
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 53

        2024.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study employs Bayesian network analysis to quantitatively evaluate the risk of incidents in trap boats, utilizing accident compensation approval data spanning from 2018 to 2022. With a dataset comprising 1,635 incidents, the analysis reveals a mortality risk of approximately 0.011 across the entire trap boat. The study significantly identifies variations in incident risks contingent upon fishing area and fishing processes. Specifically, incidents are approximately 1.22 times more likely to occur in coastal compared to offshore, and the risk during fishing processes outweighs that during maintenance operations by a factor of approximately 23.20. Furthermore, a detailed examination of incident types reveals varying incidence rates. Trip/slip incidents, for instance, are approximately 1.36 times more prevalent than bump/hit incidents, 1.58 times more than stuck incidents, and a substantial 5.17 times more than fall incidents. The study concludes by providing inferred mortality risks for 16 distinct scenarios, incorporating fishing areas, processes, and incident types. This foundational data offers a tailored approach to risk mitigation, enabling proactive measures suited to specific circumstances and occurrence types in the trap boat industry.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The rate of industrial accident reduction is slowing down as the attention of the Ministry of Employment and Labor and related agencies on risk assessment systems decreased. this paper focuses on weakness of legal system for the risk assessment in recent years. A survey was conducted to identify the status and condition of the risk assessment system applying on small and medium-sized manufacturing companies. A set of questionnaires is designed to reflect various perspectives of the companies regarding the problems and solutions of the system. The results refer that differentiated instructions and support systems in response to the actual conditions of the companies are mandatory to reinforce the efficiency of risk assessment system.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the risk factors of coastal purse seine fisherman were analyzed through a survey of fishery workers of coastal purse seine fishery and the accident compensation insurance data of the fisheries workers of the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (NFFC). The classified fishing operation accident data was analyzed through 4M (Man, Machine, Media, Management) model of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the accident prevention measures were presented using Harvey's 3E (Engineering, Education, Enforcement) model. The rate of accidents on coastal purse seinens each year was 75.8‰, 36.7‰ and 74.8‰ from 2015 to 2017. The accident frequency resulting from slipping was the highest, and the risk of a contact with gear was low. When comparing each insurance data, the average value of the contact with gear accident was the highest. This research result is expected to be important data in identifying and preventing safety hazards of coastal purse seiner fisherman in the future.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The International Labor Organization (ILO) selected fishing as the most dangerous group of jobs in the world, and it is well known in Korea as a 4D industry. Offshore large purse seine accounts for the largest portion of the fishing industry in the coastal region with high death rate and the accident rate. The repeated disaster rate survey by the Korea Maritime Institute (KMI) shows offshore large purse seiner is the highest at 22.3 percent and coastal gill nets and offshore stow net are following at 12.4 percent and 11.9 percent in order. Therefore, risk factors occurring in offshore large purse seiners were analyzed based on data from the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (NFFC) for three years from 2015 to 2017 and 4M (Man, Machine, Media, Management) 3E (Engineering, Education, Enforcement) techniques were used to provide a safe fishing environment. The number of accidents on offshore large purse seiners each year was more than 150, and the number of accidents on every fishing boats was as high as 17 percent in 2015. If the accident rate and the risk level were divided by insurance, the accident resulting from contact with machinery was the highest, and the risk of a contact with gear was low but frequently occurring. This was caused by collisions and contact with gear in situations where death and disappearance risk are not high, and accident types in situations where death and loss risk are considered to be contact with machinery, falls or other accidents. Through these analysis techniques, the frequency and risk of each type of accident on a offshore large purse seiners can be demonstrated, and it is expected to raise awareness of a safer fishing environment and contribute to the reduction of accidents.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        미국의 내진설계기준인 ASCE/SEI 7-10은 구조물 붕괴성능에 대한 불확실성을 고려하지 않는 등재해도 기반 내진설계의 문제점을 해결하기 위해 위험도 기반 내진설계 개념을 도입하였다. 하지만 현행 국내 내진설계기준의 경우 한반도 내에서 발생한 큰 규모의 지진기록과 구조물의 붕괴성능과 관련된 연구의 부족으로 위험도 기반 내진설계 개념을 반영하지 않고 있 다. 본 연구에서는 철골 보통중심가새골조를 표본건물로 선정하여 위험도 기반 내진성능평가를 수행하였다. 건물이 위치한 지역, 높이, 지반조건을 변수로 바탕으로 표본건물에 대한 붕괴성능 평가를 수행하였으며, 국내 지진기록의 특성을 반영할 수 있는 경험적 스펙트럴 형상 예측 모델을 활용하여 지진재해도 곡선을 작성하였다. 이를 활용하여 국내 주요 도시에 위치 한 철골 보통중심가새골조의 붕괴확률을 위험도 적분 개념에 따라 평가하였다. 국내 주요 도시에 위치한 철골 보통중심가새 골조의 붕괴확률을 평가한 결과, 현행 건축구조기준에 따라 설계된 표본건물은 본 연구에서 고려한 해석 변수에 따라 붕괴 확률에 상당한 차이를 보였다. 특히 국내 건축구조기준의 경우 철골 보통중심가새골조에 대한 높이제한이 없어 일부 고층 표본건물에서 목표 위험도인 50년간 1%의 붕괴확률을 초과하는 것으로 평가되었다.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한반도 주변의 일본, 중국(대만 포함) 및 러시아 캄차카의 활동적인 화산에 대한 289개의 화산DB를 구축하였으 며, 이들 중 잠재적으로 폭발적인 분화를 하여 한반도에 광역화산재해를 유발할 수 있는 위험 화산체 29개(백두산과 울 릉도, 일본 화산 27개)를 선정하였다. 이들의 선정 기준은 화산의 활동성 유무, 폭발적 분화 위험 암종 포함 여부, 서울 과의 거리, 그리고 화산폭발지수(VEI) 4 이상의 플리니식 분화이력을 가진 화산체 등이다. 본 연구 결과는 광역화산재 해를 유발하여 국내에 영향을 줄 가능성이 높은 위험화산을 선별하는데 활용할 것이다. 그리고 이들 위험화산 활동에 의해 발생한 화산재의 확산 범위를 예측하고 한반도에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 화산재해 피해 예측을 위한 방재 차원 의 대응 연구에 도움을 줄 것으로 기대한다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The trawl fishery is an important fishery accounting for around 30.0% of adjacent water fishery production in Korea, and the commercial fishing is associated with high rate of fatal and non-fatal occupational injury. The hazard analysis for the fishermen's safety of offshore trawler was conducted to serve as basic data for improving the healthy and safe working environment of fishermen using fishermen's occupational accidents of the national federation of fisheries cooperatives (NFFC) from 2012 to 2014 (n=464). As a result, the occupational accident occurrence rate of large powered trawl fishery was 241.4‰ in east sea trawl fishery, 6.9 times the rate of that. In addition, death and missing rate was found to have very serious level management to 97.7‱ in east sea trawl fishery of death at 6.2 times. The accident occurred in 91.7 to 100.0% was happened at sea. The slipping, others and struck by object and son on occurred more frequently in order in the frequency of accident occurrence pattern. However, the occurrence rate of death and missing did not match the frequency of accident pattern. In other words, slipping occurred more frequently while death and missing risk was not high. The fall in the waters was low while death and missing risk was high. The results are expected to help identify and assess safety hazard occurred in offshore trawlers.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study conducted an on-the-spot survey on the 21 national and private forest roads in the Jeollabuk-do area in order to construct a GIS-based map of the disaster-prone zones in forest roads, and built the database of the locations of the disaster-occurrence and disaster-prone zones and disaster-prone zones. In addition, it built the DB with the Raster of size 10m x 10m using the GIS program after extracting the gradients, the forest shapes, the age of stand, and the soil properties factors by referring to a 1: 25,000 digital map, a detailed soil map, and a digital map of the forest shapes in connection with forest road disasters, and then built a rainfall distribution chart(Raster) after extracting the rainfall factors using the rainfall data of the Korea Water Resources Development Corporation. The map of the disaster-prone zone in forest roads was constructed through the combination of all the completed Raster charts and the applications of the Raster calculation(Raster calculator) technique. It is expected that with a more localized and more quantitative assessment, these study results will provide the base line data for a structural and managerial improvement of the forest roads.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Total accident rate in the construction industry is a very meaningful reduction to establish a comprehensive disaster reduction measures, including through the Survey, the disaster prevention projects whilst driving status and problem analysis in order to reduce the mature workers in the construction industry is growing rapidly in all disaster disasters (share) The days. It is urgent to establish a framework and measures that can identify the specific cause for this than for the middle-aged workers and disaster reduction in disaster reduction efforts, which continue to increase. Used as measures of information and data presented in the basic requirements of mature workers also been.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Total industrial accident rate in Korea is facing a record 0.7% for 10 years since 2000. After entering the continuous versus 0.6% (0.69%) in 2010. In 2011, the decrease was reduced to 0.65%. Conversely In contrast to foreign workers' share has increased dramatically over 10 years since 2000 to 2010 are expected to be difficult in the accident rate of 0.5% for the entry. Despite the ongoing disaster reduction efforts to reduce disaster (share) of foreign workers has been increasing rapidly Survey, Whilst the provision of disaster prevention system status and problem analysis and identify measures that can be established through such disaster reduction measures are urgently needed.
        2015.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The powered purse seine fishery is an important fishery accounting for 19.4% of adjacent water fishery production in Korea, and the commercial fishing is associated with high rate of fatal and non-fatal occupational injury. The hazard analysis for the fishermen’s safety of offshore large powered purse seiner was conducted to serve as a basic data for improving the healthy and safe working environment of fishermen using fishermen’s occupational accidents of the national federation of fisheries cooperatives (NFFC) in 2013 (n=583). As a result, the occupational accident occurrence rate of this fishery was 182.6‰ in all industries 30.9 times the rate of that. In addition, death and missing rate was found to have a very serious level management to 25.1‱ in all industries of death of 17.5 times. The accident occurred in 72.3 to 85.8% was happened at sea. The others, slipping and struck by object etc occurred more frequently in order in the frequency of accident occurrence pattern. However, the occurrence rate of death and missing did not match the frequency of accident pattern. In other words, slipping occurred frequently higher while death and missing risk was not high. And the contact with fishing gear and fall in the waters was low while death and missing risk was high. The results are expected to contribute for identification and assessment of safety hazard occurred in offshore large powered purse seiners.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Share of total accidents in construction accidents construction site accident 70% of small embroidery Reducing the rate of Construction of the entire construction accidents decreased overall is a very meaningful work. Disaster reduction continues to increase despite the efforts of a small construction site(Amount less than 2,000,000,000) for Disaster Reduction In order to identify more clearly the cause of the system and provide the urgently needed measures.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study empirically examines how much effect levels of fatigue and stress of a construction worker have on disaster risks from the perspective of human factors concerning construction disaster risks. To achieve the purpose of this study, a survey was conducted with respect to construction workers working at large construction sites within the metropolitan area. The retrieved survey data were analyzed by using the statistical software programs, SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 8.0. The results of this study do not definitively lead to the conclusion that the level of fatigue or stress of construction workers result in disaster risks. However, it does show that the results vary depending upon the individual approach and treatment of stress and fatigue. In particular, this study revealed that disaster risk levels could increase through unsafe behavior intentions which were established as a mediator variable. Also, with respect to unsafe behavior intentions of construction workers leading to disaster risks, when examining the results that the level of mental fatigue, occupational stress and social-psychological stress of construction workers had a greater significant effect than the level of physical fatigue, this study demonstrates the importance of psychological and mental issues that could be easily overlooked with respect manual labor workers.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As preventive measures have received tremendous attention to prevent any possible accident in advance, many work places have introduced safety and health management systems. However despite of this government's effort, the industrial accident rate of small-scale businesses with less than 50 employees does not decline, which is mainly because the projects are not differentiated according to the risk level of individual business. To evaluate the risk level of small-scale businesses with less than 50 employees and then establish effective safety and health management systems according to the risk level, this study has conducted the following processes. The small-scale businesses with less than 50 employees were evaluated through accident type, and potential accident risk factor was evaluated through location, business type, and business size. The results of this analysis are expected to make contribution to improving the effectiveness of the safety and health management supports to small-scale businesses with less than 50 employees.
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