작물의 스트레스 조기 진단은 농업에 있어 빠른 대응을 가능하게 해 피해를 경감시킬 수 있어 중요한 기술이다. 기존의 스트레스 진단이 가진 파괴적인 형식의 시료 채집과 양분 분석에 많은 노동력을 필요로 한다는 단점 극복을 위해 새로운 기술 개발이 필요하다. 미래에는 대단위 영상을 이용한 생육 진단 기술에 대한 수요가 높아질 것으로 예상되어 이를 이용한 연구를 진행하였다. 본 연구는 2023년 경상남도 밀양시에 위치한 국립식량과학원 실험 포장에서 수행되었으며, 무인항공기(UAV)를 이용하여 양분 결핍 처리(관행시비, 질소 결핍, 인 결핍, 칼륨 결핍, 무비)에 따른 벼의 생육을 조사했다. UAV를 이용해 생육 기간 중 총 6회에 걸쳐 포장을 촬영하였고, 영상을 기반으로 11개의 식생 지수를 산출하여 기계학습을 통해 양분 결핍을 진단하는 모델을 구축하여 평가했다. 연구 결과에 따르면, 엽록소 함량과 관련된 지수인 NDRE (Normalized Difference Red Edge)가 가장 높은 중요도를 나타내어 벼의 양분 상태를 효과적으로 진단하는 데 유용하다는 것을 확인하였다. 6개의 각 단계별로 모델을 평가하였을 때 모든 단계에서 accuracy가 0.7 이상으로 나타났다. 조기 진단을 위해 첫 촬영 날짜인 7월 5일의 자료로 모델을 만들어 다른 회차에 적용하여 모델의 성능을 평가한 결과, 5개의 모든 단계에서 0.9 이상의 accuracy를 얻었다. 종합적으로, UAV 영상 기반의 식생 지수를 활용한 양분 결핍 진단은 벼의 생육을 조기에 예측하는 데 효과적이며, 이는 정밀 농업 분야에서 시간과 노동을 절감하고 양분 관리를 개선하는 데 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다.
Lymphoma, which accounts for 3.5% of all oral cancers, is further divided into Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). NHL accounts for 96% of lymphomas, and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common subtype accounting for 32% of NHL. In the oral cavity, extra-nodal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma may develop in the dentoalveolar region of the maxilla or mandible. It can also mimic inflammatory lesions that occur around periodontal tissues, such as periapical granuloma and chronic osteomyelitis. Misdiagnosis of jaw lymphoma can delay appropriate treatments and worsen the prognosis. Therefore, to avoid delay in diagnosis, clinicians should identify the possible malignancy based on unusual symptoms, clinical findings, radiographic examinations, and histopathological evaluation. We present two cases of DLBCL in the right posterior mandible of a 64-year-old man who was initially misdiagnosed as acute apical abscess and in the right posterior maxilla of an 81-year-old woman who was initially misdiagnosed as chronic periodontitis. These cases demonstrate that it is important for both pathologists and clinicians to consider malignant lesions such as lymphomas in the differential diagnosis of apical radiolucency.
췌장암은 진단 시 대부분 증상이 동반되며, 수술이 불가능한 경우가 80% 이상인 예후가 나쁜 암이다. 만일 췌장암의 조기 발견으로 진단 당시 병기가 낮아져 수술 절제 가능한 환자가 늘어날 수 있다면 췌장암 환자의 생존율이 증가할 수 있을 것이다. 췌장암을 조기 발견하고자 하는 노력이 지속적으로 이루어지고 있지만 췌장암의 낮은 유병률로 인하여 일반 대중을 상대로 선별 검사를 시행하는 것은 적절하지 않다. 과잉 진단의 위험을 줄이고 췌장암의 위험도가 높은 대상에서 췌장암의 조기 발견을 할 수 있도록 가족력, 점액성 낭성종양, 만성 췌장염, 새로 진단된 당뇨와 같은 고위험 환자군을 대상으로 선별 검사가 이루어져야 할 것이다. 이러한 환자군에서 언제, 얼마나 자주 선별 검사를 시행할 것인지와, 진단을 위해 어떠한 바이오마커 및 영상 검사를 시행할지 결정해야 한다. 하지만 아직까지 검증된 혈액 기반의 바이오마커가 없고, 적절한 영상 검사 방법, 검사의 시기와 빈도 등도 확립되어 있지 않아 향후 더 많은 연구가 필요하다.
이 연구에서는 주요 가로수인 왕벚나무를 대상으로 구례지역의 조기낙엽 현황 진단을 위해 제주도와 낙엽비율 비교연구를 진행하였고, 구례군에서 수행가능한 주요 가로수 관리방법을 두 가지로 구분하여 관리방법별 조기낙엽 지연효과와 피해를 규명하여 최적관리방법을 도출하였다. 구례지역은 기상청 단풍시기와 낙엽시기가 유사한 제주도 지역보다 같은 시기 낙엽비율이 높았고, 약제처리, 약제와 관수처리를 진행했을 때 구멍병이 방제되어 낙엽 시기가 2주 지연되었다. 조기낙엽은 왕벚나무의 생장과 개화에 영향을 미쳤으며, 약제와 관수처리를 진행한 관리방 법에서 생장이 가장 높았고, 2년 뒤 개화량이 가장 높은 것으로 추정되었다. 따라서 왕벚나무 가로수의 조기낙엽을 지연시키기 위해 구멍병 방제가 중요하고, 조기낙엽이 수관의 발달과 개화량에 영향을 미칠 수 있으므로 약제와 관수처리를 함께 처리하는 관리방법을 도입하는 것이 필요할 것으로 생각된다.
췌장암의 5년 생존율은 아직도 극히 저조한데 그 이유는 췌장암 발견 당시에 완치 목적의 수술적 절제가 가능한 환자 의 비율이 10-20%밖에 되지 않고, 근치적 절제술 후에도 5년 생존율이 약 10-20%밖에 되지 않기 때문이다. 대장암이 선 별검사를 통한 조기 진단으로 생존율의 향상이 잘 증명된 것 처럼 췌장암의 생존율을 향상시키려면 초기 상태 또는 전암 성 병변을 조기 진단을 하여 근치적 절제술을 시행하는 것이 중요하다. 그러나 일반인을 대상으로 하는 췌장암의 선별검사는 생존율 향상에 효과가 없음이 알려져 있어 췌장암의 고 위험군을 대상으로만 췌장암의 선별검사를 시행하는 연구가 이루어졌다. 현재까지 추천되고 있는 췌장암 선별검사의 대상은 직계가족에서 2명 이상의 췌장암 환자가 있는 가족성 췌장암, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome 환자, 유전췌장염 환자, p16, BRCA2, HNPCC 유전자 변이 보유자이면서 직계가족 에 췌장암 환자가 있는 경우 등이다. 내시경초음파와 자기공 명담췌관조영술이 가장 좋은 선별검사 방법으로 알려져 있 고 시작 시기는 50세 이전 그리고 가족 중 췌장암 환자의 발병 연령보다 10년 일찍 시작하는 것을 추천하고 있다. 그러나 얼마 주기로 언제까지 선별검사를 할지 언제 수술을 해야 할지에 관한 정확한 지침은 확립되어 있지 않아 향후 연구가 필요하다.
Pancreatic cancer is still one of the most dreadful malignancies with 5-year survival of 5%. The lack of effective diagnostic tools for early detection of pancreatic cancer is the major factor for the poor prognosis of pancreatic cancer. Considering the relatively lower incidence of pancreatic cancer, it seems to be reasonable to find and investigate the high risk group of pancreatic cancer rather than to screen general population. During the last 2 decades, several epidemiologic and genetic high risk groups of pancreatic cancer were found. Especially, western countries including US have been taking care of genetic high risk group and reported several meaningful outcomes. With advances of understanding molecular carcinogenesis and progression of pancreatic cancer, the effort to find specific biomarkers for both detection and treatment of pancreatic cancer has been overwhelmed. Various types of biomarkers including protein, microRNA, exosomes or circulating tumor cells itself have been under investigations. Although there has been no single biomarker which can overcome CA19-9 in serum to date. It will be worthwhile to wait for more potent biomarker which can be used for early diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer in near future.
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) has been a focus of cancer prevention studies due to the fact that it occurs by a multistep process and that a precancerous lesion in the oral mucosa is easily accessible. The present study was aimed at developing an optical detection system using autofluorescence spectrum measurements for the early detection of oral cancer. The optical detection system was designed to use an excitation wavelength of 337 nm emanating from a Xenon lamp. Precancerous and cancerous lesions were created in the hamster buccal pouch by treatment with 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA). Four groups of five hamsters each were used in this experiment. The right buccal pouch was treated with 0.5% DMBA to induce carcinogenesis while the left buccal pouch was treated with mineral oil as a control. The autofluorescence of both buccal pouches was measured weekly. A difference in the excitation pattern between the normal and the carcinogen-treated tissue was noticed after three weeks. Specifically, the intensity of the autofluorescence spectrum in the DMBA-treated buccal pouch was increased at wavelengths between 400 and 450 nm. The results of the autofluorescence measurements were compared to histological findings and show that the intensity of the autofluorescence increased along with the stage of epithelial dysplasia. Based on the fact that one of the autofluorophores in this tissue is NADH, we measured the fluorescence at the 450-nm NADH wavelength to conclude that the increased autofluorescence in the dysplastic areas may be caused by NADH. Based on these data, we suggest that autofluorescence optical methods are a useful tool for the early detection of oral cancer.
The aims of these study were to diagnose early pregnancy and reproductive disorders by using progesterone concentration and ultrasonography. The measurement of blood progesterone (P) concentration was conducted to diagnose pregnancy and to detect corpus luteum (CL) or evaluate disorder of CLs. As a result, the incidence rates of reproductive disorders were as follows : SH and EED (41.9%), inacitve ovaries (32.6%), follicullar cyst (9.3%), PCL (7.0%), endometritis (4.7%), pyometra (2.3%) and luteal cyst (2.3%). 61 Cows having Pconcentration 1.0 ng/ml(at the insemination) were increased to 1.0 ng/ml 6day after insemination. 50 cows among 61 cows were diagnosed pregnant. 8 cows among 13 HanWoos having Pconcentration 1.0 ng/ml at the insemination and 1.0 ng/mnl 6 day after insemination had non-ovulatory estrus and the others had Pconcentration 1.0 ng/ml at the insemination and 1.0 ng/ml 6 day after insemination, which was the error of estrus detection. All 13 cows were diagnosed non-pregnant. 47 cows diagnosed pregnant after insemination of Pconcentration 3.0 ng/ml were examined by ultrasonography at 30 day post-insemination. As a result, 41 cows were diagnosed pregnant (87.2%) but 14 cows having Pconcentration 3.0 ng/ml at 21 day after insemination was diagnosed to non-pregnancy. Calving intervals by surveying 100 cows were as follows 11~12 months (20%), 12~13 months (36%), 13~14 months (19%), 14 months (25%), respectively. In conclusion, hormone and ultrasonography help to detect reproductive disorders exactly and diagnose early pregnancy. This study suggest that diagnosis of early pregnancy and reproductive disorder by blood Pconcentration and ultrasonography improve reproduction management of HanWoo.
Real time B-mode ultrasound was used to detect the early conceptus in 187 Korean native cattles between days 10 and 60 after last insemination. The ultrasound diagnostic findings were systemically confirmed by palpation per rectum after the 60th day of last insemination. The embryonic vesicle and the embryo proper within the veside were first visible on mean day fl and 23, respectively. The heartbeat of the embryo proper could be detected on day 26, and the limb buds, placentomes, amnion, fetal movement, umbilical cord, optic area and split hooves were first visible on day 33, 34, 34, 44.5, 45, 32 and 48, respectively. The mean length of embryo proper was 3.8mm on day 23 which later increased to 56. 6rnrn on day 60. When ultrasound was used to detect the conceptus between days 20 and 30 after insemination and palpation per rectum after the 60th day of insemination, the accuracy rates of pregnancy detection by ultrasound scanning at days 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 were 44.4, 69.2, 78.6, 87.5, 90.0, 93.3%. In summary, the early pregnancy diagnosis of Korean native cattle with ultrasound appears high accuracy rates. It is considered that ultrasound can be used in veterinary practice well.
Plasma progesterone concentrations were measured by using radjoimmunoassay for early diagnosis of pregnancy in Cheju-native mares. A total of 226 pony mares were examined for pregnancy during breeding and non breeding seasons. Plasma progesterone levels 20~23 days after the onset of oestrus were 4.67+O.67ng /rnl and O.55+O.O4ng /ml for mares becornrning pregnant and not pregnant after the estrus, respectively, and there was a significant differences (p<0.01) between the two groups. Progesterone concentration of pregnant mares gradually increased in 30 days andreached a peak (10.3ng /ml) during the third month of gestation. However, the concentration decresed to the base line (1.llng /rnl) at 7 months and gradually increased again as foaling approached (2.lng /ml). Early diagnosis for pregnancy of Cheju mares by progesterone level at 20~23 days after onset of oestrus was 88% accurate when 4.6ng /ml was used to classify mares as pregnancy and below 1.3ng /rnl was used to determine nonpregnant mares. However, the accuracy of the diagnosis was improved to 96% when a progesterone level of above 2ng /mi was used to classify mares for pregnancy. Diagnosis for pregnancy was 69.6% accurate when mares were classified as pregnancy by horse owners during breeding season. The progesterone levels of pregnant and non-pregnant mares during non-breeding season varied greatly between individual animals, Plasma progesterone levels of pregnant animals ranged from 3.5ng /mi to above 6.2ng /mi whereas similar values were observed in non-pregnant animals. Radioirnrnunoassay technicjues can be applied for the early pregnant diagnosis of Cheju native mares when progesterone levels are measured during the early gestation period (18~23 days after onset of oestrus). However, progesterone concentration of mares in non-breeding season is conisidered unsuitable as a indicator of pregnant diagnosis.