
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we aimed to determine the seasonal distribution and biomass of fish in Samcheok marine ranching area (MRA) of Republic of Korea using the scientific echosounder. Fish trap and gillnets were used to identify fish species in the survey area, and dB-difference method was used to estimation the spatio-temporal distribution and density of fish. The results showed that the dominant species in Samcheok marine ranching area were Chelidonichthys spinosus, Sebastes inermis, Hexagrammos otakii and Tribolodon hakonensis. The spatio-temporal distribution of fish showed that fish had a relatively higher distribution at night than during the day. In addition, the density of fish by season was highest at night in July at 34.22 g/m 2 and lowest in April at 0.42 g/m 2 .
        2019.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The species composition and abundance variations of fishery resources in the adjacent marine ranching area, Tongyeong, Korea, were investigated by shrimp trawl, gill net, and longline during the period of July, September, and October in 2016. During the study period, the total catch were 8,522.9 kg with 34 species from the shrimp trawl, 32 species from the gill net, and nine species from the longline. The dominant species were different by gear, which were Hypodytes rubripinnis and Parapercis sexfasciata in the shrimp trawl, Platycephalus indicus and Raja kenojei in the gill net, and Conger myriaster and Scomber Japonicus in the longline. In terms of spatial distribution, Yongchodo showed the highest total catch in number as well as of in weight while Jukdo showed the lowest total catch in number and Bijindo showed the lowest total catch in weight. The amount of demersal fish resources in the survey area estimated as 301 ha, was 99,396 individuals which was converted to be 8,552.9 kg. The amount of demersal fish resources by gear were of trawling area, which area is 127 ha, were 76,251 and 3,489.5 kg, 74 ha in the gill net and longline survey area was 16,213 and 3,457.3 kg, and the other 100 ha area was 6,932 and 1,606.1 kg. In this study, the minimum resources for demersal fish is 61,687 and 4,265.2 kg, and the maximum is 149,439 and 14,197.9 kg.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 울진 바다목장해역에 서식하는 생물을 대상으로 바다목장 관리를 위한 해양생태계의 영양구조와 에너지흐름을 파악하기 위한 목적으로 2013년 3월부터 10월까지 총 4회 현장조사를 실시하였다. 본 연구에서 개별 생물종들의 생태학적 특징에 따라 유사도에 근거한 비계량형다차원척도법을 사용하여 최고포식자, 바다새, 대형 및 소형유영어류, 볼락류, 가자미류, 저서어류, 반저서어류, 두족류, 저서섭이자, 표서동물, 이매패류, 전복, 자포동물, 동물플랑크톤, 부착성해조류, 미소해조류, 식물플랑크톤, 유기쇄설물 등 총 19가지로 생물그룹핑되었다. Ecopath 모델의 입력변수인 각 생물군들의 생체량, 생산량/생체량의 비, 섭식량/생체량의 비, 피식-포식관계 자료를 사용하여 울진 바다목장해역의 영양구조와 에너지 흐름을 추정하였다. 연구해역에서 각 생물군들의 영양단계는 1 ~ 5.687 범위로 파악되었다. 울진 바다목장 해역에 서식하는 모든 생물그룹들의 전체 소비량의 합은 229.7 t/㎞²/yr, 생물그룹들의 전체 이출량은 3,432.4 t/㎞²/yr이었다. 모든 생물그룹들의 총 에너지량은 6,796.2 t/㎞²/yr, 전체 생산량은 3,613.1 t/㎞²/yr로 추정되었다. 울진 바다목장 해역에서의 순 생태계 생산량은 3,490.3 t/㎞²/yr, 전체 생물군의 생체량은 167.3 t/㎞²/yr으로 추정되었다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To understand size fractioned chlorophyll a and material cycles of coastal ecosystem in Uljin marine ranching area (JMRA) of East Sea, 4 times of survey were conducted from April to November 2008. Picoplankton, nanoplankton and netplankton in the surface of UMRA fluctuated with an annual mean of 0.26 μg L-1 between the lowest value of 0.03 μg L-1 and the highest value of 0.87 μg L-1, annual mean 1.32 μg L-1 between 0.11 μg L-1 and 5.60 μg L-1, annual mean 0.45 μg L-1 between no detected (nd) and 4.68 μg L-1, respectively. And the relative ratio of picoplankton, nanoplankton and netplanktons on the phytoplankton biomass was on annual average 12.9%, 65.0% and 22.1%, respectively. The 10 m layer was similar to the surface. The relative ratio of pico- and nano-plankton was higher throughout the year. That is, the material cycle of UMRA consists of a microbial food web rather than traditional food chain at a lower trophic levels. Primary production is deemed to have a higher possibility of being adjusted by top-down dynamics, such as micro-zooplankton grazing pressure rather than nutrients supply.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Visual census and hydro-acoustic survey was carried out at Ulju small scale marine ranching area (MRA) to estimate demersal fish aggregations on September and November 2013. In this hydro-acoustic survey, the authors combined an image sonar with a scientific echo sounder to monitor an underwater situation and compare two acoustic data. Consequently, visual census survey was useful to estimate fish species composition for hydro-acoustic survey, because it is easy to identify aggregated fish species and overcome limits on a fishing depth and ability of an conventional fishing gear like a bottom gill-net or a fish trap at marine ranching area. Mean fish density was estimated as 0.757 g/m2 on September and 0.219 g/m2 on November and Fish abundance was finally calculated as 1.51ton (coefficient of variation, CV=13.1%) on September and 0.44ton (CV=47.7%) on November, respectively. Hydro-acoustic survey combined with the image sonar was useful to monitor fish aggregations and estimate fish stocks around artificial reefs at shallow coastal MRA. We were able to easily identify the underwater structures like an artificial reef and a fishing rope as well as fish aggregations from image sonar data. Therefore, the method was effective to separate unwanted echo signals in acoustic data of scientific echo sounder.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to estimate biomass and provide management guidance through population ecological characteristics, including growth parameters, instantaneous coefficients of natural and fishing mortalities, and age at first capture of the starry flounder, Platichthys stellatus and olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus of Korea. For describing growth of this species, a von Bertalanffy growth model was adopted. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated from a non-linear regression for starry flounder were L∞=48.25 cm, K=0.16/yr, and t0=-1.48, respectively and those for olive flounder were L∞=86.46 cm, K=0.26/yr, and t0=-0.29, respectively. Biomass of Platichthys stellatus was estimated by direct biomass estimation method was 2.6 M/T, that was estimated by indirect method was 13.4 M/Tt. Those of Paralichthys olivaceus were estimated as 10.1 M/T, 19.3 M/T, respectively. An yield per recruit analysis showed that the current yield per recruit on Platichthys stellatus was about 48.2 g with F=0.646/yr and the age at first capture (tc) 1.35yr, that on Paralichthys olivaceus was about 167.6 g with F=1.121/yr and the age at first capture (tc) 1yr.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we investigated the macrobenthic community structure and spatiotemporal variations in Uljin Marine Ranching area, East Sea of Korea. Macrobenthos were collected using a modified van Veen grab sampler from April to September 2013. Total number of species sampled was 345 and mean density was 5,797 ind. m-2, both of which were dominated by the polychaetes. The most dominant species were Spiophanes bombyx (53.64%), followed by Magelona sp.1 (6.96%), Cadella semitorta (2.73%), Lumbrineris longifolia (2.16%) and Alvenius ojianus (2.08%). Cluster analysis and nMDS ordination analysis based on the Bray-Curtis similarity identified 2 station groups. The group 1 (station 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9) was characterized by high abundance of the polychaetes Magelona sp.1, Lumbrineris longifolia, Scoloplos armiger, Praxillella affinis, Maldane cristata and the bivalve Alvenius ojianus, with fine sediment above 30m water depth. On the other hand, the group 2 (station 1, 4, 7 and 10) was numerically dominated by the polychaete Lumbrineriopsis sp. and the bivalve Cadella semitorta, with coarse sediment below 5m water depth. Collectively, the macrobenthic community structure showed a distinct spatial trend, which seemed to be related to the water depth and sediment composition.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hydro-acoustic survey was carried out to investigate the spatial characteristics of fish distribution near two artificial reefs (AO: large octagonal semi-sphere and AC: combined custom built) having different types in Jeju marine ranching area. The survey system consisted of scientific echo sounder (EK60), DGPS system, and ECDIS (Mecys). Field survey was conducted on August and October 2012 with star survey and line transect survey line method, and species composition was investigated from gill net fishing survey. The acoustic signals from individual fishes and small fish schools were mainly recorded around AO, but large and strong signals from large fish school were mainly detected in the top layer of and the water column near AC. The echogram suggest that the fish aggregation for the two types of AO and AC exist the significant difference in fish species and spatial distribution pattern.
        2013.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        바다목장해역의 해수 유동모델과 저차생태계 모델을 이용하여 저차생태계의 환경요인의 시공간적으로 변화를 파악하였다. 울진 주변해역에서 POM 모델을 이용하여 4대 분조(M₂, S₂, K₁, O₁)의 조석효과, 바람효과, 수온·염분의 효과, 해류를 고려하여 유동을 계산하였다. 대·소조기의 조류는 평해 남동쪽에서 가장 강한흐름이 나타났다. 잔차류의 크기는 표층, 중층 및, 저층에서 유사한 방향으로 유속 차이는 미약했다. 잔차류의 공간적인 분포를 보면 연안역을 따라 북동향류가 우세하고, 외양에서 흐름보다 연안에서 흐름이 우세하다. 이러한 유동 환경에서의 울진 바다목장 해역에서 저차생태계 모델을 이용하여 NH₄, NO₃, Chl-a, 동물플랑크톤 및 Detitus의 저차생태계의 시공간적인 변화를 파악하였다.
        2012.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전남 바다목장의 해수 유동모델과 저차생태계 모델을 이용하여 저차생태계의 환경요인의 시공간적으로 변화를 파악하였다. 전남 바다목장 주변해역에서 4대 분조(M₂, S₂, K₁, O₁)의 조류, 취송류, 밀도류를 POM 모델을 이용하여 계산하였다. 조석잔차류의 분포는 개도 서쪽해역에서 강하게 남하하는 것을 볼 수 있다. 대·소 조기의 흐름은 돌산도 -개도 -금오도 사이에 위치한 섬 주변에서 강하게 나타났다.
        2012.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hybrid surveys using hydroacoustic and fish sampling gears such as trammel net, trap were conducted to investigate total biomass, distribution and dominant fish species of the demersal fishes in the marine ranching area (MRA) of Jeju. Four surveys were carried out in June, August, October and November using 38kHz quantitative echo sounder. Catch data using trammel net and trap were used to calculate biomass and to examine dominant fish species. Fish schools were mainly detected in the waters of 20 meters below and around Chagwido waters. By the result of fishing experiments, fish species living in MRA of Jeju were about 40 species, dominant fish species of a detectable fish such as Family Sparidae and Family Monacanthidae etc. were identified 59.4~68.8% of total biomass. Based on the hydroacoustic data, fish length-weight function and target strength information, mean density of the demersal fish estimated were as follows; 0.88g/m2 on June, 1.12g/m2 on August, 1.35g/m2 on October and 1.18g/m2 on November. An estimated average biomass in MRA of Jeju was founded 20.5 tons in 2007, 20.6 tons in 2008, 23.0 tons in 2009, 25.9 tons in 2010. The results showed that biomass of MRA is getting increased slowly. Therefore the hybrid survey method using hydroacoustic and fish sampling gears is assured an effective biomass survey in the waters of mixed species.
        2011.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hydro-acoustic survey was carried out to estimate a fish distribution at marine ranching area and aggregated fish schools at artificial reef area in Oeyeondo, Korea. The survey system was set up with DGPS system, scientific echo sounder (EK60, Simrad Co.), and ECDIS (Mecys. Co. LTD). A track survey and a random survey was respectively applied to the marine ranching area (474.4ha) and to the artificial reef area (within a radius of 300m). As the result, fish distribution and MVBS values in marine ranching area showed that created fisheries resources didn't come to be abundant yet as to appear fish distribution in all of the area. In the artificial reef area, it was, however, able to detect many fish school signals on the top of and around artificial reefs and to confirm the luring effect of artificial reefs.
        2010.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Characteristics of age and growth of the black rockfish, Sebastes inermis sampled in the Jeonnam Marine Ranching Area (JMRA) around Geumo Islands south of Yeosu were investigated using 642 otoliths from March 2009 to February 2010. The opaque zone was formed in September once a year and hence it was used as an annulus. The parturient period was December to January, and therefore the duration from fertilization to the complete formation of the opaque zone was nineteen months. From the parameters calculated using the average length when the year ring was formed, growth of S. inermis were expressed by von Bertalanffy growth equation as Lt=23.267 (1-e-0.4406(t+1.1971)) for females and Lt=22.030 (1-e-0.5312(t+0.6834)) for males when is total length in age t. Through the growth equations, the maximum length was determined as 23.27cm for females and 22.03cm for males and the growth factor as 0.4406/yr and 0.5312/yr, respectively. Finally, the growth of female S. inermis is larger than the one of male S. inermis.
        2010.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study monitored a variety of marine fish communities in artificial reefs unit of the total 5 types (Dice type, Octagonal turtle type, Two-stage tube type, Gazebo type, Tetrapod type) which are located in the marine ranching at Jeju island by scuba diving in May, July, October and December 2009. Underwater photographing was accomplished at total 3 phases (condition of artificial reefs photographing, concentric circle movement photographing and line transect photographing). The preservation condition of artificial reefs facility was very good, and the dominant species were Chromis notatus, Sebastes thompsoni, Oplegnathus fasciatus and Halichoeres poecilopterus. Fish abundance was high in May and June, and low in October and December, 2009. Chromis notatus was dominant at the all types of artificial reefs, Halichoeres poecilopterus for Gazebo type and Tetrapod type of artificial reefs, and Sebastes thompsoni for Dice type, Octagonal turtle type and Two-stage tube type of artificial reefs.