
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,862

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To understand effects of the compositions of marine macrobenthic communities on carbon storage in subtidal rocky habitat, a diving survey was conducted at Aewol and Biyangdo stations in the northwestern regions of Jeju Island in the summer of 2023. Cluster analysis revealed no significant differences in community composition between the two stations. The mean biomass of the dominant species was Cnidaria (2,047.4 gwwt m-2) of macroinvertebrate, followed by Rhodophyta (745.4 gwwt m-2) of seaweed in studied areas. According to similarity percentage analysis, Alveopora japonica and Ecklonia cava were major contributors to the communities in Aewol, whereas diverse marine organisms, including these two species, contributed to the community in Biyangdo. The estimated mean carbon storage by benthic communities derived from their carbon contents in surveyed areas was 202.7 gC m-2, with variations reflecting differences in community compositions. The biomass of Cnidaria, dominated by A. japonica, showed a positive correlation with carbon storage, whereas the biomass of Rhodophyta, primarily composed of coralline algae, showed a negative correlation. These variations in carbon storage among marine communities may result from species-specific carbon assimilation patterns, survival strategies, marine carbon cycling, and intra-community interactions such as competition and feeding.
        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cold-pressed rapeseed oil (CPRO) is a rich source of bioactive components, but it is more susceptible to deterioration due to absence of chemical refining. Proper storage conditions are essential to maintain oil quality. This study evaluated the quality properties of seed-stored oil (SSO) and oil-stored oil (OSO) under various storage conditions. Both the seeds and the CPRO obtained from the ‘Jungmo7001’ and ‘Yuryeo’ varieties were stored for 24 months at 4℃, 25℃, and ambient temperature (AT). After 24 months, the acid value (AV) at 4℃ was lower than at 25℃ and AT. Additionally, the AV increased by 3.0-fold in SSO and 1.9-fold in OSO at AT compared to initial storage levels. OSO was found to be relatively more stable against oxidation than SSO. The canolol content in SSO increased with both storage temperature and period, but this was not observed in OSO. However, no changes in fatty acid composition or tocopherol content were noted based on the storage conditions, indicating that these properties remained relatively stable during storage. These results provide foundational data for the stable distribution of CPRO.
        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to evaluate the carbon storage capacity of broad-leaf forests in Republic of Korea through the analysis of studies related to carbon storage and carbon uptake, and to analyse the relationship between climatic factors affecting carbon storage capacity. We analysed the results of each previous study by summarising the research results of 55 previous studies collected through search, and organised the study area information and climate factors (elevation, average annual temperature, annual precipitation, etc.). And the carbon storage and net primary production of the above and below-ground and the whole plant were evaluated and the correlation with the climatic factors was statistically analysed. The analysis showed that the carbon storage of broad-leaved forests was positively correlated with altitude and negatively correlated with precipitation. These results mean that carbon accumulation in plants is more effective at higher altitudes with lower temperatures, and that broad-leaf forests are able to adapt and perform carbon storage functions in areas with low precipitation. Carbon uptake was negatively correlated with altitude and positively correlated with temperature. This means that the carbon absorption capacity of broad-leaved forests is greatly affected by temperature, and that the carbon absorption potential is greater in lowlands. Therefore, policies should be actively established to increase and preserve the carbon storage capacity of forests by considering the characteristics of the ecosystem functions of broadleaf forests and climate factors. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the understanding of the carbon cycle of broad-leaved forests and to the development of management measures, and to provide scientific data for carbon neutrality.
        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study evaluated the feasibility of integrating the carbon storage of grasslands in Gangwon province into the InVEST carbon storage and sequestration model using large-scale digital land cover maps. Land cover maps from 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010, obtained from the Environmental Geographic Information Service, were analyzed, with 28 maps examined for each year. Grassland carbon storage in Gangwon province was estimated through the InVEST software. The findings indicated that the grassland area showed an increase in 1990, followed by a declining trend, contrasting with the continuous reduction observed in actual managed grassland areas. Discrepancies between mapped and managed grassland areas were attributed to the classification criteria of the land cover maps, which included non-forage land uses such as golf courses, ski resorts, and green spaces, resulting in overestimations of grassland areas. To enhance accuracy, the adoption of land cover maps with refined grassland classification criteria is necessary. Accurate representation of grassland areas in land cover maps is critical for reliable estimation of grassland carbon storage using the InVEST software.
        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study evaluated the quality characteristics of Flammulina velutipesduring storage using modified atmosphere films of different thicknesses (20, 40, and 60 μm). The films included high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE). F. velutipeswere stored at 1°C for six weeks, and quality was assessed based on weight loss, respiration rate, firmness, color parameters, β-glucan content, total phenolic content (TPC), and antioxidant activities (2,2-diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl and 2,2'-azino-bis [3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid] radical scavenging activities). All HDPE and LDPE films were more effective than the conventional film (polypropylene) at maintaining mushroom quality, particularly in the later stages of storage. In particular, LDPE films with thicknesses of 20 and 40 μm showed superior performance at reducing respiration rates and weight loss, while mushrooms packaged with these films retained higher TPC and antioxidant activities. The β-glucan content also remained more stable in mushrooms stored using HDPE and LDPE films. Although we did not evaluate changes in sensory properties or nutritional components, such as vitamins, our results suggest that the type and thickness of packaging films significantly influence the preservation of the quality of F. velutipesduring storage. Additionally, LDPE films with thicknesses of 20 and 40 μm were found to be the most suitable packaging materials for the distribution and storage of F. velutipes. Furthermore, these findings are expected to provide valuable insights into the selection of optimal packaging materials to extend the shelf life and maintain freshness during the postharvest handlingof F. velutipes.
        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Flammulina velutipesis highly valued and widely consumed because of its nutritional and functional benefits, and its global demand is steadily increasing. However, rapid quality deterioration and short shelf life create an urgent need for effective preservation and advanced quality assessment of Flammulina velutipes. The aim of this review was to identify methods that reduce postharvest quality loss, extend shelf life, and optimize storage and distribution practices for Flammulina velutipes. Chemical treatments (including antioxidants, 1-methylcyclopropene, and edible coatings), low-temperature plasma, and innovative nanocomposite-based packaging have been effective in maintaining Flammulina velutipesquality after harvest. Nevertheless, further discussions on the economic feasibility, safety, and sustainability of these technologies are essential for their practical and industrial applications in Flammulina velutipespreservation.
        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 상변화 물질(PCM)을 함침시킨 경량 골재(LWA)를 활용한 고강도 콘크리트의 개발에 중점을 두고 있다. 상변화 온도가 5.5°C인 Tetradecane을 PCM으로 사용하였으며, LWA(Expended shale, ES)가 PCM 운반체 역할을 수행하였다. ES의 공극 은 진공 함침 기법을 통해 PCM으로 충전하였고, PCM-ES 복합체의 누출을 방지하기 위해 이중 코팅 처리가 추가로 이루어졌다. PCM-ES에 대한 시차주사열량계 시험 결과, 발열 및 흡열 엔탈피가 각각 96 J/g와 97 J/g로 나타났다. 콘크리트 혼합물은 밀도 최적 화를 위해 마이크로 실리카(MS), 실리카 분말(S), 실리카 모래를 사용하여 설계되었으며, PCM-ES는 실리카 모래의 25% 및 50%를 체 적 기준으로 대체하였다. 기계적 강도 테스트 결과, PCM-ES 콘크리트는 25% 및 50% 대체 시 각각 56.39 MPa와 45.94 MPa의 압 축 강도를 기록하였다. 열 성능 테스트는 다양한 주변 온도 조건에서 PCM-ES 콘크리트의 거동을 확인하기 위해 수행되었다. PCM-ES 콘크리트는 15°C에서 −5°C까지의 세 가지 열 사이클 시험을 진행하였으며, 이 과정에서 내부 온도가 지속적으로 모니터링 되었다. 결과적으로 주변 온도가 −5°C로 떨어지더라도 콘크리트 내부 온도는 0°C 이상을 유지하는 것으로 나타났다.
        2024.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The recent surge in energy consumption has sharply increased the use of fossil fuels, leading to a steep rise in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Interest in hydrogen is growing to mitigate the issue of global warming. Currently, hydrogen energy is transported in the form of high-pressure gaseous hydrogen, which has the disadvantages of low safety and energy efficiency. To develop commercial hydrogen vehicles, liquid hydrogen should be utilized. Liquid hydrogen storage tanks have supports between the inner and outer cylinders to bear the weight of the cylinders and the liquid hydrogen. However, research on the design to improve the structural safety of these supports is still insufficient. In this study, through a thermal-structural coupled analysis of liquid hydrogen storage tanks, the model with three supports, which had the lowest maximum effective stress in the outer tank, inner tank, and supports as proposed in the author's previous research, was used to create analysis models based on the diameter of the supports. A structurally safe design for the supports was proposed.
        2024.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we developed a thermoelectric storage container that maintains whole blood temperature and studied its characteristics. Using a temperature sensor, we compared the internal temperature with the set temperature in real time and maintained the temperature between 1 and 6°C. In addition, we installed insulation inside the container and used a lithium-ion battery to power the system to ensure a stable whole blood temperature even during long-distance transportation. Instead of a blood pack, a 350-g water bottle was used and the experiment was conducted at an ambient temperature of 25°C. After cooling for 10 minutes, the internal temperature of the container reached 6°C and the battery operated for 60 minutes. In the future, if we improve the thickness and thermal conductivity of the insulation installed in the thermoelectric storage container and utilize phase change materials as a supplement, we will be able to transport more diverse blood products and special reagents stably.
        2024.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        탄소흡수원으로서 천연활엽수림의 역할이 강조되고 있으나, 다양한 수종과 다양한 입지 환경으로 인하여 정확한 탄소저장량을 추정하는 것은 어려운 과제 중 하나로 인식되고 있다. 본 연구는 강원도 평창군 가리왕산의 천연활엽수림의 주요 수종인 신갈나무(Quercus mongolica), 고로쇠나무 (Acer pictum subsp. mono), 물푸레나무(Fraxinus rhynchophylla)를 대상으로 임목 바이오매스, 낙엽 탄소저장량, 토양 탄소저장량을 비교하고, 임분의 다양한 특성과 탄소저장량과의 관계를 파악하기 위하여 수행되었다. 총 43개 조사구를 구획하였으며, 임목 바이오매스, 낙엽 탄소저장량, 토양 탄소저장량을 측정하였다. 임목 바이오매스의 탄소저장량은 신갈나무 우점 임분에서 172.64tC/ha로 가장 높게 나타났으며, 고로쇠나무 임분 (170.98tC/ha), 물푸레나무 임분(170.49tC/ha)순으로 나타났다. 토양 탄소저장량은 신갈나무 우점 임분에서 78.07tC/ha으로 다른 임분에 비해 유의적으로 높게 나타났으며, 낙엽의 탄소저장량은 임분 간 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 총 탄소저장량은 신갈나무 임분에서 258.79tC/ha으로 가장 높게 나타났으며, 고로쇠나무 임분(257.65tC/ha), 물푸레나무 임분(241.65tC/ha) 순으로 나타났다. 총 탄소저장량은 임목 바이오매스의 탄소저 장량(r = 0.88**)과 토양 탄소저장량(r = 0.79**)의 영향을 모두 받는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 천연활엽수림의 최적의 탄소 관리를 위해서는 임령, 임목 생장, 토양 특성 등에 대한 이해와 장기적 모니터링이 매우 중요함을 시사한다.
        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To analyse the relationship between above-ground carbon stocks, species diversity and broadleaved forests structural diversity of South Korean forests, we collected vegetation inventories from environmental impact assessment projects over the past 10 years. The available data were selected and organised including tree species, DBH and area each projects. The data was classified by forest type, aboveground carbon stocks were calculated and compared, and the correlation between aboveground carbon stocks and biodiversity and structural diversity was analysed. The results showed that above-ground carbon stocks were higher in mixed forests and broadleaved forests and lower in needleleaved forests, similar to previous studies. However aboveground carbon stocks of mixed forests were higher in natural forests than in plantations. Aboveground carbon stocks in broadleaved forests were higher in plantations than natural forests, and there was no statistical different of between natural and plantations in needleleaved forest. This could be the result of a variety influences including biological and environmental factors in the study area, and further research is needed to analyse the effects on carbon sequestration. Correlation analysis showed no correlation between biodiversity and above-ground carbon stocks, but a positive correlation between structural diversity and above-ground carbon stocks. This indicates that above-ground carbon stocks in forests are associated with unevenness diameters and the proportion and evenness of tree species by diameter. In addition, it has been analysed that the high succession stages in forest have higher species diversity and structural diversity, and greater efficiency in the utilization of resources required for plant growth, leading to increased plant productivity and storage. Considering that the study sites were young forests with an average DBH of 14.8~23.7 cm, it is expected that carbon stocks will increase as biodiversity and structural diversity increase. Further research is needed to develop techniques to quantitatively assess the relationship of diversity to carbon stocks for policy use in assessing and increasing carbon stocks in forests.
        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Outdoor storage fires have a significant impact on the surrounding environment, including adjacent storage facilities and buildings. Therefore, it is essential to review and manage the fire impact to minimize damage to human life and property on the outdoor storage fires. In this study, the heat release rate and radiant heat flux were simulated according to the fire time, wind veolcity, and presence or absence of water spray equipment in an outdoor storage facility fire, and the fire impact was analyzed. The outdoor storage was designed to simulate two scenarios on the outdoor storage fires containing gasoline, and FDS was used for fire simulation. As a results, when the water spray facility was not operating and the wind velocity was 5 m/s, the maximum radiant heat flux was 24.80 kW/m2, which exceeded the limit radiant heat flux of 20 kW/m2. When the water spray facility was operating and the wind veolcity was 10 m/s, the maximum radiant heat flux was 18.77 kW/m2, which did not exceed the limit radiant heat flux, indicating that the fire impact on adjacent storage facilities was relatively small.
        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to develop a regression model using data from the Ammunition Stockpile Reliability Program (ASRP) to predict the shelf life of 81mm mortar high-explosive shells. Ammunition is a single-use item that is discarded after use, and its quality is managed through sampling inspections. In particular, shelf life is closely related to the performance of the propellant. This research seeks to predict the shelf life of ammunition using a regression model. The experiment was conducted using 107 ASRP data points. The dependent variable was 'Storage Period', while the independent variables were 'Mean Ammunition Velocity,' 'Standard Deviation of Mean Ammunition Velocity,' and 'Stabilizer'. The explanatory power of the regression model was an R-squared value of 0.662. The results indicated that it takes approximately 55 years for the storage grade to change from A to C and about 62 years to change from C to D. The proposed model enhances the reliability of ammunition management, prevents unnecessary disposal, and contributes to the efficient use of defense resources. However, the model's explanatory power is somewhat limited due to the small dataset. Future research is expected to improve the model with additional data collection. Expanding the research to other types of ammunition may further aid in improving the military's ammunition management system.
        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 작약의 품종간 개화시기 차이와 저온에서 장기 저 장이 가능한 품종을 선발하여 절화 유통 기간을 연장하기 위하 여 수행하였다. 작약 24품종을 대상으로 2022년 국립원예특작 과학원 시험포장에서 개화시기와 절화 품질을 조사하였다. 봉오 리 상태에서 수확한 작약을 건조 저장법으로 -1℃에서 60일 저장한 후 절화 수명과 절화품질을 조사하였다. ‘의성작약’은 홑 꽃이었고 나머지 품종은 겹꽃이었다. 개화시기는 5월 10일부터 18일 사이였으며, ‘Etched Salmon’, ‘Monsieur Jules Elie’, ‘Gilbert’, ‘Henry Bockstoce’는 개화일이 5월 10일로 가장 빨랐고, ‘Elsa Sass’는 5월 18일로 가장 늦었다. 식물체 키는 74.6∼107.8cm 였고, 절화 무게는 ‘Henry Bockstoce’ 품종 이 89.8g으로 가장 무거웠고, ‘Angel Cheeks’ 품종이 26.7g으 로 가장 가벼웠다. 꽃의 주된 색은 흰색, 빨강색, 분홍색, 자주색 이었다. -1℃에서 60일간 저장 후에 꽃과 잎의 상태가 아주 양 호한 품종은 ‘Kansas’, ‘Ole Faithful’, ‘Sonw Mountain’이 었다. 절화수명은 ‘Nick Shaylor’ 품종이 8일로 가장 길었고, 다음으로 ‘Blush Queen’, ‘Elsa Sass’ 품종이 7일이었으며, ‘Gilbert’, ‘Highlight’ 품종이 1일로 가장 짧았다. 작약은 저온 장기 저장에서 일부 품종을 제외하고는 꽃과 잎에 저온장해 증 상이 발생하였다. 이와같은 결과는 작약재배시에 품종 선택과 수확후 저온 장기 저장을 통하여 유통기간을 연장하고 하고자 할 때 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, numerical analysis was performed on a type IV hydrogen storage tank to analyze the temperature change of hydrogen inside the tank and the filling performance by changing the inlet nozzle outlet angle and the number of outlets. Considering the residual state of charge (SOC) inside the initial tank, the initial pressure was 10 MPa, and the temperature of hydrogen inside the tank and the SOC results were analyzed when hydrogen with a temperature of 233 K was introduced under the conditions of liner, wrap, and outside temperature of 298 K. The results of the analysis showed that the charging completion rate reached the charging limit pressure. The analysis showed that time of filling completion, when the filling limit pressure is reached, the SOC result is about 94% for all geometry change conditions, and the filling completion time increases by 5s as the number of outlets decreases. The temperature change of the wrap area at the end of filling is up to 3.6K, which shows that the outside air temperature has a negligible effect on the hydrogen temperature change inside the tank.
        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The government declared ‘2050 carbon neutrality’ as a national vision in October 2020 and subsequently pursued the establishment of a ‘2050 carbon neutrality scenario’ as a follow-up response. Hydrogen is considered as one of the most promising future energy carriers due to its noteworthy advantages of renewable, environmentally friendly and high calorific value. Liquid hydrogen is thus more advantageous for large-scale storage and transportation. However, due to the large difference between the liquid hydrogen temperature and the environment temperature, an inevitable heat leak into the storage tanks of liquid hydrogen occurs, causing boil-off losses and vent of hydrogen gas. Researches on insulation materials for liquid hydrogen are actively being conducted, but research on support design for minimal heat transfer and enhanced rigidity remains insufficient. In this study, to design support structures for liquid hydrogen storage tanks, a thermal-structural coupled analysis technique was developed using Ansys Workbench. Analytical models were created based on the number and arrangement of supports to propose structurally safe support designs.
        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 ALOHA와 Bow-tie를 활용하여 메탄올 추진 선박의 저장 탱크가 울산항에서의 누출 시나리오를 가정하여 위험도 평가하였다. ALOHA를 이용하여 대안 및 최악의 시나리오를 산정하여 피해 범위를 예측하였다. 독성 영향 범위의 결과(ERPG-2 기준)로는 대안(629m), 최악(817m)로 육상 탱크 터미널의 부두 시설 및 거주 지역까지 포함되는 것으로 확인되었다. 인화성 영향 범위(LEL 10% 기준) 는 대안(126m), 최악(218m) 선박에서만 발생하였으며, 열복사 영향 범위(5.0kW/m2 기준)는 대안(56m), 최악(56m)로 선박에서만 영향을 미쳤 다. 또한, 전문가 집단을 구성하여 Bow-tie 기법을 통하여 예방 대책과 완화 대책을 평가하였다. 대책 유형 분류에서는 Hardware와 Human 으로 구분되었으며, 안전 유효성과 위험 심각성의 결과에서는 “Gas Freeing System”, “Ventilation System”, “Fire-Fighting System이 가장 높은 평가를 받았다. 위의 평가를 토대로 위험도 평가를 도식화하였다.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hydrogen is considered as one of the most promising future energy carriers due to its noteworthy advantages of renewable, environmentally friendly and high calorific value. However, the low density of hydrogen makes its storage an urgent technical problem for hydrogen energy development. Compared with the density of gas hydrogen, the density of liquid hydrogen is more than 1.5 times higher. Liquid hydrogen is thus more advantageous for large-scale storage and transportation. However, due to the large difference between the liquid hydrogen temperature and the environment temperature, an inevitable heat leak into the storage tanks of liquid hydrogen occurs, causing boil-off losses and vent of hydrogen gas. Researches on insulation materials for liquid hydrogen are actively being conducted, but research on support design for minimal heat transfer and enhanced rigidity remains insufficient. In this study, to design support for liquid hydrogen storage tank, technique of thermal-structural coupled analysis including geometry, mesh, and boundary condition were developed using Ansys workbench, and equivalent stress and deformation distributions were analyzed.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the changes in the nutritional components, properties, physicochemical properties, general bacteria, and lactic acid bacteria of pickled cabbage depending on the cultivation area. An analysis of the nutritional composition on the first day of storage showed no significant difference in the calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and dietary fiber contents regardless of the cultivation region, but regional differences were observed in the vitamin C content in the order of Andong > Pyeongchang > Haenam. The total free amino acid content appeared in the order Andong > Pyeongchang > Haenam, and the GABA (-amino-n-butyric acid) content appeared in the order Haenam > Andong > Pyeongchang. In addition, pickled cabbage was observed on the 1st, 5th, and 10th days of storage at 4oC. No significant change in appearance was observed on the 1st and 5th days, but changes were observed on the 10th day. Regardless of the cultivation area, the salinity (p<0.05) and pH (p<0.05) decreased significantly as the storage period increased, while the sugar content (p<0.05) and acidity (p<0.05) increased significantly. The general bacteria (p<0.05) and lactic acid bacteria (p<0.05) counts increased significantly as the storage period increased, irrespective of the cultivation region.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to find a way to improve quality by observing changes in quality and microbial communities according to whether corn silage was treated with additives and the storage period, and to utilize them as basic research results. The experimental design was performed by 2˟4 factor desigh, and the untreated (CON), and the additive inoculated (ADD) silage were stored and fermented for 30 (TH), 60 (ST), 90 (NT), and 120 (OHT) days, with each condition repeated 3 times. There was no change in the nutrient content of corn silage according to additive treatment and storage period (p>0.05). However, the change in DM and the increase in the relative proportions of lactic acid content and Lactobacillales according to the storage period (p<0.05) indicate that continuous fermentation progressed until OHT days of fermentation. Enterobacterales (33.0%), Flavobacteriales (14.4%), Sphingobacteriales (12.7%), Burkholderiales (9.28%) and Pseudomonadales (6.18%) dominated before fermentation of corn silage, but after fermentation, the diversity of microorganisms decreased sharply due to the dominance of Lactobacillales (69.4%) and Bacillales (11.5%), Eubacteriales (7.59%). Therefore, silage maintained good fermentation quality with or without microbial additives throughout all fermentation periods, but considering the persistence of fermentation even in long-term storage and the aerobic stability, it would be advantageous to use microbial additives.
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