When a fire breaks out in a distribution center, it causes a lot of damage. And the most casualties are caused by Fire accidents. Therefore, training for fire prevention should be mandatory at the distribution center. Also, the contents of education should be different in room temperature warehouses and low temperature warehouses. Fire education in low-temperature warehouses should be more emphasized. This is because many fires occur in low-temperature warehouses. In this study, a study was conducted to determine the important order of training hours and contents for fire prevention education according to the type of distribution center. The importance of time and content for safety education in all types of warehouses did not differ significantly. It was first decided that safety prevention training should be conducted periodically in all types of warehouses
In an automotive plant, an automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) synchronizes material handling flows from a part production line to an auto-assembly line. The part production line transfers parts on small-/large-sized pallets. The products on pallets are temporarily stored on the ASRS, and the ASRS retrieves the products upon request from the auto-assembly line. Each ASRS aisle is equipped with narrow-/wide-width racks for two pallet sizes. An ASRS aisle with narrow-/wide-width racks improves both storage space utilization and crane utilization while requiring delicate ASRS aisle design, i.e., the locations of the narrow-/wide-width racks in an ASRS aisle, and proper operation policies affect the ASRS performance over demand fluctuations. We focus on operation policies involving a common storage zone using wide-width racks for two pallet sizes and a storage-retrieval job-change for a crane based on assembly-line batch size. We model a discrete-event simulation model and conduct extensive experiments to evaluate operation policies. The simulation results address the best ASRS aisle design and suggest the most effective operation policies for the aisle design.
고대 국가에서 가장 중요한 재원은 조세로 거둔 곡물이며 이를 보관하기 위한 창고는 주로 산성 등에서 확인되고 있다. 당시 금석문과 산성에서 출토된 목간 내용으로 볼 때, 사찰 안에 창고가 존재했고, 산성 내 창고에는 보리와 같은 곡물을 60섬(石) 단위로 일정하게 관리했음을 알 수 있다. 이번에 경주 성건동 500-18번지 유적에서 조사된 다 수의 대호를 매납한 대형 건물지는 삼랑사 안에 마련된 창고로 장류와 같은 액상식품과 쌀 등을 보관하던 창고로 추정된다. 성건동 창고유적에서 확인된 대형 창고는 <매호식 건물>로 구분되며 건물 안에 대호를 안전하게 관리하기 위해서 일정한 높이로 흙을 성토한 부분이 존재하고 있는 점이 특징이다. 이 성토부에서는 대호를 절반 정도 묻어둔 모습과 파손된 대호를 수시로 교체한 모습이 확인되며, 대호 위에 토제 뚜껑을 사용한 점은 저장물에 대한 보관관리가 상시적으로 이루어 졌음을 알려준다. 창고 유적에서 출토된 국자는 청동제와 목제 또는 조개껍질로 만들어 사용했는데, 보관중인 저장품이 변질되지 않도록 관리하기 위해서 필요에 따라서 다른 재질의 국자를 사용한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 대호 안에서 출토된 숯으로 보아 삼국시대부터 장류를 담글 때 백탄을 사용했을 가능성이 있다. 이는 당시 식생활 모습을 살펴보는데 있어서 중요한 단서가 될 것이다. 당시 창고유적과 비교한 결과 경주 성건동 500-18번지 유적의 창고건 물은 삼랑사와 관련된 저장시설로 생각되며, 당시 황룡사, 실상사 등 당대 사찰 내 위치한 창고 모습을 알려주는 점에서 의미가 크다. 그리고 이러한 창고가 운영되기 위해서는 국가나 관청의 관리가 존재했음을 알려주므로, 향후 조사가 확대된다면 창고의 구조에 따른 차이가 확인될 것으로 판단된다.
In this study, to improve the logistics flow of existing given chemical logistics warehouse, four logistics flow alternatives were proposed to minimize truck interference by building simulation model. The simulation model for chemical storage warehouse was built to evaluate system performance. Among the four new improved alternatives based on the basic model, the model with the same truck’s pathways and locations of facilities identified an increase in the number of interferences but a decrease in daily working hours as the number of resources in a particular facility increases. Therefore, the three groups were classified as ‘efficiency’, ‘complementary’, and ‘safety’ based on the daily working hours, and the ratio of trucks entering two types of logistics warehouse was set in consideration of future market fluctuations. For each of the six types, the optimal number of resources was selected as the number of resources in the facilities with the least number of interferences in the basic model and the evaluation measures and characteristics set in this study were compared and analyzed. As a result, the Alternative 4 model operating the underground roadway produced interference between 17.0% and 36.4% of the basic model, with 113.3% of the interior loadspace.
본 연구의 목적은 중국 전자상거래기업의 해외진출이 활발한 원인을 진출방식을 통해 확인하는 것이다. 중국의 전자상거래기업은 중국 국내시장의 폭발적 성장에 힘 입어 세계적인 기업으로 성장하였고 이를 바탕으로 글로벌시장에 진출하고 있다. 전자상거래의 핵심은 신속한 배송이다. 그러나 전통 국제물류는 배송시간이 길고 물류 원가가 비싸며 반품 등 서비스가 낙후되어 전자상거래에 적합하지 못하다. 이러한 단점을 보완하기 위한 새로운 물류시스템이 등장하였는데 대표적인 것이 해외창고방식이다. 해외창고방식은 4차 산업혁명 기술을 이용하여 현지 소비자의 수요를 미리 예측하여 제품을 현지에 설립된 창고에 배송함으로써 판매기회를 확보할 수 있다. 또한 비수기에 제품을 미리 해외창고로 배송함으로써 배송 성수기를 피하고 저렴한 비용에 해외창고로 보낼 수 있다. 특히 반품이나 교환, 제품 추적에도 4차 산업혁명 기술이 융합되어 전통 국제물류가 가진 단점을 보완하였다. 비록 판매예측이 빗나갔을 경우 리스크가 발생하지만 해외창고방식은 이러한 장점을 바탕으로 중국 전자상 거래기업이 글로벌시장에 영향력을 확대하는데 큰 역할을 하고 있다. 중국 전자상 거래기업은 해외창고방식을 바탕으로 중국 국내시장이 아닌 세계의 시장으로 그 영 역을 확대하고 있는 것이다.
This study analyzes the certification system and international standard trend for cold storage and proposes evaluation method for the development of KS in accordance with international standards so that high quality products can be supplied to consumers. The international standard for cold storage can be divided into three categories: refrigerator unit, refrigerator warehouse, and cold chain. Each similar standard was analyzed and studied. Among them, AHRI's international standard is the most advanced standard, so test methods and conditions are matched. Finally, the performance evaluation technology and the performance evaluation technology for the refrigerator unit suitable for the domestic situation using the analyzed method were proposed.
본 연구는 국내 냉동보관창고 보관온도에 대한 조사자료를 활용하여, 온도분포를 추정하였고 이를 미생물 위해 평가(microbial risk assessment; MRA)의 입력변수로 활용 할 수 있도록 적정 확률분포 모델을 제시하였다. 조사에 참여한 8곳의 냉동보관창고에서 측정된 공간상의 온도는 최저 -25.8oC, 최고 -10.3oC, 평균 -20.48 ± 3.08oC이었으며, - 18oC이상의 냉동창고 비율은 20.4%로 조사되었다. 공간별 온도분포는 자연대류를 이용하는 냉동창고의 경우 상단 (2.4~4 m) -22.57 ± 0.84oC, 중단(1.5~2.4 m) -22.49 ± 1.05oC, 하단(0.7~1.5 m) -22.68 ± 1.03oC, 최고온도차이는 1.78oC이 었으며, 강제대류를 이용하는 냉동창고의 온도분포는 상단 (2.4~4 m) -17.81 ± 1.47oC, 중단(1.5~2.4 m) -17.94 ± 1.44oC, 하단(0.7~1.5 m) -18.08 ± 1.42oC, 최고온도차이는 0.94oC로 조사되었다. 보관온도는 냉동창고 모든 공간에서 온도가 일정하게 유지되는 것이 아니라 편차가 존재하는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 수집된 온도자료는 @RISK를 이용, 적합성 검정(GOF: A-D, K-S test)을 수행하여, MRA에서 활용할 수 있는 국내 냉동보관창고 온도분포에 대한 가장 적합한 확률분포모델로 Lognormal [5.9731,3.3483, shift(-26.4281)] 이 선정하였다.
Inventory inspection is an important task to eliminate the inconsistency between real assets and inventory management systems, and it is performed periodically at the site. In the case of a large-sized property, it is mainly managed in an outdoor workshop or a warehouse. However, due to the large area of the outdoor area, it is relatively difficult to identify the quantity and location of the property and is also vulnerable to theft. To solve this problem, we proposed a method and system for performing a warehouse inventory inspection using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and Bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacons. The proposed method has the following advantages. First of all, if we carry out inventory inspection by utilizing UAV, we can minimize user’s effort compared to existing methods. The method of recognizing the asset by attaching the BLE beacon is more costly than using the existing RFID technology, but it is advantageous because the recognition distance is increased and the battery life of the tag is drastically increased. We also designed a BLE beacon reader for the system and implemented a prototype to show the feasibility of the proposed system. The prototype is based on Genuino 101, which is a kind of arduino, and adds HM-10 and Neo-6m modules to provide Bluetooth and GPS functions. The BLE beacon reader was tested in outdoor, and attached in drone. We also developed an inventory checking system based on the web to display results of inventory checking. The proposed approach enables the users to automate the operation of inventory checking on an outdoor warehouse.
This study experimentally and analytically examines the seismic vulnerability of steel rack storage frames subjected to Korea earthquakes (2016 Gyeongju earthquake and 2017 Pohang earthquake). To achieve this aim, this study selects a three-story, one-bay steel rack frame with a typical configuration of rack frame in Korea. Firstly, the local behavior for frame components is examined by performing monotonic and/or cyclic load tests and the global response and dynamic characteristics of the subject rack frame are investigated by conducting a shaking table test. The analytical model of the rack frame is then created based on the experimental results and is used to perform nonlinear time history analyses with recorded Korea earthquakes. The seismic demand of the rack frame is considerably affected by the spectral acceleration response, instead of peak ground accelerations (peak floor accelerations). Moreover, the collapse fragility curve of the rack frame is developed using incremental dynamic analyses for the Gyeongju and Pohang earthquakes. Fragility results indicate that the ground motion characteristics of these earthquakes do not significantly affect the frame vulnerability at the collapse state.
Companies are pursuing the management of small quantity batch production or JIT(Just-in-time) system for improving the delivery response and LOB(Line Balancing) in order to satisfy consumers’ increasing demands in the current global economic recession. And in order to improve the growth of production for reducing manufacturing cost, improvements of the Load Balancing have become an important reformation factor. Thus this paper is aimed at warehouse which procures materials on the assembly line in procurement logistics of automotive logistics and proceed with research on heuristic algorithm development which can increase the Load Balancing of workers. As a result of this study, when applied the primary target value, it was verified that the whole workers decreased from 28 to 24. Furthermore, when specified the secondary target value and applied algorithm once more, it was verified that the Load Balance Ratio was improved from 44.96% to 91.7%.
쌀바구미(Sitophilus oryzae)는 어리쌀바구미(Sitophilus zeamais)와 형태학적으로 아주 유사한 바구미과로 수컷의 생식기로 종의 구별이 가능하며, 최근에 기술이 발달하여 분자유전학적으로도 동정이 가능해졌다. 국내에는 어리쌀바 구미가 주로 분포하고 있다고 보고되어져 있으나, 쌀바구미의 분포에 대해서는 명확한 보고가 없었다.
국내 A 미곡처리장(126.8674, 35.9524056)에서 채집한 바구미의 수컷 생식기를 이용한 형태학적 및 species-specific primer를 이용한 분자유전학적 동정 결과 쌀바구미로 확인되었다. 또한 채집된 바구미에 대해 포스핀 저항성 수준(FAO 기준: 0.039 mg/L) 확인 결과, LCT99 값이 0.475 mg/L로 약 10배 이상의 포스핀 저항성으로 판정되었다.
This paper suggests a specific model that could efficiently improve the interaction and the interface between WMS(Warehouse Management System) terminal and PDA terminal through real time processing in manufacturing shop. The proposed model shows that the new method can more efficiently perform to reduce processing time for shipping and receiving, compared with the current approach. As a result of the certain test among the main server, WMS system, and PDA terminal, it is noted in case of the new proposed system that the effects of proposed model are as follows: (a) While the receiving lead time for carrying by the current method was 2 hours, the receiving lead time by the new method was 20 minutes. (b) While the shipping lead time for carrying by the current method was 1 hours, the shipping lead time by the new method was 15 minutes. (c) While the inventory rate of accuracy by the current method was 85%, the inventory rate of accuracy by the new method was 98%.
The automobile manufacture is a typical integrated assembly production that the numerous parts are committed sequentially to the assembly line. In this type of automobile manufacture, WBS (white body storage) and PBS (paint body storage) are operated to adjust the production sequence and to buffer. Starvation (impossibility of production owing to the insufficient supply) or blocking (impossibility of production owing to the over capacity) could occur in some chance, hence, both storages (WBS, PBS) are integrated as a prevention. This system is called integrated storage. In this paper, we suggest the simulation model of ‘WBS-PBS integrated storage’ and methodology of operation considering both ‘Color grouping’ and ‘Option leveling.’