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        검색결과 1,092

        2000.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2000.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        표고버섯은 담자균류 송이과에 속하는 식용 버섯으로, 영양 성분 및 약리적 효능이 높기 때문에 동양인에게 중요한 버섯이며, 점차로 생산량과 소비량이 증가하고 있다. 본 연구에서는, 고품질 표고버섯 생산시기의 기상자료를 분석하여 표고버섯의 품질에 영향을 주는 생육 환경요인을 분석하였다. 이를 위하여 1997~1998년 국내 고품질 표고버섯이 생산되는 지역중 3지역(부여, 원주, 장흥)을 선정하였다. 표고버섯의 다량 발생시기 20일 기준으로 기상분석시기 15일을 선정하였다. 환경요인으로는 발생시기의 일 온도차, 일습도차, 일평균온도, 일 평균습도 및 풍속을 분석하였다. 발생기간중의 일 평균온도는 버섯 발생 온도 하한치인 7℃ 이하에서 적정온도 20℃까지의 변화를 보였고, 일 온도차는 주간에는 7~20℃, 야간에 0~-2℃의 범위를 나타냈다. 일평균습도 50~70%으로 강우에 따라서 변화 폭이 컸으며, 일습도차는 40~60%의 차를 나타냈다. 풍속은 1~4m.s-1이었다 .따라서 화고, 동고의 생육환경은 일반적인 표고버섯의 적정 생육 조건과는 큰 차이를 보였다. 생육기간동안의 일 온도차, 일습도차, 저 습도, 풍속 등의 환경 조건은 고품질 표고버섯 발생의 요인의 하나라고 추정된다. 이 연구결과는 버섯의 시설재배시 고품질 표고버섯 생산을 위한 환경조절기술로 적용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        1999.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analogize the appearance of Korean Ancient Architecture in view of the Stone Remains from 3 Kingdom Period to Unificated Shilla Period. But in these period, there is no building remains but some stupas and fine arts. Especially, there are many architectural appearance and revealing signature in these Historical Stone remains. Architectural elements which are analogized by stone remains what has value as historical materials by preservation of original form from 3 Kingdom Preiod to Unificated Shilla Period are as follows : 1) Platform, the representative characteristic of Korean traditional architecture, was frame structure and accumulate structure. And circular or square footing stood a same shape column on it is put on the platform. 2) In the case of column, there used entasis column and inclined column and circular chamfer technique was applied on the top side of it. Upper side of column, capital and head pentrating tie that small bearing block was put on the center of it was joined. And longitu야nal rest(長舌) supported a cross beam. Capital and small bearing block had no bottom heel, and heel side was curved and straight. Centered bracket structure was often used, and multi bracket structure is not used yet. Inward incline technique was used. 3) Inward opening pair door which had lintel, threshold, doorjamb was usually used, Fixing stone was used for structural safety, and circular handle and lock was used for decoration. Handrail was used on the edge of wooden floor for decorative effect and safety. 4) Square rafter and circular rafter were used in the same period and so did flying rafter. Double eaves and single eave were used in the same period but, single eave was usually used. In this period, square rafter was usually used. This would be studied more by comparing with Japanese wooden architecture. 5) Hipped roof was used and half-hipped roof was not used yet. In front of th hip, there are small sculpture called Jap-Sang(雜像), and windbell was hang on the end of the hip rafter. Concave roof tile, convex roof tile, round eaver tile, decorative tile at end of roof ridge were used. Lotus style was well used on the face of roof tile for decoration. From the results of this study, wooden architecture of Unificated Shilla period was simple compare to Koryo dynasty and Chosun dynasty but, it had some brilliant character. It was hard work that analogized the form of non-existent wood architecture of Ancient Korean period by restricted stone remains. But, in addition to the results of this study and research of old documentations, more study should be go on.
        1999.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The development potential of bovine somatic cells was evaluated using nuclear transfer. A single donor cell derived from fetus of HanWoo(Korean Native Cattle) was selected and deposited into perivitelline space of each enucleated oocyte before electrical fusion and activation. Nuclei of donor cells starved for 7 days (37%) tended to support the development of reconstitute embryo the blastocyst stage better than those of donor cells starved 3, 14 and 30 days. The cleavage rate was significantly lower(P<0.05) in reconstitute embryos derived from large size donor cells(51.2%), than those from small medium size donor cells(76.6 and 73.5, respectively). The developmental rate to blastocyst of reconstructed embryos from medium size donor cells was higher than those from small and medium size donor cells. This study demonstrates that an appropriate culture period for induction into quiescent stage and the size of donor cells effect on the efficiency of nuclear transfer using cultured bovine cells.
        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In my article titled “Nationalism of William B. Yeats and Seamus Heaney in their early poetry: mythic nationalism and realistic national consciousness” which was published in The Journal of English Language & Literature Vol. 45 No. 3, I analyzed three among four factors of nationalism (implicated) in the two poets’ early poetry, that is, ethnicity, language, territory. This article deals with one remaining factor of nationalism, religion, in their middle poetry. Religion is so powerful an influence in Ireland that Irish nationalism can be considered Irish Catholic Nationalism. The political, religious, and economic conflicts between Anglo-Irish Protestants and Catholic Irish made Ireland divided into Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland, after Ireland was liberated from British imperialism in 1922. The native Irish who had lost even their mother tongue, Gaelic during the colonial period of almost 800 years ruled by the British Empire sought their national identity in Catholicism and made the religious oppression of Britain their centripetal force. To Yeats, religion was not a dogmatic faith of institutionalized religion but a field in which his imagination of the supernatural is allowed full play to go beyond the ephemeral real world to the eternal spiritual world. He set the Irish religious identity on Irish countrymen’s native faith in faerie, ghost, eternity of soul, and the world of magic expressed in Irish legends, folklore, myths, and oral traditions. He satisfied his hunger for the ultimate truth of universe with the Irish ancient faith in the mystical world of the everlasting soul and the visionary as well as various kinds of mysticism in the East and the West. The mystical religious identity of the native Irish emphasized by him anticipated the continuous collisions among him, the Catholic pulpit and Irish nationalists. His romantic belief in a heroic spiritual Ireland materialized his Irish Literary Movement and his idealized Anglo-Irish Ascendancy culture was far from the political nationalism of the middle class of Ireland, the political class of the people democracy. Seamus Heaney has also suffered from the conflict between his cultural․ political ideals which are fundamentally Ireland-centered and the political reality of the violent IRA (Irish Republican Army) which kills even civilians at random for the cause of nationalism. To Heaney the religious faith was a recognition of the deep value of the religious ritual and the Catholic ritual has been internalized in his feminine poetic sensibility of patience, humility, duty, discipline, guiltiness, grace, wonder, and the ritual supplication. The Irish religious identity he put an emphasis on was not the visionary mystic one of Yeats but the real one which has been internalized in the minds of the native Catholic Irish as “self-afflicting compulsions” and spiritual paralysis, especially in terms of political martyrdom complex in IRA and historical defeatism of Catholic priests in Northern Ireland. Both Heaney and Yeats opposed violence of nationalism and sought their ideal one. Religion has had a devastating influence on the two tribal struggle in Ireland so that the two poets refused the established Christianity and tried to enhance Irish republican nationalism to the genuine nationalism allowing the peaceful co-existence of the two races living in Ireland. Heaney demythodized Yeats’s myth of the political martyrdom and denied the religious halo of Irish nationalism as well as the mythodized force in the history of the Northern Europe. His quest of democratic co-existence of plural culture in Ulster seems realistic and idealistic solution of the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
        1999.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper discusses the change of land ownership in the urban historical core of Kyungju city in the Period of Japanese occupancy(1910-45) based on the analysis of land register records. Kyungju city was not designated for the cities controlled by urban planning law which was set up in 1912 and 1934. The major purpose of this paper is to clarify the urbanization process of a Korean local city where the formal urban planning projects were not carried out. The focus of the study is the increase of the Japanese landowners and Japanization of the landscape. In the very beginning of occupation, Japanese already owned about 8% of the total land of the city centre where the old Kyungju castle had been located. The ratio of the land owned by Japanese went up to more or less 70% at the end of World war II. The process which the urban core had been replaced for the Japanese is very clearly traced from the analysis of a land register records.
        1999.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There were few data for the distribution of the indicator organisms in the commercial plant foods, and for the normal flora and for the foodborne agents within the country. First of all it must be investigated the distribution of the indicator organisms. And also it is very important to prepare the sanitation criteria for the plant foods through the microbiological e×amination and the investigation of tendency to change of the indicator organisms according to the storage temperature and period. The average number of total viable counts for grains was 2.9 × 10^5/g, psychrophilic bacteria 2.9 × 10^6/g, heterotrophic bacteria 3.1 × 10³/g, heat-resistant bacteria 2.1 × 10³/g Pseudomonas aeruginosa 23/g. That for beans was 6.3 × 10²/g, psychrophile 34/g, heterotroph 1.7 × 10²/g. That for sesames was 1.4 × 10^5/g, coliform 350/g, psychrophile 7.4 × 10⁴/g, heterotroph 5.8 × 10⁴/g, Pseud. aeruginosa 2.3 × 10³/g. heat-resistant bacteria 150/g. That for potatoes was 2.0 × 10^7/g, coliform 5.0 × 10⁴/g, psychrophile 1.8 × 10^7/g, heterotroph 1.4 × 10^7/g, heatresistant bacteria 3.3 × 10¹/g, Staphylococcus 2.7 × 10^5/g, fecal streptococcus 4.5 × 10³/g, Pseud. aeruginosa 7.0 × 10³/g. That for mushrooms was 1.2 × 10^8/g, psychrophile 9.4 × 10^7/g, heterotroph 1.0 × 10^9/g, heat-resistant bacteria 1.6 × 10^5/g, Pseud. aeruginosa 1.3 × 10³/g. That for vegetables was 5.9 × 10^(11)/g, coliform 1.8 × 10^6/g, psychrophile 1.1 × 10²/g, heterotroph 8.4 × 10^(11)/g, heatresistant bacteria 7.6 × 10^6/g, Staphylococcus 1.1 × 10^7/g, fecal streptococcus l.1 × 10⁴/g, Pseud. aeruginosa 5.2 × 10⁴/g. That for nuts 3.9 × 10⁴/g, coliform 3.9 × 10³/g, psychrophile 4.0 × 10^8/g, heterotroph 3.2 × 10^8/g, heat-resistant bacteria 400/g. In commercial grains and beans, SPC, psychrophile, heterotroph and heat-resistant bacteria stored at 10℃, 20℃, 30℃ were constant. Staphylococcus, coliform, Pseud. aeruginosa were decreased a little in grains, but were not detected in beans. In mushrooms, all indicator organisms were increased as time goes on and were increased rapidly at 20. In sesames, coliform was not detected at all temperature. psychrophile was increased for 7 days, the otners were constant. In potatoes, SPC, psychrophile, heat-resistant bacteria, heterotroph had a tendency to increase and the others were constant. In vegetables, indicator organisms were had a tendency to increase, psychrophile, heterotroph were rapidly increased after 7 days. In nuts, SPC, coliform, psychrophile, heterotroph, heat-resistant bacteria, Pseud. aeruginosa were constant, staphylococcus and fecal streptococcus were not detected.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The average number of total viable counts for the commercial pork tested was 19/g, coliform 1.8/g, psychrophilic bacteria 15/g, heterotrophic bacteria 12/g, fecal streptococcus 6.2/100 g, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 13/100 g and none of heat-resistant bacteria and Staphylococcus was detected. That for the commercial beef tested was 130/g, coliform 5.2/g, psychrophile 140/g, heterotroph 28/g, Staphylococcus 1.2/g, fecal streptococcus 9.5/100 g, Pseud. aeruginosa 1.9/100 g and heat-resistant bacteria was not detected. That for the commercial chicken tested was 8800/g, coliform 53/g, psychrophile 4600/g, heterotroph 4700/g, fecal streptococcus 9.9/100 g, Pseud. aeruginosa 2.5/100 g. That for milk was 4700/ml, psychrophile 120/ml, heterotroph 420/ml and the others were not detected. That for the commercial cheese was 3.2/g, psychrophile 2.3/g, heterotroph 1.6/g, Staphylococcus 1/g, fecal streptococcus 9.1/g. That for fermented milk was 10^7/ml, heatresistant bacteria 10^6/ml, fecal streptococcus 2400/100 ml, lactobacillus 3.2 × 10^(15)/ml, in accordance with lactic acid bacteria and the others were not detected. There was not detected any indicator organisms from ham, sausage, butter, eggs and quails in the commercial fooods tested. SPC, coliform, psychrophile and heterotroph in commercial meats stored at 10℃ were increased rapidly as time goes on but heat-resistant bacteria, staphylococcus, fecal streptococcus and Pseud. aeruginosa were constant. At 20℃, SPC, coliform, psychrophile, heterotroph and fecal streptococcus were the highest at 7 days and heat-resistant bacteria, staphylococcus and Pseud. aeruginosa were increased a little. At 30℃, all indicators were increased rapidly for 3 and 7 days and then decreased rapidly. All indicator organisms were increased at the level of 10/g for 14 days in meat products stored at 10℃, but SPC, psychrophile and heterotroph in meat products stored at 20℃ were increased at the level of 10^5/g. It showed that the indicators in meat products stored at 30℃ had a tendency to increase at the level of l0₂/g relative to those stored at 20℃. SPC, psychrophile and heterotroph in milk stored at 10 increased up to the level of 10₄/ml, but coliform, staphylococcus, fecal streptococcus and Pseud. aeruginosa were not detected. As stored at 20℃ and 30℃, they were increased rapidly for 1 or 3 days and then constant for a long time.
        1998.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Food goods traded between Korea and Japan during the middle period of the Cho Sun era included Insam (Jinseng), rice, beans, honey, perilla oil, starch, adlay, walnuts, pine nuts, jujubes, hazelnuts, and dired chestnuts as exports ; and pepper as imports. The number of Japanese envoies that visited regularly was one thousand five hundred people a year. The receptions that were held for them during the middle period equaled those of the first term of the Cho Sun era, but these receptions were only held in Pu-san. The expense of daily meals was broken down into 8 grades ranging from \129,300 to 2133. The daily meals included Jo-ban (breakfast), Jo-seok-ban (breakfast and dinner), and Ju-jeom-shim (lunch) for the Japanese who visited regularly. During the course of a year, the total amount spent on daily meals was put at a billion won. The banquet style meals included Ha-seon-da-rye (a welcome tea party), Ha-seon-yeon (a welcome banquet), No-cha-yeon (a banquet that was held on the street), and Ye-dan-da-rye (a drink banquet that was held when silk was offered as a gift). It also included Byeol-yeon (a banquet out of the dordinary), Sang-seon-yeon (a farewell banquet), and Myong-il-yeon (a banquet that was held on a national holiday). The banquet style meals were composed of Ceon-tack (to set a table for dinner), Sang-hwa (a flower that was put on the food), Kwan-hwa (to offer a flower when a banquet was held), Ju-9-jan (the ninth wine glass), Dae-seon (meat), music, and Jung-bae-rye (a banquet that was held again after a banquet). The Cho Sun government held banquets forty five times for the Japanese, the food expense for the banquets was put at two hundred and thirty million won.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the meantime, the study of traditional and contemporary house had been produced so many achievements in korea, but modern house is yet to be solved, Accordingly, It is necessary to develop and present the basic research data in order to build up an objective study for urban house in the modern age(1910-1945), Following to a study on the foreigner's house in grid-type settlement of Open Ports, in this research is to investigate and analyze modern houses of urban areas in korean inland, and then clarify types and changes of them. In the first year(1995~96), the modern houses of Central Inland Districts(arrounding river Kumgang)-Kunsan kanggyong Puyo Kongju Pugang Chongju were investigated by the layout of room, the construction and materials, the design and style, etc. In the second year(1996~97), the modern houses of Open Market(開市場)-Seoul Taegu Kwangju Taejon Chonju were conducted to investigate as above. The traditional house transformed by differentiation and addition of room(kan), the various types were respectively adopted for the korean reforming and western cultural house. In the layout of room, the types of plan were gradually concentrated from the single wings of korean traditional house. The korean traditional house was later improved through the introduction of entrance, corridor, and internal toilet/bathroom. But the korean under-floor heating system(andal) and a series of three rooms had been entirely maintained, composed of master bedroom/living room(daechung)/room. And the traditional town house with shop and storage, being built closely to each other and walled up both sides, it had taken gradually the extensive characteristics in itself. By the displacement of shop/dwelling/ storage. the various types were respectively adopted for the separated, multi-storied, and complex type. The type of them was gradually changed to the narrow and linear form. And so with the stockpile of fundamental datas about modern houses in korean urban areas, we expect these results contribute to the knowledge of the spatial characteristics of urban house at present which are required to the understanding of transition as well as types.
        1998.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Around 1900, Yeats dreamed and put into practice the national theatre that could lead the crowds into a unified nation. And the theatre he imagined was essentially an occult one in which audience’s minds flow into each other and become one Great Mind professed in the doctrines of ‘Magic’ (1901). After the performances of Synge’s In the Shadow of the Glen (1903) and Padriac Column’s The Saxon Shillin’ (1903), Arthur Griffith attacked Yeats for not serving the nationalist’s cause. The ensuing debates around “the national art versus nationalist propaganda” infuriated Yeats, throwing down his hope for the middle and lower-middle classes. The attack and riots that lasted for a week after the performances of Synge’s Playboy of the Western World (1907), and after that the Hugh Lane controversy, deepened his anger towards them. So some poems that is included in from The Green Helmet and Other Poems (1910) and Responsibilities (1914) are full of the crowds, who pull down the high aristocratic values, laying them as “one common level.” As Yeats’s hope for the crowds vanished, his early theatre project that wanted mass mobilization into a nation changed into the unpopular theatre and an audience like a secret society. He began his work with the Irish theatre by theorizing that a popular nationalist theatre would be an occult one, but by 1915 he desired a theatre as occult precisely because it was not popular. The major difference between the two was the scale on which they operated, namely the nation versus the aristocratic drawing room.