  為觀察同學漢字認識程度的變化,筆者根據過去數年的錯別字試題做了統計。本文將根據這些統計數字,考察同學對「傳統正字」的認知失落情況。  同學的漢字認識是在小學養成,在中學深化的,如果經過中學階段後,卻出現對「傳統正字」的認知失落,看到與所教所習不同的字,就視為錯字,則問題出在哪裏。  當前香港的中學中文課程改革仍在進行,這個研究將持續多年,從而看看由範文到取消範文,由七年制轉成六年制之後,香港學生對「傳統正字」的認識能力有何轉變。筆者希望透過持續研究,審視這個現象跟中學階段中國語文科取消範文閱讀以及增加其他內容的課程改革之間有沒有關係。  筆者希望藉這個研究所得的結果,重新思考在香港的漢字學習環境下,大學「正字」教學如何定位,以樹立語文的判別能力為目標,使同學「習其一亦知其餘,明其新亦識其舊」,來補足同學對傳統漢字正字的認知缺失,不至於遇到他人所寫「正字」迥異時,瞠目結舌,甚至誤以為錯字,逕行改正,結果貽笑大方。
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study attempted to analyze and compare the tax ethics between Korean, Chinese and Japanese university students. Data collection was conducted by the questionnaires with sixty (N=60) Korean university students, sixty Chinese university students and sixty Japanese university students. The results of the study are summarized as follows; Compared with Chinese and Japanese students, Korean students have a higher level of knowledge about tax law. However, Chinese and Japanese university students had a higher level of tax ethics. This results tell that the research hypothesis that there are differences in tax ethics between Korean, Chinese and Japanese university students was not rejected. Also this study showed that the sexual differences were not significant in Korean, Chinese and Japanese students. The additional finding of this study is that the level of tax ethics improved through the tax lecture or course. This result implies that the level of tax ethics could be affected by the education of tax law. With the findings of the study, educational implications and limitations of the study are discussed.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Essentially, the university spirit is a kind of steady value, which is condensed from the organizational culture and the humanistic spirit of the university. It originates from the university system, the tangible cultural carrier and the intangible public awareness. Also it is the embody of the compound elements like the abstract and concrete, or the tangible and the intangible of the university. Only by establishing on the rule and order of law, and being followed and defended by the whole society, can the university spirit be built and developed. The University System is a management system which can carry out the unification of rights and responsibilities of the university as a legal entity and running subject. It reflects the governance model, the system standard and the standard of behavior of the relationships between university with government and society. There is no system model of university that can be run forever or shared all around the world. It should not only adapt to its national situation, cultural tradition and historical stage, but also match with certain social conditions and civilization. However, whether as a domestic or foreign university, it may and ought to have some converging university spirit and system.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study intends to investigate the measuring scales, locations and scales through arrangement plans for a research on construction plans. Through an analysis of the artifacts-measuring scales, the relation of two scales found, which further helped suppose the measuring scales applied during the foundation period. Southern dynasties-scale was still used even after the capital was transferred to Sabi till Tang-scale was introduced. Tang-scale was used for Buddhist temples mostly founded in the 7th century. On the other hand, Goguryo-scale seemed to be used almost at the same period as Southern dynasties-scale used, but it seemed that Goguryo-scale disappeared earlier than Southern dynasties-scale. The locations of Buddhist temples could be classified into mountains, flatlands and mountain valley. Buddhist temples founded in mountains were mostly small-sized, but ones located on flatlands could secure flat fields through mounding operations. In addition, through location conditions of Neungsa and Wangheungsa, it was possible to find out the district setting of Sabi Capital Castle. Finally, the expansion range of Buddhist temples were found to be towards the east and the west. As for the scales of temples according to such conditions of location, it was found a similarity in Temple sites. In general, it was possible to assume that the scales of Buddhist temples tended to be expanded along with spatial expansion and there were regular systems in Buddhist temples related to the Royal family. Through the analysis of arrangement plans between individual buildings, it was found that the basic arrangement of Gate-Pagoda-Main Hall-Lecture Hall was preserved, but the proportion of distances between individual buildings varied depending on cases. As a result, there were differences between scales of entire building sites, construction subjective influences and master plan for each location of a Buddhist temple.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the body composition, biochemical parameters, and consumption of convenience foods according to β-3 adrenergic receptor polymorphism in university students. A survey was conducted on a total of 486 students - 189 males and 297 females. Based on a self-reporting method, questionnaires were administered for over 20 minutes, and β-3 adrenergic receptor and blood samples were also analyzed. The genotype frequencies of β-3 adrenergic receptor polymorphism were Trp/Trp homozygote (73.0%) and Trp/Arg heterozygote (27.0%) in male students. For the female students, the distribution of genotypes was Trp/Trp (71.0%) and Trp/Arg (29.0%). There were no differences according to biochemical parameters (ALT, cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and hemoglobin) or body composition. Males with TT genotype frequently ate Ramyon (2.40±0.52), Cup Ramyon (2.37±0.39), Kimchi (2.23±0.61), and frozen meat (2.00±0.44), whereas males with TA genotype ate Fries (frozen food) (1.90±0.79), Smoked meat (1.67±0.81), and Canned fruit (1.64±0.81). Females with TT genotype frequently ate Frozen fries (2.21±0.35), Kimbab (2.12±0.44), and Ramyon (1.85±0.40), whereas females with TA genotype frequently ate Kimchi (1.73±0.98), Fries (frozen food) (1.46±0.26), and Cup Ramyon (1.30±0.34). When questioned about satisfaction about body shape, 22.8 and 60.8% of those with TT genotype answered that they were 'satisfied' or needed to 'lose weight', respectively, whereas 18.0 and 63.9% of those with TA genotype answered that they were 'satisfied' or needed to 'lose weight', respectively. In conclusion, this study found no significant effects in terms of β-3 adrenergic receptor polymorphism, which suggests that health-promoting education needs to be developed so that university students appropriately recognize their bodies and control their weight in desirable ways. Therefore, it is necessary to educate individuals with TT genotype how to buy reasonable foods by understanding the interrelationship between convenience foods and health care and by checking the nutrition index labels on convenience foods. Thus, it is recommended that a health-promoting program be developed for the promotion of healthy lifestyles.
        2011.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chinese university internationalization is confronted with opportunities and challenges in the aftermath of the 2008 Financial Crisis. This study discusses the opportunities faced by China’s university internationalization after the 2008 Financial Crisis, such as the opportunities to attract more international students, increase student and faculty exchanges, redesign curriculums, and encourage cooperation between Chinese universities and top foreign universities. This study analyzes some of the challenges of Chinese universities such as how to enroll more international students and recruit more top-level global talent.