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        검색결과 516

        2024.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sustainable development goals reflect sustainability in multiple aspects of life from both business and consumers. In the Metaverse world, luxury brands and their consumption are working towards adopting sustainability in luxury fashion. The scholarship has stretched to multiple aspects across various themes and sectors to understand the developments in this field. It is apparent that sustainability and luxury have been the subject of scrutiny since long, but a refreshing perspective on this evolving dynamic is needed to analyze the surge in publications. This research aims to identify the existing literature in the area and gain in-depth knowledge of current trends with the help of bibliometric analysis. Further, the study aims to determine different clusters and identify the directions for future research in the sustainable luxury fashion domain.
        2024.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research aims to analyse consumers’ (Millennials and Gen Z) luxury consumption behaviour by focusing on the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations that drive consumption of luxury goods. Then, the study investigates whether they prefer to purchase offline or online for luxury goods. Lastly, it analyses which media most influences individuals when it comes to luxury consumption. An online survey is developed and distributed to Millennials and Gen Z. A first round of data collection took place in 2022 and a second round of data collection will take place at the beginning of 2024. Initial findings show that consumers are driven by intrinsic rather than extrinsic motivations when purchasing and who influences more when buying luxury online. Furthermore, it emerges that consumers prefer to shop offline, highlighting the importance of physical stores.
        2024.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this case study is to compare two luxury brands’ collaborations with modern Korean artists and the qualitative results achieved by the projects. As argued by J.N. Kapferer (2014), through associations with artists, luxury brands are striving to present themselves as part of a creative industry and as a result elevate and legitimize their brand image. This article focuses specifically on Christian Dior’s Dior Lady Art series and Louis Vuitton’s Artycapucines due to the similarity in project structure – the final presentation in form of an exhibition – as well as the objects produced – bags elevated to the status of artworks but still maintaining functionality. Through the selected case studies, this article first explores how partnering with Korean artists enables brands to localize and engage more personally with Korean consumers while building deeper relationships with international consumers by leveraging the continuously growing global popularity of Korean culture. The study then examines how the collaborations contribute to the brands’ goal to present themselves as more authentic – in luxury terms, delivering exceptional experience characterized by high quality, craftsmanship, preciousness, and timelessness (The Quarry Gallery, 2023). This is achieved by providing artists with a platform to reinterpret iconic bags into artwork. Lastly, the article analyzes how, through these limitededition items, the brands are also able to reinforce the idea of luxury as financial investment and a way to build family heritage.
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