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        검색결과 22

        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예술적 창작의 혁신을 추구하기 위하여 현대의 인장 조각가 들, 그리고 인장 전시관의 시각적 효과를 위하여, 전통적인 한 인장과 고대의 인장 인쇄에서 일부 경험이 많고 재능 있는 인 도인들이 현대의 인쇄 플랫폼에서 새로운 창조적 양식을 탐구 하기 위하여, 도자기 인쇄의 제작 과정과 인장 조각 작품이 제 시하는 정신은 인도인들의 내면적 추구가 추구하는 창조적 변 혁과 일맥상통하여, 인장 조각 예술의 아름다움과 장인 정신의 재미를 강조하고 있으며, 바로 이러한 미적 필요성이 인장 조 각의 새로운 모습을 촉진하는 것입니다. 도자기 인쇄는 두 개 의 캐리어로 구성되어 있는데, 하나는 도자기이고, 다른 하나는 인장이고, 뛰어난 인장 조각가들은 제작에서 점토 선정, 낙하, 모양내기, 주화 만들기, 인쇄면 인장, 글레이징, 소성의 과정을 개인적으로 느낄 뿐만 아니라, 실제적인 행위로부터 원료와의 접촉을 진정으로 느끼고 있습니다. 더욱이 순수 수공예와 소성 과정의 인쇄면의 자연스러운 변화를 만들어내는 과정에서, 어 떤 의미에서는 인장 조각가들에게 새로운 도전인 자연소각과 정신문명 재료를 형상화한 고급 제품인 도자기의 업그레이드를 통하여 도자기와 전통 인장 조각에 대한 새로운 미적 의식을 열어주는 것이며, 돌로 된 인장과 구별되는 탐구와 돌파구이기 도 합니다. 이 글은 주로 도자기 인쇄의 발전 과정과 그에 굴절된 현재 의 상황을 이해함으로써 도자기 인쇄의 실천적 의미를 탐구하 고, 도장 조각자들이 창작 과정에서 전통적인 경험의 축적과 기본적인 기술의 숙련을 따르는지를 탐구하는데, 도자기 인쇄 의 실천적 의미는 도장 조각자의 창작을 자극하고, 도자기 인 쇄에 있어서 도장 조각자의 창작 정신과 새로운 시대 양식이 며, 도자기 인쇄 재료의 활성화이며, 도장 조각 예술 창작에 있 어서 도자기 인쇄의 새로운 비전을 열었으며, 또한 중국의 도자기 정신을 계승하고 있는 경우가 드물기 때문에 서예 도장 조각자들은 창작 작품에 보다 높은 종합적인 예술적 소양 요건 을 반영하기도 합니다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we investigate the changes in the equatorial lodge degrees and polar distance degrees of determinative stars in the ancient Chinese archives. Confirmed is the fact that the coordinate values of those determinative stars defined in B.C. 104 had been used until the 8th century but were modified by the observations of Li Chunfeng (李淳風) in the early 7th century and Yixing (一行) in 723 A.D. The results of this study are compared with those in History of Chinese Astronomical Observations of Pan Nai. By applying the results of comtemporary astrodynamical calculations, their reliability is checked, and the corrected catalogues of Shi Shi (石氏) and Yixing are provided. The positional accuracy of those observations is estimated to be one degree.
        2009.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국은 매년 봄철 중국의 서부지역 및 몽골로부터 불어오는 황사 피해를 받고 있다. 황사발생은 현재 한국을 비롯하여 일본, 멀리 아메리카 대륙에 이르기까지 환경문제를 일으키고 있다. 중국의 서부지역은 장기간의 기후변화와 인간의 훼손행위로 인해 사막화가 급격히 가속되고 있는 실정이다. 이에 중국을 비롯한 각국은 식물식재를 통한 사막의 생태적인 복원을 모색하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 사막의 생태적인 식생복원을 위한 기초자료를 얻기 위해 중국 서북부의 대표적인 건조지인 빠이청(白城)지역의 식생을 조사하였다. 건조지에 1차적으로 침입한 강아지풀은 건조에 따른 토양의 염분농도 상승과 알칼리화와 더불어 Artemisia mongolica-강아지풀군락을 비롯하여 강아지풀-Cannabis sativa var. fruderalis 군락으로 천이하였다. 환경조건의 지속적인 악화와 더불어 강한 바람에 의한 증발량 상승으로 건조가 극심한 평지에서는 최종적으로 Artemisia mongolica 군락이 일부 잔존하였다. 시간변화에 따라 간헐적인 그늘이 생길 수 있는 구릉지는 상대적으로 공중습도가 확보될 수 있어 다른 유형의 식생이 나타났다. 조사대상지의 전 지역에 흔히 분포하는 남가새군락은 토양환경 악화와 더불어 남가새-Cleisrogenes squarrosa 군락으로 천이하였고 낮은 구릉지 지형조건에서 환경악화와 더불어 건조와 토양염분 및 강알칼 토양에 강한 Cleisrogenes squarrosa 군락이 최종적으로 형성되었다. 또한 본 조사지 일대에서 건조에 강한 27과 49속 58종 4변종의 총 62분류군의 고등식물이 나타났다. 이 가운데 환경내성이 뛰어난 국화과식물이 27.4%로 가장 많이 조사되었다.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1994년 "유엔해양법협약" 의 발효로 새로운 국제해양법제도가 확립되면서 세계 각국은 통일적인 해상집법체제를 구축함으로써 관할해역에 대한 종합적인 관리를 강화하고 있다. 그러나 중국은 아직 전통적인 분산형 산업관리체제를 유지하고 있어 기존의 해상집법역량은 날로 확대되는 국가주권과 해양권익의 수호요구를 충족시키지 못하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 한 중 일 3국의 해상집법체제를 비교 고찰하고 중국해상집법체제의 주요 문제점을 분석한 후, 해경을 중심으로 한 통일적인 해상집법체제의 개선방안을 제시하였다.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is focused on Damheonseo(湛軒書), an anthology written by Hong Daeyong, and I deal with Chinese Architectural views which he had experienced in his itinerary to Beijing, and the vivid pictures of Joseonkwan (called the Koryo or Joseon Embassy) located in Beijing at that time. He was a scholar of great erudition over astronomy, mathematics, military science, politics, and so on. He was interested in practical sciences at early time, and criticized secular scholars full of vanity who had presented purposeless articles. In his age of 35, Qianlong(乾隆) 30 (1764, Youngjo 41), he, a military escort, accompanied by Hong Uk, Joseon envoy and his uncle. Before his itinerary, he self-studied Chinese. Also, during a long journey he got new experiences and information around each area, deviating his group whenever he had some times. He could get more variant experiences than others because of his character full of curiosity, and his observations from the vivid lives of the time helped us get various views between Chinese and Korean architecture. Likewise, although he denounced Qing(淸) scathingly as a barbarian, he mentioned several points about the characteristics of Chinese architecture at that time. First of all, totally Chinese architecture had strong rational and practical points. Secondly, based on bountiful products, buildings along streets shown in Chinese city had sophisticated compositions, and luxurious and magnificent appearances. Thirdly, using the brick from walls to houses was so universal. Fourthly, the layouts of building with three- or four-closed courtyard had very orderly shapes, and the structure of street was also so arranged. Finally, because of stand-up lives, the scales and appearances of interior space were even more extended, and storages were less developed than those of Joseon. As another points, I found that Joseonkwan was moved next to Shushangguan(庶常館)from Huidongnanguan(會同南館) around Hanlimyuan(翰林院), and had been remodeled into a house with Korean custom in using the inner spaces, although it was followed by a closed courtyard style. Likewise, I recognized that Ondols were sure to be established in all temporary houses during the journey to Qing, and felt their strong traditional residential custom in such mentions. Now that the past pictures have disappeared and ways of life and our values have been largely changed, this study has very important meaning in comparing the ancient Chinese and Korean architecture.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics of the ancient architectures of the Yuan Dynasty(元代). The result is expected to efficient for a basic data to research history of the Koryo(高麗) architectures. This study was focused on the architecture of the Yuan dynasty in Hancheng city, because the buildings of the Yuan Dynasty were remained in Hancheng city(韓城) of Shanxi province(陝西) in the largest numbers through all China territory. And the study was especially analyzed in the angle of the system of wooden structures among various architectural points. It was looked into, in large, views of form of whole structure and, in detail, joining method of detail parts. As a result of the study, the characteristics of architectures of the Yuan Dynasty in Hancheng city were summarized as follow a reduction of the unit size, a shifting of columns, a removal of columns and a simplicity of ornaments. These are different with architecture of other empire periods. Also, these are the characteristics of the Korean tradition at architectures. This study of the Yuan's architectures of Hancheng is expected to be the basis of the advanced study about the relationship between Koryo(高麗) architectures and Yuan(元) architectures.
        2000.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to understand the Chinese noodles(mian tiao). Wheat seems to have been cultivated 3-4,000 years before according to the archaeological evidences from the neolithic sites. The five grains(rice, millet, beans, barley, barnyard millet) already appeared in the period prior to Chin dynasty and were used as whole grain, but it was not until Chun Chu Zhan Guo period that the introduction of the flouring method stimulated the cultivation of wheat. In Chin-Han period, when water power and animal force were put into usage to facilitate the mass production of wheat flour, 'Bing', a designation for all the food made of wheat first appeared in the literature, and it was this 'Bing' that had later developed into noodles. In Wei Chin Nan Bei Chao period, roasted 'Bing', namely 'Kao-Bing' made its first appearance, and in Tang period, various noodles were created with the increase of restaurants specialized in noodles. In Song dynasty, 'La-Mian', the noodles stretched and beat from noodle dough, was first introduced, and in Yuan period, invention of drying method made the appearance of dried noodles, 'Gua-Mian', possible, which was good for easy and long preservation. Qing dynasty developed the noodles with a variety of assorted ingredients. The Chinese noodles are classified by various standards such as main ingredients, cooking methods, kinds of sauce, secondary ingredients, shape, eating method, flavor, and look.
        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the historical and environmental background of the straight-line-shaped plan emerged in northeast region of China during the Qing dynasty. This raper is mainly based on the writings in Yeon-haeng-rok. The results are summarized as follows: First the necessity of a lot of sunshine due to the cold climate in that region made the people select the plan that rooms to be added side by side. Second, it was not necessary to build the house with non-straight-line-shaped plan due to the reason that the northeast region of China is so vast and the size of the house lot was not limited. Third, the condition of family income somewhat affect the shape of plan to be straight-line-shaped, which is much economical to construct a house than other shape of plan. Fourth, the way of living of the people in that region during the Qing dynasty made the house plan straight-line-shaped which is convenient to sit either on the floor or on the chair within a room. Fifth, straight-line-shaped plan became an adequate means to represent the hierarchy of the use of inner space of a house and eventually became an architectural norm of this region.
        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The essence of Chinese landscape architecture is realization of a space that embraces nature and human integrating the openness and encloseness. The concept of landscape architecture that artificially furnishes natural elegance into urban areas coincides with the spiritual basis of Chinese literati-painting which subjectifies the scenery of objective world and entrusts personal feelings on that. In other words, the ultimate ideal of Chinese landscape architecture is embodying the Utopia of confucian intellectual in a city. This paper has tried to shed a light on inter-relationship of literati-painting theory and Chinese landscape architecture theory through comparing them. It is the identical spiritual basis they shared harmoniously that made landscape architecture, poetry and painting possible to meet.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The city of Dalian has been developed under varied geo-political situation since the later part of nineteenth century up to now where a considerable mutation is taking place. In this study we tried to trace the historical evolution process of Dalien as second important port of China playing the role as center of North-Eastern Region in the field of Industry, foreign exchange, finance and tourist industry. The result reveals possibility of the city to excelerate its development under present circumstances toward the opened system of economical policy.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        From the early 1980's, when Chinese government decided to take an Open-Policy. Chinese society faced a new turning point to be changed from traditional-society to modern-society. As a result her outstanding phenomena of civilization is to be seen in many points, like the oid styled traditional street is rapidly replaced by the modernized high-rise buildings. Like the other cities in China, Beijing(北京) also is on the step of modernization, and it's changing speed is faster time by time. In this paper, I'll discuss about Beijing's policy of reservation of Old castles(古城), some problems what they have though the procedure of China's Movement of Old Castle Reservation(古城保護運動). And through this case study, I'd like to focus on the way how we solve some problems what we have now concerning to the reservation and development of traditional cities.
        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Welcome reception for chinese envoy had been very important affairs for Chosun Dynasty. The procedure for the reception was described in Youngjeob Dogam. The events of each visit of Chinese envoy were also recorded in Youngjeob Dogam Euigwae. Among them, only the records of the year of 1609, 1610, 1626, 1634, 1637, 1643 are existing.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Agricultural tourism is a new kind of industry, which combined agriculture with tourism. It not only has the productive function, but also has the function of improving the quality of ecological environment and supplying people with sightseeing, leisure, vacation. Agricultural tourism is a new kind of industry from the amalgamation of agriculture and tourism: it is based on farm work, characterized by agricultural management, combines agriculture and tourism, and includes the city as a market-place. It satisfies tourist demand with food, lodging, excursions, shopping and entertainment provided by agricultural places and agricultural products. After combining the substance of this study with the primary sources regarding the development of agricultural tourism, I suggest plans for the development of local agricultural tourism on the basis of sustainable tourism theory in case of the Inner Mongolia region. To conduct research, various data such as literature research and surveys are collected and analyzed. According to the result of the research, the Inner Mongolia region has great-wealthy resources for agricultural tourism. However, they have problems as well such as lack of funds, low infrastructure, low business-mind level, low management-mind, the scarcity of mid-supporting organizations for research and education, low awareness, and low service level of the agricultural tourism. In order to solve these problems, have to strengthen publicity, strengthen the county and city communication, educates continuously profession talented person, establish related laws and regulations, increase the integrity of infrastructure. As a developing industry, agricultural tourism is a new field of study which needs more encouraging research. The agricultural tourism of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has only just started development resulting in a limited amount of information available for this study. Future planned work entails a continuous in-depth study of Chinese agricultural tourism, considering Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in particular.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is on comparing complementary forest of village between Korea and China. For this, Jinan of Korea and Qingzhou of China were selected through the pre-survey about the representative region of both country. The main research method was literature study, field study and interview with local residents. The comparative analysis between two regions was performed by frequency analysis of surveyed data. Which shows complementary forest of village in two regions has so much in common and also has many differences which is related with the local practical life. As a result, it was identified that the area and remained number, concentration degree of Jinan were greater than those of Cheongju. But it was identified that the linear form and location were similar in both regions. Through these identification, it is helpful to establish policy direction of both countries about the complementary forest.
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