도심지에 시공된 아스팔트 포장은 교통량 증가와 중차량의 가감속으로 인해 포트홀 및 소성변형 등의 파손이 흔히 발생하고 있다. 이러한 아스팔트 포장의 파손을 최소화하기 위해 콘크리트 포장으로 전환하는 공법인 초속경 시멘트 콘크리트 포장 공법과 프리캐스 트 콘크리트 포장 공법이 있으나 고비용으로 인해 널리 적용하기에는 한계가 있는 실정이다. 최근 서울시에서는 신설 중앙버스정류장 에 현장타설 방식으로 연속철근 콘크리트 포장(CRCP)을 시공하였다. 본 연구에서는 인력포설 방식으로 시공한 중앙버스정류장의 CRCP에 대한 공용성을 분석하고자 온도계, 균열유도장치, 철근 변형률계, 콘크리트 변형률계, 변위계, 균열계 등을 포함하는 계측시스 템을 구축하였으며 본 논문에서는 이러한 계측시스템에 대하여 기술한다.
Failure to comply with the performance test requirements for the centrifugal pumps at power plants often results in performance dissatisfaction as a result of field tests. This study proposed a method of reducing the uncertainty of the field test results by evaluating the systematic error in the measurement system caused by failure to follow the test requirements using the computational fluid dynamics(CFD) technique. As a result of the evaluation of the systematic error and reflecting it in the performance test data, it was confirmed that the error occurred at a constant rate with respect to the flowrate and that the pump, which showed a difference in performance actually had the same performance.
For the peaceful use of nuclear energy, the international community has devoted itself to fulfilling its obligations under the Safeguards Agreement with IAEA. In this regard, uranium in a radioactive waste drum should be analyzed and reported in terms of mass and 235U enrichment. In order to characterize radioactive wastes, gamma spectroscopy techniques can be effectively applied. In the case of high-resolution gamma spectroscopy, because an HPGe detector can provide excellent energy resolution, it can be applied to analyze a mixture having a complicated isotopic composition. However, other substances such as wood, concrete, and ash are mixed in radioactive waste with various form factors; hence, the efficiency calibration is difficult. On the other hand, In Situ Object Counting System (ISOCS) has a capability of efficiency calibration without standard materials, making it possible to analyze complex radioactive wastes. In this study, the analysis procedure with the ISOCS was optimized for quantification of radioactive waste. To this end, a standard radioactive waste drum at KEPCO NF and low-level radioactive waste drums at Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD) were measured. The performance of the ISOCS was then evaluated by Monte Carlo simulations, Multi-Group Analysis for Uranium (MGAU) code, and destructive analysis. As a result, the ISOCS showed good performance in the quantification of uranium for a drum with the homogenized simple geometry and long measurement time. It is confirmed that the ISOCS gamma spectroscopy technique could be used for control and accountancy of nuclear materials contained in a radioactive waste drum.
Sea trial tests are necessary to verify speed-power performance, and are an import contract between ship owners and shipyards. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published ISO 15016:2015, which specifies the correlation method between model and full-scale ships. The results of sea trials have been questioned because of the uncertainty of speed and power measurements, especially when sea conditions differ from ideal calm water conditions. In this paper, such uncertainties were investigated by utilizing the standard speed-power trial analysis procedure defined in ISO 15016:2015 through Monte Carlo simulations. It was found that the expanded uncertainty of the delivered power (PDid) at 95 % confidence interval (k = 2) was ±1.5 % under 75 % MCR conditions.
High variance observed in the measurement system can cause high process variation that can affect process capability badly. Therefore, measurement system analysis is closely related to process capability analysis. Generally, the evaluation for measurement system and process variance is performed separately in the industry. That is, the measurement system analysis is implemented before process monitoring, process capability and process performance analysis even though these analyses are closely related. This paper presents the effective concurrent evaluation procedure for measurement system analysis and process capability analysis using the table that contains Process Performance (Pp), Gage Repeatability & Reproducibility (%R&R) and Number of Distinct Categories (NDC). Furthermore, the long-term process capability index (Pp), which takes into account both gage variance and process variance, is used instead of the short-term process capability (Cp) considering only process variance. The long-term capability index can reflect well the relationship between the measurement system and process capability. The quality measurement and improvement guidelines by region scale are also described in detail. In conclusion, this research proposes the procedure that can execute the measurement system analysis and process capability analysis at the same time. The proposed procedure can contribute to reduction of the measurement staff’s effort and to improvement of accurate evaluation.
The dynamic capabilities of sensing market signals, creating new opportunities and reconfiguring resources and capabilities to new opportunities in a rapidly changing economic environment determines the competitiveness of the enterprise to create added value and survival. This study conceptualized a two-stage performance measurement framework based on the casual model of resource (input)-process-performance (output). We have developed a ‘Process capability index’ that reflect the dynamic capabilities factors as a key intermediary product linking resource inputs and performance outputs in enterprise performance measurement. The process capability index consists of four elements : manpower (level of human resource), operation productivity, structure and risk management. The DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) model was applied to the developed performance indicators to analyze the branch office performance of a telecom company. Process capability efficiency (stage 1) uses resource inputs to reach a certain level of process capabilities. In performance result efficiency (stage 2), the process capabilities are used to generate sales revenues and subscribers. The two-stage DEA model derives intermediate output values that optimize the individual stages simultaneously. Some branch offices in the telecom company have focused on process capability efficiency or some other branch offices focused on performance result efficiency. Positioning map using two-stage efficiency decomposition and benchmarking can help identify the sources of inefficiencies and visualize strategic directions for performance optimization. Applications of two-stage DEA in conjunction with the case study that are meaningfully used in performance measurement areas have been scarce. In particular, this paper has the contribution to present a new performance measurement model considering the organization theory, the dynamic capabilities.
This study developed the pressure measurement monitoring system named VIP-2000 for monitoring a pressure of ullage space in cargo tank. VIP-2000 is designed in compliance with IMO(international maritime organization) SOLAS 74, Chap. II-2 Req. 59. IMO is providing the establishment of a pressure measurement equipment for secure the stability from vacuum or the overpressure that caused by in breakdown of the P/V valve. VIP-2000 operates the early warning of the visible and audibility in dangerous situation of cargo tank. In order to evaluate the performance of VIP-2000, the pressure measurement experiments have been conducted.
Manufacturing companies' cost competitiveness with respect to equipment management can be achieved by satisfying additional market demands by their own capacity without purchasing additional equipments. In essence, it can be accomplished by making continu
Nowadays, BSC presented by alpan is observed by many enterprises and is being operated gradually. BSC includes non-financial factor as well as financial factor in performance assessment and it is a tool that will be able to evaluate even strategy of long-term view. In point of performance management, BSC brings in relief importance on non-financial performance as well as financial performance and it shares with viewpoint of 4 things of financial viewpoint, customer viewpoint, internal process view point, learning and growth viewpoint. then these make an array with vision and strategy of organization by causal relationship, it presented necessity of performance control on organization as center on KPI of inner of each viewpoint. Thus, study on measures and control of management performance is progressed actively and is accomplishing much development. This study is aimed at calculation of weight that is able to reflect its importance about AHP on KPI of each viewpoint. The purpose of this study is to present desirable performance measurement model and to give a weight in consideration of working-level character.
The significant attention has been given to implementing a performance measurement system as one of the key enablers for supply chain integration. And yet, there is little guidance to practitioners as to how to develop the system. We propose a design framework for a performance measurement system (PMS) that supports effective supply chain integration among partners, along with the discussion of critical issues in the PMS design framework. Also, this framework provides a step-by-step guideline for building a conceptual PMS design,
본 연구는 기존의 평가방법 및 평가시스템의 문제점을 지적한 후. 영리조직의 성과측정 방법론인 균형성과표(BSC: Balanced Scorecard) 접근을 채택하여 지자체 웹사이트 성과측정 프레임워크를 제시한다. 또한 본 연구에서는 이 프레임워크를 지원하는 정보시스템을 설계하고, 프로토타입을 개발한 후, 군단위 지방자치단체의 사례를 보여줌으로써 본 프레임워크 및 시스템의 적용 가능성을 보인다.
본 연구는 진단용 X선 발생장치의 성능을 검사하기 위해 직선성(Linearity), 재현성(reproducibility) 및 반가층 (Half Value Layer; HVL)을 실험하였다. 직선성(Linearity)은 설정된 조사조건으로 한 장비 당 4회씩 조사하여 측정된 선량을 기록하고 mR/mAs를 구하여 측정하였으며, 측정값이 0.1을 초과하면 직선성이 떨어지는 것을 알 수 있다.재현성(Reproducibility)은 80kVp, 200mA, 20mAs와120kVp, 300mA, 8mAs의 조건으로 10회 조사하여 변동계수(CV) 공식에 대입하여 측정한 값이 0.05안에 포함되면 양호하게 나타나는 것을 알 수 있다. 반가층(Half Value Layer:HVL)은 filter가 없을 때 설정된 조건으로 3회 조사하여 측정한 후 부가필터용 반가층 물질로 사용하여 필터의 두께를0, 1, 2, 4 mm로 바꾸어 가며 부가필터가 없을 때의 ½이하인 측정값이 나올 때 까지 측정한다. 현재 본원에서 사용하는 진단용 X선 발생장치 5대를 대상으로 직선성, 재현성, 반가층을 측정한 결과 직선성은 1번 장비에서는 300mA~400mA, 5번 장비에서는 100mA~200mA 부근에서 양호하지 않았으며, 반가층 측정에서는 80kVp 측정치에서 1번 장비에서 검사기준을 만족하지 못하였다. 출력은 단상에 비해 삼상장치가 높게 나왔다. 실험을 통하여 밝혀진결과를 토대로 정기적인 장비관리와 노후 된 장비의 교환 등이 이루어진다면 장비 사용의 효율성을 극대화 할 수 있으며, 방사선 피폭선량을 줄임과 동시에 영상의 화질을 향상시킬 수 있어 정확한 진단에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.