
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 409

        2024.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to quantitatively analyze the risk using data from 329 safety accidents that occurred in aquaculture fisheries management vessels over the recent five years (2018-2022). For quantitative risk analysis, the Bayesian network proposed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) was used to analyze the risk level according to the fishing process and cause of safety accidents. Among the work processes, the fishing process was analyzed to have the highest risk, being 12.5 times that of the navigation, 2.7 times that of the maintenance, and 8.8 times that of the loading and unloading. Among the causes of accidents, the hull and working environment showed the highest risk, being 1.7 times that of fishing gear and equipment, 4.7 times that of machinery and equipment, and 9.4 times that of external environment. By quantitatively analyzing the safety accident risks for 64 combinations of these four work processes and four accident causes, this study provided fundamental data to reduce safety accidents occurring in aquaculture fisheries management vessels.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to conduct research and analysis using Group Focus Interview to survey the between construction site workers and managers implementing for the Severe Accident Punishment Act. Focused on measures to improve safety management effectiveness for the effectiveness of establishing a safety management system. A plan to improve the efficient safety management system was presented to 50 construction industrial managers and workers. In order to ensure the industrial accident prevention policies appropriately, it is necessary to be aware of safety obligations for workers as well as business operators. In addition, despite the existence of a commentary on the Serious Accident Punishment Act, confusion in the field still persists, so in the event of a major accidents, the obligation to take safety and health education is strengthened, and effective case education is proposed by teaching actual accident cases suitable for actual working sites. It is necessary to make all training mandatory, and it is necessary to reconsider awareness through writing a daily safety log, awareness of risk factors, etc., and writing down risk information. Above all, at the construction ordering stage, it is necessary to keep the construction safety, request corrections and supplements for problems issues that arise, and consult between the orderer and the construction company about the problems issues. Rather than having only the construction company correct or supplement the safety management plan, the contents should be shared with supervisors and workers to establish a more practical solution. Results of this study will contribute to improving the effectiveness of the serious accident and construction safety management system.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, in order to study the relationship between the safety culture of highway management agencies and disaster reduction activities (BCMS), a measurement tool was identified through previous research on safety culture, and the validity of the measurement tool was confirmed through exploratory factor analysis. I want to check. The subjects of the study were workers belonging to disaster reduction activity management system certification organizations among highway management organizations. The highway management agencies are the Korea Expressway Corporation, which manages the functional continuity of national highways nationwide, and 8 of the 21 private road agencies that manage the functional continuity of the highways. The safety culture measurement tool is an indicator that measures safety culture factors, and is reorganized by the researcher based on survey items from previous studies, with management/manager safety values and attitudes, safety communication, safety education and training, and safety regulations/ management system as subfactors. A total of 24 questions were comprised of the survey tool. As a result of the study, the result of exploratory factor analysis was that the safety culture scale was extracted into four factors based on theoretical grounds, and the total cumulative variance was 80.360%. When checking the questions for each factor, it was found that all the questions loaded on the factor that was originally intended to be measured. Factor 1 is management, factor 2 is safety, and factor 3 is communication., Factor 4 was named education. Number of questions: 4 management questions, 3 safety questions, communication It consisted of 4 questions and 2 education questions.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전 세계 선박 통행량의 증가에 따른 선박 충돌 사고의 증가는 큰 경제적, 환경적, 물리적 및 인간적 손해를 가져왔다. 선박 사 고의 원인은 선원의 판단 오류나 부주의, 항로의 복잡성, 기상 조건, 선박의 기술적 결함 등 다양한 요인이 겹쳐 작용하여 사고를 유발하 기 때문에 문장의 깊은 의미와 문맥 정보를 고려할 수 있는 방법론이 필요하다. 따라서, 본 연구는 부산해심 지역에서의 최근 20년 동안 의 선박 충돌사고 데이터를 포함하고 있는 해양안전심판 재결서를 SentenceBERT 모델을 활용해 분석하였다. 분석 결과 사고의 주요 원인 이 될 수 있는 키워드가 도출되었으며, 특정 키워드 출현 빈도를 바탕으로 군집 분석을 시행하고 시각화하였다. 추후 사고의 원인을 미리 파악함으로써, 이를 통해 선박 충돌 사고의 예방 및 사고 대응 전략 개발의 기초 자료로써 활용하고자 한다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The public safety management guidelines were introduced in 2019 and continue to be dedicated to advancing comprehensive measures for public safety management, with a primary focus on prioritizing the safety and well-being of the public within governmental institutions. To achieve this goal, our previous study developed a establishment procedure of risk assessment-based safety inspection system for public institutions that order construction projects and applied it to highway construction projects to evaluate its effectiveness. To enhance the practicality of the establishment procedure, it is essential to collect and analyze feedback from stakeholders regarding its performance and suitability. This study conducted a survey involving 200 participants who had experience with the establishment procedure, and performed statistical analyses to evaluate its performance and applicability. The survey results indicated that the participants reported a high level of satisfaction (scoring 4 and above on a 5-point Likert scale) in several areas: specialization of safety inspection items for different types of work (with a satisfaction rate of 65%), the evaluation process for safety ratings (64.5%), and their willingness to recommend the procedure to other institutions (75.5%). In the factor analysis with Varimax rotation, two factors emerged: (1) a specialization factor related to safety inspection items, and (2) a grading factor associated with safety evaluation results. Regression analyses of these factors unveiled significant positive relationships with improvements in safety and health performance, including the prevention of fatal accidents, heightened safety responsibility, and raised safety inspection standards. The establishment procedure of safety inspection system developed in our previous study can play a crucial role in reducing accidents resulting in fatalities and injuries at construction sites, ultimately contributing to a safer working environment for all involved parties.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구의 목적은 미국, 영국, 독일, 일본의 학교안전 법제를 살펴봄으로 써, 국내 학교안전에 시사하는 바를 논하고 제시하는 데에 있다. 외국사례를 통해 우리나라 학교안전사고 예방 및 학교안전관리시스템이 보다 실효성 있 게 작동하도록 몇 가지 적용 및 시사점을 제시하였다. 첫째, 학교 안전관리 책임을 명확히 하고 학교안전교육을 지원하는 법제의 명문화와 「학교폭력예 방법」, 「학교안전법」, 「학교보건법」을 「학교안전보건법」으로 통합할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 국가 책임을 강화하는 차원에서 충분한 예산 지원과 인력 확보 및 교직원의 안전 전문성 향상을 위한 제도 마련, 그리고 일원화된 전문기관 등이 필요하다. 셋째, 「학교안전법」을 「산업안전보건법」 수준으로 업그레이 드할 필요가 있고, 독일의 사회보험 수준으로 학교안전공제회의 역량을 제고 할 필요가 있다. 넷째, 체계적인 시스템과 실효성 있는 매뉴얼에 의해 작동되 도록 학교안전망을 촘촘하게 구축할 필요가 있다. 다섯째, 예방활동과 안전 교육의 패러다임을 전환할 필요가 있다. 여섯째, 평소 지역 유관기관·단체 등 과 안전시스템을 긴밀하게 공유, 연계할 필요가 있다. 일곱째, 실효성 있는 학교안전 위험성 평가를 실시하여 사고 발생률을 낮출 필요가 있다. 여덟째, 학교 보안을 더욱 강화할 필요가 있다. 아홉째, 학생안전 법제에 학생의 권리 와 의무를 함께 명시할 필요가 있다. 열 번째, 우리나라도 ‘갭 이어(Gap Ye ar)’ 제도 도입을 검토할 필요가 있다. 이상의 논의와 제시를 통해, 국내 학 교안전 및 학교안전 법제의 긍정적 변화를 기대한다.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to solve the rapidly increasing domestic delivery volume and various problems in the recent metropolitan area, domestic researchers are conducting research on the development of “Urban Logistics System Using Underground Space” using existing urban railway facilities in the city. Safety analysis and scenario analysis should be performed for the safe system design of the new concept logistics system, but the scenario analysis techniques performed in previous studies so far do not have standards and are defined differently depending on the domain, subject, or purpose. In addition, it is necessary to improve the difficulty of clearly defining the control structure and the omission of UCA in the existing STPA safety analysis. In this study, an improved scenario table is proposed for the AGV horizontal transport device, which is a key equipment of an urban logistics system using underground space, and a process model is proposed by linking systematic STPA safety analysis and scenario analysis, and UCA and Control Structure Guidelines are provided to create a safety analysis.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study attempted to analyze the comparative advantage in terms of disaster safety costs in verifying the effectiveness and economic feasibility of the high-performance water-bulwark system in the pole tunnel, which was recently promoted as a part of the acceleration of vehicles. The tunnel to be analyzed was divided into a short tunnel(Anyang, Cheonggye) and a long tunnel(Suraksan, Sapaesan). As a result, it was analyzed that 25% of the improvement effect would occur if one lane was secured by applying the Water-Bulwark System. It was analyzed that this is because the time value cost, which accounts for a large proportion of the traffic congestion cost of short tunnels and pole tunnels, differs depending on the congestion time and traffic volume, not the length of the tunnel.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Construction industry is considered as one of the most high-risk industries for work-related injuries and fatalities, accounting for more than half of fatalities in Korea. Advanced countries have recognized the critical role of designers in preventing construction accidents and have established regulations on design for safety. In line with this, the Korean government have also implemented regulations that require owners and designers to review the safety of design outcomes. However, it has been observed that designers face challenges in identifying hazards and integrating design solutions at the design stage mainly due to their shortage of required knowledge and skills. This study aimed to examine design solutions that can be applied to prevent fall accidents in the construction industry, and to establish a relationship between these solutions and fatal fall accidents occurred over the past three years in Korea. This study also analyzed the relationships of four variables (construction type, cost, work type, and fall location) with design solutions. The results indicated that all four variables have significant relationships with design solutions, with fall location showing the strongest relationship. The design solutions and their relationships with fatal fall accidents identified in this study can be utilized in identifying hazard and integrating design solutions to ensure design for safety.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Occupational safety and health management expenses in the construction industry are statutory and separately included in the cost statement to prevent occupational accidents and health problems. The expenses are determined by multiplying the standard amount by the rate decided according to construction types and scales. However, the current expense appropriation method does not properly reflect the recent changes in the construction industry such as industry size, industry diversification, and social atmosphere about safety reinforcement. This study surveyed 1579 questionnaires in total and analyzed expense execution rate and proportion of each expense category. The expense execution rate was relative higher in complex construction (e.g., heavy construction = 126%, civil engineering = 125%) and long-period project (equal to or over 48 months construction = 133%) compared to general construction (98~116%) and short-period project (less than 48 months construction = 115%). The proportion of spending expenses was higher in the category of safety manager labor costs (25~52%), safety facility costs (22~40%), and personal protective equipment costs (10~25%). The analysis results of the study can be utilized in revising the standard expense appropriation method by reflecting the current usages of the occupational safety and health management expenses in the construction industry.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since last year, the government has enforced the 'Act on the Punishment of Severe Accidents, Etc.' (hereafter referred to as the 'Serious Accident Punishment Act'), which punishes business owners and business managers who fail to fulfill their duty of safety measures with 'imprisonment of one year or more' and the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Based on this, various occupational safety and health policies were developed, including the operation of a system related to entrusting the work of safety managers. Despite these efforts, the effect of implementing the Severe Accident Punishment Act is a groundbreaking change in the current disaster prevention policy, which has increased by 0.02%P and 0.03‱P, respectively, from the previous year to 0.65% of the total accident rate and 1.10‱ of the death rate per 10,000 people as of 2022. As the need emerged, attention was paid to 'collaboration and governance with safety management institutions' in the 'Severe Disaster Reduction Roadmap' announced by the Ministry of Employment and Labor in November 2022. In this study, a meaningful result was derived by comparing and analyzing the industrial accident status of workplaces entrusted by “A” safety management institutions with the national average based on the industrial accident survey table, and the types of industrial accidents that occurred in consigned workplaces were selected as intensive management targets. The policy direction for industrial accident prevention was established. It is necessary to develop safety management work manuals based on the results of this study, expertise, discover best cases of risk assessment and develop guides, and educate and train consigned workers. In addition, it suggests that the government's guidance and supervision are needed to advance the professionalism of safety management entrusted tasks, and that safety management institutions should strengthen their roles and functions for preventing and reducing industrial accidents. However, due to difficulties in disclosing information of specialized safety management institutions, the limitation of the provision, collection, and viewing of research-related data to “A” specialized safety management institutions remains a limitation of the research. It seems likely that more thorough research will be conducted.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Severe Disaster Punishment Act had recently been established in order to promote safety and health (OSH) management system for severe accident prevention. OSH management system is primarily designed based on risk assessments; however, companies in industries have been experiencing difficulties in hazard identification and selecting proper measures for risk assessments and accident prevention. This study intended to introduce an accident analysis method based on epidemiological model in finding hazard and preventive measures. The accident analysis method employed in this study was proposed by the U.S. Department of Energy. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the accident analysis method, this study applied it to two accident cases occurred in construction and manufacturing industries. The application process and results of this study can be utilized in improving OSH management system and preventing severe accidents.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국제사회는 글로벌 기후위기 극복을 위해 2050년까지 탄소중립(Net Zero)을 목표로 다양한 탈탄소 에너지원 개발을 지속하고 있다. 우리 정부에서도 ‘재생에너지 3020’ 정책을 수립하고 태양광이나 풍력을 이용한 에너지 개발계획을 추진함에 따라 해상 풍력발전단 지와 같이 연안해역에서 기존에는 볼 수 없었던 대규모 해양개발사업이 추진되고 있다. 해양시설물은 선박의 입장에서 볼 때는 항행 장 애물의 일종이며, 해양시설물 설치에 따라 좁아진 수역에서 선박 간 충돌사고 발생 또는 선박과 해양시설물의 접촉사고 발생시 환경오염 및 인명피해 등의 발생이 우려된다. 이에 국내외의 해상풍력발전단지 개발계획을 살펴보고 풍력단지에서 선박의 안전한 통항을 보장하기 위한 제도적 장치가 완비되어 있는지 분석하였으며, 해외의 입법 사례와 국내 법규를 비교하여 법적 사각지대를 해소하기 위한 새로운 법령안을 제안함으로써 대한민국의 관할해역에서 해양시설물의 안전한 운영과 선박의 안전한 통항을 기대하였다.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해양을 이용하려는 수요자 증가에 따라, 해양공간을 합리적으로 배분하기 위해 해양공간계획(Marine Spatial Planning)제도가 도 입되었다. 이 중 어업활동보호구역은 수산자원보호 등 어업활동 보호를 위해 지정되었다. 그러나, 어업활동보호구역을 주로 항해하는 어 선은 우리나라에서 발생하는 해양사고의 약 70 %를 차지할 정도로 위험에 노출되어 관리가 필요하다. 본 연구의 목적은 어업활동보호구 역 내 어선 통항 안전 확보를 위해 어업활동보호구역과 항만·항행구역에서 발생하는 해양사고를 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위해 해양용도구 역의 교통량을 조사하고 선종별, 사고 유형별, 톤수별, 사고원인별, 인명피해별로 해양사고를 조사하였다. 분석 결과 각 유형별 단위 면적 당 해양사고는 대부분 항만·항행구역에서 더 많이 발생하였으나 전체적으로 발생한 해양사고는 어업활동보호구역이 높았다. 특히 인명사 고가 많이 발생하여 통항 안전관리가 필요한 것으로 식별되었다.
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