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      검색결과 66

      2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
      The biggest jewel beetle in Korea, Chrysochroa coreana, has been nominated as the Natural Monument No. 496 and also classified as Category I of Endangered Species by the Red Data Book. Due to the invisible feature of a saproxylic larval hood inside the host tree for years, the whole life history was hitherto been unknown to the academic world. In order to clarify the period of larval-hood and record images of the process of the final stage of emergence, we obtained sample eggs from two mated couples of adults that emerged from a dead tree of Celtis sinensis on Wando Island, which is well-known as the habitat of C. coreana. Larvae were hatched on four pieces of timber (Celtis aurantiaca) in July 2018 and kept in a growth chamber under the conditions of 25°C, 65% humidity, and in a 12-hour light/dark cycle. The development of larvae was monitored via the non-destructive C/T method every month. Six adults were emerged between February and March 2024. As a result, we obtained the fact that the larval period of C. coreana is minimum 66 months (5.5 years) under lab conditions.
      2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      In this study, an experimental analysis of noise reduction in road traffic by applying the Micro Grooving technique to concrete highway pavements is explored. Initiated in 1984 to address the aging and damage issues observed in South Korea's concrete highways, Micro Grooving is known for creating fine grooves on the cement pavement surface to increase friction, prevent hydroplaning, and inhibit ice formation, while reducing vehicle friction noise by 3∼5dB(A). It is determined from noise measurement results that the application of the Micro Grooving method can be expected to reduce roadside noise and enhance the safety of drivers' driving experience.
      2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      The overseas small ship market is witnessing a trend towards research aimed at substituting Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP), which poses environmental concerns, with High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) in the shipbuilding process. Given the low melting point and high coefficient of thermal expansion of HDPE, research on joint areas is essential. This study focuses on preliminary investigations into ensuring the integrity of joints in shipbuilding processes using HDPE materials. Utilizing the Hot Gas Extrusion Welding method, which is conducive to joining large structures such as ships, HDPE joints were conducted. The material properties were evaluated based on the ASTM D638-14 international standards. This research aims to provide fundamental knowledge on the joining process of HDPE through Hot Gas Extrusion Welding and offers guidance on ensuring the integrity of joints in shipbuilding.
      2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      In the wire constituting the LIN, which is one of the vehicle communication devices, disconnection of the wire or contact resistance of the circuit occurs due to vibration and aging of the vehicle. This affects the entire communication network and may have a significant impact on the safe driving of the vehicle as information is not transmitted. In this study, a LIN BUS circuit simulator was built on its own like a real car and measured with an automotive oscilloscope instead of a common method of measuring and diagnosing a circuit with a multimeter in the event of a LIN BUS circuit failure. Referring to the experimental results, it will be possible to diagnose faults in circuits efficiently and quickly.
      2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      Most of the steam turbine control valves used for the fossil and nuclear power plants operation in South Korea were developed by GE (General Electric) and manufactured by DHIC (Doosan Heavy Industry Company). For may years, DHIC have tried to develop their own technologies related to the power generation. DHIC has launched many R&D projects and ‘Development of a Control Valve Flow Code for Steam Turbine Operation Control of Fossil Power Plant’ was one of the R&D projects. Through our project, we accomplished the experimental method to obtain a steam turbine control valve characteristic curve using the atmospheric air and the reduced model instead using the steam and the real model. Also, we developed the correction method to calculate the real steam mass flow rate from the characteristic curve obtain by the experiment. In this paper, the effectiveness of the correction method was reviewed and it was concluded that the corrected mass flow rate complies well with the real steam mass flow rate.
      2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to present a practical application method for measuring the setting time of concrete in the field, considering different concrete blending and curing environments. METHODS : In the experimental environment of the concrete setting experiment, a mold was made in the laboratory, and the curing temperature was performed at laboratory room temperature (20-25 ℃), heater (30 ℃), and dryer (40 ℃). In the field, the experimental method was performed in summer and autumn, setting experiments on penetration resistance, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and semi-calorimeter. RESULTS : The result of the concrete setting time experiment was that the early setting time was achieved in the combination of filash and slag when the concrete was mixed, and the setting time in the curing environment was the same as the early setting time in the field. The setting time measurement method shows the correlation of the high crystal coefficient at UPV with 0.99 based on PR and the good ratio of 92 % to 107 % on average. In addition, the semi-calorimeter shows a good crystal coefficient of 0.96 to 0.99 and a good setting time of 88 % to 101 % on average. CONCLUSIONS : The analysis of the setting time of the concrete shows that the curing temperature is more affected than the mixture, and it is considered that the UPV test, which evaluates the reliability of the degree of purification, is easy to sampie among the three methods.
      2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      In this paper, the hybrid prefabricated retrofit method is suggested and examined. Six specimens were manufactured in order to evaluate their flexural performance of RC beams. Test parameters include the added beam depth, the thickness of bottom plate, the number of the steel plate with openings. The effects of these parameters on the flexural performance of reinforced concrete beams were examined. The load-deflection behavior and modes of cracks are presented from the test results. At the test result, the flexural capacity and the ductility of the hybrid prefabricated retrofit method was increased satbly. Also, comparing the flexural performance of RC beam and retrofitted RC beams, it was increased that the flexural strength is about 3.3 times, the ductility is about 2.55 times, and energy dissipation capacity is about 7.34 times.
      2019.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      In this paper, a pico hydro turbine employing low head circulation water at fish farms is designed and evaluated. Due to the advantages of simple structures, small head requirements, and low-cost investment, the constant thickness propeller turbine is considered as a feasible solution. The design process based on the free vortex method is presented in full detail, and a 4-blade runner is built using BladeGen. The turbine performance is analyzed both numerically and via experimental methods. Despite slight differences, the results show similar trends between CFD simulations and experiments carried out on factory test-rigs in a wide range of working conditions. At the design flow rate, the turbine achieves the best efficiency of 70 %, generating 3.5 kW power when rotating at 420 rpm. The internal flow field, as well as the turbine's behavior, are investigated through the distribution of blade streamlines, pressure, and velocity around the runner. Moreover, the pressure coefficient on the blade surface at 3 span positions is plotted while the head loss for each simulation domain is calculated and displayed by charts.
      2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      Recently, measures for reducing noise and vibration of a railroad station are actively being developed to enhance its property value and comfort level of passengers. In this paper, the applicability of the recently developed vibration mitigation method utilizing a platform TMD (Tuned Mass Damper) by installing a spring-damper system beneath the platform is experimentally verified using a bench scale structure. The two-story bench scale structure is built to simulate a real railroad station, and vibration reduction effect is verified by comparing acceleration before and after applying the platform TMD at the 2nd floor of the structure. The design parameters of the platform TMD system is determined based on vibration analysis result and the MTMD (Multiple TMD) theory recently developed to enhance the effectiveness of the platform TMD method. The vibration is excited to the bench-scale structure using a vibrator. The performance test result for a spring-damper system is also presented. The result of the experiment reveals that the platform TMD method can reduce the vibration of the bench-scale structure by greater than 5dB(V).
      2016.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      Particle morphology change and different experimental condition analysis during composite fabrication process by traditional ball milling with discrete element method (DEM) simulation were investigated. A simulation of the three dimensional motion of balls in a traditional ball mill for research on the grinding mechanism was carried out by DEM simulation. We studied the motion of the balls, the ball behavior energy and velocity; the forces acting on the balls were calculated using traditional ball milling as simulated by DEM. The effect of the operational variables such as the rotational speed, ball material and size on the flow velocity, collision force and total impact energy were analyzed. The results showed that increased rotation speed with interaction impact energy between balls and balls, balls and pots and walls and balls. The rotation speed increases with an increase of the impact energy. Experiments were conducted to quantify the grinding performance under the same conditions. Furthermore, the results showed that ball motion affects the particle morphology, which changed from irregular type to plate type with increasing rotation speed. The evolution was also found to depend on the impact energy increase of the grinding media. These findings are useful to understand and optimize the particle motion and grinding behavior of traditional ball mills.
      2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      The two experiments were done on stationary car at 800rpm, 1500rpm and running car on oscilloscope and chassis dynamometer at the speeds of 20km/h, 60km/h. In this experiment, the relativity between waveform, exhaust emissions and fuel consumption through two experimental methods were measured in case of cars with failures in MAP sensor, O sensor, spark plugs. The following results are obtained by analyzing the data relativity between two experimental methods, such as stationary and running tests. A simple stationary test under the maintenance of a decrepit gasoline vehicle would be realistic possibility to predict the fuel consumption and the exhaust emission comparable to results of running test with a chassis dynamometer.
      2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      In aquaculture operations with nets including scallop aquaculture, there exist many problems as the management of fishing gears is dependent on the traditional method that has been using the pure labor forces. These give rise to the environmental contamination and increase of total fishery costs because they prevent the fishermen from reusing the fishing gears. Due to the eco-friendly issues and aggravation of the management cost, the need to automate the washing operation of the fishing gears has been required consistently. In this study, development of scallop fishing gear washing apparatus was carried out. We conducted the preliminary experiments applying Taguchi experimental method in order to find the influential factors and optimal levels to the washing performance. Based on these result, we designed the structure and the kinematic mechanism of the fishing gear washer. Final prototype was verified to be effective in maximizing the washing rate through the performance test.
      2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      PURPOSES : About 35% of air pollutant is occurred from road transport. NOx is the primary pollutant. Recently, the importance of NOx removal has arisen in the world. TiO2 is very efficient for removing NOx by photocatalytic reaction. The mechanism of removing NOx is the reaction of photocatalysis and solar energy. Therefore, TiO2 in concrete need to be contacted with solar radiation to be activated. In general, TiO2 concrete are produced by substitute TiO2 as a part of concrete binder. However, 90% of TiO2 in the photocatalysis can not contacted with the pollutant in the air and solar radiation. Coating and penetration method are attempted as the alternative of mixing method in order to locate TiO2 to the surface of structure. METHODS : The goal of this study was to attempt to locate TiO2 to the surface of concrete, so we can use the concrete in pavement construction. The distribution of TiO2 along the depth were confirmed by basing on the comparison of TiO2 compare by using the EDAX(Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy). RESULTS : TiO2 were distributed within 3mm from concrete surface. This distribution of TiO2 is desirable, since the TiO2 induce photocatalysis are located to where they can be contacted with the air pollutant and solar radiation. CONCLUSIONS : Nano size TiO2 is easily penetration in the top 3mm of concrete surface. By the penetration TiO2 concrete can be produced with the use of only 10% of TiO2, by comparing the mixing types.
      2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      본 논문에서는 와이어 하네스의 피로 내구 수명을 예측하기 위해 와이어, 번들, 실차단계의 유한요소 해석 방법론이 연구되었고 이를 위한 피로 내구 시험 기기가 개발되었다. 와이어 하네스 시스템을 구성하는 5가지 종류의 와이어에 대한 응력-수명 그래프를 얻기 위해 개발된 피로 시험기를 이용하여 반복 굽힘 움직임을 인가하였다. 와이어를 구성하는 도선과 피복의 재료 모델링을 위해 혼합의 법칙이 적용된 등가모델을 이용하였다. 번들 해석과 시험을 통하여 와이어 간의 접촉조건과 번들의 테이핑조건이 정립되었다. 와이어 및 번들 단계의 결과들은 실차 단계의 해석에 적용되었다. 실차단계의 해석을 위해 번들과 그로맷으로 구성된 와이어 하네스 시스템을 수치적으로 모델링 하였으며, 차량 문의 개폐조건이 와이어 간의 접촉조건과 함께 적용되었다. 유한요소 해석을 이용한 실차 모델의 피로 내구 해석을 통해 70만회 이상의 피로 수명이 도출 되었으며, 실차 조건의 시험 결과와비교하여 타당성을 검증하였다.
      2012.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      태풍 발생과 이동에 미치는 전향력의 영향을 살펴보는데 활용할 수 있는 실험 방법을 개발하였다. 실험 장치는 회전원판, 수조, 그리고 태풍과 유사한 모양의 소용돌이를 생성시키기 위한 발생기 등으로 구성되었다. 회전하는 원판에 놓인 수조에서 생성된 소용돌이는 그 형태가 수 분 동안 유지되었다. 반면에 회전이 없을 때는 소용돌이가 생성되기 어려웠고, 생성되더라도 곧 흩어졌다. 회전 유체의 역학적 특성은 전향력이 작용하는 대기와 유사하므로, 앞의 두 실험을 통해 태풍이 발생되기 위해서는 반드시 전향력이 필요함을 알 수 있었다. 또한 경사진 바닥을 갖는 수조 속의 소용돌이는 일정한 방향으로 이동하였다. 지형적 베타 효과를 고려하여, 우리는 바람 효과뿐만 아니라 전향력의 남북방향의 변화가 태풍의 이동에 중요한 영향을 줄 수 있음을 알았다. 이 연구에서 개발한 실험 방법은 학생들이 전향력과 태풍의 관계를 이해하는데 유용하게 사용될 것으로 기대한다.
      2012.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      In this study, prediction of later-age compressive strength of ultra-high strength concrete, based on the accelerated strength of concrete cured in hot water was investigated. Comparing other acceleration method, hot water curing method is relatively easy and intuitive to use in the real construction site. The amount of time for evaluation of the concrete strength using the hot water curing method in KS and JIS is too long to predict the strength of the ultra-high strength concrete that are used in the tall building structure. For that reason, curing temperature of 40, 50, 60℃ 3 levels were examined to shorten the amount of time for the evaluation of the strength. When curing in warm water, different strength characteristics are verified from the experiment. In case of F3 substituting 30% fly ash in combination, because of the curing temperature sensitivity of fly ash, differences of strength expression velocity was verified according to the curing temperature at the same age. In case of B4 substituting 40% ground granulated blast furnace slag, there were no big strength expression velocity differences of the specimen cured in 3 different level of curing temperature(40, 50, 60℃). The results show reliable accuracy by regression relation between 28day strength cured by standard curing method and accelerated strength of concrete cured in warm water.(y=1x-0.0002 R2=0.9866) As a result, the feasibility of 3day-prediction was confirmed using warm water curing method with accelerated strength of concrete cured for three days in warm water.
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