본 연구는 헬스케어 식물 생산단지의 친환경 설계 및 운영을 위해 우선적으로 고려해야 할 주요영역과 세부요소를 도출하고자 하였다. 헬스케어 식물 생산단지는 환경 친화적 식물 생산시설과 이용자의 정 신 및 신체적 건강 도모 시설을 포함한 복합 엔터테인먼트형이자 지속 가능한 식물 상업시설로 정의된 다. 이를 위해 AHP기법을 활용하여 전문가들을 대상으로 다섯 가지 주요영역(토지, 물, 서식지, 탄소/에 너지/대기환경, 재료/폐기물)과 세부요소에 대한 중요도를 평가하였다. 또한 농장 운영자를 대상으로 친환경 시설의 중요성을 조사하여 시설형과 농장형 유형에 적합한 우선순위를 도출하였다. 연구결과 물 관리가 가장 중요한 요소로 평가되었으며, 토지 관리와 탄소/에너지/대기환경 관리도 높은 중요성을 보였다. 반면 서식지 관리와 재료/폐기물 관리는 상대적으로 낮은 평가를 받았다. 또한 시설형, 농장형, 혼합형으로 유형화된 식물 생산단지 유형별 분석에서는 중요도 평가결과가 다르게 나타났으며, 전문 가와 운영자 간의 평가 차이를 통해 이론과 실무자적 관점의 차이를 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 연구결과는 헬스케어 식물 생산단지의 맞춤형 친환경 설계 전략수립에 기초자료로 활용될 수 있다.
In nuclear power plant (NPP) decommissioning, ventilation and purification of the building atmosphere are important to create a working environment, ensure worker safety, and prevent the release of gaseous radioactive materials into the environment. The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system of each building is maintained, modified, or newly installed. In this study, based on APR1400, operation strategies were presented in case of ventilation abnormalities in the reactor containment building (RCB), where highly radioactive particles and high dust are most frequently generated during NPP decommissioning. For research, it was assumed that the entire RCB atmospheric ventilation during decommissioning would use the RCB purge system of the existing NPP and perform continuous ventilation. Additionally, it is assumed that areas where high radiation particles and high dust occur locally, such as reactor containers or internal segments, are sealed with tents and purified using a HEFA filter of a temporary portable HVAC, and a exhaust flow path is connected to the discharge duct of the existing RCB purge system. The possibility of abnormal occurrence was largely divided into two cases. First, when large amounts of uncontrolled pollutants are released into the atmosphere inside the RCB, discharge to the environment is stopped manually or automatically by a modified engineered safety function activation signal (ESFAS). Afterwards, the RCB purge system should be operated in recirculation mode to sufficiently purify the RCB atmosphere with a HEPA filter. Second, when the first train of the low volume purge system is not running due to a failure, standby train should be operated. If both low volume purge trains fail, a high volume purge system is used. Intermittent purge operation is preferred due to large capacity during high volume purge operation. In cases where it is not possible to operate all purge systems due to common issues such as power supply, atmospheric sampling is performed to determine whether to proceed with the work inside RCB.
Spent nuclear fuels (SNFs) are stored in nuclear power plants for a certain period of time and then transported to an interim storage facility. After that, SNFs are finally repackaged in a disposal canister at an encapsulation plant for final disposal. Finland and Sweden have already completed the design of the spent nuclear fuel encapsulation plant. In particular, Finland has begun the construction of the encapsulation plant and is on the verge of completion. Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD) is conducting a conceptual design of a deep geological repository for SNFs. Conceptual design of the encapsulation plant is part of the research activity. It is highly required to draft an operation process of the encapsulation plant before an actual design activity. As part of the activity, Finnish design concept of the encapsulation plant and experience were thoroughly reviewed. Finally a preliminary concept of the operation process was proposed considering Korean unique situations such as the volume of SNFs estimated to be disposed of, types of transportation cask and other considerations.
Reliable evaluation of radioactivity inventory for the nuclear power plant components and residual materials is very important for decontamination and decommissioning. This can make it possible to define optimum dismantling approaches, to determine radioactive waste management strategies, and to estimate the project costs reasonably. To calculate radioactivity of the nuclear power plant structure, various information such as interest nuclide, cross-section, decay constant, irradiation time, neutron flux, and so on is required. Especially irradiation time and neutron flux level are very changeable due to cycle specific fuel loading pattern, the plant overhaul, cycle length. However most of the radioactivity calculations have generally been performed assuming one representative or average neutron flux during the lifetime of the nuclear power plant. This assumption may include excessive conservatism because the radioactivity level has the characteristics of saturation and decay. Therefore, considering these variables as realistically as possible could prevent overestimation. In order to perform realistic radioactivity calculation, we developed monthly relative power contribution factor applying plant-specific operation history and cycle-specific neutron flux. The factors were applied to the radioactivity calculation. The calculation results ware compared with measured values of the neutron monitors that were actually installed and withdrawn from the nuclear power plant. As a result of the comparisons, there are good agreements between the calculated values and measured values. These accurate calculation results of radioactivity could contribute to the establishment of radioactive waste dismantling strategies, the classification of radioactive waste, and the deposit of disposal costs for safe and reasonable decommissioning of the nuclear power plant.
In korea, 500MW standard coal fired power plants were designed and operated for the initial base load, so facility stability was prioritized from facility problem to treatment, but now we needed to research for minimizing greehouse gas emissions at the operation of coal fired power plants. research on various facilities and technologies was actively conducted to reduce environment pollutants was drastically reduced, but research and attempts on coping measures in the event of a reduction facility problem were in sufficient. this study considered investigated ways to minimized pollutants by quickly responding to logic development and application of the load runback concept in case of serious problems with environmental pollutant reduction facilities such as NOx reduction selective catalytic reduction facilities, SOx reduction wet flue gas desulpherisation facilities, and TSP(Total Suspended Particles) collection low temperature electric precipitator.
A 1,000 m3/d DAF(dissolved air flotation) pilot plant was installed to evaluate the performance of the floating process using the Nakdong River. Efficiency of various DAF operations under different conditions, such as hydraulic loading rate, coagulant concentration was evaluated in the current research. The operation conditions were evaluated, based on the removal or turbidity, TOC(total organic carbon), THMFP(trihalomethane formation potential), Mn(manganese), and Al(aluminum). Also, particle size analysis of treated water by DAF was performed to examine the characteristics of particles existing in the treated water. The turbidity removal was higher than 90%, and it could be operated at 0.5 NTU or less, which is suitable for the drinking water quality standard. Turbidity, TOC, and THMFP resulted in stable water quality when replacing the coagulant from alum to PAC(poly aluminum chloride). A 100% removal of Chl-a was recorded during the summer period of the DAF operations. Mn removal was not as effective as where the removal did not satisfy the water quality standards for the majority of the operation period. Hydraulic loading of 10 m/h, and coagulant concentrations of 40 mg/L was determined to be the optimal operating conditions for turbidity and TOC removal. When the coagulant concentration increases, the Al concentration of the DAF treated water also increases, so coagulant injection control is required according to the raw water quality. Particle size distribution results indicated that particles larger than 25 μm showed higher removal rates than smaller particles. The total particel count in the treated water was 2,214.7 counts/ml under the operation conditions of 10 m/h of hydraulic loading rate and coagulant concentrations of 60 mg/L.
해수담수화는 지구 수자원의 97%에 해당하는 해수를 활용하기 때문에 물부족 문제를 해결할 지속가능한 대안으로 평가받고 있다. 최근에는 증발식 해수담수화 대비 에너지 소모가 낮은 분리막 방식이 널리 적용되고 있으며, 에너지 소모는 3-4 kWh/m3 정도이다. 해수담수화 플랜트 소요비용 중 운영비용이 약 35~65%를 차지하므로 해수담수화 기술의 확대 적용을 위해서는 비용 절감형 운영 기술 개발이 필수적이다. 이에 K-water에서는 ‘중동지역 맞춤형 저에너지 해수담수화플랜트 기술개발’ 과제 참여를 통해 저에너지⋅고효율 해수담수화 운영 기술을 개발하고 있으며, UAE에 구축될 1,000m3/d 규모 플랜트에 적용할 계획이다. 본 기술 적용을 통해 해수담수플랜트 연간 운영비용 증가율을 5% 이내로 유지하는 것을 목표로 한다.
Owing to the development in information and communications technologies have improved the technology for high-speed transmission of massive data, which has changed closed-circuit television (CCTV) video transmission technology. In particular, digitization of the CCTV video format and streaming technology has made it possible to minimize transmission loss and integrate video transmission and camera control(pan/tilt). It has also become possible to provide additional services like remote emergency warning broadcasting with just Internet Protocol (IP). However, because of the structural problems of IP, these changes have also brought about the threat of hacking of CCTV monitoring systems. In this study, we propose a methode to optimize network management by examining cases of enhancement of operational efficiency and security by improving the structure of CCTV monitoring network.
본 연구에서는 파일럿 및 상용급 규모에서 UF 분리막을 결합한 혐기성 소화 공정을 장기간 운영하여 분리막의 성능, 소화효율, 바이오가스 생산량과 수질 등의 다양한 인자를 도출하였다. 파일럿 규모에서 막의 투과 플럭스는 15∼20 LMH, 막간 차압은 1∼3 kgf/cm2로 운전되었다. 유입수의 TCOD 와 SCOD 는 각각 113 g/L, 62 g/L 이었고, 유출수의 TCOD 와 SCOD는 UF 공정 이후 제거효 율이 93% 및 86% 로 나타났다. 상용급 규모의 운전 결과, 분리막의 투과 플럭스는 12∼15 LMH로 나타났다. 유입수의 CODcr, TS, VS는 각각 236 g/L, 62.5 g/L, 50.2 g/L였으며, 농축여과분리막을 통과 후 제거율은 각각 99%, 94% 및 98%로 조사되었다.
2012년 시화호 조력발전소가 가동됨에 따라 조간대가 복원되었다. 복원 후 물새 분류군별 개체수 변동의 차이를 알아보고자 2009년부터 2014년까지 조사가 수행되었다. 복원 전 배수갑문 운영시 조간대 면적은 5.3㎢에서 복원 후 20.3㎢로 늘어났다. 전체 조류개체수 군집에는 큰 차이가 없었으나 6개 분류군별 개체수 차이를 분석한 결과 잠수성 오리류(p=0.237)를 제외한 백로류(p<0.001), 고니기러기류(p<0.01), 수면성오리류(p<0.001), 도요물떼새류(p<0.001) 갈매기류(p<0.001)에서 유의한 차이를 나타냈다. 시화호 조간대는 복원된 지 얼마 지나지 않았지만 환경 및 저서생태계 의 개선이 이루어지고 있으며, 조간대 지역을 기반으로 살아가는 수조류의 서식지 이용에 긍정적 영향을 미친 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구는 사라졌던 조간대가 다시 복원된 유례가 없는 사례이며 향후에는 유사한 환경에서의 생물다양성 유지를 위한 대안의 한 방법으로도 고려될 수 있을 것이다.
최근 정수 수질 고도화 및 시설 운영 효율화를 위해 분리막 정수처리시설 도입이 활발히 진행되고 있지만 여과효율을 감소시키는 막오염은 분리막 기술 도입에 중요한 문제점 중에 하나이다. 막오염을 제어하기 위해 분리막 세정과정이 처리공정에 적용된다. 본 연구에서는 6년 이상 운전된 막여과 정수처리 공정에서 세정 후 PVDF재질의 한외여과 분리막의 특성 변화를 분석 하였다. 장기사용에도 불구하고 PVDF 막의 물리적 강도 및 연신율에는 거의 변화가 없었으며, 화학세정 후 분리막 표면에 잔류하는 물질은 대부분 소수성의 휴믹산 계열의 유기물로 나타났다. 장시간의 세정으로 인한 막 표면 구조의 변화는 관찰되지 않았으나 사용전막 대비 평균 막 표면 공극 크기가 증가하고 표면 공극율이 감소하는 현상이 확인되었다.
Membrane backwashing waste shows seasonally different characteristics and it has bad settleability differently from general backwashing waste in water treatment plant. When chemicals was injected to membrane backwashing waste, the settleability was better than chemicals was not injected. However, when settled lower sludge was not discharged, flowing sludge continuously was concentrated over a certain surface and floatation penomena occurred according to flowing velocity. When the lower sludge was discharged continuously in the thickener to prevent floatation penomena of turbidity materials, the depth of sludge surface was the least and the settleability increased.