운남 소수민족 소재 영화는 중국 영화 발전의 가장 중요한 부분 중 하나이며 중 국 영화계에서 큰 주목을 받았다. 운남에는 소수민족이 많고, 소수민족 지역은 독특 한 심미적 특징과 문화적 의미를 가지고 있기 때문에 중국 영화 발전에서 있어 가장 독특한 가치와 의미를 가진 민족적 기호가 되었다. 운남 소수민족은 중국 소수민족 문화의 보호와 전파에 중요한 의미가 있을 뿐만 아니라 운남 소수민족 소재 영화의 독특한 문화적 속성과 정치적 속성은 국가의 안정과 민족의 단결을 유지하는 등 중 요한 이데올로기적 역할을 발휘하고 있다. 그러나 중국의 영화 발전 배경에서 운남 소수민족 소재 영화의 발전은 여전히 더딘 속도로 발전하고 있다. 치열한 중국 영화 시장의 경쟁 속에서 운남 소수민족 문화의 가치와 매력을 발굴하고 현재의 영화 상 업화과 적절하게 융합하는 것은 매우 중요한 과제가 되었다. 따라서 본문은 개혁개 방 후 운남 소수민족 소재 영화의 발전 양상을 정리하고 발전 과정에 존재하는 문제 점을 분석함으로써 미래 발전 방향을 모색한다.
The paper carries out a systematic survey on the origins, evolution, formation module of 201 radicals of Chinese characters by means of database analysis method. On the basis of the above investigation, the research probes into the relation between 201 radicals and HSK 2905 from the aspects of Ziwei (overlapping percentage), character-formation frequency, positions and functions. With the help of the psychological theory, the methods of learning radicals are provided for reference.
In recent years, the young people who born in the 1980s and 1990s have been married, the number of young married couples who are open-minded is generally rising. Tourism has gradually been accepted as a new method to celebrate the wedding. So honeymoon tourism is so popular in the tourism market, and it has become a new tourism product in order to meet the newly married couples’ travel requirement. According to the study of the development of domestic and overseas honeymoon tourism market and the theory of consumer behavior and psychology, this paper has analyzed the factors influencing consumers’ honeymoon travel behavior. Shanghai, as one of the biggest international city in China, the number of honeymoon travel consumers is huge. So, by using the questionnaire, this paper also statistically analyzes and contrasts the characteristics of consumer behavior between Shanghai and other domestic active honeymoon tourism cities and researches the influential factors of honeymoon tourism. Finally through the results of this study, this paper provides a reasonable and effective marketing strategy about the development of Shanghai honeymoon tourism market, hoping to explore more potential customers for the enterprises, developing more new honeymoon tourism products, improving this tourism market system, and promoting the development of honeymoon tourism market.
This study investigated how Korean EFL students’ self-directed English learning abilities, learning strategy use, and the relationship between the two constructs change as they advance to upper level schools. Data were collected from 447 elementary, middle, and high school students in Seocho-gu, Seoul, using Self-Directed Language Learning Readiness (SDDLR) and a revised version of Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL). The results showed that elementary school students’ SDDLR and SILL scores were significantly higher than those of middle and high school students, with no significant difference between the two groups. Among the learner factors, interest toward English study was the only factor which affected all the three groups’ SDDLR as well as SILL scores. The influence of study-abroad experience and starting age of private education was limited to the elementary school student group, indicating their short-lived effects on self-directed learning and strategy use. Lastly, there was a high or moderately high positive correlation between SDDLR and SILL in all the three groups. However, the specific relationship among subcategories of the two constructs was complicated and different among the three groups.
문언문의 한자․어휘 교육은 중학교 중문 교육의 필수적인 부분이다. 이전에 홍 콩의 중학교에서 시험을 치르었던 아니던 간에, 문언문은 최근 중학교 졸업시험에 서 그 지식과 이해가 포함되고 있으며, 중국 어문교과의 읽기 교과에서도 일정한 비율을 차지하고 있기 때문에 그 중요성은 소홀히 할 수 없다. 그러한 가운데 학 생들이 효과적으로 문언문 한자․어휘를 분석하고 습득하게 교육시킬 수 있는 전 략과 방법은 바로 학생들의 읽기 능력을 향상시키는 중요한 관건이 된다. 이를 위 해 본고에서는 필자 개인의 경험과 홍콩의 문언문 읽기 교육의 실제를 결합하여 구체적이고 실천적인 교수-학습 방법을 탐구해본다. 우선 홍콩의 문언문교육의 발전을 회고하여 보고, 이전의 문언문 교육이 가졌던 난점을 개괄한 후, 고대 한어 의 어법적 특징에 집중하여 몇 가지 문언문 교육에서 효과적인 방법과 전략을 제 시하여 이를 통해 학생들의 문언문에서의 한자와 어휘와 대한 인식과 이해, 흥미 를 증가시키고자 한다.
Started in early 2011, China’s new round of real estate regulation policy, aiming to bring down housing price to a reasonable level, suppressed the speculative and investment housing demand remarkably. Under the purchase control policy, housing prices in some cities fell in 2012 compared to a year ago, but housing prices in a number of megacities still remained in high level. Through introducing the housing price income ratio, the article talks about the algorithm for calculating reasonable housing price and price income ratio, thus determines the upper limit of reasonable price income ratio for different kinds of cities. It also calculates the degrees of exceeding the upper limit of the reasonable price income ratio, on the basis of which, the control standards of housing price are determined and the housing price control strategy model is established for the first time. At the end of this article, effective long-term measures for stabilizing the housing price after the reasonable return of housing prices are also presented.
Chung Jung-Seung. 1998. The Effects of Listening Strategies on Listening Proficiency in University Students. Studies in Modern Grammar 14, 321-347. This study aims at finding out what kinds of listening strategies Korean university students have in the English classroom It also investigates not only the differences between male and female students, between high and low groups of students, and among majors in the use of listening strategies, but also the relationship between listening strategy use and listening achievement in these groups of students. The analysis of data revealed several important things in the study of listening strategies. First, there existed seven factors of strategies: affective, metacognitive, cognitive, inference, self-management, selective attention, and comparison-repetition strategies. Second, among the seven strategies the affective strategies were most closely related to the rest of the strategies. Third, the most favored listening strategies by the Korean students were self-management strategies, while the least frequently used strategies were metacognitive strategies. Fourth, female students showed more frequent use of listening strategies than their male counterparts. Fifth, humanities students tended to use strategies more often than engineering and science students. Sixth, the high achievement group of students were found to use listening strategies far more significantly often than the low group of students. Seventh, the statistically significant relationship between use of listening strategies and listening achievement xisted between high and low groups of students. Finally, the study suggests some implications for teaching listening comprehension and some considerations for further research in listening strategies.
Chung, Moo-Joo. 1996. Perceptual Strategies for the Spatial Expressions Related to `Front/Back` and `Left/Right` Orientation. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories, 8: 71-89. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the fact that spatial expressions linked with front/back and left/right have both deictic and non-deictic roles according as the specified reference point possesses any intrinsic orientational properties of direction. The results are as follow: First, native speakers of Korean tend to use a deictic strategy (regardless of any kind of dynamic feature) when the referent point does not possess any intrinsic front/back axis. It was observed, however, that a deictic strategy can still be used even when the specified reference point possesses orientational properties, if the uttenance context involves a kind of speaker-centering. Second, the shift between deictic and absolute strategies also occurs with spatial expressions involving `left` and `right`. Speakers of Korean tend to use a deictic strategy for the left/right orientation when the referent has the features of [-intrinsic front/back] and [-intrinsic left/right], whereas an absolute strategy is used for the reference point with intrinsic front/back and left/ right. The shift between these two strategies is confined to a deictic one when the referent object and the speaker are aligned in the same direction.