This study divided the area capable of producing domestic forage into grazing pasture, hay production area, and silage crop area, calculated the required area according to the forage production volume, and examined whether self-sufficiency in forage leads to cost savings. When the self-sufficiency rate of forage for dairy cows and Hanwoo is 80%, the improvement in profitability per heaf ranges from 3% to 9%, typically around 5%, which is considered a significant benefit for both corporate and individual businesses. The average profit per ranch is expected to increase about KRW 50 million per year, and the country as a whole is expected to reduce forage costs by KRW 0.9 trillion per year. Recently, efforts are being made by the government and local authorities to cultivate summer forage at the rice fields for improving self-sufficiency in forage feed to stabilize rice supply and demand. Furthermore, it is also necessary to conduct research on reducing the cost of concentrated feed and TMR (Total mixed ration).
The present study estimated rumen fermentation characteristics and greenhouse gas emissions of different forages. Alfalfa, timothy, tall fescue, Italian ryegrass, and rice straw as the main forage sources for Hanwoo were used in the present study. Crude protein was highest in alfalfa but lowest in rice straw (p<0.05). Ether extract was higher in alfalfa and Italian ryegrass than in the other forages (p<0.05). Crude ash was highest in rice straw but lowest in tall fescue (p<0.05). Neutral detergent fiber was highest in tall fescue but lowest in alfalfa (p<0.05). Acid detergent fiber was highest in Italian ryegrass and rice straw but lowest in alfalfa (p<0.05). In vitro digestibilities of dry matter (DMD) and neutral detergent fiber (NDFD) were highest in timothy but lowest in rice straw (p<0.05). Rumen pH was highest (p<0.05) in alfalfa, while ammonia-N was higher (p<0.05) in alfalfa and Italian ryegrass than in the other forages. Total volatile fatty acid was highest (p<0.05) in timothy, while acetate and propionate were highest (p<0.05) in alfalfa and rice straw, respectively. Acetate to propionate ratio was higher (p<0.05) in alfalfa, timothy, and Italian ryegrass than in rice straw. Rice straw had lowest total gas (mL) (p<0.05) but highest its per DMD and NDFD. Rice straw had higher (p<0.05) CO2 (per DMD and NDFD) compared to alfalfa (per DMD and NDFD), timothy (per DMD and NDFD), tall fescue (per NDFD), and Italian ryegrass (per DMD). Again, rice straw had higher (p<0.05) CH4 (per DMD and NDFD) compared to timothy (per DMD and NDFD) and tall fescue (per NDFD). Therefore, this study indicates that timothy has a higher nutrient digestibility and volatile fatty acid in the rumen leading to a reduction of greenhouse gas emission.
본 연구는 2014 / 2015년 동계 사료작물의 월동 후 생육 조사를 통하여 전국적인 작황을 파악함으로서 사료작물 생 육에 문제점이 있을시 근본 원인을 구명할 수 있는 기초자 료로 이용하거나 조사료의 연중 안정 생산, 공급에 도움을 주고자 수행하였다. 2015년도 전국 동계 사료작물의 월동 후 생육 상황은 전반적으로 저조하였는데, 월동률 분포에 따른 지역별 분포 상황을 살펴보면 월동률 80% 이상인 지 역이 66%, 월동률 79~50% 분포지역이 24.9%, 50%미만 지 역이 9.1%의 지역별 분포를 나타내어 전체적으로는 79%의 월동률을 나타냈다. 월동 후 월동률 및 피복률은 배수로가 설치된 논에서는 각각 83%와 80%로서 양호했으나 배수로 가 설치 안 된 습한 논에서는 각각 67%와 66%로 낮은 경 향을 나타냈다. 전국 동계작물 조사료 생산량은 강원, 충 북, 충남, 경남, 전남지역은 10~15%, 경기, 경북, 전북지역 은 약 30%의 수량감소가 예상되어 전국적으로 약 19%의 수량 감소가 예상되었다.
An in vitro study was conducted to determine the effects of defaunation (removal of protozoa) and forage sources (rice straw, ryegrass and tall fescue) on ruminal fermentation characteristics, methane (CH4) production and degradation by rumen microbes. Sodium lauryl sulfate, as a defaunation reagent, was added into the mixed culture solution to remove ruminal protozoa at a concentration of 0.375 mg/ml. Pure cellulose (0.64 g, Sigma, C8002) and three forage sources were incubated in the bottle of culture solution of mixed rumen microbes (faunation) or defaunation for up to 24 h. The concentration of ammonia-N was high under condition of defaunation compared to that from faunation in all incubations (p<0.001). Total VFA concentration was increased at 3, 6 and 12 h (p<0.05~p<0.01) but was decreased at 24 h incubation (p<0.001) under condition of defaunation. Defaunation decreased acetate (p<0.001) and butyrate (p<0.001) proportions at 6, 12 and 24 h incubation times, but increased propionate (p<0.001) proportion at all incubation times for forages. Effective degradability of dry matter was decreased by defaunation (p<0.001). Defaunation not only decreased total gas (p<0.001) and CO2 (p<0.01~0.001) production at 12 and 24 h incubations, but reduced CH4 production (p<0.001) at all incubation times for all forages. The CH4 production, regardless of defaunation, in order of forage sources were rice straw > tall fescue > ryegrass > cellulose (p<0.001) up to 24 h incubation.
본 연구에서는 양질 조사료의 급여가 한우비육우의 사양성적, 육생산성 및 육질에 미치는 효과를 메타분석기법을 이용하여 분석하였다. 효과분석은 국내에서 수행된 논문들을 대상으로 총 5편의 연구논문들을 인용하였다. 양질조사료를 급여한 시험구를 처리구로 하고 볏짚을 급여한 시험구를 대조구로하여 처리구 결과와 대조구 결과의 평균차를 이용하여 효과의크기를 분석하였고, 요약효과는 임의효과모형을 이용하여 산출하였다. 그 결과, 사양성적에대한 정의효과는 사료섭취량, 일당증체량, 종료체중 및 사료효율 모두에서 나타났으며, 유의성은 일당 증체량에서만 발견되었다. 육생산량에 대한 정의효과는 도체중, 배측최장근 면적및 생산성 지수에서 나타났고, 등지방두께에서는 부의효과가 나타났다. 유의성은 도체중과배최장근 면적에서만 나타났다. 육질에 대한정의효과는 marbling score와 지방색에서 정의효과가 나타났으며, 육색은 부의효과가 나타났으나 유의적 효과는 발견되지 않았다.
본 시험에서 건초(티머시, 알팔파 및 클라인)와 짚류(톨페스큐 및 볏짚)의 buffer 용해도와 단백질 분획이 실시되었으며, 조사료 자원의 buffer 추출이 in vitro 발효 성상, 분해율 및가스(CO2 및 CH4) 생성량에 미치는 효과를 조사하였다. 다른 조사료에 비해 총 단백질 중buffer 가용성 조단백질과 A fraction은 알팔파건초에서 각각 61% 및 41.77%로 가장 높았으며 볏짚에서 가장 낮았다(각각 42.8% 및19.78%). 총단백질 중 B1 fraction은 조사된 조사료간 비교적 큰 차이를 보이지 않았으나 B2fraction에서는 다른 조사료(6.34~8.85%)에 비하여 톨페스큐짚(10.05%) 및 클라인 건초(12.34)%에서 다소 높은 수준을 보였다. 총 단백질 중B3 fraction이 차지하는 비율은 톨페스큐짚에서38.49%로 가장 높았으나 다른 조사료 자원 간에는 큰 차이가 없었으며, C fraction의 경우 볏짚에서 가장 높은 비율(15.05%)을 보였다. 모든 사료에서 배양 개시 후 3시간(P<0.01) 및 6시간(P<0.05)에서 buffer 추출 전에 비해 추출후 배양액의 pH가 증가되었으며, 배양 6시간(P<0.05) 및 12시간(P<0.001)에서 다른 사료에비해 티모시 건초 및 알팔파 건초로부터의 pH가 낮았다. 배양액의 암모니아 농도는 모든 배양시간에서 가용성 물질의 추출 전 후에 다른조사료에 비해 알팔파 건초에서 가장 높았으나모든 사료의 추출효과는 배양 3시간(P<0.01)에서만 나타났다. 배양액의 총 VFA 농도는 배양24시간까지 알팔파 건초에서 가장 높았던 반면톨페스큐짚과 볏짚에서 가장 낮았다. 또한 모든 조사료에서 buffer 추출 전에 비하여 추출후에 총 VFA 농도가 감소되었다(P<0.01~P<0.001). Acetic acid (C2)의 조성 비율에서는 배양 6시간까지 추출 전에 더 높았으나(P<0.001)사료 간 차이는 없었다. Propionic acid (C3) 조성 비율 역시 배양 개시 후 3, 24 및 48시간(P<0.001)에 추출 전에 더 높았으며, 6 및 12시간의 배양액에서 대부분 건초(티모시, 알팔파 및 클라인)와 짚류(톨페스큐짚 및 볏짚) 간차이가 있는 것으로 조사되었다(P<0.05). 그러나 butyric acid (C4) 조성비율의 경우 대부분의배양시간에서 사료 간 차이는 없었다. 건물에서의 분해율 관련 parameter 중 a 값은 조사된전체 조사료에서 buffer 추출 전이 추출 후에비해서 높았으며(P<0.001), 다른 조사료에 비해톨페스큐짚과 볏짚에서 크게 낮았다(P<0.05).또한 b 값의 경우 역시 추출 전에 비해 추출후에서 현저히 낮았으나(P<0.001) 사료 간 차이는 없었다. 볏짚을 제외한 조사료에서 추출후에 비해 추출 전의 건물 유효분해율(EDDM)이 더 높았다(P<0.001). 조단백질에서의 a, b및 c 값은 추출 전에 비해 추출 후에서 현저히낮았으나(P<0.05) 사료 간 차이는 없었다. 조단백질 유효분해율(EDCP)에서는 다른 조사료 종류에 비해 톨페스큐짚과 볏짚에서 낮았다(P<0.05). 한편, NDF의 경우 a 값과 b 값(P<0.01)및 NDF 유효분해율(EDNDF, P<0.001)은 추출후에 비해 추출 전에 더 높았으나(P<0.01) 사료 간 차이는 보이지 않았다. 반추위미생물에의해 사료분해과정 중 생성되는 CO2 량도 24시간 배양까지는 추출 전에 더 많았으며(P<0.05~P<0.001), 톨페스큐짚과 볏짚에 비해 건초형태의 조사료로부터의 CO2 생성량이 더 많았다(P<0.05~P<0.01). 메탄가스(CH4) 생성량 역시 모든 배양시간에서 추출 전에 비해 추출 후에 크게 감소되었으며(P<0.01~P<0.001), 12~24시간을 제외하고는 짚류에 비해 건초에서 현저히 높은(P<0.05) 것으로 나타났다. 본 시험의 결과를 종합하면, 조사료 자원에 대한 buffer용해도와 단백질의 분획이 in vitro VFA 농도와 분해율 및 gas (CO2 및 CH4) 발생량 간 상호 밀접한 관계를 보이는 것으로 여겨진다. 이에 따라 조사료 이용 효율 개선을 위해 조사료자원에 대한 buffer 용해도와 단백질 분획을 반추동물 TMR 조제에 활용할 필요가 있는 것으로 여겨진다.
In order to ensure good animal health and performance, it is essential to produce forages with high feeding value and good hygienic quality. However, huge amounts of forages consumed by ruminants are contaminated with mold prior to harvest or during stora
In order to ensure good animal health and performance, it is essential to produce forages with high feeding value and good hygienic quality. However, huge amounts of forages consumed by ruminants are contaminated with mold prior to harvest or during storage as hay, straw or silage. These mold can grow in forages only when nutrients are available, correct temperature exist, oxygen is present, and unbound water is available. Fungal 'species can be divided into two groups: field fungi and storage fungi. Field fungi invade the forages while the crop is still in the fíeld, require high moisture conditions, and are such as species of Fusarium, Alternaria, Clodosporium, Diplodia, Gibberrella and Helminthosporium. Storage fungi invade forages during storage and need less moisture than fíeld fungi. These such as species of Aspergillus and Penicillium usually do not occur any problem before harvest. Mold growth can spoil the nutritional aspects of the forages and also results in secondary metabolites that are highly toxic to animal, humans and plants. Moldy feeds are less palatable and may reduce dry matter intake. This, in turn, leads to a reduction of nutrition intake, reducing weight gains or milk production. Performance losses of 5 to 10 percent are typical with moldy feeds. Mycotoxins are toxic substances produced by fungi (molds) growing on crops in the field or storages. While greater than 400 mycotoxins have been chemically identified, the biological or veterinary medical impact of only several mycotoxins is known. Mycotoxins have attracted considerable attention as potential causes for poor performance and health disorders in domestic livestock. They can be carcinogenic, hepatotoxic, hematotoxic, immunosuppressive, estrogenic, or mutagenic. So, feeding moldy forages has adverse effects on animal health and milk consumers. AIso, this author reported that rice straw hay was contaminated mycotoxigenic fungi such as Penicillium roqueforti and Fusarium culmorum in Korea. Therefore, it is an urgent need to develop an improved post harvest storage method to reduce nutrient loss and mycotoxin contamination of forages, which will have a positive impact on human health.
The experimental work was conducted to investigate the effects of the application level of composted cattle manure (CCM) on forage productivity using whole crop barely (WCB)-whole crop rice (WCR) double cropping system for 3 years. Main plot was consisted of application level of CCM such as 150%, 200% and control plot. The total DMY of forages under WCB and WCR in treatment of CF significantly decreased as compared with that of treatment of CCM 150%. However, NDF, ADF and CP content of WCB and WCR were hardly influenced by CCM application.
The experimental work was conducted to investigate the effects of the application level of composted cattle manure (CCM) on forage productivity using Italian ryegrass-WCR double cropping system for 3 years (2006~2008). Main plot was consisted of application level of CCM such as 150%, 200% and control plot. The total day matter yield (DMY) of Italian ryegrass and WCR in treatment of CCM 150% and CCM 200% significantly decreased as compared with that of treatment of chemical fertilizer (CF). However, NDF, AND and CP content of Italian rye grass and WCR were hardly influenced by CCM application.
The experimental work was conducted to investigate the effects of the application level of composted cattle manure (CCM) on forage productivity using rye-whole crop rice (WCR) double cropping system for 3 years. Main plot was consisted of application level of CCM such as 150%, 200% and control plot. The total DMY of of rye-WCR in treatment of CCM 150% significantly decreased as compared with that of treatment of CF and CCM 200%. However, NDF, ADF and CP content of rye and WCR were hardly influenced by CCM application.
In lowland areas of south-west China, especially in late winter and early spring, animal nutrition is so poor t㏊t some animals die because of shortages of forage. Farmers in these areas are finding it difficult to conserve sufficient forage. It is a big challenge to find a new strategy to solve the problem, so tillage systems and overseeding of a perennial pasture can influence the performance of winter annual forage production in the future.
2005년 4월 4일부터 6일까지 강원도 양양군에 대형산불이 발생하여 산림 250 ha를 포함하여 인근 농가의 목초지가 피해를 입었다. 따라서 본 연구는 산불 피해 초지에서 보파시기와 보파량이 초지의 생산성과 사료가치에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 수행되었다. 처리는 대조구, 산불발생 10일후에 추천 파종량의 30%와 50%, 20일후에 30%와 50% 보파를 포함하여 6처리를 공시하였다. 그러나 본 연구에서 산불 피해 목초지에서 생산성과 사료가치에