This study aims to prepare reference data that can be used to improve the size suitability of elderly men’s casual wear. The sizes of men aged 65–84 from the 8th Size Korea were analyzed and compared with those aged 45–54. First, as a result of classifying their body types according to Syzing systems for male adult’s garments (KS K 0050), more than 50% of the drop body types were “a protruding belly type (BB),” and more than 95% of the lower body types were “a thick waist type (B).” Additionally, elderly men with type BB or B were 3–5cm shorter in height, waist height, chest circumference, and hip circumference than middle-aged men. As there are currently only a few brands for elderly men, this means that the following problems may arise: If an elderly man wears a middle-aged man’s top based on his chest size, the chest and hip circumferences are adequate, but the length is insufficient, the waist circumference is insufficient, and the shoulder width is considered to be excessive. Similarly, pants designed to fit a waist size designation for middle-aged individuals will be larger than intended in terms of length, hip circumference, and thigh circumference.
This study aims to develop a detailed sizing system for lower body clothing for elderly obese women, using data from the 8th Korean Anthropometric Survey. The research targets 296 elderly women aged 60 to 85, selected from 805 participants in total, who meet the following criteria: Rohrer Index of 1.6 or above, Body Mass Index of 25 or higher, and Waist-Hip Ratio of 0.85 or greater. Elderly women with abdominal obesity exhibit shorter lower body proportions and greater fat accumulation in the torso, around the chest and waist. The findings show that women in their 60s have the highest level of obesity, while waist width and thickness are greatest in women in their 70s, suggesting that abdominal obesity increases with age. According to the KS standards, the main measurement categories were divided into 5cm increments for height, while waist and hip girth were categorized into 5cm and 3cm, respectively, to analyze the distribution of sections. Clothing size standards for lower garments that require a precise fit, such as skirts and formal pants, are presented in 13 sizes, corresponding to a waist girth range of 85–100cm and a hip girth range of 88–97cm. Detailed measurements are categorized into primary and reference areas. Additionally, sizes were presented differently based on whether a precise fit was necessary. For items that did not require a precise fit, ranges were indicated with letters, or ranges were indicated with measurements. Detailed sizes were categorized into primary and reference areas.
This study aimed to identify changes in upper body measurements and body shape types among women over a 10-year period based on data from the 6th and 8th Size Korea Anthropometric Surveys. The study used regression analysis to explore the relationship between various dimensions, enabling the prediction of different upper body dimensions based on height and waist circumference. The sample consisted of 1,179 women in their 20s who participated in the 6th (2010) and 8th (2020) Size Korea Anthropometric Surveys, with 33 items analyzed. Initially, most items, except those related to height, exhibited larger values in the 8th Survey than in the 6th, suggesting a general increase in the upper body dimensions of females in their 20s over the 10-year period. Subsequent factor analysis revealed three factors crucial for determining the upper body shape of women in this age group. The body shapes were then categorized into four distinct clusters. Regression analysis indicated that both waist circumference and height significantly influence most of the measured items, with waist circumference having a more substantial impact in most models. Through this research, we aim to provide foundational data that reflects the evolving upper body shapes of women in their 20s to enhance clothing production and improve the sizing system.
The purpose of this study is to classify the body types of obese men in their 50–60s and compare them with those of obese middle-aged men in their 30–40s. The 3D anthropometric data of obese men aged 50 to 60 years from the 6th Size Korea. The data are analyzed using SPSS 25.0 for Windows, and descriptive statistics, χ2 test, correlation analysis, and cluster analysis are used to classify obese body types. As a result of the study, five factors are extracted to determine body types, which are classified into three obese body types through cluster analysis. 1) a large physique and consequently large circumference and height; 2) A short upper body length, short height, and thick belly; 3) the lowest rate of obesity and relatively flat abdominal curve. For the 30–40s group, Type1 showed the highest rate at 55.6%, whereas for the 50s group, Type3 showed the highest rate at 49.3%, and for 60s group, Type2 showed the highest rate at 41.2%. The classification accuracy of the discriminant function for each type is 94.7%, indicating relatively high accuracy. Furthemore, the recently changed obese body type are analyzed by comparing it with the 3D anthropometric data of 8th Size Korea, which will contribute to the utilization of basic data for manufacturing apparel for obese men.
Consumer demand for imported and craft beer is increasing. Almost all the malt used by craft beer companies is imported. This study sought to develop a malting technology to expand the use of domestic barley, the main raw material for beer, and to examine its influence on the quality of domestic malt. The Hopum cultivar of beer barley was purchased and used at the Jeollanam-do Seed Management Center. A pilot-scale malting facility built by the National Institute of Crop Science was used. One sack (40 kg) of barley was sieved through screening sieves, and the barley was classified according to size (3.1, 2.8, 2.5, 2.2, and 2.2 mm), with the size-related composition being 18.1, 48.9, 23.3, 6.4, and 1.0%, respectively. The malt yields were 89.0, 87.6, 86.6, 82.2, and 76.1%, respectively. The coleoptiles elongation decreased as the barley size decreased. The protein content of malt tended to be high at small particle sizes of 2.2 mm. The soluble solid content of wort prepared from malt revealed good values of 17.4-17.5oBx, except for 15.3oBx for particles <2.2 mm in size. According to barley size in the malting process, these findings should be valuable quality indicators of malt.
This study aimed to analyze adult men’s body sizes and shapes and suggest size specifications to provide preliminary data to academia and industries. A total of 814 adult men aged 30-44 were selected from the 7th Size Korea data, and 55 direct upper body measurement and calculation items were analyzed using SPSS 25.0. In individual Individual differences, thickness, circumference, and width were high, and height and length were low. Height above the waist base line and shoulder dimension decreased in early 40s age group, while height below the waist base line declined as age increased. In addition, buttocks shape changes were found in early 40s age group. According to factor analysis, ‘upper body and upper-extremity horizontal size’, ‘torso height and upper extremity length’, ‘shoulder dimension’, ‘upper body length’ and ‘shoulder angle’ were derived. Using clustering analysis, four different body types were classified: i) big abdomen with flat chest, ii) slender with big, raised shoulders, iii) dwarfish with small, droopy shoulders, and iv) obese with large shoulders. ‘Slender with big, raised shoulders’ was a typical body shape among men aged 30-44. In older participants, the ‘big abdomen with flat chest’ ratio was low, while ‘obese with large shoulders’ was more common. This study proposed size specifications by body type considering the above characteristics.
This study utilized data to classify and characterize the body types of plus-size adult men aged in their 30s and 40s. Diversity is an important factor in the era of inclusive design, and discussion about size diversity to include the plus size should be accommodated. Data from 493 adult men classified as obese (with a World Health Organization criterion ≥25 BMI) were used for the analysis. The results of the study are as follows. Six independent factors were extracted using factor analysis for cluster analysis, which were then classified into five types. Type 1 (29.01%) was identified as body type I with the smallest degree of obesity. Type 2 (15.4%) was identified as body type Y with wide shoulders and a thin waist. Type 3 (14.2%) was the largest body volume (body type O), while the fourth (19.27%) identified as body type H has a large height and upper body. Lastly, type 5 (22.11%) has a long lower body and a slim abdomen, referred to as body type X. This study presents a basis for the development of various clothing sizes utilizing the body shape characteristics of plus-size men in their 30s and 40s. Follow-up research is needed to develop patterns for plus size men and to design various products.
Discarding juvenile fishes under girth 16 cm nearly equal to inner perimeter of codend mesh size collected by a cover net method in bottom trawl. The body size of the main five species (mackerel, horse mackerel, sea bream, melon seed and black throat seaperch) was measured for their body length, girth, weight, height and width and analyzed size selectivity. Frequency of penetrating fish as retention in a cover net was less than 40% of total number of juvenile discarding fish. The most of body length or girth of five species were significantly different between in the codend and in the cover net. The 50% selection girth in the cover net ranged 8-11 cm were smaller than those in the codend ranged 9-13 cm by the species respectively. The 50% selection body length was significantly related with the ratio of body height (H) by body width (W) both for in the codend or in the cover net while 50% selection girth was not significantly related with H/W. Furthermore 50% selection fish size by fish species between in the codend and in the cover net was not significantly different both in body length or girth. Therefore, the girth selectivity represented possibly as one unique value regarding fish body shape was considered as more useful method for multi-species catch in trawl.
Three ambrosia beetle species, Xyleborus glabratus, Monarthrum mali, and Euwallacea fornicatus belong to subfamily, Scolytinae, showing similar morphology and body size, but their flight capability and patterns showed species-specific. Body length of Xyleborus glabratus and Monarthrum mali was negatively correlated with flight capabilities; shorter beetles performed longer average flights, longer single flights, total flight distance, and total flight time. Elytral length also was negatively correlated with flight distance in X. glabratus and M. mali. Conversely, only average flight time of E. fornicatus was positively correlated with body length, pronotal width, and elytral length. Body length had no effect on the flight velocity of any of the three beetle species examined. Therefore, our results indicate that body size characteristics of ambrosia beetles differentially influence on their dispersal by species.
생물의 몸 크기와 환경의 관계에 대해서는 오래전부터 현재까지 활발하게 진행되고 있는 연구의 한 분야이다. 최근까 지도 생물의 크기와 서식지 환경과의 관계를 설명하는 생태지리학적 법칙 ecogeographic rule을 바탕으로 이를 규명하고자 하는 연구들이 다양한 동물 그룹을 대상으로 이루어지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 남한의 최남단에 위치한 섬 제주도에 서식하는 청개구리(Hyla japonica)를 대상으로 서식지 환경과 생물의 크기와의 관계를 확인하기 위한 연구를 진행하였다. 제주도 내에서 발견되는 청개구리 번식지 3개 지점(천지, 봉개, 애월)에서 연구가 진행되었다. 각 개체군의 SVL, HW, BW를 측정하였으며, 크기에 미치는 환경 요인을 분석하기 위해 고도, 경도, 위도, 연평균 기온, 연평균 강수량을 측정하였다. 연구결과, 지역에 따른 청개구리의 크기 차이는 뚜렷했으며, 애월 집단의 크기가 가장 컸고, 천지 집단이 가장 작았다. 청개구리 크기에 영향을 미치는 환경 요소는 고도가 가장 중요하게 나타났으며, SVL, HW, BW에서 뚜렷한 양의 상관관계를 보여주었다. 청개구리의 크기는 높은 고도로 갈수록 커졌으며, 이러한 경향성은 크기와 관련된 생물학적 법칙 중 하나인 베르그만의 룰에서의 설명과 일치하였다. 결론적으로 서식지의 환경은 청개구리의 크기에 영향을 줄 수 있으며, 지역에 따라 일정한 방향성을 가지며 나타남을 알 수 있음을 보여준다.
Deimatic display 는 평상시에는 위장으로 자신을 보호하는 동물들이 포식자에게 위협당하였을 때에만 일시적으로 화려한 경고색을 보여줌으로써 포식자를 놀라게 하여 자신을 보호하는 방어전략이다. 본 연구에서는 3가지의 서로 다른 연구 방법을 이용하여 이 방어전략의 진화에 대해 연구하였으며, 연구의 모델로는 태극나방과 (Erebidae)의 나방을 이용하였다.
첫 번째로 deimatic display 전략이 어떤 종에서 진화하였으며, 이 전략이 동물의 몸 크기와 함께 진화하였는지를 계통수 분석을 이용한 방법으로 연구하였다. 연구 결과 deimatic display 는 몸 크기가 상대적으로 큰 곤충에서 선택적으로 진화하였다는 사실을 발견하였다. 두 번째로 deimatic display 전략이 왜 body size 가 큰 종에서 진화하였는지를 이론적으로 검증하기 위하여 수학적 모델링을 활용, deimatic display 와 몸 크기와의 이론적인 관계를 연구하였다. 이론적 모델링이 시사하는 바는 1) 몸 크기가 클수록 위장이 실패할 확률이 높으며, 2) 몸 크기가 클수록 deimatic display 가 포식자를 위협하는 효과가 클수록 이러한 진화적인 관계가 생성될 수 있다는 점을 발견하였다. 마지막으로 수학적 모델링에서 도출된 결과를 실험적으로 검증하기 위하여 로보틱스 기술을 활용, deimatic display 행동을 보이는 인공나방로봇을 제작하였다. 제작된 인공나방 로봇의 날개크기와 날개색채를 변화시켜가며 나방의 크기가 커질수록 deimatic display 전략이 포식자(조류)를 위협하는데 더 효과적인지를 테스트하였으며, 실험 결과 deimatic display 전략은 나방의 사이즈가 클수록 더 효과적이라는 사실을 입증하였다.
추가 연구 결과 이러한 큰 크기 – 숨겨진 화려한 색채의 관계는 태극나방과 뿐만이 아니라 메뚜기목, 대벌레목, 사마귀목, 그리고 누에나방과(나비목)에서도 발견됨을 확인하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 deimatic display 전략이 큰 크기와 공진화하였음을 보여주며, 이러한 크기-색채 공진화는 deimatic display 전략의 효용성과 밀접한 관련을 가지며 이루어졌다는 사실을 보여준다.
The purpose of this study was to classify the upper torso body types of obese Korean adult women using the 7th Korea National Anthropometric Study data and compare the body type differences according to three age groups: 20s~30s, 40s~50s, and 60s. A total of 548 adult women whose BMI was in the obese range of 25 or higher and whose age ranged from 20s to 60s were selected from the anthropometric database. Twenty-nine body measurements related to torso and arm areas important for torso and sleeve pattern development were chosen. Five drop values by differences between bust, waist, and hip circumferences were also chosen for analysis. The number of obese women increased with age. The results revealed seven factors according to the factor analysis and three obese body types based on the cluster analysis. Body type 1 (47.3% of obese women) was characterized by narrow shoulders, a small or medium torso, and a straight waist. Body type 2 (42.4% of obese women) was characterized by a defined waist and a larger lower torso than upper torso. Body type 3 (10.3% of obese women), the largest obese body type among the three types, was characterized by a large bust, large abdomen area, and long upper torso. Women in their 20s to 30s were most likely to have body type 2, women in their 40s to 50s were evenly distributed between body types 2 and 3, and women in their 60s were most likely to have body type 1.
The fashion industry is one of the most labor intensive industries, and employs over 25 million workers in over 100 countries (Reinhard, Schmidt, Rützel, & Zentgraf, 2013). There have been many concerns regarding the poor working conditions of garment workers, including their long working hours, forced overtime, and hazardous working environments, especially in developing countries. In Korea, competition has intensified within the industry with the emergence of global fashion companies, which has caused many fashion companies to move their production bases overseas in search of cheaper labor (Son, 2007). Thus, the labor problems that have arisen in the fashion industry are mostly about low wages and the poor working conditions of production workers. However, what about the labor problems of fashion industry workers other than those in production factories? Lee, Kim, Shin, Yoon, Lee, Chang, Chung, and Choi (2009) noted in their study that white-collar workers in fashion companies in Korea work longer hours, receive fewer benefits, and have a higher turnover rate than workers in other industries. In 2015, the poor working environment and low or absent wages of fashion industry interns came under public scrutiny (Kim, 2015; Kwon, 2016). In addition, there were cases in which body size was specified when hiring fashion designers, which raised the question of discrimination based on physical appearance (Kim, 2015). These employment conditions are important factors that influence fashion design majors entering the job market. Hence, regarding this and the physical body size discrimination of fashion designers in the Korean fashion industry, the aims of this paper are twofold: 1) to examine the present situation of physical discrimination by analyzing fashion companies’ job advertisements and 2) to explore fashion major undergraduates’ opinions about job criteria that indicate potential physical discrimination. Two approaches were used in this exploratory study to examine potential hiring discrimination tied to job applicants’ body size; 1) investigation of job advertisements by fashion companies and 2) focus group interviews with fashion majors seniors or graduates looking for a work as fashion designers. First, job advertisements for fashion designers placed on major fashion recruiting sites (e.g.,,, and in 2015 were reviewed to determine the current situation of which physical conditions or specific body measurements are set as job requirements or preferred qualifications when hiring fashion designers (n=201). Next, five focus group interviews with seven university seniors each(n=35) were conducted. No fashion companies that were looking for experienced fashion designers only (n=65) included a physical body-size requirement in the job advertisement. Thus 136 fashion designer interns or entry-level fashion designer advertisements were used in further analysis. According to the analysis of the “job requirements”, among those 136 advertisements, 51.5% required education and only 16.2% required a related major along with education, 10.3% required fitting capable size (e.g. female fitting size 55) and 13.2% even presented detailed body measurements (e.g. height 175–178 cm). Among the “preferred” qualifications mentioned in the advertisements, fitting capable size accounted for 6.6%, detailed body measurements accounted for 2%. Analysis results showed that physical conditions capable of fitting were presented more frequently than major as requirements or preferred qualifications, indicating that physical conditions capable of fitting was one of the most important factors for hiring fashion designers. Based on the five focus group interviews, participants’ opinion toward body size requirements in job advertisements were summarized into five themes: 1) Discontent over the unreasonable standard— “Why do I have to have a model figure to become a fashion designer?”; 2) Adapting to given circumstances— “I will lose weight to become a fashion designer”; 3) Frustration over reality that can’t be changed with effort— “I can lose weight, but I can’t get any taller”; and 4) Setting practical alternatives—“I can be a children’s clothing designer instead of women’s”. Most respondents shared a sense of discontent over such hiring requirements and unreasonable discrimination on the grounds of appearance, but they also showed reluctant acceptance of the unreasonable discrimination practiced by employers in the fierce job market. The physical restrictions set as requirements by fashion companies fundamentally deny opportunities to some applicants. Importantly, the outright specification of a physical condition that cannot be overcome through personal effort or improved by the cultivation of skills as a hiring requirement is an infringement upon personal rights. The fashion industry should make efforts to improve its awareness of fashion designers as specialists equipped with design competencies instead of treating them as fitting models simply to save costs.
Selectivity and by-catch are the main features used to define fish catch for fisheries management or to determine fishing gear efficiency. A fish girth distribution analysis was carried out to determine the retention rate of juveniles discarded and to establish common selectivity for a multispecies catch. Total body length, body weight, and girth of juvenile fish retained in the cod-end and cover net separately were collected using an 18-mm mesh cover net during 12 fishing trials with a 41-mm cod-end beam trawl. The by-catch weight ratio in the cod-end was twice that of the by-catch ratio in number. The 50% selectivity of body length and 50% girth of redfin velvet fish were not significantly different between the cod-end and cover net, whereas those of other fish species were significantly different between the cod-end and cover net. The difference in 50% selectivity girth of other fish between the cod-end and cover net was similar between cod-end mesh size and cover net mesh size. Furthermore, the difference in 50% body length selectivity of other fish between the cod-end and cover net was almost double the difference in girth. Girth selectivity in a multispecies catch using towed fishing gear was effectively used to determine fish and net mesh size.
두 개의 형질 사이에 유전상관이 존재하면 제 1의 형질을 선발함으로써 다른 중요한 형질의 간접선발도 가능해 진다. 따라서 부분육 형질 중 선호도가 높은 안심과 등심에 대한 생산량 증대를 위해서 생체 상태에서 부분육과 상관도가 높은 체형형질을 발굴하여 개량함으로써 고가이며 선호도가 높은 안심과 등심 등의 생산량을 높일 수 있을 것이라 사료된다. 분석에 이용한 데이터는 1998~2012년도에(23~53차) 후대검정한 5,001두의 후대검정우 자료이며 조사형질로는 대분할육 10개의 형질과 18개월령 체형형질을 이용하였다. 유전모수 추정은 WOMBAT 6.0 software package를 이용하여 실시하였다. 분석에 이용된 모형은 부분육 중량의 경우 도축일을 범주형 변량으로 도축 전 생체중을 공변량으로 하였으며 체형형질의 경우에는 차수, 출생지 및 검정소를 범주형 변량으로 측정일령을 공변량으로 하였다. 분석 결과 안심, 등심 및 갈비중량의 유전력은 각각 0.53, 0.50 및 0.14로 나타났다. 등심과 안심은 체고, 십자부고 및 곤폭과 유전상관이(0.34~0.53) 비교적 높게 나타났으므로 이러한 체형형질을 간접선발 함으로써 선호되는 부위의 생산량을 늘릴 수 있을 것이라 사료된다.