The results of internal temperature. productivity and immunity analysis of the laying hen house by the thermal environment and the supply of cold drinking water were as follows. The external temperature was changed from the minimum of 18℃ at night and the maximum of 36℃ during the day, and the internal temperature of the laying hens varied from 20~31℃. Thermal imaging analysis showed that the body temperature of the laying hen decreased by 2.4℃ with the supply of drinking water. The laying hen amount increased 2.36g and laying hen rate increased 3.62%p. Albumin increased 6.1%, decreased AST 15%, and decreased cholesterol 12.7%. Immune activators increased and T cells and B cells increased to increase immunity.
본 연구는 여름철 산란계의 더위 스트레스로 인한 생산성 저하에 영향을 미치는 열환경인자들 중 제어 요소를 결정하고 산란계의 생산성을 높일 수 있는 방안을 모색하기 위해 수행되었다. 경상남도에 위치한 산란계사에서 ISA Brown 품종의 산란계 48,451수를 공시하여 생산성 지표를 측정하였다. 또한 산란계사 내부에 온습도로거를 설치하여 건구온도와 상대습도를 여름이 시작되는 6월 19일부터 9월 7일까지 총 81일간 동안 측정하였다. 1일 평균온도, 1일 최고온도, 1일 최저온도, 1일 평균상대습도, 1일 최고상대습도, 1일 최저상대습도, 1일 평균THI, 1일 최고THI 그리고 1일 최저THI와 산란계의 생산성 지표 간의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 분석한 결과에 의하면, 1일 평균, 최고, 최저의 건구온도와 THI가 상승할수록 사료섭취량, 헨데이 산란율, 난중과 FCR은 낮아졌다(p<0.01). 반면, 음수량은 1일 평균, 최고, 최저의 건구온도와 THI가 상승할수록 증가하였다(p<0.001). 상대습도의 경우, 산란계의 생산성 지표에 대해 직접적인 상관관계를 가지지 않는 것으로 판단된다(p>0.05). 특이점으로는 폐사율의 경우, 1일 평균·최고 온도, THI와 1일 평균·최고·최저 상대습도와는 유의적인 상관관계를 가지지 않았지만, 1일 최저의 온도와 THI와는 상관관계를 갖는 것으로 분석되었다(p<0.05). 따라서, 여름철 산란계의 생산성을 향상시키기 위해서는 산란계사 내의 1일 평균, 최고, 최저의 건구온도와 THI를 가능한 낮추는 것이 필요하고, 특히 1일 최저온도를 산란계의 하한임계온도인 20℃에 근접하게 조성해주는 것이 유리 할 것으로 판단된다.
The aim of these studies are to provide a basic data for the development of high-efficiency environmental improvement system that can parallel the cage(henhouse) and hot and cold potable water supply for increased summer heat stress relief and winter feed efficiency by optimal design. The cage area is 273m2. The air-to-water heat pump with 20RT capacity was used for heating and cooling. The control was used as an electric hot water boiler. For calculating heating load determined the cage size, materials, heat pump capacity, heating capacity, heat storage tank, and drinking water tank capacity etc. Therefore the capacity of heat pump was set-up using 20RT. The cage was built as a prefabricated panels henhouse of 13×21×4.5 m (width×depth×height). The heat storage tank and was drinking water tank capacity was constructed 3tons and 10 tons, respectively. In future, it is thought that optimal design considering the cage size and hen breeding scale is required.
In this study, to develop high-efficiency environmental improvement system that can be combined with hot and cold potable water supply to poultry air conditioning for the summer increase heat stress relief and winter feed efficiency through optimal design hwihan The aim of this study was to provide basic data. As a cage the size of the system installed is 100m2 test capacity 20RT district heating and cooling of air-to-water heat pump and the control was composed of electric hot water boilers. First of cage sizes for heating load design, materials, heat pump capacity, air capacity, storage tank, drinking water tank capacity, etc. were determined. The capacity of the heat pump was set to 20RT cage captive birds are erected as vertically and horizontally × height × (13 × 21 × 4.5m). Storage tank 3 tons and capacity of 10 tons potable water tank was designed. In the future, the size of the cage, designed according to the best breeding two numbers are needed.
본 연구는 국가단위 암모니아 인벤토리 작성을 위한 자료를 제공하기 위해 무창산란계사에서 사육되고 있는 Hy-line Brown 산란계를 대상으로 암모니아 휘산량을 조사하였다. 무창산란계사의 환기는 120 cm 직경의 배기팬 9대에 의해 이루어졌으며, 계분은 벨트로 매일 아침에 배출되었다. 온도, 암모니아 농도, 배기팬의 풍속 등은 계절별로 각각 3일동안 측정되었다. 무창산란계사에서의 암모니아 휘산량은 계절 간에 차이를 나타내지 않았으며, 연평균 무창산란계사 산란계의 암모니아 휘산량은 0.282 kg hd-1 yr-1로 나타났다.
This experiment evaluated the interaction effect of extreme heat diet(EHD), inverse lighting, and cool water on the growth performance of broiler chickens under extreme heat stress. There were 4 experimental groups (T1: EHD 1, 10:00-19:00 dark, 19:00-10:00 light, cold water 9℃; T2: EHD 2, 10:00-19:00 dark, 19:00-10:00 light, cold water 9℃; T3: EHD 1, 09:00-18:00 dark, 18:00-09:00 light, cold water 14℃; T4: EHD 2, 09:00-18:00 dark, 18:00-09:00 light, cold water 14℃), each group composed of 25 broilers and the experiment was repeated 3 times. EHD 1 contained soybean oil, molasses, methionine and lysine. EHD 2 contained all nutrients of EHD 1 and vitamin C additionally. As a result, T1 and T2 displayed higher body weight increase and diet intake compared to T3 and T4 (p<0.05). The weights of their liver and gizzard were similar but the weights of the thymus and bursa F were higher for T1 and T2 compared to that of T3 and T4 (p<0.05). It was observed that T1 and T2 displayed higher concentrations of blood triglyceride, total cholesterol, HDL-C and blood sugar compared to that of T3 and T4 but LDL-C level was higher for T3 and T4 compared to that of T1 and T2 (p<0.05). T1 and T2 displayed higher levels of immunity substances such as IgG, IgA and IgM compared to T3 and T4 but the blood level of corticosterone displayed to be lower for T1 and T2 compared to T3 and T4 (p<0.05). The T1 and T2 contained a higher amount of fecal lactobacillus compared to that of T3 and T4 but the T3 and T4 contained a higher amount of fecal E. coli, total aerobic bacteria, coliform bacteria compared o that of T1 and T2 (p<0.05). T1 and T2 displayed higher concentrations of cecal acetic acid, ropionic acid and total short chain fatty acids compared to T3 and T4 but T3 and T4 displayed igher concentrations of butyric acid, isobutyric acid, valeric acid and isovaleric acid compared to T1 and T2 (p<0.05). These results have been observed that broiler chickens exposed to extreme eat stress with feeding EHD, inverse lighting and cold water would improve blood lipid, and elevate the production of immunity substance, beneficial microorganisms, and short chain fatty acids. This provision would also reduce the blood sugar consumption rate as energy sources and these effects will improve the growth performance of the broilers exposed to extreme heat.
This field study was performed to investigate indoor concentrations of 22 odorous compounds, which are regulated by the domestic act, emitted from poultry buildings through on-site visit per month from July, 2011 to June, 2012. Of 22 odorous compounds, the highest concentration was found in ammonia with ppm unit, followed by hydrogen sulfide, methyl ethyl ketone, propionic acid and butylic acid with ppb unit of approximate hundred level. The other odorous compounds were detected below ppb unit of approximate ten level. A remarkable finding is that there is no poultry building which showed the airborne levels of five aldehyde- based odorous compounds (acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, n-valeraldehyde and i-valeraldehyde). Generally there was no consistent concentration distribution of odorous compounds between poultry building applied with forced ventilation and poultry building applied with natural ventilation. It was found, however, that there was considerable concentration difference among odorous compounds. In temporal distribution of odorous compounds, their concentrations in summer season (June to August) when ventilation rate in poultry building decreased relatively were generally higher than those in winter season (December to February) when ventilation rate in poultry building is relatively high. The seasons of spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) showed middle levels of odorous compounds between summer and winter. The limit of this study is that unexpected conditions such as clearance of poultry building, poultry shipment and disorder of air pump were not controlled intentionally on the on-site investigation days.
The purpose of this study is to investigate concentration and emission factor of 22 odorous compounds, which are regulated by the domestic act, emitted from poultry buildings by on-site investigation. The odorous compounds which were detected in at least one poultry building were ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, trimethyl amine, styrene, toluene, xylene and methyl ethyl ketone whereas other 12 odorous compounds were not detected in poultry buildings. Generally there was no consistent concentration distribution of odorous compounds between poultry building applied with forced ventilation and poultry building applied with natural ventilation. It was found, however, that there was considerable concentration difference among odorous compounds. In monthly distribution of odorous compounds, their concentrations in September and October when ventilation rate in pig building decreased relatively were generally higher than those in July and August when ventilation rate in pig building is relatively high. On the contrary, emission factors of odorous compounds, in terms of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, in poultry building were relatively higher in July and August than September and October. The limit of this study is that unexpected conditions such as clearance of poultry building, poultry shipment and disorder of air pump were not controlled intentionally on the on-site investigation days.
이 논문은 육계 사육농가들에 대한 설문조사 자료를 이용하여 홀드업 문제로 인한 저투자 문제가 존재하는지를 분석하였다. 육계사육농가는 계열화업체와 계약시에 계사를 보유하여야 한다. 만약 계열화업체가 홀드업을 야기할 가능성이 있음을 농가가 알 경우 농가는 관계특수 자산에 대해 최적이 아닌 그보다 적은 양을 투자할 것이다. 분석결과를 보면, 육계 사육 농가가 금번 계약이 종료된 이후에 새로운 계열화업체를 찾기 어려울 경우 저투자 문제가 존재함을 보여주고 있다. 또한 육계 사육 농가는 계열화업체로부터 계약서에 없는 부당한 사항을 요구당할 경우 통계학적 유의성은 낮지만 그로 인해 저투자 문제가 발생할 수 있음을 보여준다.
The purpose of this study is to estimate concentration and emission unit of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide released from domestic chicken buildings by field investigation. Mean concentrations of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide emitted from chicken buildings were 18.25(±4.78)ppm and 807.53(±526.17)ppb for caged layer house, 14.48(±4.13)ppm and 644.82(±312.48)ppb for broiler house, and 6.16(±2.02)ppm and 284.75(±232.08)ppb for layer house with manure belt, respectively. Mean emission coefficients of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were 0.951(±0.131) g hen-1h-1 and 2.956(±0.968) mg hen-1h-1 based on head whereas they were 0.575(±0.082) g m-2h-1 and 12.44(±3.536) mg m-2h-1 based on time. In conclusion indoor concentration and emission coefficient of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were highest in caged layer housed, followed by broiler house and layer house with manure belt.
This study investigated the effect of adding poultry litter additive containing probiotics and amino acids to the litter on weight gain in ducks and ammonia content in poultry litter. Nine hundred 1-day-old ducks (Pekin) were randomly distributed into three groups (300 birds per treatment divided into three replicates) using a randomized block design. Treatments were top-dressed on the litter surface at rates of 2 kg poultry litter additives (T1) and 2 kg macsumsuk (T2) per m2, and untreated poultry litter was used as the control. Overall, a significant difference (p<0.05) in weight gains was observed at 3 and 4 weeks, but not at 5 and 6 weeks. After 4 weeks, when compared to other treatments, the addition of poultry litter additive tended to increase the average body weight gain (90-130 g). The ammonia content was affected by all treatments (p<0.05) over time except at 3 weeks, however, compared to other treatments, the poultry litter additive decreased the ammonia content. In particular, the rate of ammonia reduction by the poultry litter additives over time was approximately 20.2%-49.2%. Regarding temperature, a significant difference was observed in all treatment groups (p<0.05), except at 3 weeks. In conclusion, considering poultry litter additives and temperature, the increase in duck weight gain was associated with a decrease in ammonia content in the poultry litter.
표제에 쓴 책은 이케우치 사토시(池内敏)가 4년 전에 발간한 논문집 『다케시마 문제란 무엇인가』(‘앞의 책’으로 약칭)를 발전시키고 동시에 일반인을 위해 알기 쉽게 쓴 것이다. 새 논고로서 한·일 양국이 각각 발행한 팸플릿에 대한 비판, “근대 일본의 해도와 수로지”, 1950년대 한·일 양국 간 영유권 논쟁, “고유 영토”론 등이 추가되었다.
이번 책은 ‘앞의 책’과 마찬가지로 근대 전기까지 한·일 양국은 어느 쪽도 독도에 대한 영유권을 확립한 일이 없다고 주장한다. 일본의 경우, 겐로쿠(元禄) 다케시마(竹島)일건, 덴포(天保) 다케시마일건, 메이지 태정관(太政官) 지령에 의해 독도 영유권을 포기했다고 한다. 이 논증은 중앙과 지방을 막론하고 폭넓은 사료를 바탕으로 전개되었다.
한편 이케우치의 조선 사료 분석은 기무라 간(木村幹)이 지적한 바와 같이, 일본 사료의 분석에 비하면 큰 낙차가 있으며 문제가 많다. 특히 관찬서 『춘관지』의 분석은 내용의 이해 뿐만 아니라 그가 중시하는 문헌사학의 관점에서도 의문이다.
또한 이케우치는 이번에도 위험을 무릅쓰고 샌프란시스코 강화조약 등 현대사를 다루었다. ‘앞의 책’에 대해 기무라는 선행연구의 검토가 불충분하다고 지적했는데, 이런 비판이 이번 저서에서는 충분히 반영되지 않은 듯하다. 특히 영미 공동 초안에 대해 오해하고 있는 것 같으며, 따라서 이에 근거하여 도출된 결론은 의문이다.
The distribution of zero form copula or copula omission in New Englishes, AAVE and some English creoles induces two hypotheses. One is imperfect learning hypothesis based on second language learners' simplification and generalization. The other is the possibility that the pattern reflects a shared substrate influence from local/first languages or other historical contact factors. Our study aims to suggest a more basic principle behind these factors, arguing that from the perspective of the syntactic constructions that express the linking between the subject and the predicate, the most economic way of the expression is the phonologically null form. We suggest that the advent of the zero form copula in New Englishes and AAVE is best explained by imperfect second language learning hypothesis. We also argue that the hypothesis can be comprised in the broad sense of economy principle in view of general language evolution.
Languages have various ways of linking between the subject and the predicate. In many languages, the copular verb is the principal way of linking, though this is not the universally the case. Some appear in the form of suffixes and others in the form of words. One of the purposes of the study is to show the various ways of linking among languages with some examples. Another purpose is to show that there are many instances of zero (phonologically null) copula constructions cross-linguistically. The last purpose is to provide syntactic, semantic and pragmatic explanation for the zero copula constructions. We will argue that the dichotomy of stage-level and individual level predicates plays the core role for the zero copula constructions.
본 연구에서는 이산화염소수를 이용한 계사 내 깔짚의 미생물 수 저감화를 통한 깔짚의 미생물학적 안전성 확보를 위하여 연구를 수행하였다. 사용하기 전의 깔짚에는 coliform, E. coli, Listeria spp., yeasts and molds 및 total aerobic bacteria가 높은 수준으로 검출되었으며 사용기간이 늘어남에 따라 미생물 수가 증가하였다. 500 ppm 이산화염소수를 이용한 살균처리에서는 coliform, E. c