This study aims to calculate the passenger car equivalent (PCE) of heavy vehicles on one-lane exit sections of underground roads. Traffic-flow simulations were performed using the VISSIM software program. The scenarios were designed under varying conditions, including design speeds of 40 and 50 km/h, slope gradients ranging from 3% to 9%, and heavy vehicle proportions between 5% and 40%. The mixed-traffic flow capacity was calculated for each scenario at the threshold levels, and the PCE was estimated based on the two capacity conditions. The results revealed that the PCE decreased at lower design speeds. For slopes less than 6% at a design speed of 40 km/h, and for slopes less than 4% at 50 km/h, the PCE remained consistent across all conditions. Single-lane exit sections are often employed on underground roads because of congestion and structural constraints. However, when heavy vehicles are present in these sections, the overall traffic flow is dictated by the speeds of the heavy vehicles. To address this issue, the implementation of variable or temporary two-lane exit sections has been proposed to enhance traffic flow and capacity.
PURPOSES : According to the guidelines of Super Bus Rapid Transit(BRT), dedicated bus roads and dedicated bus lanes shall be used, and physical lane separation facilities should be installed for lane separation. Therefore, physical barriers (lane separation facilities) are being developed for exclusive bus operations. Low-profile lane separation facilities should be developed that do not interfere with the views of pedestrians and drivers. The appropriate heights of the barrier to prevent overriding in the event of passenger car crashes were reviewed.
METHODS : By applying the performance standards of the safety barrier, passenger protection performance according to the change in the height of the lane separation facilities and the vehicle behavior after the crash were analyzed using computer crash simulations. Crash criteria of 1.3 ton-60 km/h-20°and 1.3 ton-80 km/h-20°were used as vehicle impact conditions. The simulation was performed by increasing the height of the lane separation facilities from 200 mm to 500 mm. To prevent the deformation of the lane separation facilities owing to a vehicle crash, the boundary conditions of the node under the lane separation facilities were fixed and modeled.
RESULTS : The collision simulation results showed that, for a collision speed of 60 km/h, no override occurred for the height of the lane separation facility of 250 mm or more, and for a collision speed of 80 km/h, no override occurred for the height of the lane separation facility of 300 mm or more.
CONCLUSIONS : Therefore, the appropriate height of the lane separation facility for the collision of a passenger car with a collision speed of 80 km/h or less was determined to be 300 mm or more.
본 연구는 다양한 차종의 승용 자동 변속기 변속 성능 및 내구성 평가를 위한 시험 장비 설계를 위하여 수행되었다. 다양한 차종의 주행 중 변속 특성을 시험 장비에서 구현하기 위하여 가장 작은 배기량을 갖는 차량과 가장 큰 배기량을 갖는 차량의 엔진 성능 곡선, 차량 총 중량, 총 기어비를 분석하였다. 분석된 결과를 바탕으로 하여 차량의 총 중량에 의한 관성이 변속기 후단에 전달되었을 때의 등가 관성을 각각 계산하였다. 다양한 차종의 엔진 관성과 성능 곡선을 만족시키기 위해서 입력 동력원은 정격 출력 440㎾, 정격 토크 146.7 kg·m, 관성모멘트 1.76 kg·m2으로 선정한 후 차종에 따라 3가지의 증속기(2.1:1~4.2:1)를 선택할 수 있으며 추가적인 기계 관성을 증속기 후단에 장착할 수 있도록 설계한다. 출력 동력원은 정격 출력 520㎾, 정격 토크 500kg·m, 관성모멘트 5kg·m2로 선정한 후 2:1 감속기와 추가적인 기계 관성을 장착할 수 있도록 설계한다. 다양한 차종의 자동 변속기 변속 특성 및 내구성을 간단한 장치 변경을 통하여 하나의 시험 장비에서 시험할 수 있는 방법을 대상 차량의 엔진 및 관성 정보를 분석하여 제안하였다. 이러한 시험 장비를 활용한다면 자동변속기 개발 및 성능 향상을 위한 비용 및 시간을 크게 절감할 수 있을 것이라 판단된다.
This study is a basic study to improve fuel economy and reduce harmful emissions from passenger cars. This study is a basic study to evaluate the performance of fuel oil additives. The performance may vary depending on the type of engine, the region of use, and the driving habits of the user. Therefore, there are many difficulties in carrying out the test analysis by the objective experimental method while maintaining the same conditions. Therefore, this study intends to examine in terms of securing objectivity as a comparative study by the measurement of single user for a long time. As a result, in the case of cars using gasoline engines, the fuel economy tended to a little decrease as the distance-age increased. However, in the analysis of diesel vehicles by year, it increased gradually after the 5th year and the distance-age of 60,000km. And a comparison of the last three years, an increase of about 3.1% from 12.44km /ℓ to 12.82km /ℓ.
In this study, optimizations were carried out for a heater core and an evaporator installed in a passenger car. The main geometric parameters of each component were selected as design variables, and the main performances examined were the outlet temperature and the pressure drop. In addition, the sensitivity analysis was performed to grasp the dominant design variable. The thermal flow analysis for each component was performed using the commercial program STAR CCM+. On the other hand, EasyDesign, a commercial program based on DOE and metamodel-based optimization, was used as an optimization tool. The optimized performances of the heater core were compared with performance target, and finally, the improved designs of the heater and the evaporator were presented.
승용차의 아키텍처는 어떻게 진화해왔는가? 그간 승용차 아키텍처에 대한 논의는 통합형, 모듈형, 그리고 두 유형의 공존 등이 혼재되어 왔다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 글로벌 무역 자료를 활용하여 제품의 중층 구조를 반영한 모듈화의 진전 측정 지수를 개발하고, 이를 아키텍처 유형 프레임워크에 적용하여 승용차 아키텍처의 모듈화 진행을 종단적으로 분석하였다. 분석결과 승용차 아키텍처는 지난 2000년 이후 모듈화가 지속적으로 진행되었 음을 확인하였으며, 동시에 모듈화 진행은 구성 모듈 별로 상이한 것으로 나타났다. 모듈 중에는 프론트-엔드, 운전석 및 시트 모듈의 모듈화 진행이 뚜렷함을 확인된 반면, 차체‧도어‧ 천장 모듈은 소비자 니즈 충족을 위한 외부 디자인 차별화 및 완성차와 모듈업체 간 상호 조율 강화로 인해 모듈화가 더디게 진행됨을 관찰하였다. 또한 샤시, 엔진, 그리고 트랜스미션 모듈로 구성된 플랫폼은 모델 다양화, 생산 원가 절감, 신제품 개발 기간 단축을 위한 완성차 업계의 지속적인 노력에 따라 모듈화가 지속 진전됨을 확인하였다. 플랫폼 구성 모듈 중에서는 트랜스미션의 모듈화 진전이 가장 두드러진 반면 샤시와 엔진 모듈은 완성차 업체의 자체 혁신 노력으로 인해 비교적 통합형 아키텍처 경향이 강한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 제품 아키텍처의 모듈화를 계량적으로 측정, 그 진행을 종단적으로 측정할 수 있는 접근법을 제시 하는데 기여하였다. 또한 모듈 별 상이한 모듈화 진전에 대한 고찰을 통해 관련 연구의 분석 수준의 세분화 필요성을 제안하였다. 아울러 본 연구는 승용차 산업 전반에서 일어나고 있는 아키텍처 모듈화 진전 현상을 규명함으로써 완성차 업체 뿐 아니라 모듈 업체의 아키텍처 선택과 그에 따른 전략 수립의 가이드라인을 제시하였다. 본 연구가 다양한 제조업과 그 제품의 모듈화 진전을 규명하는데 활용되기를 기대한다.
본 연구는 차량 충돌 및 방호울타리 구조의 불확실성을 고려하여 탑승자의 보호성능과의 상호관계 분석을 수행하였다. 라틴 하이퍼큐브 샘플링 기법을 기반으로 실제 충돌 상황을 고려할 수 있는 확률적 변수를 결정하였다. 매개변수 예제는 탑승자 보호 성능과 확률적 매개변수와의 상관관계의 중요성을 나타내었다. 본 연구 결과는 차량충돌로 인한 탑승자 보호를 고려 한 방호울타리의 설계에 대한 가이드라인을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
Diesel engines show better thermal efficiency and fuel consumption, but diesel engines typically generate more NOx emissions because of lean-burn conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the emissions of diesel engines either by efficiently controlling combustion or by employing exhaust gas after-treatment systems. In this study several problems we're observed in a SCR system and Engine control system. The analysis result, new technology SCR is suitable for the vehicle with low temperature operating condition. Through this analysis we can find out more effective repair factors from the various fault in SCR component.
Emission regulation by Europe and the U.S. on air pollutants from diesel automobiles which include particulate matter and nitrogen oxides are becoming stricter than ever.
The SCR uses Urea, which is NH3 diluted by water, and chemically reacts with emission gases reducing over 90% of the NOx created.
In this study several problems were observed in a SCR system and Engine control system.
Through this analysis we can find out more effective repair factors from the various fault in SCR component.
PURPOSES : The Toll Collection System (TCS) operated by the Korea Expressway Corporation provides accurate traffic counts between tollgates within the expressway network under the closed-type toll collection system. However, although origin-destination (OD) matrices for a travel demand model can be constructed using these traffic counts, these matrices cannot be directly applied because it is technically difficult to determine appropriate passenger car equivalent (PCE) values for the vehicle types used in TCS. Therefore, this study was initiated to systematically determine the appropriate PCE values of TCS vehicle types for the travel demand model.
METHODS: To search for the appropriate PCE values of TCS vehicle types, a traffic demand model based on TCS-based OD matrices and the expressway network was developed. Using the traffic demand model and a genetic algorithm, the appropriate PCE values were optimized through an approach that minimizes errors between actual link counts and estimated link volumes.
RESULTS : As a result of the optimization, the optimal PCE values of TCS vehicle types 1 and 5 were determined to be 1 and 3.7, respectively. Those of TCS vehicle types 2 through 4 are found in the manual for the preliminary feasibility study.
CONCLUSIONS: Based on the given vehicle delay functions and network properties (i.e., speeds and capacities), the travel demand model with the optimized PCE values produced a MAPE value of 37.7%, RMSE value of 17124.14, and correlation coefficient of 0.9506. Conclusively, the optimized PCE values were revealed to produce estimates of expressway link volumes sufficiently close to actual link counts.
The tires changes characteristics of the element constituting change. Stiffness is one of the various characteristics of the tire. Stiffness of the tire is change contact contour. it is known to affect vibration and noise of the vehicle. In this study we conduct to find influence of change stiffness of the tire due to vibration characteristics inside passenger car. For this study we choose tires of available on the market and measure vertical spring rate and lateral spring rate. Also through the real passenger car we find vibration characteristics in the inside of car. In conclusion, vibration energy is reducing with increase in the stiffness and we find the high vibration level of low frequency band in passenger car due to decreasing stiffness.
In this study, the models before and after improving the support structure of seat motor gear nut are investigated by comparing with vibration analysis. The maximum deformation model 1 becomes higher than model 2. The natural frequency of model 2 becomes higher model 1. The design model to be applied into the safe driving is useful effectively by using the analysis result of the height driving module for automotive power seat.
This study carried out passenger safety assessment by real car crash simulation of composite post structures for road facilities. The effects of different material properties of composites for various parameters are studied using the LS-DYNA finite element program for this study. In this study, the existing finite element analysis of steel post structures using the LS-DYNA program is further extended to study dynamic behaviors of the structures made of various composite materials. The numerical results for various parameters are verified by comparing different models with displacements and stress distribution occurred in the post and car.
Various motors have been used in many cars to control the height of automotive seats. As the motor is connected with seat, it can be moved as the convenience of passenger and vibration affects passenger when motor is being driven. In this study, three models are designed. The lengths of link parts and screw axes are increased or decreased respectively in the order of models 1, 2 and 3. The case of motor is made of aluminum alloy and the rest is made of structural steel. As model 1 has the maximum amplitude displacement at 1360Hz by the basis of vibration analysis, model 1 has the most durability among three models. This study result can be effectively utilized with the design on height motor by investigating prevention and durability against its damage.
Among many potential problems associated with passenger cars, the problem regarded as most sensitive and important to the customers is the passenger car’s quietness. In particular, because the trend toward the high-performance passenger cars is increasing, the quietness should be considered reflecting the increasing demand of the customers for the comfort of passenger car ride. Road noises are of low-frequency in the region of 20Hz to 350Hz, generated when the tires are making contacts with the rough road surface while the passenger car is running, in which the noises are resonating within the passenger compartment or with the passenger car suspension. In this research, among the factors related to the road noises, the influencing factors associated with the suspension and the tire design were investigated. In particular, among the tire design factors, the structure and the rubber material were investigated as the influencing factors, and for the investigative purpose, experimental tires were manufactured and road noise evaluations were conducted thorough actual feeling tests. Then the test results and correlations were analyzed using the 6-Sigma statistical method.
The shape of tire footprint is one of the important factor which affects to the performance of tire such as handling, ride and wear. In this study, the effect of the stiffness for tire footprint is investigated. Some tires on the market were selected and tested the vertical stiffness, lateral stiffness by stiffness measuring system. And the contact length, contact width and contact area are tested, too. The contact width and length is reduced by the increase of the tire stiffness. According to the change of the tire stiffness, the leading edge and trailing edge in the footprint have a different shape.
The human activity of most what kind of form belongs in the vibration. For example, we listen in order for the eardrum membrane to vibrate and for the light to fluctuate in order and we make see. The breath is relating in the vibration of the lung and walking becomes accomplished in compliance with the periodic oscillatory motion of the arm and the leg. With technical advancement joins in, the vibration of the passenger cars is influencing many in sound arresting and riding in a car feeling of the vehicle. Gradually the field where the vibration isolation and decrement technique automobile plan is important according to being turning out, the necessity of the measurement which the passenger cars vibration is accurate and analysis was augmented.