
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 25

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article defines the characteristics of Korean vegetarianism by tracing the changes in the core motives revealed in the historical development of the vegetarian movement that started in the West. We further explore and compare the limitations of the vegetarian movement conceived in the West with the essential values, ‘How can Korean vegetarian culture gain the upper hand?’. Our results indicate that the sequential changes of the motives inherent to the flow of the modern vegetarian movement were <religious-philosophy>, <political-society>, and <healthy-nutrition>. This settled the transition from ‘vegetarianism as an ideological form’ to ‘vegetarianism as a lifestyle’, making it a more becoming way of life. However, along with the spread of ‘vegetarian lifestyle as a form of life’, commercial vegetarianism, which overshadows the essential value of vegetarianism, continued to flourish due to the modern capitalist industrial system. To curb commercialization, the necessity arose to establish a new vegetarian diet with a propensity towards an ‘ecological-environmental point of view’. Thus, in order to establish the term and concept of a vegetarian diet for Korean vegetarian characteristics, we propose the formation of a vegetarian term and concept suitable for the Korean vegetarian culture.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article started with the purpose of discussing the need for research considering the historical context in sociolinguistic research. To this end, in this paper, the term ‘historical socilinguistics’ was first proposed, and the emphasis was placed on presenting the rationale. (1) Interest in language and society existed widely before the term sociolinguistics was coined. In particular, there are cases where the term 'sociology of linguistics' was used before the emergence of the term 'socilinguistics' mentioned in Lee Ik-seop (1994), mixtures are also found. (2) It was discussed that the interest in the relationship between language and society is to study the history of the language community, and that interest in the 'language community' has a long history in itself despite the diversity of concepts. (3) In this paper, the ‘history related to the linguistic phenomenon of a language community’ and ‘social factors as a linguistic environment’ are to be explored as ‘historical sociolinguistics’. (4) The need to study the historical and social factors of language change was discussed not only in terms of phonological, vocabulary, and grammatical changes, but also in the process of creation and settlement of translated academic terms.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korea has numerous astronomical resources, such as observational records, star maps, and a wealth of literature, covering the period from the Three Kingdoms (54 BC - 932 AD) to the Joseon Dynasty (1392 - 1910 AD). The research activities related to these resources have been limited to those by individual researchers. It is now necessary to conduct research by efficiently and systematically collecting and managing Korean astronomical records using an accessible Web environment. The purpose of this study is to complete a system that enables researchers systematically to collect and verify a large number of historical records related to astronomical phenomena in a Web environment. In 2017, a preliminary survey was conducted, and the requirements pertaining to an implementation target system were devised. In addition, a joint development plan was carried out by the developer, lasting three months in 2018. Although the system is relatively simple, it is the first system to be attempted in the historical astronomy field. In order to proceed with the systematic development, the software development methodology is applied to the entire process from deriving the requirements of researchers to completing the system. The completed system is verified through integrated function and performance tests. The functional test is repeated while modifying and testing the system based on various test scenarios. The performance test uses a performance measurement test tool that takes measurements by setting up a virtual operation environment. The developed system is now in normal operation after a one-year trial period. Researchers who become authorized to use the system can use it to verify the accuracy of data and to suggest improvements. The collected feedback will be reflected in future systems, and Korean astronomical records will be available for use internationally through a multilingual service.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        오늘날 세계 5위의 생산 규모로 성장한 우리나라 자동차 산업에 대한 논의는 1976년 우리나라 최초의 승용차 고유모델 ‘포니’를 개발한 현대자동차 고유의 추격 전략을 중심으로 진행되었다. 그러나 ‘포니’ 개발 당시 정부의 ‘장기 자동차공업 진흥계획’이 중요한 역할을 했음에도 불구하고, 이에 대한 분석은 매우 제한적이다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 1974년 수립된 ‘장기 자동차 공업 진흥계획’의 주요 내용을 심층고찰하고, 이전 정부 정책과의 비교를 통해 본 계획의 의의와 ‘포니’ 탄생에서의 역할을 제시하였다. 연구결과 본 계획은 자동차 산업에서의 외국모델 기반의 소규모 부분조립생산 체제가 가지는 기술학습과 산업 성장의 한계를 명확히 인식하고, 대량생산 체제 도입을 위한 고유모델 개발을 처음으로 제시하였다. 또한 이의 효과적 실행을 위해 완성차 업체의 고유모델 개발을 전제로 한 해외 차관 보증 지원, 승용차의 인테그랄 아키텍처 특성을 고려한 부품 게열화 지원, 수요 창출을 위한 세제 및 관세 개편, 경제성 분석, 외부 지식기반 정보 제공 등 상당히 정밀하면서 총체적인 정책 지원을 포함하고 있음을 확인하였다. 특히 본 계획에 대한 완성차 업체의 구체적인 사업계획서 제출을 유도함으로써 본 계획에 대한 정부와 산업계 간 상호 신뢰 구축은 물론 추진 의지를 확인하고, 기업 내부의 반발을 해소하는데 중요한 역할을 하였음을 확인하였다. 그 결과 우리나라는 세계 16번째로 자동차 고유모델을 보유한 나라가 되었으며, 이에 힘입어 부품 국산화율을 획기적으로 개선하는데 성공하였다. 현대자동차 또한 내수시장 석권은 물론 해외 수출에 성공하며 우리나라 자동차 산업의 비약적 성장을 견인하였다. 본 연구는 우리나라 자동차 산업 초기 성장 과정에서의 정부의 역할을 심층 고찰하였다는 점에서 후발국 산업 추격 이론에 대한 심화와 함께 정책 수립에 대한 중요한 함의를 제공할 것으로 기대된다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        21세기 들어서서 개인용 컴퓨터 및 그래픽 프로그램 이용의 확산과 함께 비전문가에 의한 지도 제작이 증가하고 있다. 특히 한국의 역사지도의 경우 역사학자와 일러스트레이터가 협업을 한 형태의 지도 제작이 다수를 이루고 있다. 지도 이용의 확대라는 측면에서는 긍정적일 수 있으나, 지도학적 요건이 갖추어지지 않은 부정확한 지도가 무분별하게 확대 재생산될 가능성이 높다. 본 연구에서는 지난 8년간 역사학자들이 중심이 되어 제작한 ‘동북아역사지도’를 역사지도 평가 기준안을 개발하고, 이에 따라 분석하였다. 그 결과 투영법, 도곽 범위 및 축척, 고도와 수심의 표현, 기호와 범례, 지도 가독성, 대한민국의 위치 ․크기 ․형태 ․범위의 적절성 등의 지도학적 원칙이 지켜지지 않았으며, 지명의 한글표기, 독도 ․동해 표기 등의 원칙도 지켜지지 않았다. 이러한 문제점이 해결되기 위해서는 역사지도 제작시 준수되어야 할 지도제작 원칙이 시급히 마련되어야 한다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Historical Experience Program is a certain type of a field trip for elementary and middle school students, which includes visiting a historical place and having various outdoor activities related to the historical events that actually happend in the area. Usually the students make a group to participate, but the education is only done with the printed handouts and the guidance teacher's verbal explanation. In this research, we would like to make use of both location-based system and gamification theories to advance the educational form. Each students will be given smart devices to perform the tasks that are conducted by gamifying the historical information and materials. Location-based system will be guiding them to find the missions and clues around the area. The guidance teacher will be also using a smart device to figure out each student's location and how well they are performing. We've also run the actual field test, and found out that it was a very effective method for Historical Experience Programs. Students were very motivated by cooperting and competing with other students on gamified educational material, and had been very ammused by having outdoor activities using location-based system, and it lead to a significantly effective education.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The paper’s proposition is that Mexican public universities potentiate social oriented activity for gsed purposes while agents in Knowledge and Innovation Networking. But they must comply with the structural restrictions of communicative action. The aim is to present communication principles for Knowledge and Innovation Networking (KIN) that promotes Green Sustainable Economic Development (gsed) in Latin American societies, characterized by heterogeneous cultural traits and varied levels of economic and political development, within countries themselves and between them. Prime gsed issues are the preservation of natural resources considering their use and enjoyment by the coming generations, the right to material progress of developing countries as well as the obligation of developed economies to reduce their energy consumption (raw energy and processed commodities). However, the validity of any gsed model is questionable unless it is coherent in terms of what gsed is considered both locally and globally, thus the relevance of networking for knowledge and innovation (see Hidalgo 2011), integrated with regional, national and international innovation systems. How can Knowledge and Innovation Networking (kin) increase university participation in the promotion of gsed? This is a question that this paper aims to answer and provide some strategies to increase participation and contribution to gsed. Knowledge and innovation networks are environments for participation of key social groups where concurrence protocols ease both lawfulness and transparency regarding market issues (global, regional and local) and sustainable development. On-line kin interactions implementation are insufficient for gsed, but will provide participants (state, business, universities and individuals) favorable environments for coordinated actions that represent added value to each and all participants with a reduced hierarchical control because the overall purpose is redefinition of gsed principles that meaningful taking into consideration each participant’s condition.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the process to manufacture costume design of main female characters of TV historical drama〈Lee San〉and suggest the costume, which is developed with contemporary taste. As study methods, the literature study using books and theses concerning costume, fine art, culture and history were used for theoretical background and the empirical study method manufacturing actual costume on the basis of literature and relic were used for dress manufacture. The study results were as follows. The costume was decided by researching historical investigation material on the basis of synopsis, grasping director's basic intention, setting design direction, preparing design map of each character, selecting style, detail, fabric and color, manufacturing sample and performing camera test. The design concept of〈Lee San〉was Modern & Chic & Clean, short & fitted chogori, chima with wide & abundant cocoon silhouette, clean & bright colors and 100% silk fabric. For the design discrimination of royal semi-formal costume, color was used to symbolize character and pattern was used to symbolize social status. In addition, detail change was adopted depending on the body shape of actor and there was almost no design discrimination in silhouette and fabric. Petticoat of the west, modernization of transitional pattern and change of detail were adopted as design elements to add contemporary taste.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to develop royal costume design with contemporary taste depending on the character of hero, Lee San, and time flow of TV historical drama〈Lee San〉and research design discrimination and creative expression. As study methods, the literature study using books and theses concerning costume, fine art, culture and history were used for theoretical background and the empirical study method manufacturing actual costume on the basis of literature and relic were used for dress manufacture. The design concept of costume was modern & chic & clean. The costume was designed through straight silhouette, clean & bright colors excluding prime colors, style transformed to permanent straight pleats on the basis of chulik, 100% silk material focusing on high quality and pattern & decoration of the age of Three Kingdoms. As results, the designs of princess' official rob, day dress and chulik, and emperor's official robe, chulik, military dress and chun-dam-bok were developed. The design discrimination depending on social status change. In the period of princess, black, white, silver and blue were used but in the period of emperor, red, gold and black were used. It was expressed through dragon pattern and extended length used in cloth. The design discrimination depending on character change was visualized through color. Although it is not consistent with historical investigation, contemporary fashion design elements were added to royal costume through color contrast of black & white, permanent straight pleats, velcore, wristlet, extended length and layered-look.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중국은 일찍 농업에 편중하는 식생산전통과 백성들이 어렵게 생계를 유지하는 식생활상태가 형성되었으며 이런 상황은 중국인들이 신랄(辛辣)한 맛에 대한 기호를 결정하였던 것이다. 중국인들이 신랄(辛辣)한 맛을 즐긴 역사는 선사시대까지 거슬러 올라간다. “랄(辣)”자(字)는 “신랄(辛辣)”이라는 단어에서 분리하여 특별히 매운 맛을 의미하는데 즉 일반적인 “신(辛)” 보다 더욱 “신(辛)”하다는 뜻이며 이 문자는 한(漢)나라 이후에야 나타난다. 고추는 명(明)나라 중엽에 해상을 통해 중국대륙에 전해 들어왔고 짧은 기간 내에 중국인들이 제일 보편적으로 식용하고 좋아하는 매운 음식으로 자리 잡았다. 중국에서 고추는 번초(蕃椒), 해초(海椒), 랄각(辣角), 랄호(辣虎), 랄자(辣子) 등 다양한 명칭을 갖고 있는데 이는 그 분포의 지리적 특징과 인문적인 특징을 반영한 것이다. 고추에 대해 최초로 기록한 한문문헌으로는 1591년에 출간된 「존생팔전(尊生八箋)」이다. 본 논문에서는 상기 문헌의 고추에 관한 기록에 대한 종래 연구자들의 보편적인 견해와는 다른 새로운 관점을 제기하였다. 고추는 짧은 시간 내에 화초(花椒) 등 허다한 전통적인 매운 양념들을 재치고 결국 중국인들의 고추정서가 형성된 것은 “그 맛이 최고로 매웠던 것(기미최랄(其味最辣))” 및 적응성이 강하고 재배 할 때 소요되는 인력물력도 적게 드는 것과 중국인들이 보편적으로 매운 맛을 즐겼던 정서가 결합된 필연적인 결과라고 하겠다. 관습은 쉽게 개변하지 않고 오래 접하면 자연히 은이 생기며 강한 자극을 통쾌하다고 여기는 인간의 통성(通性)은 매운 맛에 대한 오랜 접촉으로 습관을 형성시키고 세월이 흘러도 고추를 먹는 습관만은 남게 되는 중요한 원인이다. 고추가 중국 대륙에서 불균형하게 보급되어 있는 상황에서 경제생활이 상대적으로 빈곤한 지역일수록 매운 맛에 대한 기호가 보다 강함을 알 수 있다.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tough Korean architecture and urban environment has been developed for almost 100 years, it still remains various kinds of problems. Many attempts was carried out by every new plan to reduce the problems, it result in requiring more investment than before. It means all the investment for the development has been inefficient and immature to protect economic problems compared with the developed country. For the reason of economic problems it must be studied in historical cases which influenced the economic impacts, before the proposal of index with the economic theory. Searching typical architecture or urban development that brought about economic impacts can be classified into 3 cases. First case is the impact that caused the economic growth, increase, boom like the Westminster & others and the american architectures after the economic crisis. Second case is the impacts that was the origin of decline, shrink in economic as the Palace of Versailles, the skyscrape buildings in america before the economic crisis. Third case is the impact that was the both role of increase and decline in economic as the modern architecture in industrial revolution which led to the national economic growth and the gap between the rich and the poor, and as the american architecture that was the root of crisis and the revival in economic. From the case study, it is clear that architecture has relation with economics in various factors as mass production, labour, and another industries all over the history & the world. Now, architecture strongly needed not only to raise functional, cultural effect and value, but to predict and control the economic impacts with theory from further research of historical cases to policy and practise.
        2005.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The modern Korean missions movement cannot be accurately understood apart from its relationship to the church growth movement and the revival movement. Therefore, the main purpose of this dissertation is to examine the factors contributing to the development of the modern Korean missions movement via historical analysis. Chapter 1 introduces the primary purpose of this dissertation, explains and defines the dissertations title, provides a brief survey of the current Korean missions movement, and outlines the background for the proposal. It also describes the plan and methodology to be used for this work. Because these are some ambiguities about the definitions of the missions movement, this chapter clarifies the definition of the modern Korean missions movement. Chapter 2 examines the history of missions in Korea. Though Korea has a brief history of overseas missions experience, this chapter attempts a through study, in order to understand today's Korean missions movement. This chapter details the earlychurch's foreign mission efforts in Korea and examines the significant role of foreign missions after the Korean War. A brief survey of the monumental efforts toward modern missions are included. Finally, a discussion regarding college campus missions which have contributed significantly to the birth of the missions movement in Korea isfound in this chapter. Chapter 3 seeks to determine the direction that the Korean church is going in foreign missions in today's world. Accordingly, there are four major missions forces in the Korean church. There are also many denominations in the Protestant churches. This author discusses the mission boards of major denominations because they represent the Korean church. This chapter attempts to show how para-church missions are successful in Korea. It also explains well college campus missions which have been pivotal in the modern Korean missions movement. Finally, this chapter examines how local churches participate in foreign missions. Chapter 4 concerns the main thrust of this dissertation. This chapter examines four significant factors regarding the development and the contributions of the modern Korean missions movement. The important atmosphere of its socio-political factors is examined in this chapter. Economic factors that made rapid Korean church growth possible is studied as part of the missions movement. Theological factors also made a great impact on the Korean missions movement and are discussed in this chapter. Chapter 5 provides an overview of tomorrow's missionary efforts in the Korean church. It explains the strategic sending of missionaries under the current mission circumstances. It also discusses a paradigm shift for Korean missions. Finally, it covers missionary training and networking missions on the mission field. Chapter 6 is the conclusion. It summarizes the ideas and thoughts in a final form, emphasizing important facts presented in the dissertation.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article traced modern trends of penological ideas in terms of the origin and development for each ideas. It is followed by classifying them as three distinct types: correctional treatment, legal treatment and community-based treatment for criminals, and discussing the similarities and differences between them. Finally, it concluded with the discussion of prospective global cooperation among correctional authorities.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        구조시스템은 역사적으로 발달해온 기술적 배경에 따라 건축에 사용되었고, 구조의 역할도 변화되어 왔다. 그러므로 다양한 구법으로 이루어지는 연성구조시스템의 건립사례와 시기에 따라 건립된 규모를 조사함으로써 여러 연성구조형식의 a성을 고찰하고 연성구조의 전개방향을 모색하였다. 그 결과, 연성구조시스템은 초기에 여러 케이블구조로 발달하기 시작하였으나 1970년대 이후부터는 막구조가 주로 사용되고 있는 것으로 나타났다 또한 초기의 케이블 구조시스템들은 대공간 건축에 주로 사용되었으나, 1970년 이후에는 중소규모의 건축물에 사용되는 경향이 있으며, 격자형 케이블구조나 공기막구조 그리고 돔 형식의 들림형 하이브리드 막구조가 대형공간으로 발달하는 경향을 보이는 것으로 나타났다.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The city of Dalian has been developed under varied geo-political situation since the later part of nineteenth century up to now where a considerable mutation is taking place. In this study we tried to trace the historical evolution process of Dalien as second important port of China playing the role as center of North-Eastern Region in the field of Industry, foreign exchange, finance and tourist industry. The result reveals possibility of the city to excelerate its development under present circumstances toward the opened system of economical policy.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is on the early historical background and the process of development of modern architecture in Thai, during the period from 1782(King Rama 1) to 1934(King Rama 7). Thai started tn form a connection with western nations from the late 18C, founded the Bangkok Dynasty. Since then, Thai was increasingly influenced by western civilization and this trend included an increasing influence of western architecture. In this paper, the centeral objective is to observe the architectural change during the period from King Rama 1(1782-1809) to King Rama 7(1925-1934). This can be divided into three period. During the first period, from King Rama 1 to King Rama 3(1824-1851), Thai architecture showed a tendency to follow the preceding traditional example and to imitate Chinese architecture. The second period is from King Rama 4(1851-1868) to King Rama 5(1868-1910). During this period, Thai architectural design was increasingly influenced by western concepts, specially European Neo-classicism Style. During the third period, from King Rama 6(1910-1925) to King Rama 7(1925-1934), Thu had been enjoying extensive commerce with western nations. The great developments in the field of architecture during this reign were apparent in the construction of public utilities and facilities. These buildings were designed by western architects. At this time, modern architectural concept of western was introduced.
        1983.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study attempted to introduce Fei-Ranis's agricultural development theory and discuss its problem for the rural development of less developed world. Fei-Ranis systematized the development process of Western European economy on the ground of dualism. They divided the process into 4 stages by the concept of 'mode of operation'. Paticularly, they consider agrarian mercantilism as take-off stage and its development were achieved by the increase of trade margin and labor productivity. Especially, they thought that only agricultural revolution through the diffusion of internal exchange economy and construction of tree-star system can accomplish favorable transition to industrial capitalism. In order to promote this agricultural development, less developed world must abolish short-run agricultural policy and propel 'learning by the contact' strategy through 'tree-star system' and 'parellel development.' In reality, it was problematic that the contemporary less developed world is trying, in the course of a few decades, to imitate Western European experience with development over the last four centuries. But Fei-Ranis ignored qualitative aspects of agricultural development by tree-star system and also it is criticized that they considered agricultural development process of less developed world follows only that of Western European classical process.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본고는 촉석루 제영시의 역사적 전개와 작품의 내적 특징을 살펴보는데 목적이 있다. 전통의 재인식과 창조적 계승이라는 측면에서 시문의 총량 파악은 무엇보다 절실하며, 제영시에 반영된 다양한 주제의식을 도출할 필요가 있다. 이를 위해 방대한 문헌을 두루 뒤져 촉석루 제영시 전모를 가늠할 수 있었다. 이 집성 자료를 바탕으로 작가층의 성격, 작품의 형식과 내용적 특성을 검토한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 촉석루 제영시의 작가는 710명, 작품 수는 884제 1,028수에 달했다. 이는 잠정적이기는 하나 현재까지 전국의 단일 누정으로서는 최다 수준이다. 그리고 작가는 경남 출신이 가장 많아 전체 49%를 넘고, 그중에서도 진주를 비롯해 서부 경남 출신이 약 87%를 차지했다. 또 작가는 유람객이 제일 많고, 고을 통치와 관련된 관리들의 작품도 적지 않았다. 작가들 중에는 스승과 제자, 혈연관계가 있는 문인들이 많은 점도 특징이다. 둘째, 창작 시기를 알 수 있는 작품은 893수로 전체 약 87%에 달했다. 이중 임진왜란 이전의 작품은 133수로 비교적 적은 분포를 보였다. 작품의 약 33%인 335수가 1900년 이후에 창작되었는데, 이는 19세기 후반 이후로 출생한 경남지역 문인들의 작품이 대거 양산된 결과였다. 셋째, 촉석루 시 중 7언시가 93%로 압도적인 비율을 보였다. 그중에서도 7언율시가 약 75%에 달해 대표적인 양식으로 향유되었음을 알았다. 이는 원운의 권위를 활용하는 제영시의 일반적 창작 경향에서 비롯 된 것으로, 선편을 잡은 정을보의 시는 조선전기까지만 원운으로서 기능했다. 조선후기에는 신유한의 시를 차운한 이가 40%일 정도로 거대한 흐름을 이루었다. 또한 임란 사적과 유관한 시어가 관습적으로 활용 되었는데, 이는 다른 누정시와 분명히 구별되는 지점이라 하겠다. 넷째, 촉석루 시의 주제는 진주의 문화경관에 대한 상찬, 임진왜란의 대응과 구국 의지, 순국 영웅의 기억과 내면 성찰, 유람의 진정성과 시대의식의 네 가지로 유형화할 수 있었다. 조선후기 이후로는 순국 영웅을 호출해 내면을 성찰하거나 강개한 충의 정신을 주제로 내세우는 창작 경향이 지배했다. 이에 따라 빼어난 경관만을 부각하는 시는 자취를 거의 감추었고, 촉석루 유람이나 작시 행위를 올바른 시대의식을 체득하는 계기로 삼았다. 이러한 맥락에서 일제강점기의 반민족적 유람 풍조를 시를 통해 준열히 비판하기도 했다. 촉석루 제영시를 대상으로 진행한 통시적이고도 실증적인 본 연구가 누정문학의 특성을 구명함은 물론 지역문학사를 다양하게 구성하고, 나아가 한국문학사를 기술하는 데 도움이 되기를 기대한다.
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