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        검색결과 1,483

        2023.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        아차산 능선에서 가장 남단에 위치한 홍련봉 2보루는 평탄지(고대지)와 함몰지 2개의 지 형으로 구분되었으며, 함몰지의 협축성벽은 남한지역의 다른 고구려 보루에서는 지금까지 확인되지 않은 독특한 구조로 주목된다. 대부분의 고구려 보루들은 산 정상부에 따로 내벽 을 쌓지 않고 한쪽 벽을 쌓는 편축식의 성벽을 갖고 있으나, 홍련봉 2보루의 경우 절반은 편 축, 나머지 절반은 협축식으로 축조하는 독특한 형태이다. 남한지역 고구려 보루의 석축성벽은 규모나 축조된 곳의 지형에 따라 일부 차이는 있으 나, 기본적으로 유사한 형태의 구조를 갖는다. 양주분지와 한강일대 소규모로 축성된 보루 의 성벽은 지형에 맞춰 산 정상부를 원형 또는 타원형으로 두르는 형태인데, 크게 기초부, 토축부, 석축부로 나눌 수 있다. 즉 기저면 조성층에 석축성벽과 함께 사질토를 층층히 쌓아 뒷채움 하여 편축식으로 성벽을 축조를 한다. 하지만 임진강유역의 강안평지성은 협축식 성 벽으로, 소형의 보루들과는 다소 구분되는 방식으로 축조되었다. 하지만 협축으로 조성된 차이만 있을 뿐, 기본적인 구조는 한강유역의 다른 보루들과 같이 기초부, 석축부, 토축부로 구분되어지는 형태를 보인다. 홍련봉 2보루의 평탄지는 다른 보루들과 마찬가지로 토축부를 조성하며 대지를 조성하 고 석축성벽을 편축식으로 조성하는 형태이다. 하지만 함몰지에 축조된 협축성벽은 다른 한 강유역 보루들의 성벽과는 구분되지만, 임진강유역의 강안평지성과 같은 방식으로 협축성 벽이 축조되어졌다. 즉 홍련봉 2보루 함몰지의 협축성벽은 강안평지성과 같은 토축부+내· 외석축벽의 형태를 가지고 있는데, 협축성벽의 외벽은 영정주를 기준으로 수직에 가깝게 석 축부와 토축부를 같이 올렸다. 특히 내벽은 자연 경사도를 주어 안정적인 각도로 석축을 올 렸으나 외벽은 나무기둥과 석축으로만 마무리한 점, 토축부에서 횡장목은 확인되지만 판재 를 설치하기 위한 종장목은 확인되지 않는 점을 볼 때 토축부는 종장목과 협판 없이 석축이 판재의 역할을 한 것으로 추정된다. 이렇듯 홍련봉 2보루의 성벽은 다른 보루들과는 다소 구분되지만, 임진강 일대부터 한강 유역까지 조성된 다른 보루나 평지성들과 같이 동일한 형태의 축조방식이 적용된 것이다.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, local studies looking at the 'local(region) as a whole' are gradually increasing. The study of local architectural history is important in that it provides specific information that encompasses the local and the entire and clues to three-dimensionalize the time and space in the local. To infer the 'presentness' of each era, reliable data in various fields are needed. Recently, as many databases (DB) and archives, from the 'National Archives of Korea' to other local archives, have been established and publicized, research resources in the local are growing rapidly in quantity and quality. Nevertheless, it is difficult to comprehensively check the data necessary to study the local architectural history(local architectural history research resources). Against this background, this study confirmed the trend of changes in the archive construction environment and the status and problems of local architectural history research resources in places that currently disclose local history research resources among generalized web-archives. Next, the relationship between the actual research on local architectural history was confirmed through the analysis of existing studies and the data used for Jeju. As a result, local studies, local archives, and local architectural history research agree with recent changes in local research trends, and the degree of archival construction has reached the same level as the available research resources except core data in local architectural history research. However, there is a problem that the density of information that can be used is low because the local architectural history research resources that can be obtained are fragmented because there are no archives and construction entities specialized in local architecture. As each archive has entered the stabilization and upgrading stage, the construction of new archives needs to be reconsidered, but it is time to find a detailed way to link related information quickly and accurately, such as private records, to reduce the gap in information needed in terms of research on local architecture and architecture history.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The primary purpose of this study is to develop a framework for predicting the demand and distribution of pedestrians when an open space zone is built at the top through the undergroundization of the Gyeongin Expressway. METHODS : After analyzing the current status through a survey on the number of people, students, surrounding traffic volume, and future socioeconomic indicators, the rate of change in the floating population and the rate of increase and decrease in the traffic volume of pedestrians were calculated to evaluate the effect. In addition, microscopic analysis results were derived by setting a pedestrian analysis zone (PAZ). A walking environment index (WEI) was developed that can quantitatively evaluate the degree of walking activation by indicating walking-related surrounding environmental factors. Based on this, a walking demand prediction model was developed. In addition, the results were validated by calculating the walking volume through a micro-simulation in/around the open space zone. RESULTS : The number of crosswalks and schools, transit development indicators, and pedestrian volume increased as the WEI value increased. However, the log form of the distance was observed to be a factor that reduced walking. CONCLUSIONS : This study attempted to reliably predict the demand for walking on the Gyeongin Expressway by calculating the amount of induced walking and the amount of passing walking. The pedestrian demand can be boosted by improving walking environments.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The initial smoothness of concrete pavement surfaces must be secured to ensure better driving performance and user comfort. The roughness was measured after hardening the concrete pavement in Korea. When the initial roughness is poor, relatively large-scale repair works, such as milling or reconstruction must be performed. Hence, a method to measure the roughness of the concrete pavements in realtime during construction and immediately correct the abnormal roughness was developed in this study. METHODS : The profile of a concrete pavement section was measured at a construction site using sensors that were attached to the tinning equipment of the paver. The measured data included outliers and noise caused by the sensor and vibration of the paving equipment, respectively, which were further calibrated. Consequently, the calibrated data were input into the ProVAL program to calculate the roughness based on the international roughness index (IRI). Additionally, the profile of the section was re-measured using another method to verify the reliability of the calculated IRI. RESULTS : The profile data measured at the concrete pavement construction site were calibrated using methods, such as overlapped boxplot outlier removal and low-pass filtering. The outlier data from the global positioning system (GPS), which was installed to identify the construction distance, was also calibrated. The IRI was calculated using the ProVAL program by matching the measured profile and GPS data, and applying the moving average method. The calculated IRI was compared to that measured using another method, and the difference was within the tolerance. CONCLUSIONS : A method to measure the roughness of the concrete pavements in real time during construction was developed in this study. Hence, the performance of concrete pavements can be improved by enhancing the roughness of the pavement considerably using the aforementioned method.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to identify changes of insect compositions and diversity after construction of an onshore wind farm. We investigated insect fauna and compositions between a grassland deforested by the construction and a forest located at Yeongdeok and Yeongyang, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea. Insects were collected using a sweeping net and light trap. A total of 11 orders, 50 families, and 246 species, and 1,076 individuals were collected at study sites. By taxonomic group, Lepidoptera species were the most frequently found with 141 species, 417 individuals (38.8%), followed by Hymenoptera (20.6%), Hemiptera (16.2%), and Orthoptera (12.3%). There were also significant differences in insect species and community compositions between sites. Creating open-field deforested forests are beneficial for some insect groups such as Hymenoptera and Orthoptera. Our results suggest that deforesting by the construction of an onshore wind farm might affect the composition and diversity of insects. Results of this study provide basic data for research on onshore wind farms.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The “Carbon Neutral” has become the most important goal to achieve in the era of the climate change crisis. K-water has prepared a roadmap for implementing “Carbon Neutral” by 2050. However, only the reduction targets and strategies for scope 1 and 2 have been set, so the management of carbon generated during the construction project and upfront carbon is not being implemented. Therefore, in this study, the criteria and methodology for estimation carbon emissions in the construction sector at domestic and foreign were reviewed, and a methodology for estimation carbon emissions suitable for K-water construction projects was presented, and a case study was conducted. As a result, most of the carbon emissions were more than 90% of the upfront emissions due to material production. Therefore, upfront carbon management is required for carbon management of K-water construction projects, and it is necessary to quantify carbon emissions through GHG construction inventory, etc., and to establish strategies for future reduction technologies.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 중국 도농관계의 문화적 구성에서 발견되는 양가성에 초점을 맞추어 개혁 개방 후 40여 년이 지난 오늘날에도 여전히 지속되고 있는 도농이원구조의 정치경제 적·문화적 원리를 조명하는 연구이다. 본고의 요점은 크게 네 가지로 압축된다. 첫째, 개혁개방 후 발생한 도농관계의 급진적인 재구성에도 불구하고 중국의 도농이원구조 와 도농불평등은 여전히 지속되고 있다. 둘째, 도농관계의 문화적 구성을 관통하는 양가성 그리고 이를 기반으로 한 도농관계 재현의 유연성이 중국의 도농이원구조를 재생산하는 문화적·이데올로기적 기제로 작용한다. 셋째, 도농관계의 문화적 구성 그리고 이와 연동되어 재생산되고 있는 도농이원구조가 중국에서 “항구적인 본원적 축 적”을 가능하게 하는 특정한 조건으로 작용하고 있다. 넷째, 이러한 중국 특색의 도 농이원구조가 해체되지 않는 한 농촌부문으로부터의 대규모 가치전유를 기반으로 한 시장사회주의 중국의 본원적 축적은 당분간 지속될 것이다
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is to investigate the degree of field awareness of how each provision of the Serious Disaster Punishment Act will affect accident prevention. As a result of conducting a survey of construction site workers, it was analyzed that construction site workers had a low sense of safety and did not voluntarily engage in safety activities. And it can be seen that they are taking a very passive position that it is efficient to implement safety under the supervision of the supervisor. Workers who need voluntary construction site safety activities are most aware of the situation at the site, but the problem was pointed out as “lack of procedures for listening to opinions and preparing improvement measures” for these problems. Future research is needed to see if this is a problem for individual workers or for those in charge of safety and health who do not correct it even though active opinions have been submitted.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ijidang(二止堂) is a private village school (seodang, 書堂) established in Okcheon, north Chungcheong province where Jungbong Jo, Heon(重峯趙憲, 1544-1592 AD) had trained for his sound mind and body(yusangcheo, 遊賞處). Jo, Heon was a notable Neo-Confucian scholar of the Kiho School and also a righteous general leading soldiers in Joseon Dynasty. According to Ijidanggi(二止堂記), Ijidang was constructed to honor Jo, Heon and to train local talents in 1647 with the support of Song, Si-yeol(宋時烈, 1607-1689 AD),a representative scholar belong to Kiho School and other local Confucian scholars. Ijidang currently consists of Main Body(本體) in the middle along with the East(Dong-lu 東樓) and the West Pavilions(Seo-lu 西樓) attached to each side. The Main Body and the Dong-lu firstly constructed were to give lectures and to rest within. Ijidang has undergone several changes in its form so far. The surrounding nearby Ijidang shows characteristics of the Confucian architecture for training(J eong-sa, 精舍) and the building itself was to be built in a scenic place apart from the secular world in which scholars stayed, cultivated their body and mind or taught disciples within. The lecture space of Ijidang is positioned next to the main hall(Dae-cheong 大廳) unlike other typical forms of a three-bay building(samganjije 三 間之制) at that period. West lu, a two-story building added afterwards in the early 18th century representing characteristics of the Gate Pavilion(Mullu, 門樓) of Neo-Confucian Academies(Seo-won, 書院) in Joseon Dynasty was typically located where the entrance and the ground floor of the main building are visible simultaneously.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : In this study, an eco-friendly mastic asphalt backfill material is developed to reduce production and construction temperatures by 40 ℃ compared with those recorded when using conventional hot-mix mastic asphalt backfill materials. METHODS : To reduce the production and construction temperatures, SIS polymer modifiers and gum rosin were selected, and gum rosin-modified SIS materials were applied to the mastic asphalt binder mix design. SIS is less viscous than SBS at high temperatures owing to its thermal characteristics, and incorporating gum rosin into SIS causes the latter to exhibit a loose and soft structure. To improve the performance of the mastic asphalt modified with SIS and gum rosin, three different filler mixes, i.e., 100% PMMA, 50% PMMA and 50% calcium carbonate, and 40% PMMA and 60% calcium carbonate were applied. RESULTS : The rosin-modified SIS reduces the viscosity of the developed mastic asphalt binders. In particular, incorporating 3.7% of gum rosin is beneficial to the mastic binder and does not degrade its low-temperature performance. Similarly, using 100% PMMA as a filler improves the performance but results in workability issues at high temperatures. CONCLUSIONS : Rosin-modified SIS and PMMA are promising alternatives for increasing the workability at high temperatures while maintaining the target performance of grade PG82-22 binders if the appropriate ratio of calcium carbonate is mixed with PMMA and an alternative filler comprising calcium carbonate is used.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : In this study, emissions from asphalt mixture production and construction processes are calculated and used to estimate the emission from each asphalt pavement layer. The calculated emissions for the processes are used as fundamental data to estimate the total emission from the entire life cycle of pavement engineering in South Korea. METHODS : A design proposal and the Korean standard, which provide quantitative information for activities, were used to estimate the amount of construction materials and energy consumption. Subsequently, the LCI DB from NAPA and the LCIA DB from EPA were utilized in conjunction with the estimated quantity to assess the effect of the emissions to determine their environmental impact categories. RESULTS : Calculation results show that 5.84 million ton of CO2eq is discharged from production and construction processes, whereas 3.24 million ton of CO2eq is discharged from operation processes in the pavement engineering sector. The total GHG emission, i.e., 9.08 million ton of CO2eq, is approximately 1.25% of the national GHG emission in 2018. The asphalt mixture production process results in the highest GHG emission in the life cycle of asphalt pavements. CONCLUSIONS : An LCI DB that accounts for the industrial characteristics of South Korea must be established to provide more reliable emission data to be used for national GHG reduction plans, including those for the pavement engineering sector.
        2022.11 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the history of more than 2,200 years, Yibin is one of the national historical and cultural cities named by The State Council of China. As an important alcohol production base, Yibin city has a long history of alcohol brewing. Its brewing industry products are not only well-known in China, but also sold to various countries around the world. Yibin is currently responding to China's 14th Five-Year Plan, promoting urban construction with cultural construction and developing the alcohol industry ,and trying to build an ecological new area in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River to become an “economic sub-center” in Sichuan province. The construction of Yibin city and the development of alcohol industry are intertwined together, and the development process of alcohol industry has an important influence on the urban construction of Yibin, especially in the cultural city construction. In this study, we used literature analysis to investigate the influence of alcohol industry to the construction of Yibin cultural city. Based on the degree of correlation between development elements of Yibin cultural city and alcohol industry, we believe that the alcohol industry mainly has changed the appearance and layout of the cultural landscape, and influenced the urban surrounding construction and distribution structure. What’s more, alcohol industry has enriched the life of Yibin people, and made the urban culture more colorful. Last but not least, the alcohol industry also has provided Yibin with unique tourism cultural resources, which promotes the development of Yibin’s tourism culture.
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