
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 19

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims to analyze the cognitive-semantic properties of Greek preverbs derived from ancient Greek prepositions and proposes a vocabulary teaching method utilizing them. Vocabulary acquisition plays a crucial role in foreign language learning, yet traditional methods often rely on simple interpretation or context-based understanding, leaving learners to fill in knowledge gaps independently through dictionary use. In this study, a method for mastering preverbs derived from ancient Greek prepositions to enhance modern Greek vocabulary is presented. These morphemes, evolved from ancient Greek prepositions into modern Greek preverbs, are paired with various verbs, primarily those with spatial connotations. The focus centers on 15 preverbs: anti-, apo-, dia-, eis-, en-, epi-, kata-, meta-, para-, peri-, pro-, pros-, syn-, yper-, and ypo-. The usage of these preverbs in vocabulary construction is analyzed, and they are employed for instructional purposes. Each preverb’s semantic domain is delineated, accompanied by a schematic representation to aid learners in conceptualization by establishing a central meaning. By engaging in conceptualization, learners can grasp preverb meanings, comprehend new vocabulary utilizing these preverbs, and progressively expand their vocabulary to encompass peripheral meanings associated with each preverb.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 고전기 아테네 도기에 대한 미술사학자들과 고고학자들의 관점과 접근 방법이 ‘도기화’의 조형 양식과 주제에 대한 탐구로부터 시장 가치와 사회적 기능에 대한 문 화적 맥락 탐구로 전환되어 온 양상을 고찰한다. 20세기 초 존 D. 비즐리와 에드몬드 포티 에가 시작한 자료 집체 작업으로부터 고전기 그리스 세계에서 아테네산 적회식 도기의 시장 가격, 유통과 소비 양상, 도공과 도기화가의 제조 공방의 운영 양상 등에 대한 동시대 쟁점 들은 고대 그리스 회화 장식도기 연구에서 미술사적 패러다임이 어떻게 작용했는지, 그리고 사회적 맥락에 대한 기초 자료의 필요성이 어떻게 증대되었는지 보여준다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고대 그리스-로마 문명은 고대 지중해 유신론적 문화 기반 형성에 크게 기여 했다. 그리스-로마 종교의 핵심은 사회 존립과 번영의 기초가 되는 “신들과의 평화” 유지였고, “의례/종교적 불순결함”이 “신들과의 평화”를 해친다고 믿었 다. 따라서, 의례적 오염을 일으키는 원인들을 즉시 제거하고, 발생한 의례적 불 순결함은 정화함으로 그들 공동체안의 “의례/종교적 순결함”을 유지 시키는데 총력을 다했다. 고대 그리스인들과 로마인들 모두 “의례적 불순결함”을 파생시 키는 가장 보편적이고 주된 요인으로 죽음을 꼽았다. 죽음이 가져오는 오염을 제거하고 정화하는 일은 긴급을 요했을 뿐 아니라 적절한 절차와 처리를 필요 로 했다. 고대 그리스-로마 장례전통을 다룬 다수의 문헌들은 힘의 배분에 있어 “사회 소수”인 여성이 “완충”과 “감정 대리모”와 같은 대체불가능한 역할을 통 해 죽음의 오염을 정화시킴으로 여성 고유의 역설적 힘을 지닌다는 것을 의도 치 않게 증언한다. 논문은 여성이 담당한 “완충”과 “감정 대리모” 역할이 남성 중심적 계급 사회의 남성을 보호하고, 사회 질서와 전통을 유지하기 위해 필수 적이었음에도 불구하고, 이러한 여성의 대체불가능한 정화 역할들이 간과되어 져 왔다는 사실을 조명한다. 여성의 직접적이고 친밀한 정화 작용은 사회-종교 학적으로 중요한데, 이는 여성이 죽음을 근접거리에서 다루는 중재자의 역할을 담당함으로 죽음과 사회 사이의 간극을 좁히고, 더 나아가 그리스-로마 종교의 주요 관심사인 “신들과의 평화” 유지에 지대한 공헌을 했기 때문이다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        청동기 이후 대리석이라는 매체의 (재)등장은 동방화라는 사회·문화상의 반영이자, 이후 고 대 그리스의 시각 문화를 전면적으로 바꾸는 중요한 사건이었다. 본 연구는 초기 철기 시대의 그 리스에서 대리석의 사용과 채굴, 수송 등에 관한 전반을 고찰하고, 초기 그리스 미술에서 대리석 을 향유한 개인과 그 작품들을 중심으로 기원전 7세기에 대리석이라는 새로운 매체가 지녔던 의 미를 추론하고자 한다. 기원전 7세기경 그리스 조각사에서 대리석은 그 향유자들에게 엘리트적 취향을 드러내기에 적합한 매체였다. 니칸드레와 에우티카르티데스, 그리고 <테라의 코레>의 주 인은 낙소스에서 나온 대리석이라는 새로운 매체를 선도적으로 활용함으로써 그들이 ‘선택된 자’, 즉 지역 사회의 엘리트라는 메시지를 전달하고자 하였다. 이들 초기 대형 독립상은 대리석이 라는 새로운 매체가 지역 사회 엘리트의 심미적 취향과 결합하는 그 시작점이었다.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the effect of thermal grease and heat sink material of cooler on CPU temperature was measured and compared with LinX(v0.9.6) and HWMonitor.When the computer is booted without thermal grease applied, the CPU temperature rises rapidly, and the CPU temperature reaches 100℃ after 60 seconds for aluminum heat sink and 140 seconds for copper heat sink. The CPU temperature is lower as the thermal conductivity coefficient of thermal grease is higher, and the CPU temperature is lower when the thermal conductivity coefficient of the cooler is higher. In addition, when using a thermal grease and a heat sink with a high coefficient of thermal conductivity, the cooler rpm can be lowered, which is considered to be advantageous in terms of system stability and energy saving.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        페르시아 전쟁(기원전 490-479년)을 시작으로 알렉산드로스 대왕의 죽음(기원전 323년) 에 이르기까지 크고 작은 전투와 전쟁이 끊임없이 벌어졌던 그리스의 전장에 세워진 트로파이온에는 고전기 그리스인들의 전쟁과 승리에 대한 관념이 담겨있다. 그리스의 초기 트로파이온은 전장에 전쟁의 승패가 결정된 직후에 세워진다는 특징을 갖는다. 그리고 그것을 세움으로써 승자는 신들에 대한 감사를 표현하고 미래의 전투에 대한 승리를 담보하고자 하였다. 동시에 이것은 전우들과 승리의 기억을 공유하고, 적군에게는 패배를 시각적으로 각인시킴으로써 그들의 잠재적인 도발의 의지를 상실하게 만드는 마지막 전략이기도 하였다. 본 연구에서 살펴본 기원전 5세기의 도기들과 아테나 니케 신전의 난간을 장식한 부조는 그러한 전술의 기록이다.
        2019.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Thermal management is a critical issue for the development of high-performance electronic devices. In this paper, thermal conductivity values of mild steel and stainless steel(STS) are measured by light flash analysis(LFA) and dynamic thermal interface material(DynTIM) Tester. The shapes of samples for thermal property measurement are disc type with a diameter of 12.6 mm. For samples with different thickness, the thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity are measured by LFA. For identical samples, the thermal resistance(Rth) and thermal conductivity are measured using a DynTIM Tester. The thermal conductivity of samples with different thicknesses, measured by LFA, show similar values in a range of 5 %. However, the thermal conductivity of samples measured by DynTIM Tester show widely scattered values according to the application of thermal grease. When we use the thermal grease to remove air gaps, the thermal conductivity of samples measured by DynTIM Tester is larger than that measured by LFA. But, when we did not use thermal grease, the thermal conductivity of samples measured by DynTIM Tester is smaller than that measured by LFA. For the DynTIM Tester results, we also find that the slope of the graph of thermal resistance vs. thickness is affected by the usage of thermal grease. From this, we are able to conclude that the wide scattering of thermal conductivity for samples measured with the DynTIM Tester is caused by the change of slope in the graph of thermal resistance-thickness.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze two greek prepositions (‘apo’ and ‘se’) and learners’ errors to suggest comprehensible instruction in general. To express spatial meaning, the Greek language uses almost exclusively combinations of local adverbs with prepositions, especially ‘apo’ and ‘se’, with certain case while the Korean language uses ‘adverbial particles’. The first investigation is to look into the meanings of greek prepositions, especially ‘apo’ and ‘se’ which are ‘primary’ prepositions in the Greek language. It is necessary to analyze how they are expressed in the Korean language due to set instructional direction to Korean learners. There are many adverbial particles which correspond with each meaning of two greek prepositions so that it is not that clear for Korean learners to understand scattered semantic category of each preposition. Subsequently we will analyze learners’ errors of their use of prepositions. The result shows that the learners are problematic to use ‘apo’ and ‘se’ properly. In some cases their use of the prepositions seems mixed up. It is important to know problematic points of greek prepositions ‘apo’ and ‘se’ to Korean learners to set some efficient instruction. At the conclusion, there are some suggestions on the effective teaching of greek prepositions ‘apo’ and ‘se’ especially in ‘complex prepositions’ using images and example sentences.
        2010.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to review what sport meant in Greece which did great role for making modern society basis and to find what could be achieved from sports by studying ancient Greek pottery. That is, we tried to find what kind of entries existe
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As it is known, during the Second World War Greece has fought on the side of theallies and the end of the war found the country on the winners’side. However, thestruggle for authority right after 1945 was merciless and extremely difficult, as well asdangerous for the course of the country to the future. The political powers were dividedbetween the legal authorities that were represented by the king and formed the exiledgovernment on the one hand and the part of the resistance teams and the rebels of the leftthat had a soviet friendly direction on the other. Thus, the start of a civil war was just a matter of time. It finally started in 1947 andlasted for more than two years. The consequences were disastrous for the country’seconomy and decisive for the future course of Greece. The national army prevailed withthe help of, mostly, the English. Royal parliamentary democracy was established with aclear political turn to the west, as a completion and adaptation of the Agreement of theGreat Powers at Yalta. Art had a ‘similar’route. Dipolar, contradictory: conservative choices on the oneside, and a will for pioneering inspiration and perspective on the other side. The‘dominate’trend was first evident in sculpture and mainly in the public monuments. Theirconstruction aimed mostly at the public propaganda and at the promotion of the sovereignideology. On the one side we have the public sculptures composed of faces of contemporaryheroes or leading figures of the civic war and the national resistance. On the other side wehave monumental statues mainly that appeal to a ‘public’outside of the country’s bordersand mostly of the north borders, where there are countries with a communistic regime, likeBulgaria, Serbia and Albania. Their subject is derived from the heroic events of the BalkanWars (1912-1913) and ancient historical figures like Alexander the Great as the Greek armyleader, his father, Philippos II and Aristotle, who was of a north-Greek origin. The political message is twofold: on the one side the ‘inner enemy’the communiststhat were defeated and the promotion of the new liberal social system and on the otherside the north neighbours, which not only represent the East Block, but they also conspire the history and the culture of the Greeks. This is the way how the ‘Cold War’was resultedin a full and totalitarian expression in art.
        2004.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Music, melody, harmony, rhythm, symphony, orchestra, organ, chorus, chord, tone and so on, the world owes these words to the Greeks. Ancient Greek culture was permeated with music. However, the subject, "Music in Greek Life" is practically ignored by all of us. Sometimes its very existence seems to be barely acknowledged. We can learn about music in ancient Greek by several ways; the evidence of archaeology and art; the innumerable references to music and music-making scattered through Greek literature from the eighth century B. C. onwards; specialist writing on music, e. g. Aristoxenus of Tarentum; non-literary documents, especially inscriptions, occasionally also papyri; actual musical scores. In ancient Greek culture, music, song and dance were seen as being, together with orderly sacrifices to the gods and athletic facilities for men, the most characteristic manifestations of a civilized community in peacetime. The Greek thought above all of the music and song associated with the public worship of the gods. Not everything, however, had to be subordinated to the god's needs. A paean or dithyramb might contain much that had little relevance to the deity being honoured. Offering prizes for the best singer or instrumentalist was a natural development. In B. C. 5th century, there were competitions for rhapsodes at the festival of Asclepius at Epidaurus. There must have been many opportunities for hearing epic song other than at festivals, but festivals will have been a common setting. In the society portrayed in the Homeric poems it is music and song that provide the normal entertainment of the household. Much of the elegiac and lyric poetry of the seventh, sixth, and fifth centuries was composed to be sung at the symposium. Certainly at Athens in the fifth century symposiasts regularly sang songs or excerpts from 'classic' poets. The ability to play the lyre was not uncommon among the archaic nobility. While the men made merry, the women of the household also were singing too in their own quarters. Children's songs must not go unmentioned. The picture has been deliberately limited to the Archaic and Classical periods (eighth to fourth centuries), in order to maintain a semblance of coherence.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Jong-Bok Kim. 2003. Focus Projections in English, Korean, and Greek and Their Topological Implications. Studies in Modern Grammar 32, 1-23. One of the important issues in information packaging theory is how to capture the projection of focus at sentence level. This paper shows that in three typological different languages (English: SVO, Korean: SOV, Greek: VSO), the order in argument structure (rather than linear order) plays an important role in determining various possibilities of inheritance of focus. This paper proposes that what is relevant for determining the possibility of VP focus in such cases is the argument structure ordered not in terms of theta-roles but in terms of grammatical relations. The need for such a level of argument structure gets strong motivations from phenomena such as binding, control, relativization, and so forth. Following this line, we assume that the argument structure with grammatical functions is ordered as SUBJ-OBJ-OBJ2-OBLIQUE in which if A precedes B in the argument-structure, A has a higher rank than (i. e. outranks) B. This comparative study among three typologically different languages reveals that the variations in the ordering of grammatical functions induce the differences in focus projections. In addition, the focus projections in the three languages support the view that the argument structure hierarchy is the locus of focus projection.