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        검색결과 43

        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed product conditions in terms of “size system,” “clothing construction depending on fit,” “details,” “colors,” and “prices,” with an emphasis on young contemporary brands for spring/summer 2021, in order to provide basic data for the development of small-sized women’s jackets. Out of 96 domestic and foreign brands, the study analyzed 254 small-sized jacket products from 23 brands that produce size-XS jackets. First, when examining the sizes for women’s jackets, we found that 8 out of the 23 brands offer a size-XXS option. After conducting tree analysis to analyze the factors affecting the production of size-XXS, the study found significant results in the areas of “distinction between domestic and foreign brands” and “product price.” Second, after categorizing small-sized women’s jackets into 3 categories— fit-slim, basic, and straight—the study analyzed clothing construction elements depending on fit. This seasons mainly feature straight-fit’s hip-line length jacket, a 4-panel pattern, and a panel without a waist dart. Third, the study, through the analysis of the colors of small-sized women’s jackets, found a higher frequency of colors in the order of black (23.0%), white (13.3%), and beige tones (10.1%), with additional colors such as sky blue, rose pink, and aquamarine in production, which exhibit the senses of the seasons. Price analysis revealed that small-sized jackets constituted a price range at the mid-to-low end, as in ₩50,000-100,000 (30.3%), ₩100,000- 150,000 (19.3%), and ₩150,000-200,000 (11.8%).
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the sales status of female ball-jointed dolls and their parts were investigated and analyzed. Baseline data from 194 products and 54 brands on domestic and international Internet sites was gathered for the manufacture of ball-jointed dolls and the development of prototype costumes for them. The results are as follows. First, the sizes used for ball-jointed dolls are SD, USD, MSD, 13SD, and 70SD together with height. This study analyzed 39 sizes (15~70cm) by classifying them into numbered groups: 1 (15~22cm), 2 (23~33cm), 3 (35~51cm), 4 (53~62cm), and 5 (63~70cm). The price varied depending on the size; for example, 50cm dolls were approximately 45,000 won, while limited editions were sold at high prices, regardless of their size. They were classified into designs according to their body proportions and facial features as follows: 7- or 8-head-figure, 5-head figure, and 3-head figure, and were presented proportionally as images of women, adolescents, and infants. Second, the head was incised so that the top could be removed horizontally or the facial region vertically, allowing attachment of the eyeballs (which were either glass, resin, or acrylic) to the inside. More than 30 different colors were sold. Various wig styles were provided, including cut, short hair, and perm. These were made from human hair, heat-resistant fiber, and artificial hair. For the hands, there was a design expressing human hand gestures. For the feet, heels were in the form of wearing either high-heels or flat soles.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to review materials that could provide basic data about sports brassieres. In this study, 486 sports brassieres were collected online from 31 brands between November 2015 and February 2016. First, the comparison of compression and encapsulation in sports brassieres identified many different styles. The characteristics of compression brassieres included a cut cup, the front center height of a full cup, round neckline, short front hem, all in one shoulder strap with a patterned racerback design, all in one closure, no wire, and separation cup styles. The characteristics of encapsulation brassieres included a V-shape neckline, mixed round shoulder strap design, back closure, and all in one cup. Second, the comparison of domestic and international sports brassieres sorted the items differently. The characteristics of domestic products included compression brassieres, non-cut cup, the front center height of a full cup, round neckline, short front hem, an all in one shoulder strap with a patterned round design, all in one closure, no wire, and a separation cup. The characteristics of international products included a cut up, racerback shoulder strap design, and an all in one cup. Third, the analysis of domestic and international sports brassieres sizes found that six options were available for domestic compression sports brassieres and nine sizes were available for international products. Domestic encapsulation sports brassieres offered five under bust sizes and five cup sizes. International products offered eight under bust sizes and sixteen cup sizes.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Calculating break-even price of calf production is closely associated with reproductive efficiency. To determine the price, we need data from reproduction records including number of claves weaned, number of cows exposed for breeding, and annual cash coast per cow, and average weaning or market weight of claves sold and retained. Unfortunately, the data were not available in Korea native cow (Hanwoo). To evaluate the performance and the price, we collected calving interval from about 60,000 cows for last 10 years and estimated reproductive performance. Calving interval was increased 4.3% and pregnancy rate was decreased about 1.4∼2.8% year-on-year. Increases in growth rates of number of cow and semen per calf supported the low reproductive performance. Finally, break-even price was calculated using estimated percent calf crop and demonstrated that growth rate of break-even price is larger than that of annual cash per cow, suggesting cow-calf profitability and financial efficiency in Korea native cow (Hanwoo) is getting worse.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        차 (Tea)는 네팔을 포함한 남아시아의 주요 농산물 수출품목 중에 하나이다. 네팔의 차 생산은 150년 전에 시작되었지만, 상업적인 생산 규모는 발전 가능성이 있음에도 불구하고초창기 모습 그대로이다. 차 생산에서 우위를 차지하고 있는인도, 스리랑카, 방글라데시와 같이 네팔은 좋은 품질의 차를생산할 수 있는 큰 잠재력을 가지고 있다. 그리고 현재 차 산업의 선도자로 남아시아 국가의 잠재력을 강화하기 위해 남아시아지역협력연합 (South Asian Association for the RegionalCooperation, SAARC)은 각 회원국의 National Tea board가차 산업을 육성할 수 있도록 지원하기 위하여 차 위원회를 설립할 예정이다. 이러한 남아시아지역협력연합의 차 위원회 설립에 맞추어 본 연구는 남아시아 차 산업에서 부각되고 있는네팔의 차 생산과 소비, 그리고 수출 경향을 다른 남아시아국가와 비교하여 분석하였다. 남아시아는 전세계 차 생산량의약 1/3를 생산하고 있으며, 대표적인 차 생산국가는 인도, 스리랑카, 방글라데시, 네팔이다. 남아시아 중에서 네팔은 연간약 1만8천톤의 차를 생산하고 있으며, 최근 20여년간(1994~2012) 차 생산량이 약 100배(196톤→18,309톤) 가까이 급증하고 있다. 네팔의 차 산업은 수출증대를 통해 외화획득과 경제발전에 기여할 뿐만 아니라 차 생산과 가공산업에참여하는 농가와 농촌여성의 고용창출 측면에서 매우 중요한역할을 담당하고 있다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내보리의 수매중단에 따른 원료곡 수급의 대책을 마련하기위한 기초자료로 보리를 이용한 가공제품을 생산하고 있는 전국의 가공업체 현황과 시중에 유통되고 있는 가공제품의 종류와 가격을 조사하고 이들의 품질정도를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 전국적으로 수집된 보리가공제품(주류제외)에 의해 조사된 보리가공업체의 수는 153개였으며 시도별로는 경기 >충북 >전남 >전북 >경북 >경남 =충남 >강원 >서울 순이었다. 2. 보리함유 가공제품(주류제외)의 품목 수는 17개였으며 가공제품의 수는 240종이었다. 3. 보리가공제품의 품목별 수는 혼합곡 >찰보리쌀 >일반보리쌀 >미숫가루 >보리차 >엿기름 >압맥 >보리과자류 순이었다. 4. 보리가공업체가 생산하는 제품의 종류는 평균 1.6종이었으며 전체업종의 68%가 1 ~ 2 종류를 생산하며, 5종 이상을 생산하는 업체도 13%정도 되었다. 5. 보리쌀 제품류별 유통가격은 압맥(찰성) >흑맥(메성) >할맥(메성) >찰보리쌀 >압맥(메성) >메보리쌀 순이었다. 6. 친환경제품은 일반제품에 비해 평균 41%정도 가격이 높았으며 제품에 따라 12~93%의 가격 차이를 보였고, 차이가 큰 순으로는 보리차 >찰보리쌀 >압맥 >미숫가루 >혼합곡이였다. 7. 동일품목 내에서도 가공업체에 따른 차이는 미숫가루가 가장 커서 최고가가 최저가의 4배 이상이고, 보리차음료(PET병), 보리차(티백), 찰보리쌀(친환경)은 3배 이상의 차이를 보였다. 8. 찰보리쌀 제품 42종 중 찰성순도가 높은 제품이 13종, 찰성과 메성이 혼합된 제품이 26종, 완전 메성인 제품이 3종이었으나, 찰성순도와 이들의 가격 간에는 관련이 없었으며 오히려 찰성순도가 낮은 제품이 비싼 경우도 있었다. 9. 메보리쌀 제품 34종 중 표시가 잘못된 찰성 보리쌀 제품이 1종 있었고, 찰성과 메성이 혼합된 제품이 2종 있었다. 10. 보리 엿기름제품 30종의 평균 효소력가는 131oL로 낮은 편이었으며 150˚L미만의 품질이 낮은 제품이 절반이상이었다. 11. 보리 엿기름의 효소력가와 제품가격 간에 관련이 없었으며 오히려 품질이 낮은 제품이 비싼 경우도 있었다.
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