
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 37

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Metal additive manufacturing (AM) has transformed conventional manufacturing processes by offering unprecedented opportunities for design innovation, reduced lead times, and cost-effective production. Aluminum alloy, a material used in metal 3D printing, is a representative lightweight structural material known for its high specific strength and corrosion resistance. Consequently, there is an increasing demand for 3D printed aluminum alloy components across industries, including aerospace, transportation, and consumer goods. To meet this demand, research on alloys and process conditions that satisfy the specific requirement of each industry is necessary. However, 3D printing processes exhibit different behaviors of alloy elements owing to rapid thermal dynamics, making it challenging to predict the microstructure and properties. In this study, we gathered published data on the relationship between alloy composition, processing conditions, and properties. Furthermore, we conducted a sensitivity analysis on the effects of the process variables on the density and hardness of aluminum alloys used in additive manufacturing.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Environmental DNA (eDNA) can exist in both intracellular and extracellular forms in natural ecosystems. When targeting harmful cyanobacteria, extracellular eDNA indicates the presence of traces of cyanobacteria, while intracellular eDNA indicates the potential for cyanobacteria to occur. However, identifying the “actual” potential for harmful cyanobacteria to occur is difficult using the existing sediment eDNA analysis method, which uses silica beads and cannot distinguish between these two forms of eDNA. This study analyzes the applicability of a density gradient centrifugation method (Ludox method) that can selectively analyze intracellular eDNA in sediment to overcome the limitations of conventional sediment eDNA analysis. PCR was used to amplify the extracted eDNA based on the two different methods, and the relative amount of gene amplification was compared using electrophoresis and Image J application. While the conventional bead beating method uses sediment as it is to extract eDNA, it is unknown whether the mic gene amplified from eDNA exists in the cyanobacterial cell or only outside of the cell. However, since the Ludox method concentrates the intracellular eDNA of the sediment through filtration and density gradient, only the mic gene present in the cyanobacteria cells could be amplified. Furthermore, the bead beating method can analyze up to 1 g of sediment at a time, whereas the Ludox method can analyze 5 g to 30 g at a time. This gram of sediments makes it possible to search for even a small amount of mic gene that cannot be searched by conventional bead beating method. In this study, the Ludox method secured sufficient intracellular gene concentration and clearly distinguished intracellular and extracellular eDNA, enabling more accurate and detailed potential analysis. By using the Ludox method for environmental RNA expression and next-generation sequencing (NGS) of harmful cyanobacteria in the sediment, it will be possible to analyze the potential more realistically.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 3차원 네트워크 폴리아크릴산나트륨 겔의 가교환경을 변화시켜 기계적 강도 및 팽윤거동을 제어하고 그 물성을 평가하는 연구를 진행하였다. 일반적으로 겔 용액의 가교도가 증가함에 따라 3차원 네트워크 겔의 팽윤비는 감소하고 겔의 기계적 강도는 증가한다. 본 연구에서는 3차원 네트워크 겔 상의 가교개수밀도를 산출하여, 겔화 과정에서 가교환경에 의존하는 중합효율 및 가교효율을 확인하였다. 그 결과, 겔 용액에서 단량체와 가교제의 중량비가 동일하더라도 가교환경이 달라지면 실제 제조된 겔 내부의 가교개수밀도가 3.6배 이상 달라질 수 있음을 확인하였다. 본 연구에서 시도한 가교개수밀도 기반 겔 평가 방법을 활용하면 효과적인 VOCs 흡수제로써 3차원 네트워크 겔을 최적화 할 수 있으리라 기대된다.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cerium oxide (ceria, CeO2) is one of the most wide-spread oxide supporting materials for the precious metal nanoparticle class of heterogeneous catalysts. Because ceria can store and release oxygen ions, it is an essential catalytic component for various oxidation reactions such as CO oxidation (2CO + O2 2CO2). Moreover, reduced ceria is known to be reactive for water activation, which is a critical step for activation of water-gas shift reaction (CO + H2O → H2 + CO2). Here, we apply van der Waals-corrected density functional theory (DFT) calculations combined with U correction to study the mechanism of water chemisorption on CeO2(111) surfaces. A stoichiometric CeO2(111) and a defected CeO2(111) surface showed different water adsorption chemistry, suggesting that defected CeO2 surfaces with oxygen vacancies are responsible for water binding and activation. An appropriate level of water-ceria chemisorption energy is deduced by vdW-corrected non-local correlation coupled with the optB86b exchange functional, whereas the conventional PBE functional describes weaker water-ceria interactions, which are insufficient to stabilize (chemisorb) water on the ceria surfaces.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Even though sewers have been conventionally designed to prevent from sediment deposition using a specified minimum velocity or shear stress at a particular depth of flow or with a particular frequency of occurrence, it was appreciated that these methods do not consider the characteristics and concentration of the sediment and the specific hydraulic conditions of the sewer with sediment. In this study, a densimetric Froude number formula was suggested considering particle diameter and volumetric concentration of the sediment as well as flow depth and flowrate, based on several domestic field inspections, which was compared with other formulas proposed by previous investigators. When the sediment concentration was not considered, the calibration coefficient of 0.125-1.5 to the densimetric Froude numbers of this study was needed to obtain the similar ones with previous investigators’. For the densimetric Froude number formula obtained with consideration of sediment concentration, the exponent value of term Cv was almost the same as that of previous results and that of d50/Rh was similar for Fr < 2.2.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 서해안에서 상선의 어구 손괴로 인한 추진기 장애를 예방하기 위해 연안자망어선의 월별분포를 제시하였다. 분석 방법은 2014년 1년간의 어선위치발신장치 데이터를 이용하였다. 조업 해구도를 기준으로 경·위도 30′× 30′크기의 해구별 간격으로 격자를 설정하였다. 총 56개 해구를 대상으로 격자를 구성하였다. 연구 결과 밀도지수가 가장 높았던 194해구는 어구 손괴가 없었다. 반면, 밀도지수가 상대적으로 작은 193해구는 상선의 주 통항경로에 어구가 설치되기 때문에 손괴가 발생했다. 이 분석을 바탕으로 어구 손괴는 밀도지수에 비례하지 않고 상선의 주 통항경로에 따라 손괴위험이 존재하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 상선의 안전항해를 위해 5월부터 9월까지 위도 34.5° ~ 35.5°, 경도 125.67° ~ 126°를 항행경보구역으로 통보하면 추진기 장애와 어구손괴와 같은 해양사고를 예방할 것이다. 따라서 상선이 193해구와 203해구를 항해할 때는 안전한 항해를 위해 위도 34.5° ~ 35.5°, 경도 125.5° ~ 125.67°을 추천한다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we present a new way to derive the mean cycle time of the G/G/m failure prone queue when the loading of the system approaches to zero. The loading is the relative ratio of the arrival rate to the service rate multiplied by the number of servers. The system with low loading means the busy fraction of the system is low. The queueing system with low loading can be found in the semiconductor manufacturing process. Cluster tools in semiconductor manufacturing need a setup whenever the types of two successive lots are different. To setup a cluster tool, all wafers of preceding lot should be removed. Then, the waiting time of the next lot is zero excluding the setup time. This kind of situation can be regarded as the system with low loading. By employing absorbing Markov chain model and renewal theory, we propose a new way to derive the exact mean cycle time. In addition, using the proposed method, we present the cycle times of other types of queueing systems. For a queueing model with phase type service time distribution, we can obtain a two dimensional Markov chain model, which leads us to calculate the exact cycle time. The results also can be applied to a queueing model with batch arrivals. Our results can be employed to test the accuracy of existing or newly developed approximation methods. Furthermore, we provide intuitive interpretations to the results regarding the expected waiting time. The intuitive interpretations can be used to understand logically the characteristics of systems with low loading.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study presents a specific methodology for air dispersion analysis of urban areas methodology in accordance with urban planning and transport policy. METHODS: This study performed three alternatives including development density and public transit applying integrated urban model for the Delft city on Netherlands. Based on this result, the two types of air pollutant emissions(PM10, NOx) were calculated and analyzed the emission dispersion on that City. RESULTS: As a result, the quality of air near the City is better than that of current conditions showed that approximately from 2.1 to 7.9% according to alternatives. CONCLUSIONS: Air quality assessment in urban areas can be reasonably performed by applying a methodology when urban development and transport policy are considered.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        경상남도 밀양시 3개 면 10개 리 71동의 고추 시설재배지에서 토양을 채집, 선충을 분리하여 토양 내 선충의 밀도 분석 및 종 분류를 실시하여 비교하였다. 밀양 지역의 고추 시설재배지는 연작 기간이 짧게는 2년에서 길게는 20년 고추 재배만을 실시한 지역으로 평균 토양 300cm3당 뿌리혹 선충이 48마리로 경제적 피해 수준이 낮은 선충의 경우 심각한 수준이었으며, 검출율은 56%로 기 보고된 타 작물재배지의 검출율보다 높게 나타났다. 지역별 식물기생선충의 밀도는 무안면 중산리, 부북면 덕곡리, 무안면 모로리, 무안면 무안리, 무안면 사포리, 무안면 고라리, 상남면 오산리, 무안면 연상리, 무안면 내진리, 무안면 정곡리 순으로 나타났다. 이 중 1개의 시설재배지 토양에서 토양 300cm3 당 426마리가 검출되었다. 무안면 고라리 시설재배지에서는 참선충의 밀도가 높게 나타났으며, 무안면 모로리에서는 위축선충류가 발견되었다. 토양의 채취는 1-3월 중 채취한 것으로 생육발달도와 토양온도가 높아지는 6월 중 밀도가 더욱 높아질 것으로 보이며, 식물기생선충에 대한 고추 저항성 품종 개발 및 방제가 시급하다.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 두루미(Grus japonensis)의 이용분포 내에서 행동권 분석의 기법인 MCP(최소볼록다각형법), KDE(커널밀도측정법), LoCoH(국지근린지점외곽연결)를 이용하여 이용면적과 핵심서식지를 선정하였다. 또한, 각 기법의 차이와 의미를 고찰하도록 하였다. 두루미의 분포자료는 철원지역 2012년 2월 17일 조사자료를 사용하였다. MCP에 의한 두루미류 서식영역은 140km2이었다. KDE 분석에서 띠폭에 해당하는 h값을 1000m, CVh, LSCVh로 달리하여 KDE 등치선을 생성하였을 때, 핵심지역에 해당하는(Kernel 50% 이상) 면적은 33.3km2(KDE1000m), 25.7km2(KDECVh), 19.7km2(KDELSCVh)이었다. 결과적으로 띠폭에 대한 기본값(1000m)-CVh(554.6m)-LSCVh(329.9m) 순으로 변수를 작게 입력할 경우 핵심면적 개수는 늘어나고, 면적은 감소하였으며, 형태의 복잡성은 증가하였다. 두루미류의 KDE 분석에 의한 핵심지역의 선정에서 적합한 띠폭변수는 CVh 값인 것으로 판단되었다. LoCoH분석에서는 서식범위와 핵심지역(50% 등치선 이상의 지역)의 면적이 k값의 증가에 따라 증가하는 모습을 보였으며, 점차 큰 핵심지역으로 합쳐지는 모습을 나타내었다. 핵심지역을 도출하기에 적합한 k 값은 24로 나타났으며, 전체 개체군의 핵심지역은 18.2km2로 전체 서식면적의 16.5%를 차지하였다. 최종적으로, LoCoH 분석은 두 개의 큰 핵심서식지를 제시하였으며, 이것은 KDE에 의한 핵심지역에 비하여 작은 수의 핵심지역을 제시한 것이었다. 국내의 게재논문 및 발표자료를 포함한 연구에서 KDE는 대부분 기본설정으로 분석되었으며, 띠폭에 의한 변수를 고려한 것은 매우 드물었다. 따라서 띠폭변수를 명확히 제시하는 것이 요구되었다.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A remote sensing pheromone trap called IT pheromone trap (Korean patent: 10-0982563) was applied to monitor overwintering population changes of the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta, for three successive years in apple orchards. Males of the overwintering populations were attracted during April and May. However, the occurrence peak was delayed and extended to early June in 2010, at which the average spring temperature was significantly lower than the previous years. These overwintering populations could be monitored by the remote-sensing pheromone trap. When the remote-sensing pheromone traps were deployed to apple orchards of different provinces in Korea in 2010, the maximal overwintering populations of G. molesta were monitored at May in all areas. However, the population sizes monitored were significantly different among different localities. This study suggests a practical application of IT pheromone trap to monitor G. molesta in field conditions.
        2010.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of present study was to analyze mineral contents in various tissues and investigate theirs relation with bone mineral density (BMD) in rats. Fifteen Sprague-Dawley rats were fed standard diet for 4 weeks. Body weight gain, feed intake, and feed efficiency ratio were 41.00 g/week, 171.15 g/week, and 0.24 respectively. Among 12 minerals in serum, Ca is the highest with 6.86 mg/dl. Serum Mg, Se, and Cu were 2.52 mg/dl, 0.23 mg/dl and 0.22 mg/dl respectively. Mg contents in liver, spleen, and kidney were 246.36 μg/g, 105.01 μg/g, and 273.38 μg/g respectively. Tibia contents of Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe and V were 194.91 mg/g, 23.10 mg/g, 0.60 mg/g, 0.35 mg/g and 0.14 mg/g respectively. BMDs of right tibia and spine were 122.04 mg/cm2 and 153.61 mg/cm2. There were significantly positive correlations between tibia BMD and Se (p<0.05), tibia BMD and V (p<0.01), spinal BMD and V(p<0.05), respectively. It's expected that these results are used as a reference data in following study to elucidate physiological function of minerals.
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