이 글은 내가 최근에 종이 위에 작업한 작품들의 개요를 보여주는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 통해 작품들에서의 터치, 시간, 운동의 모든 측면과, 제작 과정과 관람 경험에 대한 발견을 전반적으로 제공하고자 한다. 나는 2022년의 대형 드로잉 작업 <목욕하는 사람들 I>과 2023년의 새로운 디지털 비디오 <그림자 속의 어떤 빛>에서 번역과 변환에 집중하고 있는 데, 손으로 들고 촬영하는 방식으로 터치, 시간, 운동의 요소들이 아이폰 카메라에 어떻게 반영되는지를 보여주기 위해서다. 이때 다양한 해상도와 프레임 속도의 사용은 후반 작업에 서 영상의 속도를 늦추는 방식과 결합하여 새로운 등가물을 만들어 내게 된다. 나는 갤러리 에서의 관람객들의 실시간 시청 경험을 고려하고 탐색하기 위해 스튜디오에서의 활동 결과 를 병렬하고 기록하는 촬영 관행도 개발하였다. 이는 특히 커다란 포맷의 네거티브 이미지 아날로그 사진들을 이용하여 손으로 만든 작품을 치환하는 것을 탐구한 나의 초기 실습을 통해서 맥락화된 결과이다. 나는 또한 이 글에서 19세기 후반의 사진, 광학, 회화의 발전, 특히 조르주 쇠라의 점묘법 작품과 나의 현재 작업 사이의 연관성에 대해 논의했다.
본 논문은 일본에서 일어난 근현대 재가불교운동의 특징을 살펴보고 재가 불교 교단이 나아갈 방향을 알아본 논문이다. 특히 한국에서도 교단이 형성 되어 포교활동을 하고 있는 법화천태계열 교단과 진언종 계열 교단의 교단 형성과 발전, 교학과 수행체계의 특징을 알아보고 현대사회에서 재가불교 교단의 발전 가능성에 대하여 고찰해보았다. 일본의 재가불교운동은 일본의 근대화와 더불어 일어났다. 급격한 근대화로 인한 개인의 사회적 소외와 경제적 문제를 해결하기 위해 기성종단에서 할 수 없는 일을 재가자가 중심이 되어 교단을 형성하며 재가불교운동이 발생한 것이다. 일본에서 재가불교 교단은 크게 법화천태 계열과 진언계로 나눌 수 있는 데, 법화천태계 교단은 혼몬부츠류슈(本門佛立宗), 코쿠츄카이(國柱會), 레이유카이(靈友會), 리쇼고세카이(立正佼成會), 소카각카이(創價學會)가 대표적이다. 이들은 모두 니치렌슈(日蓮宗) 계열의 재가교단으로서 근대화에 따른 사회문제의 해결을 위해 교육과 경제문제에 관심을 기울였다는 공통점이 있으며, 소카각카이는 현실정치에 직접 참여했다는 특징이 있다. 신뇨엔(眞如 苑)은 진언계 교단으로 봉사와 실천을 바탕으로 사회문제와 환경문제, 문화적인 측면에서 많은 사회활동을 하고 있다. 이와 같은 일본의 근현대 재가불교 교단의 활동을 참고하여 불교사상을 바탕으로 사회문제를 해결하는 종교적 방법론이자 재가자들의 실천수행방법론으로 필자는 인권분야 사회운동에의 참여, 경제공동체 및 환경보호단체의 확충, 사회봉사 및 사회사업의 체계화, 전반적인 문화활동에 대한 투자, 정 치참여에의 독려의 5가지 발전방안을 제시했다. 이러한 방안은 재가자들이기 때문에 할 수 있는 사회문제의 해결방법으로서 미래세대와 현재세대를 연결할 수 있는 고리로 작용할 수 있기 때문이다. 또한 불교사상을 바탕으로 사회생활을 영위하는 재가자들의 안녕과 발전을 위해서도 사회운동을 전개하는 재가불자와 교단이 활성화 되어야 한다.
Background: Despite muscle latency times and patterns were used as broad examination tools to diagnose disease and recovery, previous studies have not compared the dominant arm to the non-dominant arm in muscle latency time and muscle recruitment patterns during reaching and reach-to-grasp movements.
Objects: The present study aimed to investigate dominant and non-dominant hand differences in muscle latency time and recruitment pattern during reaching and reach-to-grasp movements. In addition, by manipulating the speed of movement, we examined the effect of movement speed on neuromuscular control of both right and left hands.
Methods: A total of 28 right-handed (measured by Edinburgh Handedness Inventory) healthy subjects were recruited. We recorded surface electromyography muscle latency time and muscle recruitment patterns of four upper extremity muscles (i.e., anterior deltoid, triceps brachii, flexor digitorum superficialis, and extensor digitorum) from each left and right arm. Mixed-effect linear regression was used to detect differences between hands, reaching and reach-to-grasp, and the fast and preferred speed conditions.
Results: There were no significant differences in muscle latency time between dominant and non-dominant hands or reaching and reach-to-grasp tasks (p>.05). However, there was a significantly longer muscle latency time in the preferred speed condition than the fast speed condition on both reaching and reach-to-grasp tasks (p<.05).
Conclusion: These findings showed similar muscle latency time and muscle activation patterns with respect to movement speeds and tasks. Our findings hope to provide normative muscle physiology data for both right and left hands, thus aiding the understanding of the abnormal movements from patients and to develop appropriate rehabilitation strategies specific to dominant and non-dominant hands.
The aim of this study was to investigate effects of reaching distance on movement time and trunk kinematics in hemiplegic patients. Eight hemiplegic patients participated in this study. The independent variables were side (sound side vs. affected side) and target distance (70%, 90%, 110%, and 130% of upper limb). The dependent variables were movement time measured by pressure switch and trunk kinematics measured by motion analysis device. Two-way analysis of variance with repeated measures was used with Bonferroni post-hoc test. (1) There were significant main effects in side and reaching distance for movement time (p=.01, p=.02). Post-hoc test revealed that there was a significant difference between 110% and 130% of reaching distance (p=.01). (2) There was a significant main effect in side and reaching distance for trunk flexion (p=.01, p=.00). Post-hoc test revealed that there were significant differences in all pair-wise reaching distance comparison. (3) There was a significant side by target distance interaction for trunk rotation (p=.04). There was a significant main effect in target distance (p=.00). Post-hoc test revealed that there were significant differences between 70% and 110%, 70% and 130%, 90% and 110%, 90% and 130% of target distance. It was known that trunk flexion is used more than trunk rotation during reaching task in hemiplegic patients from the findings of this study. It is also recommended that reaching training is performed with limiting trunk movement within 90% of target distance whereas reaching training is performed incorporating with trunk movement beyond 90% of target distance in patients with hemiplegia.
Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP₃) plays an important role in the release of Cα²+ from intracellular stores into the cytoplasm in a variety of cell types. IP₃ translocation dynamics have been studied in response to many types of cell signals. However, the dynamics of cytosolic IP₃ in salivary acinar cells are unclear. A green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged pleckstrin homology domain (PHD) was constructed and introduced into a phospholipase C δ1 (PLC δ1) transgenic mouse, and then the salivary acinar cells were isolated. GFP-PHD was heterogeneously localized at the plasma membrane and intracellular organelles in submandibular gland and parotid gland cells. Application of trypsin, a G protein-coupled receptor activator, to the two types of cells caused an increase in GFP fluorescence in the cell cytoplasm. The observed time course of trypsin-evoked IP₃movement in acinar cells was independent of cell polarity, and the fluorescent label showed an immediate increase throughout the cells. These results suggest that GFP-PHD in many tissues of transgenic mice, including non-cultured primary cells, can be used as a model for examination of IP₃intracellular dynamics.
The purpose of this study was to show the efficient aspect and the proper time of feedback for the ball movement teaching when the rhythmic gymnastics exercises are practiced in the class room situation, concerning that the method and the time of feedback
On contraction of the muscles, marked changes in X-ray reflections are observed, suggesting that conformational changes of contractile molecules and the movement of myosin heads during muscle contraction. Time slice requires tension peak after the onset of stimulation and the height of tension peak depends on the number of twitch cycle. The muscles were stimulated by five successive stimuli at an interval of 80 ms started while the tension was still being exerted by the muscles. The intensity of I11, I10, 143a and 215a reflection measured with 5ms time resolution and is recorded in isometric tension. The peak height of I11 and 143a intensity is changed after the onset of a stimulation Ii, and the length of twitch is shortened by successive twitches in the case of stimulation Ti. On the other hand, the peak height of In and 215a intensity starts to decrease at the 1st twitch and remains constant at low peak height without appreciable recovery during the contraction term. In the case of successive twitch stimulation, the myosin heads of muscle are once moved from their resting position and never returned to their initial position.
This paper examines the effects on mental task of changes in the intensity of physical activity. A treadmill-equipped instrument and perception tester were used to attain several levels of physical activity. In this paper, in order to determine the indivi
The purpose of this research is to find the effect of motor learning if quantitative knowledge of results and qualitative knowledge of results are presented according to task natures. As the experimental method, I execute a kind of linear positioning task adopting 36 college students as objects of this study. After measuring movement time and distant error using a touch pad adhered a circuit and a programmed personal computer system, I calculate the mean of distant error and standard deviation. I come to get these results as followings to perform factorial ANOVA with repeated measures providing a basis for this computation. The task natures and forms of knowledge of results have not influences on the effect of motor learning. The performance effect according to task natures makes a meaningful difference, that is students show high accuracy of motion when they have enough time to perform the task voluntarily than under the condition that they have to do the task as soon as possible.
The purpose of this study was to find the effect of the two different types of movement velocity control on timing variability and temporal structure parameters (time to peak positive acceleration, duration of positive acceleration, peak positive acceleration) of acceleration-time function. Subjects were 6 male students, and task was arm flexion movement. The results showed that when movement distance increased with movement time fixed, timing variability was constant, also time to peak positive acceleration and duration of positive acceleration were constant, but peak positive acceleration increased with statistical significance. And when movement time increased with movement distance fixed, timing variability increased, and time to peak positive acceleration, duration of positive acceleration increased, but peak positive acceleration decreased. The results suggest that each control types of movement velocity are different fundamentally, and movement velocity as a function of movement distance is achieved by the increase of peak positive acceleration with time to positive acceleration and duration of positive acceleration constant. Namely, this type of velocity is modulated by the change of force with phasing of generalized motor program, and movement velocity as a function of movement time is achieved by the extension of time to peak positive acceleration and duration of positive acceleration, Thus, this type of movement velocity is modulated by the change of phasing and relative force generalized motor program.