
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 63

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Oyster mushrooms were analyzed to confirm the effect of installing a convection fan on the uniformity of the environment inside the cultivation house, the quantity of fruiting bodies, and marketability for stable production. When using a convection fan, it was confirmed that the temperature, relative humidity, and CO2 concentration were maintained more uniformly than when not used.As for the characteristics of the fruiting bodies, the quantity per bottle was 177.3 g when using a convection fan, which was 17% higher than when not used, and the individual weight was 49% higher. In addition, the cap diameter, cap thickness, and stem thickness increased slightly in the convection fan treatment, and the stem length was shorter.
        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, Pleurotus ostreatus were grown in bottles at temperatures set to 15°C, 20°C, and 25°C inside the cultivation room. Changes in temperature, CO2 concentration, and humidity inside the bottles were measured, and growth characteristics according to the temperature conditions were evaluated. CO2 concentration increased overall as the temperature increased and was particularly stable at 20°C, suggesting that 20°C is the optimal condition for the physiological respiration of P. ostreatus . While humidity was relatively constant at 15°C, it decreased over time at 20°C and was maintained at a stable level at 25°C, suggesting that water retention capacity may occur at high temperatures. As a result of the growth investigation, the yield per bottle and individual weight were the highest at 20°C, confirming that 20°C is the most suitable temperature condition for the growth of oyster mushrooms. At 25°C, the yield per bottle was maintained but the individual weight decreased and the color tended to change. These results suggest that the interaction between CO2 concentration, humidity, and temperature has a significant effect on the growth and quality of oyster mushrooms, and that it is effective to control the cultivation room temperature to 20°C for optimal growth.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The present study was carried out to investigate the concentration and species diversity of airborne fungi in thermophilic mushroom cultivation houses. Fungal concentration measurements were performed in April and May 2022 for a Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation house, in July and August 2023 for a Pleurotus sajor-caju and Agaricus blazei cultivation house, and in June, July and August 2023 for a Pleurotus pulmonarius, Pleurotus sajor-caju and Calocybe indica cultivation house. The airborne fungal concentration was 2.95 × 102 CFU/m3~105CFU/m3, above 105CFU/m3, and 1.12 × 103 CFU/m3~ 9.17 × 103 CFU/m3 in the three cultivation houses, respectively. A total of 8 genera and 22 species of airborne fungi were isolated from three mushroom cultivation houses. 5 genera and 7 species were identified from P. ostreatus cultivation house. Furthermore, 4 genera 6 species were found from A. blazei and C. indica cultivation house. In addition, 5 genera and15 species were isolated from P. pulmonarius, P. sajor-caju and C. indica cultivation house. Among the fungi isolated, the class of Eurotiomycetes was the most common. Among the 22 fungal species, Aspergillus flavus, A. ochraceus A. sydowii, A. tubingensis, A. westerdijkiae, Penicillium brevicompactum, P. citrinum, and P. steckii have been reported as harmful species to mushrooms, food, and human.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Airborne bacteria in mushroom growing environments are a potential risk of contamination in commercial mushroom production. Controlling contamination in mushroom farms requires understanding the bacterial ecology in the cultivation environment. This study was conducted to investigate the concentration and species diversity of floating bacteria in a thermophilic mushroom cultivation room. Temperature, humidity, temperature, humidity, and bacterial concentration measurements were performed in April and May 2022 for a Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation house, in July and August 2023 for a Pleurotus sajor-caju and a Agaricus blazei cultivation house, and in June, July and August 2023 for a Pleurotus pulmonarius, Pleurotus sajor-caju and Calocybe indica cultivation house. The airborne bacterial concentration was 5.27 × 103~105 CFU/m3, 3.81 × 102 ~1.37 × 103 CFU/m3, and 2.55 × 102 ~1.37 × 102 CFU/m3 in the three cultivation houses, respectively. A total of 23 genera and 37 species of airborne bacteria were isolated from the three mushroom cultivation houses. 12 genera and 18 species were identified from P. ostreatus cultivation house. Furthermore, 4 genera and 4 species were found from A. blazei and C. indica cultivation house. In addition, 11 genera and 18 species were isolated from P. pulmonarius, P. sajor-caju and C. indica cultivation house. Among the bacteria isolated, the Bacilli class was the most common, followed by Gammaproteobacteria. Among the 37 bacterial species, it was determined that Bacillus cereus, B. licheniformis, Cedecea neteri, Exiguobacterium acetylicum and Raoultella terrigena could negatively affect humans or foodstuff. Cedecea neteri is also known to cause diseases among mushrooms.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate how airborne bacteria are distributed under different temperature conditions while cultivating oyster mushrooms by setting the indoor temperature of the cultivation room to 10°C, 15°C, 20°C, 25°C, and 30°C. The surveys were conducted in April and May, respectively. Airborne bacterial concentrations were distributed in the range of 1.61 × 102 ~ 3.67 × 102 CFU/m3 in April and 5.47 × 102 ~ 7 × 103 CFU/ m3 in May. In May, the indoor air quality maintenance standard (8.0 × 102 CFU/m3) was exceeded in the 10°C, 20°C, and 25°C cultivation rooms. Bacterial concentrations increased significantly in May compared to April. Bacterial concentrations were different between the cultivation rooms at different temperatures. The difference was more pronounced in May than in April. A total of 15 genera and 20 species were isolated from the indoor air of the oyster mushroom cultivation rooms. Overall, it was most abundant in Actinomycetia. Among the species identified, Agrobacterium radiobacter, Brevundimonas vesicularis, Kocuria palustris, K. salsicia, Lysinibacillus fusiformis, and Sphingobacterium siyangense are known to affect human health. This is the first report of airborne bacteria in cultivation rooms at different temperatures used for oyster mushroom cultivation. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data to understand the indoor environment of thermophilic mushroom cultivation facilities.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Effects of substrate bed interior environments on mushroom qualities were investigated in oyster mushroom cultivation facilities in which either Reversible Air-Circulation Fans (RACF) blowing air in two directions (upwards and downwards) or customary Convection Fans (CF) with air blowing only upwards were operated throughout the cultivation period. Two days before harvest, the deviation ranges of the bed interior temperature and relative humidity in the facility using RACF were in the ranges of 1.0-1.3oC and 7.8-9.0% in the first growing cycle, and within 0.7-1.1oC and 10.0-11.4% in the second cycle. In the facility using CF, the ranges of variation in the indoor environment parameters (5.8-6.4oC and 21.3-23.1% in the first growing cycle, and 3.4-5.7oC and 14.6-18.3% in the second growing cycle) were much enlarged compared to those associated with RACF. These results strongly indicate that RACF significantly enhances air uniformity. Some mushroom qualities differed between growing cycles. For instance RACF in the first cycle gave somewhat better qualities than CF, but some qualities, like pileus diameter and stipe length, were slightly lower than those described for CF in the second cycle when the cultivation substrate weakened. The observation that some qualities worsened under RACF conditions, despite better air uniformity during the growing cycle, revealed the possibility that downward wind may exert a non-negligible negative effect on mushroom growth. Therefore in the future, making wind measurements on the interior and exterior of substrate beds is necessary to obtain insights into their influences on mushroom qualities. The RACF operation manual needs to be edited to convey this necessity.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Airborne bacteria are expected to float in the mushroom cultivation house, as it is a special environment with high humidity and high temperatures. Their concentration and diversity in the indoor air of the cultivation house could effect the health of farmers and the quality of mushrooms. To examine whether microbiota of airborne bacteria change from year to year, we measured the indoor temperature, humidity, and airborne bacterial concentration from mushroom cultivation houses located in six regions in Korea from 2020 to 2021, and isolated and identified airborne bacteria. The surveyed data were compared and the bacterial diversity of the 1st year and the 2nd year were determined. Based on the average temperature and humidity data surveyed, it can be seen that the temperature and humidity environment in the cultivation houses is such that bacteria can easily reproduce. It was observed that the temperature inside the cultivation houses tends to be higher or lower depending on the season and correlates with the temperature outside the cultivation houses. In the first year survey, 32 species of 20 genera were identified, and in the second year survey, bacteria belonging to 29 species of 22 genera were identified. Among them, the most detected species were all species belonging to the genus Bacillus. There were only three species (Bacillus altitudinis, Brevibacterium frigoritolerans, and Staphylococcus epidermidis) that were continuously isolated in common. Our results showed that the species of floating bacteria greatly vary from year to year even for the same cultivation houses.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        느타리버섯은 재배사 내부환경에 크게 영향을 받으며 강제 공기순환팬에 의해 공기를 교반하여 내부환경의 균일도를 향상시키고 있다. 본 연구는 느타리버섯 일부 시범 농가에서의 대류팬 작동방법 등 이용 실태를 조사하고, FCU를 가동하지 않은 버섯의 수확이 끝날 무렵이고 폐상 직전인 7.1-10까지 10일 간 느타리 균상재배사에 상향과 하향 등 양방향으로 번 갈아 바람을 토출하는 정역 제어 대류팬과 단일 방향인 상향으로만 바람을 토출하는 관행 방식의 유동팬을 설치하여 재배 사 내부환경의 균일도를 평가하고자 수행하였다. 조사 농가의 대류팬 작동방법(작동시간과 멈춤시간의 조합 방법)은 대부분 5-15분 작동 후 5-30분 멈춤을 반복적으로 적용하고 있는 것으로 조사되었으며 냉방장치를 가동하지 않은 폐상 무렵의 느타리 균상재배사에 정역 제어 대류팬을 설치하여 내부 환경 균일도를 평가한 결과, 최대 기온 편차는 1.4-1.8°C, 최대 상대습도 편차는 7.8-8.7%로 나타나 최대 기온 편차 3.2 -3.7°C, 최대 상대습도 편차 14.0-15.4%를 보인 관행 방식의 유동팬에 비해 내부환경 균일도가 향상된 것으로 나타났 다. 20가지의 정역 제어 대류팬 작동방법 중에서는 10-15분 간 상향으로 바람을 토출한 후 5-10분 간 멈추고 바람의 방 향을 바꾸어 하향으로 10-15분 간 바람을 토출하는 경우가 가장 적은 기온 편차(1.4-1.5°C)를 보였으나 센서의 오차범위 수준에 있어 설정별 차이를 보인다고는 판단할 수 없었다. 향후 버섯의 호흡이 온전히 고려되고 냉방장치가 가동되는 실제 재배기간 중 정역 제어 대류팬이 공기 균일도와 느타리버섯 품질에 미치는 영향을 평가할 필요가 있을 것으로 판단되었으며 재배사 내 공기교반 정도를 확인하기 위한 유동 가시화 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단되었다.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        팽이버섯 재배사의 Listera속 미생물 살균을 위하여 공기 살균 장치가 부착된 파일럿 버섯 재배사를 개발하여 물리적, 화학적 살균처리에 대한 살균 효과 검증실험을 수행하였다. 파일럿 버섯 재배사의 내부 온도는 상부 6.62˚C±0.30, 중간 6.46˚C±0.24, 하부 6.48˚C±0.25, 습도 는 79.97%±4.42, 79.43%±4.06, 79.94±4.30%로 설정 온도 6.5˚C, 상대습도 75%에 근사하게 제어되었다. 공기 살균 장치 적용에 적합한 팽이버섯 재배단계는 생육단계 조건인 온도 6.5~8.5˚C, 습도 70~80% 범위였고 유사 조건에서 이온 클러스터 발생기의 오존 발생농도는 160 ppb 수준으로 나타났다. 물리적 살균처리 후 Listeria innocua 의 생존율은 이온클러스터 살균의 경우 0.1~0.9%, UV공 기 살균은 9.3~10.6%로 나타났고, 화학적 살균처리인 75% 에탄올과 3% 유기산 수용액 처리구에서는 모두 사멸하는 것으로 나타났다. 소재에 대한 Listeria innocua 생존율은 금속시편의 경우 9.3~10.6%, 플라스틱 권지 9.9~16.2%로 나타났는데, 특히 권지의 거친면에서 생존율이 높게 나타났다. 본 연구 결과에 따르면 버섯 재배사의 Listeria균 발생을 억제하기 위해서 금속 소재로 구성된 재배사 벽면과 재배 선반에 대해서는 이온클러스터 공기 살균처리가 노동력을 절감하면서 살균 가능한 방법이며, 플라스틱 재질의 권지의 경우 화학적 살균처리가 효과적 인 것으로 나타났다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        버섯은 대부분 시설에서 재배되기 때문에 안전하게 고품질의 버섯 생산을 위해서는 재배사 내 환경에 대한 정보가 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 헤파필터 교체에 따른 큰느타리 재배사 대기중 미생물상 변화를 분석하여 헤파필터 적정 교체기간을 설정하고자 연구를 수행하였다. 헤파필터 교체 전 재배단계별 대기중 세균 및 진균 밀도는 배지제조과정에서 세균 169.7 cfu/m 3 , 진균 570 cfu/m 3 , 균 긁기과정에서 세균 126.3 cfu/m 3 , 진균 560cfu/m 3로 부유균 의 밀도가 가장 높았다. 헤파필터 교체 후 세균의 밀도는 배양실에서 가장 낮아졌고, 진균의 밀도는 냉각실에서 가장 낮게 나타났다. 헤파필터 교체전 Cladosporium sp. 등 7속 7종이었고, 교체 후 1개월은 Penicillium sp. 등 6속 6종, 2개월은 Cladosporium cladosporioides 등 4속 7종, 3 개월차는 Mucor plumbeus 등 5속 7종, 4개월에서 6개월까지는 Penicillium brevicompactum 등 각각 5속 12종, 5속 10종, 5속 10종으로 교체 후 기간이 지날수록 종이 다양해지고 증가하였다. 부유균의 밀도는 헤파필터 교체 후 2개월 후 가장 낮았고 차츰 증가하다가 6개월에는 교체전 밀도와 비슷해지거나 높아지는 것을 확인하였다. 따라서 헤파필터는 6개월마다 교체하는 것이 오염저감을 위해 효율적인 것으로 판단된다.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2016년과 2017년 서천, 장흥, 부여, 여주에 소재하는 표고 재배사에서 진균성 병원균을 모니터링 하는 과정에서 Acrodontium crateriforme, Naganishia friedmannii, Pestalotiopsis trachicarpicola, Penicillium wollemiicola, Trichoderma thailandicum 등 5 종의 국내 미기록 진균을 재배사내 실내 공기, 버섯 파리, 버섯 배지재료 등에서 분리하였다. 이들 진균은 PDA 배양하여 생장시키면서 형태적 특성 조사하고 26S rDNA, 28S rDNA, β-TUB 유전자, TEF 유전자 등을 PCR 기술로 증폭하고 그 염기서열 분석을 수행하여 동정하였다. 본 논문에서는 이들의 분류학적 위치와 위해성에 대해 보고하고자 한다.
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