
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 64

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to propose an improvement of fire safety management plans for buildings, such as apartment complexes and schools, within a 10 km radius of industrial complexes. It utilizes an off-site consequence analysis program to reflect the toxic impact on national industrial complexes and surrounding areas. The ALOHA program was utilized to analyze the impact of toxicity due to a hydrogen chloride leak, a hazardous material. The results showed that the area with AEGL-2 and above ranged from 3.1 km to 10 km, the AEGL-3 area ranged from 1.9 km to 7.3 km. The ASET was measured to be between 3 and 24 minutes. Due to the impact of toxicity, it is necessary to prepare fire safety management plans for buildings, such as apartment complexes and schools that are within a 10 km radius from industrial complexes. These safety plans incorporate the hydrogen chloride risk assessment results, ASET, weather conditions, and coordination with the local community.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the distribution of vehicles and logistics increases due to the development of human civilization and the increase in population, various roads play an important role in domestic traffic and transportation. However, the recent emergence of large cities and new cities is causing traffic problems, and the increase in roads is inevitable for the smooth distribution of vehicles and logistics. In Korea, mountainous regions occupy 70% of the country, so tunnels are used to open roads. Without this, it is difficult to open the road. Currently, there are 3,720tunnels (as of December 31, 2023) installed on high-speed national highways, general national highways, and local roads nationwide, with a length of 2.499 and increasing every year. Accordingly, fire accidents in tunnels will also increase, and due to the nature of tunnel fire accidents, there is a high probability that they will escalate into large-scale disasters, resulting in casualties and property damage, as well as significant social losses due to the disruption of logistics transportation, etc. As the possibility of potential hazards is increasing, the purpose of this study is to build a safe and efficient tunnel system by optimizing maintenance and management for fire and disaster accidents in tunnels.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        최근 지방정부는 지역경제 활성화를 위한 관광객 유치를 위해 다양한 모양 구조를 가지는 출렁다리 를 경쟁적으로 건설하고 있다. 이러한 출렁다리의 안전관리는 자체 가이드라인이나 국토교통부에서 발 간한 매뉴얼을 통해 관리되고 있으나 실제로는 관광이나 공원 관리 부서에서 관리하고 있어 안전관리 에 소홀한 실정이다. 국토교통부에서는 제3종시설물에 대한 안전점검 매뉴얼 발간하고 안전등급 평가 기준을 강화하여 기존 3분위(양호, 보통, 불량) 평가기준을 5분위(우수, 양호, 보통, 미흡, 불량) 평가체 계로 개정하였으며, 기존 세부지침과 평가기준도 일원화 하였다. 그러나 출렁다리의 경우 제1종, 제2 종 시설물인 교량과 달리 점검 방식 및 체크리스트가 달라져야 하므로 출렁다리 정기안전점검을 위한 점검 수준에 맞게 개선되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 출렁다리에 안전전검에 체계 개선을 위한 출렁다리 정기안전점검 매뉴얼(안)을 제시하였다.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Domestic nuclear power plants have developed radiological emergency plans based on the USNRC’s NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-Rev.1 report and the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety’s (KINS) research report on radiation emergency criteria for power reactors (KINS/RR-12). NUREG-0654 is a US emergency planning guide for nuclear power plants and provides detailed technical requirements for the content of radiological emergency plans. The document classifies radiological emergencies into three levels: Alert, Site Area Emergency, and General Emergency, which correspond to the white, blue, and red emergency levels used in domestic nuclear power plants. KINS/RR-12 is a technical guidance document published by the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety in 2012, which divides radiological emergency criteria into criteria for pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and criteria for boiling water reactors (BWRs), and describes in detail the regulatory position and implementation of radiological emergency criteria for domestic PWRs and BWRs. The physical protection-related radiation emergency criteria included in the radiological emergency plan are specified in the radiological emergency criteria guidelines. There are two items each related to white and blue emergencies and one item related to red emergencies. Standard order of emergency plan lists the physical protection-related radiological emergency criteria for domestic PWRs and BWRs, which are identical according to the radiological emergency criteria guidelines. To enhance the physical protection regulation, the legal and regulatory basis for target set identification and vital area identification need to be established by considering radiological and physical protection emergency plan.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the hazard factors based on imported food non-compliance and global food hazard information for the last 4 years to suggest imported food safety management. Food safety management on utensils or packaging containers is appropriately managed for the compounds derived from them. Food safety management on health-functional foods, processed foods, and agricultural products is concentrated on ingredient contents, food additives, and pesticide residuals. Additional hazards are illegal compounds, mycotoxins & pesticide residuals, hygieneindicator microorganisms and food-borne pathogens in health-functional foods, processed foods, and agricultural products, respectively. The continuous increase in hazards related to safety and hygiene in global food hazard information needs additional attention. To reduce the hazard factors, this study proposes that imported food be limited to products certified by HACCP or an equivalent food safety management system because registering foreign food facilities for processed and health-functional foods is mandatory. Additionally, the customs clearance inspections should focus on the hazard factors derived from the global food hazard information system. This study suggests a global food hazard information system that could derive frequently issued hazard factors at a given period and newly issued hazard factors in aspects, such as food items, subcategories, and exporting countries.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구의 목적은 해양안전을 위해 해양수산부와 KCG 등에 분산되어 있는 해양안전 집행업무를 효율적으로 운영하는 방안을 살펴보는 것이다. 일반적으로 해양사고는 세월호 사고, 서해훼리호 사고, 태안 허베이 스피리트 오염사고 등에서 알 수 있듯이 인명, 재 산, 해양환경 등에 막대한 피해는 물론 재난으로 확대되는 경향이 있어 사고를 예방하는 근본적인 대책이 필요하다. 그런데 우리나라는 대형사고가 발생하면 단편적인 땜질식 처방만 해 왔으며, 세월호 사고 이후에도 관계자 처벌을 위한 후속조치에만 치중하고, 주요 해양선 진국에서는 당연시 되고 있는 ‘해양안전 집행업무 일원화’ 같은 근본적인 대책은 거론조차 제대로 되지 않고 있다. 이에 크고 작은 후진 성 사고는 끊이지 않고 있으며, 선박의 대형화·고속화·노후화, 선원의 자질저하, 선박통항량의 증가, 해양레저의 발달, 해양안전업무의 이 원화로 인한 비효율성 등으로 대형 해양사고, 후진성 사고의 개연성은 더욱 높아지고 있는 것이다. 따라서 해양안전 관련 선행연구 검토, 주요 해양선진국의 사례 및 VTS의 일원화 사례 등을 토대로 해양안전과 직결되는 내항선 안전관리·PSC·항로표지관리 등의 해양안전 집 행업무의 효율적인 운영방안을 제시한다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korea’s elevator industry is one of the world’s eighth-largest industrial sectors and the third largest in the world by new installations. This year, the number of elevators has exceeded 700,000, and the number of new installations is 30,000-40,000 every year. However, the news of elevator-related accidents is reported continuously through the media and the accident rate is not decreasing. In particular, among the recent accidents related to elevators, accidents related to elevator workers are increasing, causing social problems. This year, the National Assembly’s Environmental Labor Relations Commission’s National Auditors lost five lives a year and 12 elevator workers were killed in fall and stenosis accidents during the installation, maintenance and replacement of the elevators for about two years since 2018. It took place to adopt the representatives of four domestic elevator companies as witnesses. An elevator worker is a collective term for workers involved in the design, manufacturing, installation, replacement, maintenance, inspection, management, and supervision related to the elevator industry, and the related accidents are called elevator worker accidents. Analysis of elevator-related accidents in the past has shown that the fault of the user accounted for 70% of the total, and the fault of the worker accounted for about 2.5%, and the accident occurred to the user or the user due to carelessness of the worker during the lift-related work. Currently, elevator-related accidents are reported by the Korea Elevator Safety Agency under Article 48 of the Elevator Safety Management Act under the Ministry of Interior and Safety. If deemed necessary for the prevention and prevention of recurrence of an elevator accident, the cause and condition of the elevator accident may be investigated. However, the current draft law is limited only to elevators after installation inspection, and is separated from the Ministry of Employment and Labor’s data on accidents occurring in the manufacturing and installation stages related to the elevator industry. This study analyzes the recent safety accidents of elevator workers and prepares safety measures to prevent them through the risk analysis, and also draws out the problems and improvements of the current elevator worker accident investigation to find the elevator worker accident rate that is on the increase trend.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The number of elevators in Korea has surpassed 700,000 units in 2019, which is the 8th in the world by number of installed units and 3rd in the world by new units. The word 'lift' is a representative word, and the category includes elevators, escalators, dumb waiters, and moving walks. Those who live in the city will experience using elevators once or twice a day, and these elevators are becoming an indispensable means of transportation when using high-rise apartments or subways. However, such a convenient elevator also has a lot of risks that threaten the safety of the user and actually cause many accidents every year. In particular, escalators (including moving walks), which account for as little as 5% of all elevators, account for 70% of all elevator accidents. According to Heinrich's chain of thought theory, accidents are caused by a combination of factors, which are divided into five stages: Stage 1: Genetic Factors and Social Environment, Stage 2: Individual Defects, Stage 3: Unsafe behavior and Unsafe conditions, Stage 4: Accident, Stage 5: Injury. Heinrich said that three of these five phases, unsafe behavior and unsafe conditions, require safety management and efforts to prevent accidents. In escalator accidents, the analysis of accident cases that have occurred so far will be related to unsafe behaviors and unsafe conditions, and the effective management of these causes of accidents will enable safer and more convenient use of escalators. This study analyzed accident cases of elevator users, focusing on escalator accidents over the last 10 years (2010 ~ 2019), and safety management to prevent safety accidents of elevator users by analyzing the behavior of actual users and questionnaires of experts in related fields. The method was studied.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        When the foundation work of the underground part of the building structure or the excavation work of the civil engineering structure is carried out, there is the earthwork work by the inevitable process. As the economic situation continues to develop, construction in urban areas is becoming bigger and higher in scale due to the expansion of infrastructure and the rescue of urban dwellings in urban areas, and excavation of underground roads is inevitable. Excavation of the underground part may cause problems in the process difficulty and safety of the earthworks due to the complexity and various characteristics of the ground selected without consideration of the ground characteristics and site conditions. In order to complete the required facilities, it is necessary to secure the design and construction of the retaining walls. In order to complete the required construction, It is an important factor satisfying construction period and economical efficiency.
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