
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 38

        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper proposes a standardized vehicle body repair manual for vehicles with major damage to the rear side members caused by rear-end collisions. The manual is used to refine the vehicles. Typical work involves replacing large traffic accident modes with new members or modifying and aligning existing members. If repairs are made for various reasons, the members should be attached based on the body of a new vehicle. Unlike new vehicle members, the accident vehicle repair process depends heavily on the operator's skilled skills (i.e., the performance, purpose, level, and quality of the body replacement work due to the nature of the vehicle body replacement work). When repairing or replacing a rear side member of a body repair, three methods of operation are applied because the damage and deformation vary depending on the object of the other party, although the degree of damage varies. There is no standardized manual for side member over-hole replacement, partial replacement, or partial modification, since these repair methods vary depending on the operator's thoughts and angle of view. Therefore, customers should use standardized vehicle repair manuals to ensure that their vehicle receives the same repair when damaged. This study is expected to develop a standardized vehicle repair manual to reduce the drop in used market prices after replacement or repair of rear side members at vehicle repair plants.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cars serve as vehicles for the conveyance of both passengers and cargo. Inevitably, traffic accidents constitute a significant facet of vehicular operation. These accidents manifest in various forms, including frontal, rear-end, and lateral collisions. While the resultant vehicular damages may exhibit similarities, they remain inherently distinct. Owing to the intricate nature of automotive body repairs, simplistic adherence to textbook doctrines proves inadequate. The rectification of damaged vehicle bodies hinges upon the practitioner's experiential acumen. Consequently, discourse pertaining to body repair technology necessitates grounding in empirical data encompassing prevailing industry norms and attendant financial implications. Variability in individualized methodologies can engender substantial temporal and monetary outlays within the domain of automotive bodywork. Moreover, the integration of novel material technologies within vehicular structures mandates a perpetual pursuit of knowledge and empirical inquiry into the domain of vehicle body repair procedures, particularly as applied to emerging materials. Compounding this imperative is the unwavering commitment to preserving the safety paradigm from the vehicle owner's perspective, ensuring that restorative interventions subsequent to accidents do not compromise safety benchmarks.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the time and cost of body repair can be greatly incurred due to differences in individual technologies, body repair technology should be discussed based on data on general working standards and costs, and as new material technology is applied to the body, continuous learning and experiment on vehicle body repair technology is essential. Since the left and right apron and side members with SPR bonding technology are made of different materials, aluminum and high-strength steel, the restoration of the left and right apron side members should be considered technically, as well as safety and environmental pollution. In this study, we experiment with heterogeneous apron and side members applied with SPR bonding and analyze the results.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 해양플랫폼의 탑사이드 구조에서 주로 채택하고 있는 파이프 연결 구조의 피로 수명 증가를 위한 방안을 찾기 위하여, 유한요소해석을 수행하였다. 상용해석프로그램인 MSC Patran/Nastran을 적용하였으며, 대표적인 중앙부 구조 형상을 해석 모델로 선정하였다. 하중에 따른 응력집중 현상을 구현하기 위하여, 8 절점 솔리드 요소를 이용한 모델링을 구현하였다. 주요하중은 횡방향 하중 2가지와 대각선 파이프에 인장 하중을 고려하였다. 주요 위치에서의 Hot spot 응력을 확인하기 위하여, 0.01 mm dummy 쉘 요소를 적용하였으며, 0.5 t와 1.5 t 위치에서의 주응력을 계산한 후 외삽법에 따라 용접부에 발생하는 응력을 추정하였다. 일부 구간에서는 만족해야 하는 피로 수명 이하로 평가되어, 보강이 필요하였다. 보강은 기존 설계된 파이프의 두께나 지름을 변경하지 않고, 피로 수명이 부족한 부위에 응력집중계수를 낮출 수 있도록 브래킷을 추가하였다. 인장 하중에 대해서는 bracket toe에서 응력은 23 % 증가하였고, 기존에 문제가 된 파이프의 내측, 외측에서의 응력은 약 8 % 감소하였다. 휨 하중에 대해서는 bracket toe에서 응력은 3 % 증가하였고, 기존에 문제가 된 파이프의 내측, 외측에서의 응력은 약 48 % 감소하였다. 신규 브래킷 보강으로 인하여, bracket toe의 응력증가 가 발생하였지만, S-N 커브 자체가 파이프 조인트에 비해 좋으므로 큰 문제가 되지는 않는다. 본 연구에서 적용한 국부 보강을 통한 피로 수명 개선 방법은 기존 설계안의 변경을 최소화하면서 피로 수명 증가를 효율적으로 할 수 있다는 점에서 관련 산업에서 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        While the vehicle has a wide front view, making it easy to recognize obstacles while driving, the rear side has a narrow view and the inconvenience of having to turn its head to check. A side mirror developed to address this discomfort is mounted outside the front door of a passenger car and used to identify rear objects. In this study, heat transfer analysis was performed and analyzed in order to obtain optimal defrost conditions using regression analysis method for removing mirror condensation and frost. As a result of this study, the coefficient of determination, R2, which represents the regression to the total variation through regression analysis, showed a good reliability of 85.3%. Comparing the predicted and interpreted values of the maximum temperature distribution in the regression equation established in this study, it was included in the 95% confidence interval, enabling the prediction of the maximum temperature distribution over the heat conduction time.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The hydro-forming design process of the sub-frame side members was studied using a high strength steel of 440 MPa in tensile strength. In the part design stage of the side member, the cross section analysis and the overall process design of the part shape were done. In the detailed simulation results, the maximum thickness reduction rate due to hydro-forming was predicted to be 13% and this was predicted to be a safe level without cracking. The end curvature was reduced to increase the stiffness of the part to design more secure parts and two types of grooves were added to the cross section and compared. The thickness reduction rates of the narrow and wide were improved by 18.6% and 15.6%, respectively when the narrow and wide grooves were added.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Two emitting compounds, 9,10-bis-[1,1;3,1]terphenyl-5-yl-1,5-di-o-tolyl- anthracene [TP-DTA-TP] and 9,10-bis-phenyl[1,1;3,1]triphenyl-5-yl-1,5-di-o- tolylanthracene[ TPB-DTA-TPB] based on newtwisted core moiety were synthesized through boration, Suzuki reaction, and Sandmeyer reactions. EL performance was improved by varying the chemical structure of the side group. Physical properties such as optical, electrochemical, and electroluminescent properties were investigated. Synthesized compounds were used as an EML in OLED device: ITO/2-TNATA (60 nm)/NPB (15 nm)/TP-DTA-TP or TPB-DTA-TPB (35 nm)/Alq3 (20 nm)/LiF (1 nm)/Al (200 nm). It was found that TPB-DTA-TPB showed higher luminance efficiency and better C.I.E. value than TP-DTA-TP device.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hydroforming is a forming technology in which a steel tube is fixed in a die and formed to fit a specified design shape by applying hydraulic pressure from inside the tube. In present study, the whole process of sub-frame side member development is presented by tube hydro-forming using steel material. At the part design stage, it requires feasibility study and process design aided by CAE (computer aided design) to confirm hydro-formability in details. Overall possibility of hydro-formable side member parts could be examined by cross sectional analyses. All the components is designed and formability is examined from the point of geometry and thinning. From the simulation results, the maximum thickness reduction rate is 55% after hydroforming. In order to improve this result, the feeding by 30 mm is applied to the both sides of the tube and the thickness reduction can be reduced from this management.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 건강기능식품 중 baicalin, eleutheroside E, ligustilide를 효과적으로 분석할 수 있는 방법을 확립하기 위하여 수행되었다. 이에 LC-MS/MS를 이용하여 신속하고 효율적으로 동시분석할 수 있는 시험법을 확립하였으며, 확립된 시험법에 대해 특이성, 검출한계, 정량한계, 정확도, 정밀도에 대한 검증을 통하여 유효성을 확인하고자 하였다. 표준용액을 이용하여 검량선을 작성한 결과 r2> 0.99 이상의 직선성을 확인하였고, baicalin, eleutheroside E, ligustilide에 대한 정량한계는 각각 39.3 μg/L, 106.7 μg/L, 76.1 μg/L이었으며, 검출한계는 각각 13.0 μg/L, 35.2 μg/L, 25.1 μg/L이었다. 또한 평균 회수율은 각 성분에 대해 108.0~109.9%, 99.8~101.3%, 91.4~97.2%로 나타났으며, 반 복정밀도는 상대표준편차 5%이하, 실험실간 재현성은 9% 이하로 나타나 정확성, 재현성이 우수하였으며 이는 AOAC 가이드라인19)에서 제시한 기준에 모두 적합한 수준이었다. 따라서 개발된 분석법은 향후 건강기능식품 중 baicalin, eleutheroside E, ligustilide를 동시분석하는데 효과적으로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2016.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 뮤지컬 「웨스트 사이드 스토리」를 통하여 어떻게 드라마 형성소들이 다층 적으로 그려져 있는지 분석한다. 이와 동시에 뮤지컬 내 다양한 형태로 구성되어 있는 넘버의 배치가 어떠한 미적효과를 가져오는지를 증명하는 데 그 목적을 두고 있다. 뮤지컬에서 넘버는 그 자체만으로도 서사가 진행이 되며, 그 배치에 따라 극적 기능을 달리한다. 즉, 뮤지컬 넘버 그 자체가 플롯으로서의 역할을 한다. 극적 분위기를 암시하고, 주인공의 심경을 표현하며, 극적 갈등 인자인 동시에 극적 회복의 기능을 지니는 등 스토리 가 아닌 플롯으로서의 기능을 지니는 것이다. 특히 ‘투나잇-오중창’의 경우, 공간분할을 통해 표현되는 다섯 가지의 욕망의 대립으로 인하여, 극적 긴장감을 극도로 상승시켜 작품의 클라이맥스 역할을 지닌다. 하나의 넘버 안 에서 다섯 가지의 이야기를 분리시키고, 그것을 유기적으로 연결시킴으로서 한 작품이 시 사하는 테마와 목적을 드러낸다. 결론적으로, 본 논문을 통해 뮤지컬의 넘버가 플롯으로서 어떻게 역할을 하느냐에 따라 극의 완성도가 결정된다는 사실을 밝히고자 한다. 또한 이 연구를 통하여 향후 뮤지컬 넘버 와 플롯을 구조화시키는 데 길잡이역할을 하고자 한다.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The bending exercises of radial tire is one of the most important structural properties of the sidewall relating to ride and road noise of automobiles. The frequency band analysis is more useful for analyzing tire road noise due to property change of tread and sidewall. In this paper, the vertical stiffness and lateral stiffness of tire which have a various tread and sidewall is measured and the road noise is measured about same road condition. Furthermore, we investigated the effect on the structure of the tire tread and sidewall for the sound pressure level.
        2014.02 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The present authors recently gave an analytical method for estimating three spring constants Kr, Ks, and Kt, for sidewall stiffnesses of radial tires. These represent the radial, lateral, and in-plane rotational directions respectively. The method is based on netting theory with special consideration to stiffness of the rubber matrices in the sidewall These theoretical results were verified by experiment to have sufficient accuracy. In order to confirm the availability of these spring constants, the twisting stiffness Rt of a radial tire has been analyzed in the present paper by using a spring-supported ring model. An explicit formula for Rt, expressed in terms of the three components of the spring constant, was obtained. Experiments were conducted on a 175SR14 radial tire by increasing the inflation pressure while keeping the tread circumference constant. The theoretical results agreed well with the experimental results. A related problem is also referred to; this is the forced lateral vibration with fundamental eigen-modes of the inflated sidewall-rim system when the tread is fixed. Eigen-frequencies calculated by using those spring constants coincide well with the experimental results.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The design flexibility and robustness have become key factors to handle various sources of uncertainties at the early phase of design. Even though designers are uncertain about which single values to specify, they usually have a preference for certain val
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The computer-based simulation tools are currently used overwhelmingly to simulate the performance of automotive designs. Then, the search for an optimal solution that satisfies a number of performance requirements usually involves numerous iterations amon
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Increasing needs for light weight and high safety in modern automobiles induced the wide application of high strength steels in automotive body structures. The main difficulty in the forming of sheet metal parts with high strength steel is the large amount of springback including sidewall curl and twist in channel shaped member parts. Among these shape defects, twist occurs frequently and requires numerous reworks on the dies compensate the shape deviation. But until now, it seems to be no effective method to reduce the twist in forming processes. In this study, a new forming process to reduce the twist deformation during the forming of automotive structural member was suggested. This method consists of forming and restriking of embosses on the sidewall around the stretch flanging area of the part. and was applied in the forming process design of an automotive front side inner member with high strength steel. To evaluate the effectiveness of the method, springback analysis using Pamstampa™ was done. Through the analysis results, the suggested method proven to be effective in twist reduction of channel shaped parts with stretch flanging area.
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