
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 68

        1995.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A hazard analysis which included watching operations, measuring temperatures of foods throughout preparation and display, and sampling and testing for microorganisms of total plate counts and coliform bacteria was conducted in various phases of product flow of Korean soups (Galbitang, Sullungtang, Jangkuk) prepared at Korean restaurants. Cooked foods were sometimes held at room temperature long enough to permit multiplication of bacteria that might have been present. This was confirmed by the finding of large numbers of aerobic mesophilic colonies (106) in samples of such foods after handling and holding for several hours before served. These bacteria decreased down to 101~102 while the contaminated Tang were served. And internal temperature of Tang served was approximately 70℃. Critical control points identified were, pre-preparation, handling after cooking and holding on display. Guidelines were suggested for effective quality control of Tang (Korean soups) production. Handlers of these foods need to be informed of the hazards and appropriate preventive measures.
        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1. 본(本) 연구(硏究)의 목적(目的)은 한국인의 식생활(食生活)에서 각별한 위치를 차지하고 있는 곰탕류의 섭취와 그 배경(背景)이 되는 요인의 상호관계(相互關係)를 규명하여, 앞으로 차세대(次世代)에의 영양교육(營養敎育)을 하는 데에 있어서 하나의 단서를 얻기 위함에 있다. 그 첫 단계로 곰탕 전문점을 찾는 손님을 대상으로 식생태학적(食生態學的) 접근방법을 사용하여 조사(調査)하였다. 2. 대상자의 약 67%는 일주일에 1~2회이상(回以上), 15%는 3회이상(回以上) 곰탕류를 섭취하고 있었다. 섭취빈도에 있어서의 연령차(年齡差)는 보이지 않았다. 3. 섭취빈도가 높을수록 맛이나 냄새에 대한 「기호도(嗜好度)」가 높고(p〈0.001), 칼슘섭취에 유의하고 있었으며(p〈0.05), 소양(肝)도 넣어 먹도록 배려(配慮)하고 있었다(p〈0.01). 4. 곰탕전문점에 온 이유로서는 전체적으로 봐서 식기호면(食嗜好面)이 가장 높은 비율이었다. 섭취빈도가 높은 쪽에서는 식기호면(食嗜好面)이 강하게 나타난 데에 비해, 섭취빈도가 낮은 쪽에서는 식기호면(食嗜好面)외에 그 음식점의 유명도(有名度)나 친구의 소개 등의 정보면(情報面)이 강하게 나타났다. 5. 다른 한국요리(韓國料理)보다 곰탕류를 선택하는 이유로서는 섭취빈도가 높은 쪽에서는 식기호면(食嗜好面)이나 생리적상태(生理的狀態)에 관한 요인이 가장 강하게 작용하는 데에 비해, 섭취빈도가 낮은 쪽에서는 생리적상태(生理的狀態)에 관한 요인이 가장 강하게 작용하고 있었다. 6. 곰탕류 섭취 후 건강면(健康面)에서의 주관적(主觀的) 심리적평가(心理的評價)에 대해서는(복수회답(複數回答)) 80.5%가 긍정적(肯定的), 30.5%가 특별한 변화가 없고, 6.5%가 부정적(否定的)인 것으로 봐서, 대부분의 사람이 곰탕류는 건강(健康)에 좋다고 인식(認識)하고 있었으며, 그 인식(認識)에는 섭취빈도에 따른 차이(差異)는 보이지 않았다. 7. 연령이 높을수록 곰탕류의 맛이나 냄새에 대한 기호도(嗜好度)가 유의(有意)하게 높았으며, 건강(健康)과의 관련에서는 「식후 소화가 잘 된다」라는 이유로 곰탕류를 선택하였으며, 연령이 낮을수록 「식욕(食慾)이 없을 때」, 「숙취(宿醉)일때」에 선택하는 경향이 강한 것으로 봐서, 연령에 따른 섭취빈도의 차(差)는 없으나, 곰탕류를 선택할 때의 기호(嗜好) 의식(意識) 건강(健康)에의 관심 행동면(行動面)에는 약간의 차(差)가 나타났다. 8. 다변량해석(多變量解析)의 결과(結果), 고섭취빈도군(高攝取頻度群)은 주로 50대이상(代以上)이며 곰탕류에 대한 기호도(嗜好度)가 매우 높고 식의식면(食意識面)이나 식행동면(食行動面), 건강면(健康面)에서 긍정적(肯定的)이었다. 이에 반하여 중섭취빈도군(中攝取頻度群)은 주로 40대(代)였으며 곰탕류에 대한 기호도(嗜好度)가 높았으나 고섭취빈도군(高攝取頻度群)에 비해 식의식면(食意識面)이나 식행동면(食行動面)에서 덜 적극적(積極的)인 경향이었다. 저섭취빈도군(低攝取頻度群)은 주로 20대(代)와 30대(代)였으며 곰탕류에 대한 기호도(嗜好度)가 보통이었으며, 식기호면(食嗜好面)보다 「친구의 소개로」 등에 의해서 섭취하고 있었다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of sipjeondaebo-tang by-product powder on the growth performance of broilers. A total of 120 broiler chicks (Arbor acres) at 0 days old were assigned to one of two treatments with three replications: control and 1% sipjeondaebo-tang by-product powder. Weight gain at 3 weeks and feed intake at 5 weeks were significantly (p<0.05) influenced by the sipjeondaebo-tang by-product powder treatments. However, there were no significant differences in the feed conversion ratio between treatments as a function of treatment time (p>0.05). Overall, weight gain and the feed conversion ratio were slightly greater for the sipjeondaebo-tang by-product powder treatment than the control treatment. It was concluded that sipjeondaebo-tang by-product powder may be an appropriate source of feed additive, without any negative effects on the growth performance of the broilers.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the physicochemical properties of Pekin duck breast meat obtained from ducks fed diets consisting different types of sipjeondaebo-tang by-products and red ginseng marc with fermented red koji during storage. A total of 180 Pekin ducks (0-day old) were divided into four groups, each consisting of three replicates (15 ducks per pen). This study investigated diets with four types of treatments: control (basal diet),1% blend powder, pelleted 1% blend, and coated pellets of 1% blend; the blend was a mixture of sipjeondaebo-tang by-products powder and red ginseng marc with fermented red koji. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in duck breast meat pH on storage days 3 and 7, TBARS on storage days 0 through 7, and DPPH radical scavenging on storage days 0 and 7. However, the pH values on storage day 0 and DPPH radical scavenging on storage day 3 were significantly different (p<0.05) in the meats from control and treated diet fed ducks. Especially, on storage day 7, the breast meat from ducks treated with different types of sipjeondaebo-tang by-products and red ginseng marc with fermented red koji showed lower TBARS values and increased DPPH radical scavenging activity compared to the control. In conclusion, addition of different types of sipjeondaebo-tang by-product and red ginseng marc with fermented red koji to 1% blend might be helpful in increasing antioxidant effects and reducing product wastage.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Liriope platyphylla Wang et Tang is potent medicinal plant that is being used cough and asthmatic. Consumers interested in size and color choices when buying products. So, the class attributes and consumer choice differentiation by strengthening the competetiveness of farmhouse want to do. Methods and Results : About 50 purchases for the studys gustionnaire responds by sending a consumer survey analysis was required about 30 people. For the classification by products test planting in the harvested produce, and below classification by size and color. Class size are high grade (tuberous root length 26.1 ㎜ more, tuberous root diameter 6.1 ㎜ more), middle grade (tuberous root length from 23.1 to 26.0 ㎜, tuberous root diameter from 5.6 to 6.0 ㎜), low grade (tuberous root length 23.0 ㎜ less, tuberous root diameter 5.5 ㎜ less) by size. The rate of goods continued raised from beginning April to beginning May by harvest time. High grade color is brightness (L, 54.9), red (a, 3.3) and yellow (b, 17.0) so that hold out bright color. Conclusion : High grade have more tuberous root length and diameter size and hold out bright color
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Liriope platyphylla Wang et Tang is planting in April and harvest next April for the fourth season went through medicinal crops. This is why growth and impact on the quantity of additional fertilizer for application timing and amount of application is very important. To want to find out optimal method of additional fertilizer that can increase the quantity and quality application. Methods and Results : So this study was designed in order to find out proper timing for application and amount of applied fertilizer. Timing for application were July, September, November (custom) and May, July, September and August, October, December. Amount of applied fertilizer were 7 ㎏, 13 ㎏, 19 ㎏ per 10 a. The result of an experiment, when In cultivation with timing for application was May, July, September and amount of applied fertilizer was 7 ㎏ per 10 a, In situation of growth and development, plant length was short and root length was long and number of plants was many than timing for application was August, October, December and amount of applied fertilizer was 19 ㎏ per 10 a. In addition, in quantity characteristics, tuberous root number was 44 to 68 more than 24 and tuberous root length and tuberous root thickness was long and thicker. When these growth and development situation and the quantity characteristics, yield was 275 ㎏ to 340 ㎏ more than 65 ㎏ per 10 a. That is 5.2 times. Conclusion : In cultivation of Liriope platyphylla Wang et Tang, when the timing for application quickly start in May and reducing the amount of applied fertilizer was yield increased 5.2 times.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Liriope platyphylla Wang et Tang are very sensitive to the excess moisture condition and dry crops. This is why the tuberous root is big and as many as the quantity for adequate water is needed. Study of proper bed width and hight to maintain optimal moisture for the high quality and yield. Methods and Results : So this study was designed in order to find out proper bed Width and hight. Bed width were 80 ㎝, 100 ㎝, 120 ㎝ and hight were 10 ㎝, 15 ㎝, 20 ㎝. The result of an experiment, when cultivation with bed width 100 ㎝, hight 20 ㎝, In situation of growth and development, plant length and root length were long and number was plants was many than bed width 120 ㎝, hight 10 ㎝. In addition, in quantity characteristics, tuberous root number was 27 to 58 more than 31 and tuberous root length and tuberous root thickness was long and thicker. When these growth and development situation and the quantity characteristics, yield was 66 ㎏ to 252 ㎏ more than 186 ㎏ per 10 a. Conclusion : In cultivation of Liriope platyphylla Wang et Tang, when to maintain optimal moisture with bed width 100 ㎝, hight 20 ㎝ have been higher quality and yield than cultivation with bed width 120 ㎝, hight 10 ㎝.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Ki-tae Kim. 2017. A Sociolinguistic Study of the Diachronic Changes of the Names of Korean Oriental Clinics: With Special Reference to –tang. Studies in Modern Grammar 96, 149-166. The current study explores the diachronic pattern of the changes in the names of Korean Oriental Medical clinics, the names of which contain the Sino-Korean -tang (堂) in the ult of the core. A total of 636 such names are identified and statistically analyzed along with their founding years through simple exponential smoothing, double exponential smoothing, and the moving average. The results show that there has been a slow, but significant decline from the late 1980’s and on. The primary motivation behind the trend is traced back to the increased sense of Korean identity in the more transnational world at the time. More specifically, the official replacement of han (漢, ‘China/Chinese’) with a homophone han (韓, ‘Korea/Korean’) in referring expressions to Korean Oriental Medicine (e.g., hanuywen ‘Korean Oriental Medical clinic’) in 1986, the subsequent 1988 Olympic Games, and the contemporary movement to use Hankul exclusively at the expense of Hanca including tang all coincided with the decline, thus, contributing to the timing of the consistent decline. Some limitations and implications are also discussed.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Black Non-Woven Fabric Mulch Culture was knowned increased crop Yield and saved weeding labor in Liriope Pilatyphylla Wang et Tang. But to the removal and planting labor is more needed, So some famers are avoidance that culting method. Methods and Results : So this study was experimented in order to selecting optimun removal time in Liriope Pilatyphylla Wang et Tang mulch culture. Removal time were conventional practices (in April next yesr), September, October and November. In early, Plant length, Root length, Leaf number and number of plants was the long and many by the sooner removal time and also, dry weight was heavier. Black non-woven fabric removal labor was saved by the sooner removal time. The main event of weeds were Cyperus serotinus Rottb and Portulaca oleracea L. In harvest time, Plant length and plants of numbers was the longest and heavier at conventional practice (in April next year) and November removed. Tuberous root number was the more in September removal, Because, the tuber was tall and long. Total1y consideration of the including weeds shooting, weeding labor and Growth and development situation, Black non-woven fabric removal optimum time was September or Conventional practices (in April next year). Conclusion : Black non-woven fabric optimum removal time was the september . In this experiment, increased yield 9, income 16 percent than conventional practices (in April next year).
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Natural Mortality Vinyl much culture are increased crop yield and saved weeding workforce. But research is insufficient that of Liriope Pilatyphylla Wang et Tang. Black non-woven fabric mulch culture are increased crop yield and superior to occurrence of weeds, but to the removal and planting more labor needed, so, Farmers are avoidance using that. Methods and Results : So this study designed in order to selecting the best covering material. Using in this study, covering materials were Conventional practices (non covering), Natural mortality vinyl and black non-woven fabric. Soil temperature was continued highly after planting from in mid-may to in august a regular. among them natural mortality vinyl mulch was the highest. Natural mortality vinyl mulch was the fastest that humidity of soil change and Growth and development situation by maintaining proper temperature and humidity. Non mulching was little change in temperature and humidity and the slowest in the Growth and development situation. The main event of weeds were Cyperus serotinus Rottb and Portulaca oleracea L. Weeding labor was saved from 43 to 57 percent in the natural mortality vinyl and black non-woven fabric mulch. Plant length was the shortest in the conventional practices and Root length, Leaf number and number of plants were little changed. Yield was increased from 27 to 29 percent in the natural mortality vinyl and black non-woven fabric mulch than conventional practices. Result of comprehensive economic analysis including weeding labor and yield, the natural mortality vinyl mulch culture was income increased 92 percent than conventional practices. Conclusion : Natural mortality vinyl mulch culture were weeds shooting controled and increased yield 39, income 92 percent than conventional practices (non covering).
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang belongs to the Liliaceae and herbal medicinal plants. It is usually grown as ground cover plants. But the farm is cultivated medicinal plants in order to harvest its tuberous root. The cultivated area is 95ha and the production is 588 ton(2014). Miryang and Cheongyang are the main producing areas. This experiment was carried out to select a cultivar that are well adapted in middle regions in Korea. Methods and Results : It were investigated the tuber characteristics in four cultivars of Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang. The ratios of roots and tubers a plant was ranged 18.6 - 21.6%. Maekmundong 1 have more in tubers per a plant but lower in the rate of marketable tubers and 100-tubers weight than other 3 cultivars. Cheongshim was heavier and larger in tuberous root than 3 other cultivars. The tuber’s distributions in less than 10 ㎝ soil depth at the surface was 48.6% in Cheongshim, 58.4% in Seungsu 50.6% in Maekmundong 1 and 58.1% in Cheongyang native’s line. So, Seungsu and Cheongyang native’s line are believed to be suitable for harvesting by machines. The tuber’s yield was highest in Seungsu and was 5% higher than Cheongyang native’s line. The spicatoside A extracted with 80% MeOH was analyzed by 0.01 – 1.83 ㎎/g and Maekmundong 1 have been contained much more than other cultivars. Conclusion : Considering the yield and medicinal ingredients, Maekmundong 1 have good quality than Cheongshim, Seungsu and Cheongyang natives’s lines in middle regions in Korea.
        2016.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In Tang Dynasty, silk craft is very developed,Silk craftsmanship is one of representative in arts of Tang Dynasty.The decorative style of silk is presented mainly by weaving, dyeing and embroidery, all of which cannot be separated from patterns. During Tang Dynasty, silk has beautiful patterns and colorful contents. Vignettes are fully shaped with abundant details, combined realism and decorativeness, and they are gorgeous and bright in color. Compared with all previous dynasties, the Tang Dynasty Silk decorative style is fully diversified and developed. Silk artistic style reached a highly mature “golden age” and is still popular nowadays, with features of extensiveness, freshness, colorfulness and magnificence.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang is a perennial plant and its tuberous root is used as herbal medicine. Liriope platyphylla is grown throughout a year from April to April of next year. Recently, the production was lowered because of severe drought/rainfall and injury by successive cropping. The ridge height affected the growth of shoots and roots as affected by drought or rainfall. It is necessary to establish the cultivation techniques for stable quantity per unit area and good tuber’s quality. This experiment was carried out to select a cultivar of good tuber quality and to determine the ridge height for high-yielding. Methods and Results : It were investigated the characteristics of roots and tubers depending on different ridge heights in four varieties of Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang. There was not significantly different in shoot growth by different ridge heights. The tubers distribution in less than 10cm soil depth at the surface was decreased about 6.6% in the 15cm ridge height compared to 5cm. So, the mean distributed position of tubers was deepened at higher ridge. The cultivars that tubers were mainly distributed in the 10cm depth from surface was Seoungsu and Cheongyang natives’s lines. The no. of tubers per a plant and the ratio of marketable tubers were increased about 13.2% and 20.1% in the 15cm ridge height compared to 5cm. Considering the tuber sizes and ratio of marketable tubers, Cheongshim and Maekmundong 1 has good quality than Seoungsu or Cheongyang natives’s lines. The tuber yield increased about 19.5% in the 15cm ridge height compared to the 5cm. So, high ridge was advantaged to increase the yield. Conclusion : From the above results, the quality and quantity of tubers of Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang was good in the higher ridge. We recommended Cheongshim cultivar because of the large tuber sizes and high ratio of marketable tubers.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang is a species of Liliaceae and its tuber is used as medicinal herbs. This medicinal plant is mainly cultivated in Cheongyang and Buyeo of Chungcheongnam-Do and Miryang of Gyeongsangnam-Do. It is necessary to establish a cultivation techniques for stable production to solve the problems that are found on farms. These farm surveys were carried out to obtain the basic data on soil environment and cultivation conditions at main producing areas of Chungnam-Do in Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang. Methods and Results : The surveys were investigated from 37 farmers in Cheongyang and 32 farmers in Buyeo who cultivate Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang. There were slightly differences in the local characteristics between Cheongyang and Buyeo. The rate of successive cropping for more than 3 years were 19% at Cheongyang and 41% in Buyeo. The reason may be due to the a small-owned field. It has grown 28% at Cheongyang and 59% at Buyeo in paddy fields. The injury by successive cropping that farmers argued were the increasing pest/disease occurrence, degradation of tuber quality and yield reduction. Crops planted after the harvest of L. platyphylla were mostly Pepper or soybean in upland. It is necessary to reduce the injury of successive cropping. The results of 112 soil analysis data were classified by 8 soil series. There are many acidic soil, lack of organic matter, excess phosphate. However, it did not analyzed the influences on the growth and yield of the crop as affected by different soil conditions. Conclusion : From the above results, it is necessary to develop cultivation techniques on the reduction of injury of successive cropping, such as cropping system, seedling transplanting cultivation, cultivation methods for good agricultural practices(GAP) and soil improvement.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Usually, planting and harvest time is around the middle of April. A labor shortage deu to her planting time as harvest time and some farmers were late planting culture. After planting until take rooting It will take more than one month when late planting growth is bad. Seedling cultivation, just taking rooting is agricultural growth promotion. Methods and Results : So did design the optimum nursery days and number of plants. Nursery days were 30 days and 45 days and number of plants 1, 3, 5 plants. Plant length was longer in less number of plants while Root length was longer in more number of plants of Temporary planting seedling, Leaf number was a big increase but number of plants was not a big shift. In post-havest survey, plant length was longer in 3 number of stem and root length was longer in one number of stem. 45 days and 3 number of stem seedling was the most good in number, weight and length of tuberous root. Yield of 45 days and 3 number of stem seedling was higher 7% than 1 number of stem seedling and higher 5% than 5 number of stem seedling. 45 days and 3 number of stem seedling was 1,789 thousand per 10a in income was the most. Conclusion : Result of this study, for rasing healthy seeding nursery days 45 days and number of plants 3 plant
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Galgeun-tang (GGT) is a traditional medicinal formula that is widely prescribed to treat cold, asthma, and hives in Korea. Fermented herbal medicines can be made more effective than normal herbal medicines by increasing the absorption and bioavailability of the active compounds. In this study, we fermented Galgeun-tang to produce bioconversion constituents using Lactobacillus plantarum (GGT144), and found that four peaks were decreased, three peaks were increased and two new peaks appeared in the HPLC-DAD chromatogram. After HPLC-DAD-guided fractionation of the newly-appearing compounds (1 and 5) and the increased (6, 7, and 9) compounds, the structure of the compounds was determined using NMR and MS. Using this approach the compounds were identified to be pyrogallol (1), daidzein (5), liquiritigenin (6), cinnamyl alcohol (7), and formononetin (9), respectively. In addition, the decreased compounds were identified to be daidzin (2), liquiritin (3), ononin (4), and cinnam aldehyde (8) using HPLC-DAD analysis with standard compounds. The high performance liquid chromatography method was used to quantify the nine constituents in GGT and GGT144. All calibration curves of the standard compounds displayed excellent linearity with a R2 〉 0.9968.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        1. 맥문동 괴근크기별 전체 괴근수는 각 처리별로 약간 차이를 보이나 주당 50개에서 58개 사이로 형성 되었고, 그 중 2cm이상 가장 많이 형성된 처리는 3.5소 +두엄 +유박 +계분 +초목회 처리구였다. 2. 괴근 심도 조사를 보면 0~20cm사이에 가장 많이 분포한 처리구는 3요소 +두엄이며, 21 · 30cm 이상에 가장 많이 분포한 구는 3요소 +두엄 +유박 +계분 +초목회 처리구 였다. 3. 건근수량은 3요소 +두엄 +유박 + 계분 +초목회 처리구에서 414kg/10a로 가장 많았고, 그 다음은 3요소 +두엄 +유박 + 계분 +초목회 처리구 이며, 3요소 +두엄의 관행 보다 34%, 25%의 수량을 높일 수 있었다.
        1 2 3 4