우리나라는 무기질비료 사용량이 많은 나라 중 하나이다. 그러나 1980년 이후 지속가능농업에 대한 필요성에 의해 1997년 친환경 농업육성법이 제정되었고 지속가능한 농업을 위한 연구로 논, 밭, 시설 및 과수에 대한 비료사용실태조사가 실시되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 과수 중 대표되는 7작물(배, 포도, 사과, 복숭아, 대추, 단감, 키위)을 대상으로 각 도에서 805농가를 선정하여 실시하였으며, 조사내용은 사용하는 비료의 종류, 사용량 등에 대해 농가를 방문하여 면접 청취조사하였다. 국내 과수작물의 성분별 평균 비료사용량(N-P2O5-K2O)은 30.0-23.8-24.3 kg 10a-1이었으 며 비료 종류별로 구분하였을 때 퇴비 > 유기질비료 > 무기질비료 순으로 사용하고 있었다. 단위면적당 가장 많은 비료를 사용하고 있는 과수는 대추로 질소, 인산 및 칼리를 평균 53.3-42.0-49.5 kg 10a-1을 사용하고 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 앞으로 지속가능 농업과 농업환경의 보전을 위해서는 농가에서 사용하는 비료의 장기간 모니터링 뿐만 아니라 농업인에게 무기질비료, 유기질비료 및 퇴비의 적정사용방법에 대한 교육 및 홍보를 지속적으로 실시해야 될 것으로 판단된다.
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of legume cover crop culture on earthworm fauna in organic farmland. We compared sod culture with two kinds of legume crops of hairy vetch and crimson clover on organic citrus orchard to natural sod culture and conventional orchards in Jeju Island. We analyzed the soil characteristics and investigated the density of earthworms from the orchards. Organic matter content did not show much difference in soil analysis between organic and conventional orchard. But the biomass of earthworms in organic orchards is 3.8 times to 7.0 times higher than that in conventional cultivated orchards, and individuals of earthworms on organic orchards were 2.3~18 times higher than conventional orchards. The biomass of earthworms on hairy vetch and crimson clover cultivation was 44.8 g, 47.2 g in 2016, and 78.7 g, 31.8 g in 2017, respectively, which were higher than 32.8 g and 9.5 g of those on natural sod cultivation. Through this study, we found that hairy vetch and crimson clover cultivation improve the earthworm occurrence density in the soil on organic citrus orchard.
This study was conducted to select promising green manure crops, providing sufficient amount of nutrients for satisfying fruit tree growth, with the overwintering cover crops grown in organic orchards in 2009. The cover covers were investigated in 13 organic orchards in Chonnam province in April and June. The dry matter in cover crops observed in April and June was the highest for Lolium multiflorum Lam. and Bromus japonicus Thunb., respectively. Total N and K production in April was the highest for Lolium multiflorum Lam, Vicia hirsuta (L.) S. F. Gray and Vicia angustifolia var. segetilis (Thuill.) K. Koch., respectively, with Bromus japonicus Thunb. in June. This study showed that the leguminous crops, Vicia hirsuta (L.) and Vicia angustifolia, would be the prospective cover covers as the both crops provided sufficient amount of N and K2O into the soil. Amount of P2O5 producing from all cover crops provided less than nutrient levels than those of recommended nutrient requirement for satisfying 10- to 15-year-old fruit tree growth.
This study was conducted to evaluate nutrient production of both orchardgrass and several clovers as a green manure in a ‘Niitaka’ pear (Pyrus pyriforia) orchard. The experiment was conducted at diligent fanner in Boseong in Chonnam on March 26 of 2010, and the treatments included; 1) orchard grass (2.0㎏/l,000㎡), 2) orchard grass (1.0㎏/l,000㎡)+ladino clover (1.0 ㎏/1,000m2), 3) orchard grass (1.0㎏/1,000㎡)+red clover (1.0㎏/1,000㎡), and 4) orchard grass (1.0㎏/1,000㎡)+white clover (1.0㎏/1,000㎡). Lengths of orchardgrass and clovers were greater in July than those of June and September. Seeding of orchardgrass without clovers in June and July increased dry weight of green manure crops compared with the seeding of orchardgrass with clovers, resulting in greater annual total dry weight. Various green manure treatments produced different amounts of total N and P₂O₅ from each raw materials and did not satisfy amounts of those nutrients for proper annual growth of ten- to twelve-year-old pear tree. Amounts of K₂O producing from green manures, however, satisfied for proper growth of the pear trees.
To carry out the Integrated Fruit Production(IFP), researches on cover crops as well the Integrated Pest Management(IPM) and the Integrated Nutrition Management(INM) should be very important. These concepts are neither clear nor connective till now. The researches on cover crops in Europe and USA are being kept within the category of IFP. Main researches on fruit trees for sustainable agriculture in Italy are new variety creation, development of growing techniques, pest and disease control, and cover crops management, etc. It is necessary of fruit industry in Korea to maintain good quality and ecofriendly fruit production. For this goal, we need international cooperation with highly developed countries in Europe. In first step, we should enlarge research areas and analyze results obtained to get farmers understood the concept of cover crop growing. Furthermore, we make researches more profoundly on cover crops growing considering tree age, mixing rates among cover crops, seeding and cutting time for cover crops, and so on. Researchers, specialists of agricultural extensions, and farmers should concentrate their opinions and conduct IFP together. The IFP should go on systematically and reach finally to get certificates internationally by the International Organization for Biological and integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants(IOBC) to enhance selling and exporting fruits.