
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 49

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        미수(眉叟) 허목(許穆, 1595∼1682)은 예(禮)에 있어서는 엣 경전에 따른 고례(古禮)를 중시하였으며, 학문에 있어서는 하, 은, 주 삼대(三代)의 육경(六經)을 깊이 연구하였으며, 글씨 또 한 삼대(三代)의 고문을 추구한 상고주의자(尙古主義者)였다. 시대적으로는 양난(임진왜란, 병자호란)의 혼란과 사색 당쟁 의 격변 속에서, 요순시대를 정치현실에 재현하고자 하는 유토 피아적 인물이었다. 사상적으로도 유학의 해석에 있어서 정주 (程朱)의 해석으로 해결하기 어려운 점을 삼대의 문물과 제도 에서 해결점을 찾고자 하여, 경세치용학파(經世致用學派)라는 남인실학파의 초석을 마련한 인물이다. 서예사적으로 볼 때 그의 정치적 이상과 사상적 학문 연구의 결과가 미전체라는 창신적 서체개발의 형성과정을 연유한다고 볼 수 있다. 전서를 통해 그가 끝내 이루고자 했던 삼대시대의 치도(治道)를, 문자, 서법을 통한 재현이었다. . 1660년 그가 삼척부사(三陟府使)로 좌천 부임(1660)되었을 때 세운 <척주동해비(陟州東海碑)>는 미전체의 대표적 묵적이다. 한편 미전체 형성에 많은 영향을 준 낭선군 이우를 통해 접한 청(淸)의 묵적「형산신우비」가 위작의 논란을 겪음으로, 허목 의 미전체에 관한 평가도 엇갈리는 점이 있는 것은 사실이나, 이러한 문제는 후학들이 계속 연구할 과제라고 생각한다. 그러나 서체의 창신은 높이 평가받아야 할 점이다. 그런 의 미에서 논문 말미에 발표한 심일종 연구가의 소장 자료「과두 전(蝌蚪篆)」이 삼척지방에서 발견된 것은 매우 의미 있는 성 과이다. 미전체가 허목 한 사람에 그치는 것이 아니라 지엽적 인 한계를 넘어 시대와 공간을 초월하는 서체(미전체)의 학습 과 계승으로 이어지기를 바라는 바이다.
        2022.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: This study aimed to understand the core concept of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) psychotherapy through the experience of psychotherapists by presenting an in-depth analysis of the formation and change process of their irrational beliefs. Methods: Data were collected through in-depth interviews with four REBT counselors selected through an intentional sampling process, and then analyzed and interpreted through Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Results: After an in-depth analysis of the meaningful statements of the study participants, six themes and fifteen sub-themes were extracted. The six themes were ‘self-hindering thoughts’, ‘environments that amplify irrational beliefs’, ‘war and struggle for the self’, ‘realization of life strategies’, ‘my big self (I) that consists of countless smaller selves (i)’, and ‘life is a continuous self-therapy’. Conclusion: The results showed that REBT psychotherapists form their irrational beliefs through the overall evaluations of justification, exaggeration, and people that arise from important interactions with others, including their parents, and further reinforce these beliefs through internal and external compensation. These irrational beliefs led to evaluative judgment and self-discrepancy and negatively influenced the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects as well as their presence. These irrational beliefs internalized and transformed the rational beliefs that were confirmed through a debate on the separation between problems and people and, distancing, repeated self-talks, expanded from self-acceptance to others, and persisted through self-treatment methods
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 청대 중기 양주팔괴(揚州팔괴)를 대표하며 시.서. 화 삼절로 유명한 판교 정섭(板橋鄭燮1693-1765) 서예의 핵 심적 요소라 할 수 있는 육분반서의 형성과정을 고찰하려 하였 다. 명말 청초 진보적 사인(士人)을 중심으로 싹튼 반권위적 사 상운동의 시대적 배경하에서 정섭의 인생 행로는 한마디로 지 극히 불우하고 비참하였다. 그가 활동했던 시기는 유가적 중화 미를 중심사상으로 삼았으나 양주지역을 중심으로 양주팔괴라 일컬어지는 혁신적인 개성주의 예술가들이 출현한 시기이다. 그들은 자신들만의 개성적이고 창의적인 괴(怪)의 미학을 추숭 하였으며 그 중심에 정섭이 활동했다. 정섭은 세상의 명예나 출세에 초연하여 평생 군자의 인품을 상징하는 전통적 소재에 심취하였는데 그의 이러한 초일(超逸) 한 심미경계의 진솔함이 육분반서를 탄생시킨 결정적 배경이 되었다. 정섭의 학서과정은 유년시기 당시 풍미했던 관각체인 해서를 주로 연마하였고 30대는 첩학(帖學)은 물론 비학(碑學) 에도 많은 관심을 보이며 행서에 예서 필의의 혼융을 시도하였 다. 40대 전후 회소. 안진경, 소식, 황정견, 고기패 등 명 서예가 들의 필적을 두루 연구하여 독창적인 육분반서를 창안하였다. 육분반서의 의미에 대해서는 명확한 기록이 전하는 바가 없고 후대인들의 다양한 해석만 있을 뿐이어서 의견 또한 분분하다. 그중 정섭 스스로 말한 한대(漢代)의 팔분서(八分書)에 해.행.초 를 결합하였다고 한 기록에 주목할 필요가 있다. 이는 육분반 서는 팔분을 바탕으로 전.예.해.행초 등 각 서체를 두루 혼합하 였다는 뜻임과 동시에 하나의 상징적인 용어로 그 의미를 해석 하는 것이 가장 신빙성이 높은 표현이라 할 수 있겠다 정섭의 육분반서에 대한 평가는 청대 초기 의고주의(擬古主 義)와 대립하는 즉, 정감과 개성을 중시하는 `괴`의 발현으로 보았다. 그러나 그의 작품을 분석해 보면 그것은 단순한 기괴 함만을 추구한 것이 아니라 끊임없는 고전의 연마를 통해 변용 시킨 서풍임을 알 수 있다. 특히 정섭의 육분반서에 대한 연구 는 현대 서예 창작에 대한 하나의 방향성을 제시하고 있다는 점에서 그 의의를 찾을 수 있겠다.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bongik-dong, Kwonnong-dong, Ikseon-dong and Nakwon-dong are areas around Donhwamun-ro in Seoul. These residential areas began to be developed collectively from the 1920s and the construction period was the fastest among hanok residences collectively formed in urban center. At that time, houses were developed with high density. In the 1920s, many medium-sized plots of less than 3,300㎡ were distributed around Donhwamun-ro. Private developers such as Jeong Se-kwon(Konyangsa), Shin Tae-jong, and Yoon Heung-rim, who were active at the time, purchased medium-sized plots. Developers sold out the land directly or after constructing Hanok on the divided plot and then selling them. This method of developing hanok residences by private developers in the 1920s have influenced on hanok residences which began to be developed after the 1930s. Currently, many urban Hanoks still remain in areas around Donhwamun-ro. The initial aspects of the hanok development in the 1920s could be grasped through blocks, plot division, alleys, row house Hanok etc around Donhwamun-ro.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Chinese Sigyeong records the foods of the Primitive Pickling Period, pickling being a universal vegetable storage method, but does not indicate the origin of the pickled vegetables or the location of the source of transmission. Kimchi mainly used salt and sauce-based soaking materials at the beginning of the Fermented Pickling Period (beginning in the 1st to 3rd centuries A.D.), and it differed from the Chinese method, which used alcohol and vinegar. In the Umami-Flavored Pickling Period (beginning in the 14th and 15th centuries A.D.), jeotgal, fermented seafoods, were added, and pickles with a completely new identity were created, one different from any other pickles in the world. Lastly, entering the Complex Fermentation and Pickling Period (beginning in the 17th and 18th centuries), the technical process evolved using a separate special seasoning containing red pepper as the secondary immersion source after pickling in brine, the primary immersion source. As a result of this, kimchi was transformed into a food with a unique form and taste not found anywhere else. The unique characteristic of kimchi is that the composition of original materials, a combination of salted marine life and vegetable ingredients, is its core identity, and there is a methodological difference in that it is completed through a second process called saesaengchae (生菜)-chimchae (沈菜).
        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        급냉법에 의한 역 열유도상전이(RTIPS) 공정을 사용하여 mesoporous polystyrene (PS), polyethersulfone (PES) 막 을 제조하였다. 급냉법에 의한 RTIPS 공정은 급냉 및 승온 시 도포 용액 내 용매 분자들의 결정 생성 및 성장을 통해 나노 규 모의 상전이를 야기시켜 mesoporous 기공들을 형성된다. 시차주사열량계(TA: DSC) 사용해 측정된 사용 용매 dimethylformamide (DMF)와 여러 고분자 함량의 고분자용액들에 대한 엔탈피 변화와 주사현미경(SEM)을 사용하여 측정한 고분자함량에 따른 제조된 막 구조, 그리고 비표면적 분석기(BET) 사용하여 측정한 고분자 함량에 따라 제조된 막의 기공크기분포 및 표준편 차 분석을 통해 RTIPS 공정 시 상전이 거동을 살펴보았다.
        2021.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The characteristics and morphology of precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) particles produced by carbonation process with various experimental conditions are investigated in this study. The crystal structures of PCC formed by carbonation process are calcite and aragonite. The crystal structure of PCC particles synthesized without adipic acid additive is calcite only, regardless of the reaction temperature. Needle-like shape aragonite phase started to form at reactor temperature of 80°C with the adipic acid additive. Particle size of the single phase calcite PCC synthesized without adipic acid additive is about 1 ~ 3 μm, with homogenous distribution. The aragonite PCC also shows uniform size distribution. The reaction temperature and concentration of adipic acid additive do not show any significant effects on the particle size distribution. Aragonite phase grown to a large aspect ratio of needle-like shape showed relatively improved whiteness. The measured whiteness value of single calcite phase is about 95.95, while that of the mixture of calcite and aragonite is about 99.11.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since the amendment of Child Welfare Law in 2003, the regional centers for children have been a part of the child welfare system, providing child-care services for families in poverty. In Korea, the regional centers for children were established during the poverty movement in the 1970s and have been developed as childcare providers for poor children since the financial crisis. However, the identity of regional centers for children is being threatened as the universal perspective on caring and the public values of caring services are being strengthened. There has raised a controversy around the role of regional centers for children that provide child-care services for vulnerable families. In addition, the survival of the regional centers for children is being threatened due to some issues regarding the content of their program as it is similar to those of other child-care agencies, the lack of cooperation among the ministries of government addressing public needs for child-care services, the poor working conditions of center employees, and the poor quality of services. The purpose of this study is to examine the formation process of the regional centers for children. After that, we discuss the current issues of the regional centers for children and seek alternatives that can settle the problems and respond properly to social changes.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        서예는 문자를 매개로 하여 자신의 성정을 나타내는 특수한 예술이다. 따라서 서예는 문자를 떠날 수 없고, 이를 서사하는 것과 내용 전달이라는 두 가지 효능을 갖추고 있다. 내용 전달에서 서예를 주제로 삼아 시의 형식으로 표현한 것을 ‘밀접한 관계를 지니고 있다. 시는 절제된 언어, 서예는 문자를 빌려 사상과 정감을 나타낸다. 논서시는 시와 서예의 발생과 형성과정을 그대로 따르고 있다. 지금까지 작가의 이름이 기록된 최초의 서론은 최원의 『초서세』이고, 이는 『시경』과 같은 사언시로 썼기 때문에 논서시의 원류로 삼을 수 있다. 시는 한나라의 賦, 위ㆍ진나라의 行, 당나라의 근체시에 이르러 비로소 완전한 체제가 완비 되었다. 논서시의 발생과 형성과정은 이와 맥락을 같이 하였다. 즉 한나라 최원의 『초서세』는 논서시의 발생과 원류, 위ㆍ진나라 조식의 「장가행」은 형성과정의 대표작품, 당나라 논서시는 체제의 완성이라 하겠다. 최원의 『초서세』는 사언시의 형식을 빌려 서예의 기원과 초서의 발생 ㆍ법도ㆍ효능ㆍ심미ㆍ감상 등을 언급한 최초의 논서시이기 때문에 이를 논서시의 발생과 원류로 삼기에 충분하다. 조식의 「장가행」은 당시 유행하였던 行의 시 형식으로 문자의 생성과 서사 재료를 논하였다. 논서시의 체제가 완비된 당나라에서는 서체ㆍ서예가ㆍ서예작품에 대한 것 들이 주를 이루고 있다. 이에 대한 연구는 비록 논서시의 발생과 형성과 정이지만, 이를 근원으로 폭 넓게 확대하여서. 연구한다면 문인서예와 나아가 새로운 서예 창작에 많은 도움을 줄 수 있다.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the effects of operating conditions on the formation of reversible and irreversible fouling were investigated in the filtration using ceramic membrane for water treatment process. The effect of coagulation pretreatment on fouling formation was also evaluated by comparing the performance of membrane filtration both with and without addition of coagulant. A resistance-in-series-model was applied for the analysis of membrane fouling. Total resistance (RT) and internal fouling resistance (Rf) increased in the membrane filtration process without coagulation as membrane flux and feed water concentrations increased. Internal fouling resistance, which was not recovered by physical cleaning, was more than 70% of the total resistance at the range of the membrane flux more than 5 m3/m2・day. In the combined process with coagulation, the cake layer resistance (Rc) increased to about 30-80% of total resistance. As the cake layer formed by coagulation floc was easily removed by physical cleaning, the recovery rate by physical cleaning was 54~90%. It was confirmed from the results that the combined process was more efficient to recover the filtration performance by physical cleaning due to higher formation ratio of reversible fouling, resulted in the mitigation of the frequency of chemical cleaning.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research paper is to segment seafood market and find the factor and process that divide the segment market. Cluster analysis and in-depth interview was performed to identify meaningful segment market. The result of the research found three segment market such as seafood integration familiarity group, domestic seafood familiarity group, seafood unfamiliarity group. Seafood integration familiarity group is active consumer that consume both domestic and imported seafood at home. This group have high preference and familiarity about seafood. Seafood familiarity group purchase imported seafood for the reason that imported seafood is cheaper than domestic seafood and have similar quality level. Domestic seafood familiarity group consume mostly domestic seafood and not purchase imported seafood for the reason that imported seafood have low quality and safety. This group have high preference and familiarity about seafood. Seafood unfamiliarity group is low preference group about seafood and seldom eat at home. This study found that the main factor that divide segment market is seafood familiarity that formed by experiencing seafood in youth and seafood familiarity is main factor that determine consumption degree of seafood at home.
        2016.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Morphology and formation processes of lamellar grain boundaries in titanium rich binary TiAl intermetallics were studied. TiAl alloys containing aluminum content of 44 to 48 at.% were induction-heated to 1723 K followed by helium-gasquenching at various temperatures. For the Ti-44%Al, few lamellae were observed in samples quenched from higher than 1473 K. Although small peaks of beta phase were detected using X-ray diffraction, only the ordered hexagonal phase (α2) with clear APB contrast was observed in TEM observation. For the Ti-48 at.%Al alloy, almost no lamellar structure, and straight grain boundaries were observed in samples quenched from higher than 1623 K. The formation of lamellae along grain boundaries was observed in the sample quenched from 1573 K. The fully lamellar microstructures with serrated boundaries were observed in samples quenched from lower than 1473 K. It was found that the formation of γ platelets took place at higher temperatures in Ti-48 at.%Al than in Ti-44 at.%Al. Although the size of the serration is different, serrated lamellar grain boundaries could be obtained for all alloy compositions employed. The serration appeared to be due to the grain boundary migration induced by precipitation and growth of γ. Differences in transformation characteristics with aluminum content are discussed.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present observational results characterizing molecular out ows from very low-mass objects in ρ Ophiuchi and Taurus. Our results provide us with important implications that clarify the formation process of very low-mass objects.
        2015.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the present study, we investigated the effect of staurosporine on the formation of cellular processes in human gingival fibroblasts and rat astrocytes. Staurosporine caused a rapid induction of process formation in human gingival fibroblasts and rat astrocytes in a concentration dependent manner. The process formation of human gingival fibroblasts and rat astrocytes was prevented by the pretreatment with N-acetylcysteine, suggesting that staurosporine-induced ROS production was responsible for the process formation. Colchicine, a microtubule depolymerizing agent, inhibited the staurosporine-induced process formation, whereas cytochalasin D, an actin filament breakdown agent, failed to suppress the formation of cellular processes. This result indicated that polymerization of microtubule, and not actin filament, was responsible for the formation of cellular processes induced by staurosporine. In support of this hypothesis, Western blot analysis was conducted using anti-tubulin antibody, and the results showed that the amount of polymerized microtubule was increased by the treatment with staurosporine while that of depolymerized beta-tubulin in soluble fraction was decreased. These results indicate that staurosporine induces ROSmediated, microtubule-dependent formation of cellular processes in human gingival fibroblasts and rat astrocytes.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To synthesize Sn nanoparticles (NPs) less than 30 nm in diameter, a modified polyol process was conducted at room temperature using a reducing agent, and the effects of different pH values of the initial solutions on the morphology and size of the synthesized Sn NPs were analyzed. tin(II) 2-ethylhexanoate, diethylene glycol, sodium borohydride, polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP), and sodium hydroxide were used as a precursor, reaction medium, reducing agent, capping agent, and pH adjusting agent, respectively. It was found by transmission electron microscopy that the morphology of the synthesized Sn NPs varied according to the pH of the initial solution. Moreover, while the size decreased to 11.32 nm with an increase up to 11.66 of the pH value, the size increased rapidly to 39.25 nm with an increase to 12.69. The pH increase up to 11.66 dominantly promoted generation of electrons and increased the amount of initial nucleation in the solution, finally inducing the reduced-size of the Sn particles. However, the additional increase of pH dominantly induced a decrease of PVP by neutralization, which resulted in acceleration of the agglomeration by collisions between particles.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        All aspects of individual consumer as well as situational affecting on decisions are influenced by the social and cultural structure in which the consumer is embedded. Recently, there has been a growing worldwide phenomenon whereby tourists visit an attraction or destination as a result of that place being portrayed or represented in the popular cultural forms of the media that are not directly related with tourism promotion or marketing. A number of studies have suggested that such portrayals and features of mass media can act as powerful forces that stimulate tourism demand (Beeton, 2001). Representations and images of tourist destinations constructed by popular cultural forms of media such as films, television and literature play a significant role in influencing people’s holiday decision-making process (Iwashita, 2006). Where trade in images, expectations, dreams, and fantasies are made in tourism (Selwyn, 1996), those media representations and images of tourist destinations play a significant role in influencing people’s decision-making process. The tourism industry also is increasing appliance of images that are drawn from popular culture associated with places to promote tourist destinations and to distinguish themselves from each other. While these researches contribute to the understanding of the influence of pop culture on tourism phenomena, only few studies have investigated on the actual linkage between the pop culture and tourism perceptions/behaviors. The reason why pop culture involvement can be related to the actual intention to visit is due to the fandom created relating to the pop culture. The notion of fandom has been put forward in order to understand the link in between the pop culture and the mass audience in diverse realms (Couldry, 2007). Fandom in recent years have been understood to dismiss the negative view of pathological and the stem for alienating qualities of modern society, and accepted as a phenomena widely spread in post-industrial societies (Jenson, 1992). It is then when transitional moment takes place, in the head and heart of the fan or tourist, that the fascination begins which provides the motivation to visit the locations (Reijnders, 2011). With such cultural industries in modern society constantly produce countless contents that can be utilized as objects of fandom, resulting in actual visit to a place associated with a specific destination serving as an effective strategy for building popular cultural capital in modern society. It was therefore decided to investigate this phenomenon in more depth through empirical research to investigate how and to what extent popular cultural forms of the media (those not directly associated with tourism and destination marketing) have an effect on international tourism, and future, to identify what roles they play in influencing tourists from emerging market in terms of their travel destination image and their perception about places to visit within the chosen destination. The phenomenon in this study focuses on the Korean wave, so called Hallyu, as it is one of the pop culture phenomenon that has gained much recognition across not only within Asian countries but also recently in Western countries via pop songs, soap operas, movies, and other forms of mass media entertainment. In this study, diffusion model suggested by Rogers (1995) was used. The diffusion of Rogers’s innovation framework is proving flexible enough to conceptualize many kinds of social change, including change through processes of public dialogue and civic participation, change within organizations, as well as change through public agenda setting and media effects. Many studies have incorporated diffusion theory to explain such cultural phenomenon to gain more enrich result, however, no other studies have looked into the degree of diffusion stage in a macro level according to the regions. However, to obtain the overall view of the diffusion of such pop culture, it is needed to see the diffusion process proceeding globally as even the same fandom may differ in characteristics based on not only the diffusion stage but also its distinctive characteristics of social system. As a result, according to the diffusion stage of Hallyu, it is expected to differ in formation and perception on destination image. Previous studies identify destination image into cognition and affect which are two conceptually different, yet highly correlated components (Lee, 2008). The cognitive component leading to some internally accepted attributes, a more or less derived from factual information. On the other hand, the affective component relates to a diffusive feeling, which can become important when a decision to travel is actually considered (Russel, 1980). Such image constructed by tourists contains an individual or group perception of a particular place (Fakeye and Crompton 1991). It is expected that the image construction will vary according to the stage of the diffusion. This study incorporates diffusion theory to develop a better understanding of the diffusion process and the current situation of the Korean Wave globally to see whether such diffusion process varies according to region. Then, the effect of such difference in diffusion stages on the intention to visit the destination country was investigated. Thus, preliminary research was conducted first to see the Korean Wave phenomenon globally. In order to analyze the diffusion stage thoroughly, three regions of Asia, America, and Europe were selected. According to the diffusion degree of the Korean wave, seven representative countries were elected regarded to the regions. Along with literatures, in-depth interviews were conducted. The semi-structured form with an interview guide method was presented with reflexive interviewing techniques in order to ensure comprehensiveness (Athos & Gabarro, 1978). Then, a survey was conducted to examine the effect of pop culture involvement on formation and perception of destination image in China and Russia. Choice of countries is not only resulting from recognition as the potential future powerhouse in industry, but because it is the two countries take place as one of the highest increase in the number of tourists visiting Korea recently (KCTI, 2013). In addition, most importantly, China represents to be in the highest stage of diffusion of Korean pop culture, and Russia as one of the lowest. Additionally, the moderating effect of travel intention and travel behavior was preceded. From this, it aims to provide deeper understanding implications for targeting tourists. The hypotheses were tested with a data set developed from field survey using only online survey. Of the 265 samples collected, 8 were returned incomplete. An additional 18 samples were deleted for further analysis, as the answers were unusable. In total 239 samples – 120 and 119 samples from China and Russia respectively – were subjected for final analysis. The result in Study 1 revealed some commonalities and differences among regions. Overall, uniqueness was what made people first be interested. It was mostly pursued by young women yet those who are sometimes extremist. Thus, being open-minded to other cultures was found to be important when accepting other cultures. Moreover, it revealed that it impacts on national image to be more positive as it replaces the negative image related to war and North Korea. However, despite some commonalities, distinctive differences were disclosed among regions, especially between Asian countries and Western countries. In terms of Asia, it was found that cultural similarities have influenced the early acceptance of Korean pop culture. It has been spread since 1997, through television mostly with sensuous contents that were unique in other countries. The contents were mostly appealing to women as the characters shown in soap opera were different to others. This is very different to Europe of America where the diffusion starting in the mid 2000 through the Internet. Uniqueness captured consumers, yet in a different way from Asian countries. The easy going and entertaining aspect was the appealing factor, with word of mouth and human power was what influenced in introduction of Korean pop culture. In addition, those who were into Japanese culture were easily approached to Korean pop culture. The diffusion stage was considered to be less than 10%, with very young women interested with comparison with Asia where it was about 70%. Moreover, it was found that Asian consumers are interested in Korean brand products, such as cosmetics and clothing, and Western consumers are more interested in culture and food. Then, on the survey proceeded where China and Russia was chosen based on the preliminary qualitative research as a two different stage of diffusion according regions/countries, t-test provided evidence to support the claim that depending the diffusion stage of pop culture, the effect on formation and perception of destination image differs. A significant differences were obtained in pop culture involvement, destination image (cognitive and affective), and on visit intention. Based on the t-test statistics for Korean pop culture involvement (t = 8.491, p < .000), the cognitive image (t = -3.341, p < .001), the affective image (t = 2.050, p < .05), and visit intention (t = 2.072, p < .05) were significant. Thus, when highly involved in Korean pop culture, rather than cognitive image, consumers are more likely to be involved with affective image which relates to the actual visit intention. The results corroborated several hypothesized relationships, popular culture involvement in accordance to nation affect the destination image and perception. When more highly involved, more positively it relates to affective image and the visitation intention. The findings reported in this study have managerial implications. One is that as the relation differs according to the diffusion stage, spreading pop culture may not yield visible output instantly, yet as it relates to the actual visitation intention, international pop culture activities should be supported. Second, as shown from the diffusion process globally, distinctive characteristics of each culture should be considered more when spreading such sub-culture. Lastly, therefore, it can be suggested, that according to the countries, different approach should be made in order to induce tourist from other countries. However, this study focuses more on the macro level of the phenomenon. Therefore, future research is needed to provide more evidence on the micro level and more in-depth research. In addition, this study precedes empirical study only in China and Russia. Therefore, more diverse countries should be explored and compared.
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