In this paper, we report and discuss the semi-permanently hydrophilic (SPH) treatment of polyester fabric using plasma polymerization and oxidation based on atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge (APDBD) technology. SiOxCy (-H) was coated on polyester fabric using Hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (HMCTSO) as a precursor, and then plasma oxidation was performed to change the upper layer of the thin film to SiO2-like. The degradation of hydrophilicity of the SPH polyester fabrics was evaluated by water contact angle (WCA) and wicking time after repeated washing. The surface morphology of the coated yarns was observed with scanning electron microscopy, and the presence of the coating layer was confirmed by measuring the Si peak using energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. The WCA of the SPH polyester fabric increased to 50 degrees after 30 washes, but it was still hydrophilic compared to the untreated fabric. The decrease in hydrophilicity of the SPH fabric was due to peeling of the SiOxCy(-H) thin film coated on polyester yarns.
The pultruded fiber reinforced polymer plastic (PFRP) is one of the most actively studied composite materials for the structural member in construction industries. In domestic design process, the PFRP member is designed as an isotropic material having only longitudinal material properties for simplicity, because it is too complex to consider orthotrophy of PFRP perfectly. In this study, three cases of buckling analysis of PFRP plate is conducted theoretically and numerically. First, the PFRP plate is considered as an orthotropic material. Second, the PFRP plate is considered as an isotropic plate having only longitudinal material properties. Third, the PFRP plate is considered as an isotropic plate having geometric mean of longitudinal and transverse material properties. As a result of buckling analysis, a buckling strength of PFRP plate as an isotropic plate having only longitudinal material properties is about 2.21 times larger than that of PFRP plate analyzed as an orthotropic plate. On the other hand, a buckling strength of PFRP plate as an isotropic plate having geometric mean material properties is about 1.19 times larger than that of PFRP plate analyzed as an orthotropic plate. In conclusion, the safety factor of 3 used in domestic design process of PFRP member is no longer applicable due to overestimation of buckling strength of PFRP member which leads to nonconservative design.
This study was an attempt to analyze the basic analytical characteristics of octanal and nonanal compounds by TD and GC/FID system. The basic analysis (linearity, precision, MDL: method detection limit) showed similar results for VOCs in terms of QA/QC results with the same analysis system. Also, the results are sufficiently satisfy the QA/QC of the Korean odor analysis standard method. When using a polyester aluminum bag, the amount of loss was found to be about -2% to 7%. Adjusting the relative humidity and loss trend with the passage of time, the loss amount is found to be only a trace amount. With the exception of the styrene compound, all volatile organic compounds have a tendency to decrease slightly. Similar results were shown from Octanal and Nonanal. As a result, Octanal and Nonanal compound’s adsorption amount by the polyester aluminum bag was a quite small. The relative humidity and other compounds appear to be significantly unaffected by Octanal and Nonanal.
20 μm의 얇은 폴리에스터(polyester) 부직포 상에 폴리술폰(polysulfone) 고분자 지지체를 제조하였다. 폴리아미드 계면 중합이 일어날 폴리술폰 표면에 폴리 실록산 층이 형성될 수 있도록 실란 화합물을 중합하여 폴리실록산 지지체를 제조하였다. 얻어진 복합막 지지층에서 MPD 수용액과 TMC 유기용액을 계면 중합을 실시한 결과 정삼투 분리용 복합박막을 얻을 수 있었다. FE-SEM을 이용하여 지지층의 구조가 sponge-like 구조임을, EDX를 통하여 폴리실록산이 표면에 한하여 분포됨을 확인하였으며 1 M NaCl 유도용액하에서의 FO-mode 유량 이 79.2 - 117 LMH로 향상되었으며 RSF값은 2.12 - 7.97 GMH로 유지함을 확인할 수 있었다.
In this study, a series of experiments were carried out to measure temporal stability of trimethylamine (TMA) in two different bag sampler types (polyvinyl fluoride bag (PVF) and polyester aluminum bag (PEA)) as a function of storage time. To this end, temporal variability of TMA was measured using its standard gas samples up to 4 days. For the purpose of comparison, storability of TMA was tested between PVF and PEA. To this end, standard gas samples were prepared at two concentration levels of 1 and 10 ppm. The results of this study indicate that the reduction of TMA levels generally increased with the extension of the storage time. Although both bag types showed moderate losses of TMA, differences between bag types (PVF and PEA) were likely to be less significant than those of concentration levels.
It was researched to be alternative of TGIC type hardener with human hazard element as PT 910 mix powder paint with hardener. Generally PT 910 was compared with TGIC & Epoxy resin of hardener to be used at thermosetting powder paint. We inquired a property of matter for paint through Gel time, glass transition temperature, melting point and a property of matter for film through a property of adhesion, a property of tolerance, softness, gloss, acid-resistant, alkali-resistant, salt water spray-resistant, facilitation climatic. When PT 910 is used of hardener, it was shown the excellent results in gel time, softness, salt water spray-resistant, fracilitation climatic and the similar results in melting point, a property of tolerance, a property of adhesion, gloss, acid-resistant, alkali-resistant, as compared with the powder paint used by TGIC hardener. The glass transition temperature was little low. But there was slightly different results. After the study results, we reached the conclusion that thermosetting powder used by PT 910 is alterative to by TGIC hardener.
노즐시험기로 측정되는 직물의 당김 힘은 직물이 갖는 포괄적인 촉감을 나타낸다. 노즐시험기는 기존 KES 시스템보다 저가이며, 측정에 있어서 절차가 간단하고 빠르다. 본 연구에서는 노즐시험기로 측정되는 직물의 촉감을 정량적으로 평가하기 위해 마찰법칙을 기초로 하여 반 실험적 촉감 방정식을 개발하였다. 모델 식에서 고려된 변수들은 직물의 마찰계수, 그리고 직물의 굽힘 길이와 전단 신도에 의해 결정되는 직물의 3차원적 변형 특성을 나타내는 드레이프 계수이다. 12 종류의 서로 다른 물성의 면과 폴리에스터 직물들을 사용하여 실험 측정한 촉감 값과 모델 방정식으로부터 예측한 촉감 값들을 비교 분석하였다. 높은 마찰계수, 높은 굽힘 길이, 그리고 낮은 전단 신도를 갖는 직물일수록 높은 촉감 마찰력, 즉 낮은 촉감 성능을 보여주었다. 실험 측정한 촉감 값과 모델 식으로부터 계산한 값들 사이 잘 일치하였으며, 이와 같은 결과는 모델 식을 사용하여 직물의 고유 물성들로써 촉감의 객관적인 예측이 가능함과 더불어 촉감 성능의 향상을 위한 직물설계에 있어서도 유용한 정보를 제공할 수 있음을 보여준다.
Novel unsaturated polyester composites with PAN-based nanofiber, stabilized PAN nanofiber, and carbonized nanofiber webs have been fabricated, respectively, and the effects of the nanofiber web content on their electrical resistivity, the thermal stability, dynamic storage modulus, and fracture surfaces were studied. The result demonstrated that the introduction of just one single layer (which is corresponding to 2 wt.%) of the carbonized nanofiber web to unsaturated polyester resin (UPE) could contribute to reducing markedly the electrical resistivity of the resin reflecting the percolation threshold, to improving the storage modulus, and to increasing the thermal stability above 350℃. The effect on decreasing the resistivity and increasing the modulus was the greatest at the carbonized PAN nanofiber web content of 8 wt.%, particularly showing that the storage modulus was increased about 257~283% in the measuring temperature range of -25℃ to 50℃. The result also exhibited that the carbonized PAN nanofibers were distributed uniformly and compactly in the unsaturated polyester, connecting the matrix three-dimensionally through the thickness direction of each specimen. It seemed that such the fiber distribution played a role in reducing the electrical resistivity as well as in improving the dynamic storage modulus.
막 구조는 자유로운 형태, 경량성, 내구성, 햇빛 투광성 및 균질성 때문에 전 세계적으로 현대 건축물에 다양하게 사용되어 왔다. 새로운 막 재료의 개발로 새로운 건축 구조설계에 대한 가능성을 열어가고 있다. 최근 주로 사용되는 막 구조의 지붕 재료에는 PVC, PVF, PVDF, PTFE 코팅 막재 및 ETFE 막재가 수로 사용되고 있다. 건축용 막은 내화성, 강도 부족, 인열강도, 내구성 및 탄성 등에 대한 몇가지 문제점들을 가지고 있다. 이러한 문제점들을 평가하기 위해서 본 연구에서는 PVDF 코팅 폴리에스터 막재에 대한 인장강도, 인열 강도 및 반복하중거동 시험을 실시하여 건축용 막재의 기초적인 역학적 특성을 분석하고자 한다. 막재의 탄성계수는 337.30~1257.63N/㎟, 신율은 17.90~26.91%로 주어졌다.
In this study DMT(Dimethylterephthalate), NDC(Dimethyl-2, 6-Naphthalene Dicarboxylate) were used to synthesize polyester polyol which shows enhanced storage stability, improved flame retardancy, and good compressive strength. If DMT and NDC react respectively with DEG(Diethylene Glycol) which is kind of linear diol, the obtained polyester polyols tend to crystallize easily after the reaction. In case of DMT, PA(Phthalic Anhydride) which has asymmetric structure was introduced to retard the crystallization. In case of NDC, DPG(Dipropylene Glycol) which has an methyl side chain was introduced to prevent the crystallization. It was found that to introduce DPG was much more effective method to prevent the crystallization than PA. NDC and DMT were reacted together with DPG for various compositions of NDC:DMT(8:2, 6:4, 4:6 mol ratio). The obtained NDC-DMT-DPG based polyester polyol showed improved flame retardancy, and good compressive strength with increasing the content of NDC.
Two component polyurethane (PU) flame retardant coatings were prepared by blending trichloro modified polyesters (TCMPs) and isophorone diisocyanate isocyanurate. TCMPs were synthesized by polycondensation of trichlorobenzoic acid (TCBA), a flame retardant component, with adipic acid, 1,4 butanediol, and trimethylolpropane. The content of TCBA was varied in 10, 20, and 30 wt% for the reaction. Theses new flame retardant coatings showed various properties comparable to other non flame retardant coatings. Moreover, we carried out the combustion test and the flammability test for our flame retardant coatings. The results of vertical burning test for the coatings containing more than 20 wt% of TCBA were determined as no burn. The results of flammability test for the coatings with 20 wt% and 30 wt% of TCBA contents indicated the limiting oxygen index (LOI) values of 26% and 29% respectively, which implied relatively good flame retardancy.
In order to obtain the maximum flame retardancy with the minimal deterioration of physical properties of PU flame-retardant coatings, chlorine and phosphorous functional groups were introduced into the pre-polymer of modified polyesters. In the first step, the tetramethylene bis(orthophosphate) (TBOP) and neohexanediol dichloroacetate (DCA-adduct) intermediates were synthesized. In the second step, 1,4-butanediol and adipic acid monomers were polymerized with the two kind of intermediates to obtain copolymer. The modified polyesters containing chlorine and phosphorous (ATBA-10C, -20C, and -30C) were synthesized by adjusting the contents of chlorine compound (dichloroacetic acid, 10, 20, 30 wt%) with fixed the content of phosphorous compound (2 wt%). The PU flame-retardant coatings (TTBAH -10C, -20C, and -30C) were prepared using the synthesized ATBAs and HDI-trimer as curing agent at room temperature. The physical properties of PU flame-retardant coatings with chlorine and phosphorous were inferior to those with phosphorous only and the properties were getting worse with increasing chlorine content. Flame retardancy was tested with three methods. With the vertical method, Complete combustion time of ATBAHs were 259~347 seconds, which means that the prepared coatings are good flame-retardant. With the 45˚ Meckel burner method, char lengths of the three prepared coatings were less than 2.9 cm, which indicates that the prepared coatings are 1st grade flame retardancy. With the limiting oxygen index (LOI) method, the LOI values of the three prepared coatings were in the range of 30~35%, which proves good flame retardancy of the prepared coatings. From the results of flame retardancy tests of the specimens that contain the same amounts of flame retarding compounds, it was found that the coatings containing both phosphorous and chlorine show higher flame retardancy than the coatings containing phosphorous alone. This indicates that some synergy effect of flame retardancy exists between phosphorous and chlorine.
The PU flame-retardant coatings (TTBAH, ATBAH-10C, -20C, and -30C) were prepared using the synthesized ATBAs and HDI-trimer as curing agent at room temperature. The physical properties of PU flame-retardant coatings with chlorine and phosphorus were inferior to those with phosphorus only and the properties were getting worse with increasing chlorine content. Flame retardancy was tested with three methods. With the vertical method, complete combustion time of ATBAHs were 259~347 seconds, which means that the prepared coatings are good flame-retardant. With the 45˚ Meckel burner method, char lengths of the three prepared coatings were less than 2.9 cm, which indicates that the prepared coatings are first grade. With the limiting oxygen index (LOI) method, the LOI values of the three prepared coatings were in the range of 30~35%, which proves good flame retardancy of the prepared coatings. from the result of flame retardancy tests of the specimens that contain the same amounts of flame retarding compounds. it was found that the coatings containing both phosphorus and chlorine show higher flame retardancy than the coatings containing only phosphorus. This indicates that there exists, some synergy effect between coexisting phosphorus and chlorine.
To maximize a synergy effect in flame-retardancy of flame-retardant coatings, phosphorus and chlorine were introduced in polymer chains. Two-components PU flame-retardant modified polyesters (ABTTC-10C, -20C, -30C) were prepared by curing, at room temperature, of isocyanate (allophanate-trimer) and prepared modified polyesters which contain phosphorus and chlorine. To examine the film properties of the prepared flame-retardant coatings, film specimens were prepared with the prepared coatings. The film properties of ABTTC, ABTTC-10C and ABTTC-20C, which contain 0, 10 and 20wt%, 2,4-dichlorobenzoic acid (2,4-DCBA), respectively, were proved to be good, whereas the film properties of ABTTC-30C, which contains 30wt% 2,4-DCBA, were proved to be a little bit poor. Two kinds of flame retardancy tests, 45˚Meckel burner method and LOI method, were performed. With the 45˚Meckel burner method, three flame-retardant coatings except ABTTC showed less than 3.4 cm of char length, and showed less than 2 seconds of afterflaming and afterglow. From this result, the prepared flame-retardant coatings were proved to have the 1st grade flame retardancy. With the LOI method, the LOI values of the coatings containing more than 10wt% 2,4-DCBA were higher than 30wt%, which means that the coatings possess good flame-retardancy. From these results, it was found that synergistic effect in flame-retardancy was taken place by the introduced phosphorus and chlorine.
This study was focused on the maximization of flame-retardancy of polyesters by a synergism of simultaneously introduced chlorine and phosphorus into polymer chains of modified polyesters. To prepare modified polyesters, reaction intermediates, TD-adduct (prepared from trimethylolpropane /2,4-dichlorobenzoic acid (2,4-DCBA)) and TMBO (prepared from tetramethlene bis (orthophosphate)), were prepared first, then condensation polymerization of the prepared intermediates, adipic acid, and 1,4-butanediol were carried out. In the condensation polymerization, the content of phosphorus was fixed to be 2wt%, and the content of 2,4-DCBA that provides chlorine component was varied to be 10, 20, and 30wt%, and we designated the prepared modified polyesters containing chlorine and phosphorus as ABTTs. The prepared intermediates and modified polyesters were characterized with FT-IR, NMR, GPC, and TGA analysis. Average molecular weight and polydipersity index of the preparation of ABTTs were decreased with increasing 2,4-DCBA content because of the incease in hydroxyl group that retards reaction. We found that the thermal stability of the prepared ABTTs increased with chlorine content at high temperatures.
Reaction intermediates PCP/BZA (PBI) and tetramethylene bis(orthophosphate)(TBOP) were synthesized from polycaprolactone (PCP) and benzoic acid (BZA) and from pyrophosphoric acid and 1,4-butanediol, respectively. Benzoic acid modified polyesters containing phosphorus (APTB-S, -10, -15) were synthesized by polycondensation of the prepared PBI (containing 5, 10, 15wt% of benzoic acid), TBOP, adipic acid, and 1,4-butanediol. Network structured PU flame-retardant coatings (APHD) were prepared by curing the synthesized benzoic acid modified polyesters containing phosphorus (APT B - 5 , -10, -15) with hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI)-timer. From the TGA analysis of APTBs, it was found that the afterglow decreased with the amount of BZA content at the high temperatures. With the introduction of BZA, the film viscosity and film hardness of APHD decreased. With the introduction of caprolactone group, the flexibility, impact resistance, accelerated weathering resistance of APTBs increased. Flame retardancy of the coatings was tested. In a vertical burning method, APHD shows 210~313 seconds, which indicates that the coatings are good flame-retardant coatings. Moreover, the amount of afterglow and flame retardancy of the coatings are decreased with increasing BZA content.
Chlorine-containing modified polyester polyols were synthesized by two-step condensation reactions. Intermediate was synthesized by the esterification of monochloroacetic acid with trimethylolpropane in the first step. Polycondensation of the intermediate (MCAOs), 1,4-butanediol, and trimethylolpropane with adipic acid was carried out. Two-component polyurethane (PU) coatings were prepared by blending MCAOs and IPDI-isocyanurate. There new flame-retardant coatings showed various properties comparable to other non-flame-retardant coatings. They were superior to flammable coatings from the experimental results showing rapid and 10 to 13 hours of pot-life. Coatings with 30wt% monochloroacetic acid was not flammable by the vertical flame retardancy test.
PU flame-retardant coatings (APHD) containing phosphorous were prepared by blending of hexamethylene diisocyanate-trimer, white pigment, dispersing agent, flowing agent, and previously prepared benzoic acid modified polyester (APTB) that contains phosphorous. Physical properties of the prepared APHD were examined. With the introduction of BZA (contained in APTB), the film viscosity and film hardness of APHD decreased. With the introduction of caprolactone group, the flexibility, impact resistance, accelerated weathering resistance of APTBs increased. Flame retardancy of the coatings was tested. In a vertical burning method, APHD shows 210~313 seconds, and in a 45˚ Meckel burner method, shows 1.3~4.0cm2 of char length, which indicates that the coatings are good flame-retardant coatings. Moreover, the amount of afterglow and flame retardancy of the coatings are decreased with increasing BZA content.